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SrI UpakAra Sangraham Part - 44

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SrI upakAra sangraham – 44


adikAram – 1

poorva upakAra paramparai

(The Foremost Series of Favours)


SECTION – 5 (9)[continued]

(27 Favours of the Lord leading to the means for



After having had a glimpse of the Lord’s incarnation

as SrI rAma Who not only gave instructions on

different aspects of righteousness, we may now turn to

His another incarnation, SrI KrishNa, in order to

study the deep message conveyed by SwAmi Desikan in

this sub-section:


(9) “upadEsha - anuShtAnankaLAlE dharma-

pravartthanam paNNumthuvum;”


The Lord, as SrI KriashNa is well known for His

discourses especially, those given to Arjuna on the

battle-field of KurukshEtra and to Uddhava, His close

friend and disciple. These discourses are popularly

known as Bhagavadgita and Uddhavagita.

The BhagavadgIta of 700 simple and meaning full

slokas is regarded as a highly valuable scripture by

the entire world. It is a record of the Lord’s

delineation of karma-yoga, j~nAn, bhakti and prapatti.


Our poorvAchArya, SrI YAmunAcArya, has composed a

work of verses bringing out the essence of the SrI

BhagavadgIta in beautiful but simple style. His

GItArtha-sangraha with 32 slokas is a masterpiece

which became the basis for SrI rAmAnuja to write an

exhaustive commentary, the GItAbhAshyam, on the

BhagavadgItA. This work starts by giving the central

message of the scripture:

“svadharma-j~nAna vairAgya-sAdhyabhaktyEkgOcrah /

nArAyaNa: param brahma gItAshAstrE

samIritah // ” (1)

(In the BhagavdgItA scripture, nArAyaNa is declared as

the Supreme Brahman. He is attainable by bhakti alone,

which is brought about by the observance of one’s own

dharma, by acquiring spiritual knowledge and through


SrI YAmunAcArya, then in three slokas gives the gist

of every group of six chapters each. It is followed by

the slokas each giving the message of each of the

eighteen Chapters of the GItA. The later slokas

explains karma yoga, bhakti yoga and the j~nAna yoga

leading to exclusive service to the Lord. The AchArya

emphasizes that one should abandon any dependence on

any other means than Him (the Supreme Lord) for

salvation and concludes: “Such a person finds is

happiness in the continuous and exclusive service of

the Lord. He will attain His realm. This GItA-shastra

is meant mainly for such a devotee.”

The Lord advises people through the medium of Arjuna

to do their assigned duties with a detached mind. He


“karmaNyEvAdhikAraste mA phalEshu kadAcana /

mA karmaphalhEtuurbhooh mA tE sangOstvakarmaNi //”

(Gita, 2-47)


(You have the right only to work and not to the

fruits. Do not get impelled by the fruits of work. Do

not remain inactive.)

The Lord also advocated that one should be free from

desire and anger which lead to destruction of that

person who does not do so. He explained how to develop

bhakti in this verse:

“manmanA bhava madbhaktO madyAjee mAm namaskuru /

mAmEvaiShyasi yuktvaivam AtmAnam matparAyaNah // ”

(Gita, 9-4)


(Focus your mind on Me. Be My devotee. Worship Me. Bow

down to Me. Keeping your mind in this manner and

regarding Me as the supreme goal, you will attain Me.)

On prapatti, the Lord gave this final advice:

“sarvadharmAnparityajya mAmaikam sharaNam vraja /

aham tvA sarvapApEbhyO mOkShayiShyAmi mA sucah //”

(GItA, 18-66)


(Being unable to carry out all your dharmas, you

should surrender to Me alone. I will release you from

all sins. Don’t grieve.)

Here, our poorvacharyas have commented that, in case

we are unable to practice karma yoga, j~nAn yoga or

bhakti yoga, we should surrender at the feet of the

Lord for liberation from this materialistic life.

Apart from giving instructions, the Lord, as SrI

KriShNa, also showed to the world that He practiced

dharmic duties as a human being. Once the divine sage,

nArada, was eager to see how the Lord lived with His

sixteen thousand wives in separate houses all at once

in DwArakA. In the city, there was a splendid row of

palaces of Lord KriShNa, all had been constructed by

the celestial architect, VishvakarmA. In the first

palace, Sage nArada witnessed SrI KriShNa as seated

with His Consort, RukmiNI who was serving Him. On

seeing the sage, SrI KriShNa rose from His seat and

bowed low with His head at the feet of the sage with

joined palms and offered His seat to him. SrI KriShNa,

Who is the supreme Teacher of the world, washed the

feet of nArada and put the water on His head. Then He

worshipped the celestial sage, according to the

prescribed rules.

In another palace, nArada saw SrI KriShNa engaged in

pouring oblations in the sacrificial fire. The Lord

was doing the five-fold daily sacrifices as prescribed

in the scripture.

At one place, the sage saw Him seated and meditating

on the Supreme Person beyond Prakriti. At another

place, he saw the Lord doing service to the elders by

offering them the desired objects of enjoyment and


After witnessing SrI KriShNa following the ways of a

human being, nArada took leave of Him, when the Lord

told the sage:

“Brahman dharmasya vakttAham kartA tadanumOditA /

tacchikShayamllOkam imamAsthitah putra mA khidah //”


(SrImad BhAgavata, 10-69-40)


(Oh sage, I am not only a teacher of Dharma, but I

practice it Myself. I follow the path of dharma in

order to teach the world by My example. )


Thus, SwAmi Desikan has shown how the Lord does

favour to the world not only teaching dharma, but also

through practicing it.



(To continue)


Anbil S.SrInivAsan










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