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SrI UpakAra Sangraham - II (14)

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SrI UpakAra Sangraham - II (14)




Section - 7 (5) [continued]

(The Favours being done by the Lord to the jIva

who has adopted bhakti-yOga or prapatti)



We have thus generally seen that the Lord removes the

doubts that may arise in the mind of the prapanna

because of the present Kali-yuga. Now we shall see

what kind of doubts that may trouble the prapanna and

how they are resolved.

Such doubts have been categorized as five types by

SwAmi Desikan in his magnum opus,

SrI-rahasya-traya-sAram. It is known that the Lord of

all (SarveShvaran) is omniscient and omnipotent;

rewards in proportion to the karma performed by one;

does not require any help; does not take action

immediately like minor deities; and is without an

equal and a superior.

The five doubts that might arise are:

1) Whether the Lord of such a nature can be accessible

to those who have committed unlimited violations?

2) Whether He would grant fruits in great measure to

those who have committed these transgressions which

stand as a hindrance to the attainment of the goal,

namely, His abode?

3) Whether He would accord His grace in return for the

insignificant good action done by the person


4) Whether He would grant the favour without delay?


5) Whether He would be totally unmindful to the lowest

status of the aspirant.


SwAmi Desikan clears these doubts by reminding the

prapanna the five features of the Lord:

1) He goes by the recommendation of His Consort,


2) He is conscious of the relationship between Him,

being the Master, and the applicants, being His


3) He is full of auspicious attributes and qualities

like compassion towards His creatures.

4) He has the will and determination to save them. And

5) He derives satisfaction in saving them.


It may be asked how the doubts stated earlier are

removed by these features. Swami Desikan answers:


1) Though the Lord is omniscient and omnipotent, He

cannot ignore the recommendations of SrI, His Consort;

and will pardon all the faults that stand in the way

of His accessibility. For example, a king will pardon

the faults of his servants on the recommendation of

the royal ladies. He will appear as if He is unaware

of the faults, as said in SrI ViShNu SahasranAma in

which He is called “avij~nAtA” -- Ignorant. He is so

called as He doesn’t mind the faults of His devotees.

(2) Normally He rewards according to one’s karma. But

He is more gracious towards the prapanna owing to the

performance of complete surrender. Prapatti is like an

apology for greater means, that is a “vyAja” - (a

gesture). The Lord grants to the prapanna even that

fruit, which is beyond all measure and which is one’s

natural right like an inheritance, because of the

unique relationship of the Master and his servant.

(3) The Lord is “avApta-samasta-kAmah” -- One Who has

all objects of desire and does not require any help.

However, He looks upon the small action, prapatti,

performed by one as if it were an act of supreme help

to Him, because of His supreme and unconditioned

compassion. The Lord is like a generous emperor who is

easily won over by paying even small tokens of homage.


(4) The Lord is not like inferior deities and does not

act quickly. He rewards those who adopt other means

laid down in the scriptures only after some delay.

Yet, when a man who is devoid any other protector or

refuge performs prapatti, He grants whatever is

desired at the very time when it is wanted, as He did

in the case of KAkAsura and VibheeShaNa, by His mere

will with full generosity and without the need of any


(5) The Lord is known as “samAdhika-daridrah” -- a

destitute of equals and superiors. He is totally

independent and free to do anything desired by His

dependents for His own satisfaction. So, he grants

their request without any consideration of their

status or rank, as SrI Rama did in the case of all

creatures in KOsala. So said SrI NammAzhvAr:


“kaRpAr irAmapirAnai-yallAl maRRum kaRparO?

puRpA-muthalAp pulleRumpAthi onRinRiyE

naRpAl-ayOtthiyil vAzhum carAcaram muRRavum

naRpAlukku uytthanan nAnmukanAr peRRa nAttuLE.”

(ThiruvAimozhi, 7-5-1)


(For studying, will anyone think of other than SrI

Rama, Who is considered an ocean of auspicious

attributes; Who led to salvation in the world of

Brahma, all beings, movable or stagnant, from grass

and ants onwards, with nothing in their credit, just

because they lived in the holy AyOdhya?)


Thus the doubts regarding the efficacy of prapatti

are removed by the Lord.


(To continue)


Anbil S.SrInivAsan








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