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SrI UpakAra Sangraham II (8)

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SrI UpakAra Sangraham - II (8)




Section - 7 (1)

(The Favours being done by the Lord to the jIva

who has adopted bhakti-yOga or prapatti)



SwAmi Desikan so far described the way the jIva who

has adopted the means for mOkSha, is spending his life

by meditating on the Lord and longing for the mukti

life of being near the Lord. Now, SwAmi Desikan takes

up the various favours being done by the Lord to such

post-prapatti jIva:


(7) ippadi ninRavanukku SarvEshvaran ceyyum



The favours conferred, by the Lord of all, on the

jIva who has adopted the means for mOkSha are:-


“ippadi ninRavanukku” -- For the person who is in such

a state. That is, after adopting the means -- either

bhakti-yOga or prapatti, the mumukShu is in the proper

state (niShta). Whatever happens to such a mumukShu

are the favours of the Lord:


SwAmi Desikan describes such a person in a verse:



svaniShThAbhij~nAnam subhagamapavargArdupantAt /

prathimnA yasyAdau prabhavati vineetah sthagayitum

gabheerAn duShpoorAn

gaganamahatashchidra-nivahAn //”


(Srimad-rahasytrayasAram -


(A man, who has a firm and proper knowledge of his

essential nature, of the upAya adopted by him, namely,

prapatti and on the ultimate aim of life

(puruShArtha), delights more than the approaching

mOkSha. By this mighty knowledge, he gets a

disciplined mind and the strength to end the obstacles

which are deep and hard, and which are as immense as

the sky.)

This is the gift of the Lord to the man who has

firmly accepted the means for salvation. The Lord

doesn’t stop with this, but confers more favours:

“SarvEshvaran ceyyum upakArankaLAvana” -- What are

the favours? SwAmi Desikan lists them:


(1) upAya-adhigama-kAlatthilE

prArabdha-karma-vyatiriktankaLAna poorva-karmankaLil

upAya-vipAkAdi-kaLukku anuguNamallAtha sukruthangkaL

ivanukku phalam kodukkak-kadavanalla enRu



Every being born in this world has to experience the

fruits of his deeds, whether good or bad, committed in

his numerous births earlier. A lot of such of karmas

are accumulated just like a bank account. If they are

good deeds, they will be similar to huge deposits with

high interest rates. If they are bad deeds, they will

be similar to huge loans having a high rate of

interest. Depending upon the deposits or the

loan-dues, the person whether enjoys benefits or

experiences miseries. During this life, certain

deposits or loan-amounts become effective, while there

is still a huge balance remaining in his account,

which will have to be covered in the future births. If

he indulges more activities, good or bad, these will

be added to the remaining balance. The unutilized

balance of deeds or karmas is known as “sanchita”

(accumulation). Those deeds which have started giving

results in current life are called “prArabda-karmas”

-- deeds of the previous births which have started

giving results.

These have to be exhausted before the end of this

life. In the next birth, one more account of the deeds

will be opened up and the results of them will start

flowing. Even then there will remain the unutilized

balance which is likely to grow depending on the deeds

being committed in this current life. Such is the

state of an ordinary person who has not sought any

means for salvation from the life - cycle.

But, in the case of a prapanna, the man who has

adopted prapatti for mOkSha, soon after his adoption

of the means, the stored up balance is erased. He has

only to undergo the experience either good or bad

results which have started after his present life

began. No more, as he will attain mukti when his

present life comes to an end.


“upAya-adhigama-kAlatthilE” -- During the period after

the adoption of the means (for mOkSha).


“prArabdha-karma-vyatiriktankaLAna poorva-karmankaLil”

-- among the previous deeds, barring those that have

started their results.

“upAya-vipAkAdikaLukku anuguNamallAtha sukruthangkaL”

-- good results that are not fitting with the post-

upAya life.

“ivanukku phalam kodukkak-kadavanalla enRu

sankalpikkaiyum” -- Those results which are not

fitting to the post-adoption of upAya are prevented by

the will of the Lord.


This erasing of the unutilized poorva-karmas of the

prapanna is a favour of the Lord, says SwAmi Desikan

in this sub-section.



(To continue)


Anbil S.SrInivAsan










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