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SrI NadAdUr AmmAL's para Tattva Nirnayam - Volume 1 - Release Announcement

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Dear BhakthAs :


The ahobilavalli team is pleased to announce the release of the 70th eBook in ahobilavalli series – “Sri NadAdUr AmmAL’s Tattva Nirnayam – Volume 1”. This Volume carries the authentic English language translation of the Sanskrit SrI Sookthi of Tatthva NirNayam “DeSika darSana durantarar” VaikuNTha Vaasi Pudukkottai SrI.U.Ve. A.SrInivAsarAghavAchAriyAr Swamy , who blessed us also with the Translation into English of ParAsara Battar's SrI GuNa Ratna DarpaNam , his exhaustive commentary on SrI VishNu Sahasra Naamam .


NadAdUr AmmAL is the illustrious AchAryan who blessed the five year old boy , Swamy Desikan to become

a great sampradhAya pravartakar of Bahgavath RaamAnuja SiddhAntham . NadAdUr AmmAL was one of the authorities on Sri BhAshyam and AchAryan of Sri Sudarsana Battar and AthrEya RaamAnuja , the uncle and

AchAryan of Swamy Desikan . NadAdUr AmmaL is known for his most insightful SrI Sookthis such as Prapanna PaarijAtham celebrating SaraNAgathy Tatthvam and Tatthva NirNayam focusing on the Supermacy of Sriman NarayaNan ( Para DEvathai/ Para Brahmam) .


The illustrious scholar VaikunTha Vaasi PudukkOttai A. SrinivAsarAghavAcchAr Swamy has blessed us with

an authentic English translation of this PramANam-studded Sanskrit Text , (Para) Tatthva NirNayam . The intellectual acumen and the profound scholarship of NadAdUr AmmAL is amply demonstrated as we enjoy going thru the statements on Poorva Paksham ( Prima Facie) and his demolition of them to establish the siddhAntham

( Conclusive and Correct view ) that Sriman NaryaNan is the indisputable Supreme Brahman .


We at Ahobilavalli Team are grateful to Sri S. Rajagopalan Swamy , the son of PudukkOttai SrinivAsa RaghavAcchAr Swamy for sending us the old manuscript ( English translation ) of his Father on Tatthva NirNayam . We are very happy that the SrI VaisNavite Community can have easy access now to the brilliant Sanskrit Sri Sookthi of NadAdUr AmmAL with the help of the authentic translation by his revered Father .


We are releasing the English translation of Tatthva NirNayam as eBook # 70 and are following it up with the release of the original Source Text in Sanskrit as eBook # 71 . You can print this out and have it next to you enjoy the power of Sriman PudukkOttai Swamy's translation of NadAdUr AmmAL's Sri Sookthi as well as the incisive arguments of NadAdUr AmmAl Himself .


One can hear the echos of ( Para) Tatthva NirNayam in Swamy Desikan's SrI Sookthi of Srimad Rahasya Thraya Saaram in the sixth Chapter entitled "ParadEvAthA PaaramArTyAdhikAram ".


We recommend this important Sri Sookthi to you from the PrAchAryan (AchAryan's AchAryan ) of Swamy Desikan .


Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri Sadagopan

Editor , Ahobilavalli Series of eBooks





The links are as follows:


eBook # 70 – Ahobilavalli Series – SrI NadAdUr AmmAL’s Tattva Nirnayam – Volume 1










(For ease of downlaod this eBook has been split into 3 parts, the links for which are available in the webpage)



The same can be downloaded from the miror-site:









(For ease of downlaod this eBook has been split into 3 parts, the links for which are available in the webpage)



NOTE: Those having difficulty in accessing the books can press CTRL+F5 to clear their cache and reload the page.


For other eBooks and titles please browse:


www.ahobilavalli.org/ebooks.htm (or) www.ibiblio.org/sadagopan/ahobilavalli/ebooks.htm



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