Guest guest Posted December 14, 2007 Report Share Posted December 14, 2007 Sri:Dear SrI Nrusimha BhakthAs ,SishyAs and AbhimAnis of Ahobila Matam :adiyEn would like to take this opportunity to brief you ona new Veda PaarAyaNa Kaimkaryam on EkaAdsai andDhvAdasi days for Malolan and Dolai Kannan at their AasthAnam in the Silver Mantapam . We would like to avail of the opportunity to sponsor these Veda PaarAyaNams of the Veda BhAgams are Acchidram and AswamEdham on EkAdasi days and KaaDakam on Dhvadasi days ; On Dhvadasi dayes , the Thirumanjanam for all the 44 PoorvAchArya Paadhukais take place and Sri Paadha Theertham from these sacred Paadhukais is distributed there after to the GhOshti by SrImath Azahgiya Singar Himself .There are 25 Ekadasis from Uthpatthi EkAdasi to Kamala EkAdasi in an year . The significane of these EkAdasis Vrathams , DhwAdasi PaarAyaNamsare covered in a special Ahobilavalli e-book ( 49th e-book) : THE PLANS ARE FOR A FAMILY TO SPONSOR ONE OF THE 25 EKADASI-DHVADASI VEDA PARAAYANAMS BEFORE MALOLA nARASIMHAN AND DOLAI KANNAN . THE ESTIMATED SPONSORSHIP FOR ONE OF THE 25 EKADASI- DHVADASI VEDA PAARAYANAMS OF ACCHIDHRAM , ASWAMEDHAM AND KAADAKAM WOULD BE RUPEES 3,000 OR ~ $ 80 , WHICH CAN BE SENT ONLINE . ADIYEN WILL BE SPONSORING THIS YEAR'S VAIKUNTA EKADASI AND THE FOLLOWING DHVADASI ( DEC 20 , 21 , 2007) . THE 25 AVAILABLE DATES FOR SPONSORSHIPS ARE : JAN 3 and 4 , 18 and 19 FEB 2 and 3 , 16 and 17 MARCH 3 and 4 , 17 and 18 APRIL 2 and 3 , 15 and 16 MAY 1 and 2 , 15 and 16 , 30 and 31 JUNE 13 and 14 , 29 and 30 JULY 13 and 14 , 28 and 29 AUGUST 12 and 13 , 26 and 27 SEPTEMBER 10 and 11 , 25 and 26 OCTOBER 10 and 11, 24 and 25 NOVEMBER 9 and 10 , 22 and 23 DECEMBER 9 and 10 , 22 and 23 Please let adiyEn know which of these EkAdasi-DhvAdasi days , you would like to sponsor . adiyEn will reserve those dates for you and your family . V.Sadagopan ************************************************************ The Details of the Veda ViNNappam *******************************************Let us Focus on the Veda ViNNappam to Malolanand Silver Mantapa Moorthys on EkAdasi and DhwAdasi days in this posting .The Veda BhAgams of KrishNa Yajur Vedam :Samhithais and BrAhmaNams ( The invaluableHelp of Sriman I.V.K. Chary on this topic isgratefully acknowledged ) :The Samhithai*************The first Part of KrishNa Yajur Vedam is TaittirIya Samhithai consisting of many mantrAs.The Samhithai is further divided into 7 KhANDams.Each KhANDam has chapters ( Prasnam) . Each Prasnamis divided further into smaller and biger anuvAkams .A fifty Padham based unit of anuvAkam is knownas PanchAdis ( Pancha dasees).These anuvAkams of Samhithai instruct us on the KarmAs to be performedand the salutations to the Vedic gods linked to those KarmAs . The BrAhmaNams***************The second part of the KrishNa Yajur Vedam is referred to as Taittireeya BrAhmaNam . The BrahmaNam is divided into threeashtakams, Kaadakam and AruNam( AaraNyakam) . There is aview that recognizes Ashtakams alone as BrAhmaNams andidentify Kaadakam and AruNam as seperate entities .The subdivisioninto Prasnam , anuvAkam , PanchAdhis hold good here as well .The Nine PrasNams of the Ashtakams ******************************First Ashtakam : Agni AadhAna Mantrams , injunctions ( Vidhis) ,VaajabhEya Yaaga Mantrams , AgnihOthra PrAyascchittha mantrams ,Raajasooya Yaaga Mnatrams are covered here .Second Ashtakam : AgnihOthra Mantrams , SookthamsThird Ashtakam : Mantrams and Vidhis of DharsapoorNa MaasEshti , NakshathrEshti are housed here .Fourth Ashtakam to Sixth Ashtakam : Additional Mantras and Vidhis Seventh Ashtakam : Acchidhram ( recited on EkAdasi