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SrI UpakAra Sangraham Part - 73

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SrI upakAra sangraham – 73


adikAram – 1

poorva upakAra paramparai

(The Foremost Series of Favours)



(The favours conferred by the Lord are countless)


After listing out the 27 major favours conferred by

the Lord leading the jIva towards the highest good,

SwAmi Desikan says, the actual number is limitless as

there are numerous favours in-between the major ones.

These favours cannot be counted even by the Lord:


“intha poorvOpakArangkaLai sarvEshvaran ceytha

kAlangkaLilE nAm aRiyamAttAmaiyAlum,

prathi-buddha-kAlatthil avaRRin avAntara-vishEShangkaL

eNNi mudiyavoNNAmaiyAlum, “atthA nee ceithana adiyEn

aRiyEn” enRu irukkap prAptam. Aj~nAta-sukrutam

muthalAka kAla thattvamuLLathanaiyum iccEthanan ceyyum

anukoola vyApArangkaL ellAm “yat kincit vartatE lOkE”,

“ninRanar kidanthanar thirinthanar”, “ennAl adaippu

neekkoNNAthu iRaiyavanE! ennAl ceyaRpAlathen?”, “en

nAn ceykEn; yArE kaLaikaN?” ityAdikaLin-padiyE

eeshvara-adheenangkaLAy, anantangkLAy,

nadakkinRanavAkaiyAlE ivaRRukku eeshvara-bhuddhiyAlum

eNNillaiyAyiRE iruppathu.”


The favours conferred so far by the Lord are

preliminary, says SwAmi Desikan:


“intha poorvOpakArangkaLai sarvEshvaran ceytha

kAlangkaLilE nAm aRiyamAttAmaiyAlum,” --


However, the jIva was not aware of the fact that the

Lord was helping him at every stage. He did not even

know why and when the Lord started doing these

favours. Truly he would not have known, as the Lord

took note of some unintentional good act done by this

jIva. It is called, “aj~nAta- sukrutam”. This act of

the jIva, even though it was committed

unintentionally, moved the Lord’s heart which is full

of compassion, as He was waiting for at least one

among the countless jIvas to turn towards Him. The

Lord took note of this unintentional good act

seriously and started showing interest in this

particular jIva. As far as He is concerned, it looked

a very rare case deserving His compassion. So this

series of favours started in this way. Still there was

a long way to go for the Lord. He put all His

attention on this particular jIva in order to shape

him to fit for attaining His abode. He was in such a

desperate condition, one must admit. And the jIva too

is following the lead set by the Lord, but that too

without any intention, as indicated by SwAmi Desikan.

When the jIva realized that he had been helped by the

Lord, he could not count the number of favours he had

received from the Lord. He tells the Lord, “I don’t

know how much You helped me, Oh Lord!” Thus quotes

SwAmi Desikan from ThiruvAimozhi of SrI naMMAzhvAr:


“prathi-buddha-kAlatthil avaRRin

avAntara-vishEShangkaL eNNi mudiyavoNNAmaiyAlum,

‘atthA nee ceithana adiyEn aRiyEn’ enRu irukkap



Let us see the verse to which the quoted words



“otthAr mikkArai ilaiyAya mAmAyA

ottAy epporutkum uyirAy ennaip peRRa

atthAyAyt thanthaiyAy aRiyAthana aRivittha

atthA! nee ceythana adiyEn aRiyEnE.”

(ThiruvAimozhi, 2-3-2)


(Oh Lord! You have neither an equal nor a superior!

You are endowed with wonderful qualities! You took

births like any ordinary person. You are the soul of

all. You did favours to me as my mother, as my father

and as my AchArya and taught me everything that was

unknown to me earlier. I do not know how much You

helped me.)


Here, it would be worthwhile to recall the discussion

that arose during the kAlakShEpam of SrIbhAshyakAra.

When this verse came up for consideration, a question

was raised as to who was the first guru for the Atma.

Some replied that AchArya was the first guru. Some

others said the person who had taken him to an AchArya

was the first guru. At the end, SriEmbAr said that the

Lord was the first guru as He, being the inner soul,

prompted the jIvatmA to agree to approach an AchArya.


The same fact is reflected by SwAmI Desikan thus:


“Aj~nAta-sukrutam muthalAka kAla thattvamuLLathanaiyum

ic-cEthanan ceyyum anukoola vyApArangkaL ellAm, “yat

kincit vartatE lOkE”, “ninRanar kidanthanar

thrinthanar”, “ennAl adaippu neekkoNNAthu iRaiyavanE!

ennAl ceyaRpAlathen?”, “en nAn ceykEn; yArE kaLaikaN?”

ityAdikaLin-padiyE eeshvara-adheenangkaLAy

anantangkLAy nadakkinRana-vAkaiyAlE ivaRRukku

eeshvara-bhuddhiyAlm eNNillaiyAyiRE iruppathu.”


