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tAtparya ratnAvaLi - Submission 68 - Slokam 24 Part 4, tiruvAimozhi 2.2, pASuram 2.2.8 and 2.2.9.

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SrImate Ra'nga RAmAnuja MahA DeSikAya namaH.

tAtparya ratnAvaLi - Submission 68, Slokam 24 Part 4,

tiruvAimozhi 2.2, pASuram-s 2.2.8 and 2.2.9.



· pASuram 2.2.8:


karuttil dEvum ellAp poruLum varuttitta mAyap pirAnai anRi yArE

tiruttit tiN nilai mU ulagum tannuL iruttik kAkkum iyalvinarE.


Who else is there other than SrIman NarAyaNan who, by His mere will,

created all the gods including Rudra, Indra etc., is the antaryAmi in

everyone, a wellwisher for all without exception, ensures an orderly

functioning of everything in all the universes, and bestows

auspiciousness on all and removes inauspiciousness for all?


SvAmi DeSikan presents the aspect of BhagavAn's Supreme Lordship that

is sung in this pASuram as 'jagad avana dhiyam' - He whose mind is set

on protection of all things in the worlds that He created - mU ulagum

tannuL iruttik kAkkum iyalvinarE. SrI PBA explains this as 'mU

ulaga'ngaLaiyum kAppadaiyE eppOdum Sindai Seybavan' - He whose thoughts

are always on protecting what He has created, which includes everything

without exception in all the worlds. Just as He created everything

with His mere will, He protects everything with His mere will as well.

He alone is sarveSvaran who has His mind always devoted to Protection

of all the beings that He created, even as the mind of the mother who

gives birth to a child considers it her responsibility to protect the

child she gave birth to. One need not be confused thinking that the

Protector has to be different from the Creator, as is sometimes

incorrectly believed by some. He accomplishes the function of creation

of all things by being the antaryAmI of the four-faced BrahmA, and by

being his guide and power.


· pASuram 2.2.9:


kAkkum iyalvinan kaNNa perumAn Serkkai Seidu tan undiyuLLE

vAitta tiSaimugan indiran vAnavar AkkinAn daiva ulagugaLE.


KaNNa perumAn kAkkum iyalvinan Serkkai Seidu tan undiyuLLE vAitta

tiSaimugan indiran vAnavar daivam ulagugaL AkkinAn - BhagavAn takes

incarnations such as KaNNan, and has the function of protection of all

as His very nature; He is the same One who merges all beings within

Himself at the time of pralaya, and also creates the likes of BrahmA,

indra, and all the other gods as part of the function of creation.


SvAmi DeSikan captures the gist of this pASuram through the words

'rakshaNAya avatIrNam' - kAkkum iyalvinan kaNNa perumAn - He who takes

incarnations such as KaNNan for the primary purpose of protection.

Note that kaNNan says 'paritrANAya sAdhUnAm vinASAya ca dushkRtAm' -

'For the protection of the good and the destruction of the evil' -

Proteection comes first; the primary purpose of the incarnations is

protection, and in order to achieve that, if He has to destroy, then He

will. AzhvAr also says: 'SERkkai Seidu AkkinAn' - He goes through

samhAram (SErkkai, destruction) for the purpose of giving new bodies

to the jIva-s (AkkinAn - created consequent on SErkkai).


In the previous pASuram, AzhvAr pointed out that BhagavAn in not only

the Creator, but the Protector also - 'ellAp poruLum varuttitta mAyap

pirAn' and 'kAkkum iyalvinarE'. In the current pASuram, he points out

that samhAram - destruction, is also because of Him - 'SErkkai Seidu';

thus, BhagavAn is responsible for creation (AkkinAn), and also for

samhAram or destruction (SErkkai), but He does these as an aid to

Protection, which is His very nature and the primary purpose behind

the creation and destruction (kAkkum iyalvinan). Because this is His

nature, He protects all the jIva-s in His stomach at the time of

pralaya, which is called ‘destruction’ or samhAram traditionally, but

it is really protection. This ‘samhAram’ again, is a prelude to

creation that is in the welfare of the jIva-s, by giving them another

opportunity to attain Him by giving them a new body and all the

comforts to enjoy, and is thus really protection in truth. These

points are discussed in greater detail in the write-up under the series

'tri-mUrti-s in tiruvAimozhi.


The key point to note that it is our KaNNa PerumAn who takes different

incarnations among us to offer protection to us, and He is the same One

who performs the functions of destruction and creation through the

agency of Rudra and BrahmA, but with the intent of Protection of all as

the only goal. Thus, it is He who is sarveSvaran - who controls the

sRshTi, sthiti, and samahAram of everything, with the welfare of all

beings as His only interest.


BhagavAn is the One who creates BrahmA first from the brahmANDam that

He creates from His navel, and then gives him the power to create all

other things, and thus He is the true Creator through BrahmA also. He

is the One who creates the worlds of Rudra and BrahmA before they

themselves are created, and He is the One who destroys the worlds of

Rudra and BrahmA when the times of BrahmA and Rudra ends. Thus, it is

kaNNan who is responsible for the creation, protection, and destruction

of everything starting from the four-faced BrahmA to the tinest blade

of grass, and no one else. Thus, He alone is sarveSvaran.


SrI UV comments that through this pASuram, AzhvAr communicates that

BhagavAn is the One who is responsible for the functions of creation,

protection and destruction; that His powers are not the least

diminished in His incarnatations such as KaNNan, that kaNNan is none

other than SrIman NarAyaNan - 'ivvaLavAl sRshTi, sthiti, samhAra'ngaL

Seyyum perumAn oruvanE enRum, idanAlAm sarveSvaratvamAnadu ellA

avatAra'ngaLilum SiRidum kunRada paDiyE uLadu enRum, avan kaNNan

mudalAna avatAra'ngaL Seyyum tirumAlE enRum teLivAga aruLap peRRadu

enga' - The Supreme Deity, SrIman NarAyaNan takes incarnations amongst

us for the sole purpose of Protection of all the beings in all the

words - rakshaNAya avatIrNam.


-dAsan kRshNamAcAryan

(To be continued)





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