evening after SandhyA Vandhanam ).Eighth and ther Ninth Ashtakams : AswamEdham ( Recited alsoon the EkAdasi Evening after SandhyA Vandhanam) .Kaadakam Recited on DhvAdasi Day************************************************( To Be Continued ) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 16, 2007 Report Share Posted December 16, 2007 Dear Sri Sadagopan Mama, AdiyEn would like to sponsor any two days of Veda PaarAaaNam. Pls let me know where to send the check. Thanks, AdiyEn Gopi Dr. Sadagopan Thursday, December 13, 2007 10:38 PM Ponnappan ; Sgt ; RamanujaandDesika ; av ; Swami ; DS ; SG Ekadasi , DhwAdasi Veda PaarAyaNams for Malolan and Dolai KaNNan at SrI Matam Sri:Dear SrI Nrusimha BhakthAs ,SishyAs and AbhimAnis of Ahobila Matam :adiyEn would like to take this opportunity to brief you ona new Veda PaarAyaNa Kaimkaryam on EkaAdsai andDhvAdasi days for Malolan and Dolai Kannan at their AasthAnam in the Silver Mantapam . We would like to avail of the opportunity to sponsor these Veda PaarAyaNams of the Veda BhAgams are Acchidram and AswamEdham on EkAdasi days and KaaDakam on Dhvadasi days ; On Dhvadasi dayes , the Thirumanjanam for all the 44 PoorvAchArya Paadhukais take place and Sri Paadha Theertham from these sacred Paadhukais is distributed there after to the GhOshti by SrImath Azahgiya Singar Himself .There are 25 Ekadasis from Uthpatthi EkAdasi to Kamala EkAdasi in an year . The significane of these EkAdasis Vrathams , DhwAdasi PaarAyaNamsare covered in a special Ahobilavalli e-book ( 49th e-book) : THE PLANS ARE FOR A FAMILY TO SPONSOR ONE OF THE 25 EKADASI-DHVADASI VEDA PARAAYANAMS BEFORE MALOLA nARASIMHAN AND DOLAI KANNAN . THE ESTIMATED SPONSORSHIP FOR ONE OF THE 25 EKADASI- DHVADASI VEDA PAARAYANAMS OF ACCHIDHRAM , ASWAMEDHAM AND KAADAKAM WOULD BE RUPEES 3,000 OR ~ $ 80 , WHICH CAN BE SENT ONLINE . ADIYEN WILL BE SPONSORING THIS YEAR'S VAIKUNTA EKADASI AND THE FOLLOWING DHVADASI ( DEC 20 , 21 , 2007) . THE 25 AVAILABLE DATES FOR SPONSORSHIPS ARE : JAN 3 and 4 , 18 and 19 FEB 2 and 3 , 16 and 17 MARCH 3 and 4 , 17 and 18 APRIL 2 and 3 , 15 and 16 MAY 1 and 2 , 15 and 16 , 30 and 31 JUNE 13 and 14 , 29 and 30 JULY 13 and 14 , 28 and 29 AUGUST 12 and 13 , 26 and 27 SEPTEMBER 10 and 11 , 25 and 26 OCTOBER 10 and 11, 24 and 25 NOVEMBER 9 and 10 , 22 and 23 DECEMBER 9 and 10 , 22 and 23 Please let adiyEn know which of these EkAdasi-DhvAdasi days , you would like to sponsor . adiyEn will reserve those dates for you and your family . V.Sadagopan ************************************************************ The Details of the Veda ViNNappam *******************************************Let us Focus on the Veda ViNNappam to Malolanand Silver Mantapa Moorthys on EkAdasi and DhwAdasi days in this posting .The Veda BhAgams of KrishNa Yajur Vedam :Samhithais and BrAhmaNams ( The invaluableHelp of Sriman I.V.K. Chary on this topic isgratefully acknowledged ) :The Samhithai*************The first Part of KrishNa Yajur Vedam is TaittirIya Samhithai consisting of many mantrAs.The Samhithai is further divided into 7 KhANDams.Each KhANDam has chapters ( Prasnam) . Each Prasnamis divided further into smaller and biger anuvAkams .A fifty Padham based unit of anuvAkam is knownas PanchAdis ( Pancha dasees).These anuvAkams of Samhithai instruct us on the KarmAs to be performedand the salutations to the Vedic gods linked to those KarmAs . The BrAhmaNams***************The second part of the KrishNa Yajur Vedam is referred to as Taittireeya BrAhmaNam . The BrahmaNam is divided into threeashtakams, Kaadakam and AruNam( AaraNyakam) . There is aview that recognizes Ashtakams alone as BrAhmaNams andidentify Kaadakam and AruNam as