The essence of this sentence can put as follows by

rearranging the words:


“Aj~nAta-sukrutam muthalAka kAla

thattvam-uLLathanaiyum iccEthanan ceyyum anukoola

vyApArangkaL ellAm, eeshvara-adheenangkaLAy,

anantangkLAy, nadakkinRana-vAkaiyAlE ivaRRukku

eeshvara-bhuddhiyAlm eNNillaiyAyiRE iruppathu.”


-- Right from the good act done unintentionally, all

the good actions of the jIva during his existence in

this world, have been numerous; and though they were

under the sway of the Lord, even He cannot count them.



That is, even the Lord who was the cause for all

these favours done to the jIva cannot know how many

they are.


In support of this, SwAmi Desikan gives a number of

quotations. We shall see the first quote: “yata kincit

vartatE lOkE” -- this is from a MahAbhArata sloka:


“yat kincit vartatE lOkE sarvam tanmad-vicEShtitam /

anyO hyanyaccintayati svacchaNdam vidadhAmyaham //”


(MahAbhArata, shAnti Parva 359-56)


(This is spoken by the Lord: “All happenings in the

world are mine. Others think something else. I alone

act according to what I think.”)


Now, there may be a query: The Lord’s role is just

prompting the jIvas to act, but the actual execution

of the acts desired by Him was done by the jIvas, is

it not? So, the jIvas are free to act or not, isn’t


The answer is “No”, says SwAmi Desikan. He explains

that the jIvas’ actions are also under His control.

Without His consent, no one can act. In support of

this, he gives the next quote: “ninRanar irunthinar

kidanthanar thirinthanar”. This quote is from a verse

in SrI naMMAzhvAr’s ThiruvAimozhi:


“ninRanar irunthanar kidanthanar thirinthanar

ninRilar irunthilar kidanthilar thirinthilar

enRumor-iyalvinar ena ninaivariyavar

enRumor-iyalvodu ninRa venthidarE.”

(ThiruvAimozhi, 1-1-6)


In this verse, the AzhvAr asserts that all activities

and inactions are also under His control. (Those who

stand, sit, lie down or move about here and there, as

well as they remain inactive - all are under His

control. All actions and inactions are subject to His

Will (sankalpa). It cannot be said that He is of a

particular nature, but at the same time He is

unchangeable and beyond all observed changes of the

world. So declare the scriptural authorities.)


SrI nammAzhvAr himself says, we are not at all fit to

determine Your nature. What else can we do? The next

quote is again from this AzhvAr’s verse only:


“ennAl adaippu neekkoNNAthu iRaiyavanE ennAl

ceyaRpAlathen?” -- Let us see the full verse:


“ivaiyanRE nalla ivaiyanRE theeya

ivaiyenRivai aRivanElum --- ivaiyellAm

ennAl adaippu neekkoNNAthu iRaiyavanE!

ennAl ceyaRpAlathu en?”

(Periya ThiruvanthAthi - 3)


(Even though I know that what is not good and what is

good, I am unfit to observe this in practice. Oh Lord,

You are the real controller. What is there for me to



Even if one is sure of what is to be done and what is

not, that is, if he has discriminatory knowledge, he

cannot bring it into practice as he himself is under

the will of the Lord. Hence, everything is to be left

to Him. The only thing we can do is, to place

ourselves at His feet, that is, to adopt prapatti.

There is no alternative. This is expressed by the

AzhvAr himself in another verse, as quoted by SwAmi

Desikan, “en nAn ceykEn; yArE kaLaikaN?”. Let us see

the full verse:


“en nAn ceykEn? yArE kaLaikaN? Ennai en ceikinRAi?

unnAlallAl yAvarAlum onRum kuRai vENdEn!

kannAr mathiLcoozh kudanthaik kidanthAi!


cennAL ennAL? annAL unathAL piditthE celakkANE.”

(ThiruvAimozhi, 5-8-3)


(Oh Lord reclining at Thirukkudanthai! I am not in a

fit position to resort to any means to attain You.

What can I do? Who can save me? Why do You compel me

to do impossible rites? Please listen. I do not need

any procedure or a person except You to attain You.

Hence, however long it may be, I will cling only to

Your feet as a refuge. I am firm in this.)


Thus, whether we are aware or not, all our activities

are as per His will. We cannot keep a count of these

good activities which led us to near Him, since we

acted according to His Will. He also cannot keep an

account of them, because they are countless. With this

statement, SwAmi Desikan ends this Chapter.



Thus Ends Chapter I of SrI UpakAra Sangraham of SrI

NigamAnta MahA Desikan


// SrImathE NigamAnta MahAdesikAya Namah //

// SrImathE Sri LakShmI Nrsimha Divya PadukA SEvaka

SrI NArAyaNa Yatheendra MahAdEsikAya Namah //



(To continue)


Anbil S.SrInivAsan















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