seperate entities .The subdivisioninto Prasnam , anuvAkam , PanchAdhis hold good here as well .The Nine PrasNams of the Ashtakams ******************************First Ashtakam : Agni AadhAna Mantrams , injunctions ( Vidhis) ,VaajabhEya Yaaga Mantrams , AgnihOthra PrAyascchittha mantrams ,Raajasooya Yaaga Mnatrams are covered here .Second Ashtakam : AgnihOthra Mantrams , SookthamsThird Ashtakam : Mantrams and Vidhis of DharsapoorNa MaasEshti , NakshathrEshti are housed here .Fourth Ashtakam to Sixth Ashtakam : Additional Mantras and Vidhis Seventh Ashtakam : Acchidhram ( recited on EkAdasi evening after SandhyA Vandhanam ).Eighth and ther Ninth Ashtakams : AswamEdham ( Recited alsoon the EkAdasi Evening after SandhyA Vandhanam) .Kaadakam Recited on DhvAdasi Day************************************************( To Be Continued ) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 17, 2007 Report Share Posted December 17, 2007 Dear SrI Gopinath : I have reserved Feb 16-17 for you for the two day Veda PaarAyaNam , when Srimath Azhagiya Singar might be at Ahobilam for the Maasi BrahmOthsavam . You can send your sanarpaNam via Pay Pal route or by mailing your check to Srihari Raghavan at California . You can use the Books link in Ahobila Matam Web site ( to send the funds via Pay Pal . Thank you very much for your participation . V.Sadagopan - Gopi Ponnappan ; pvaradhan Saturday, December 15, 2007 10:19 PM Re: Ekadasi , DhwAdasi Veda PaarAyaNams for Malolan and Dolai KaNNan at SrI Matam Dear Sri Sadagopan Mama, AdiyEn would like to sponsor any two days of Veda PaarAaaNam. Pls let me know where to send the check. Thanks, AdiyEn Gopi Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 17, 2007 Report Share Posted December 17, 2007 Dear Sri Sreeram Kidambi : The following mail to you got bounced . Would you please send me a separate e-mail to my other e-mail address: Pvaradhan The dates you chose are hereby confirmed . Thanks , V.Sadagopan - Dr. Sadagopan Sreeram Kidambi Cc: Yennappan ; Saturday, December 15, 2007 9:08 AM Re: Ekadasi , DhwAdasi Veda PaarAyaNams for Malolan and Dolai KaNNan at SrI Matam SrI: Dear Sriman Sreeram Kidambi : I am delighted to hear that you wish to sponsor the Jan 18 and 19 Veda PaarAyaNam on the Thai Maasa Puthradha Ekadasi Dinam and the subsequent DhvAdasi dinams at SrI Matam . If you are in USA , you can send the samarpaNam funds via Ahobila Matam Web pages , Pay Pal or credit card route . You can click on the Books and orders section and specify EkAdasi/DhwAdasi PaarAyaNam for Jan 18-19 , 2008 . If you are in India , You can send the SamarpaNam to HH The Jeeyar Trust , C/O Sri Nrusimha Priya Foundation 30 Venkatesa Agraharam , Mylapore , Chennai 600 004 Phala MantrAkshathai will be sent by Srimath Azahgiya Singar after the PaarAyaNam . DaasOham , V.Sadagopan - Sreeram Kidambi Dr. Sadagopan Saturday, December 15, 2007 1:37 AM Re: Ekadasi , DhwAdasi Veda PaarAyaNams for Malolan and Dolai KaNNan at SrI Matam srI: srImathE srI lakshmI nrusimha divya pAdukA sEvaka srivaNN saTakOpa srI nArAyaNa yathIndra mahAdEsikAya nama: Dear srI. sadagOpan swami: dAsasya vignApanams. aDiyEn wishes to contribute $80 towards dEvar's initiation of this task with the paripUrNa anugraham of asmad AchAryan for Jan 18 & 19 of 2008 since these are the first dates for the thamizh month of thai. Kindly let aDiyEn know as to where and when aDiyEn should send in the check for the same. srImad azhagiyasingar thiruvaDi valayapatti kiDAmbi lakshmi nrusimha dAsan (a) Sreeram. Never miss a thing. Make your homepage. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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