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[t'venkatam] Tiruvenkatam Group: New Moderator as the old one takes leave

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Dear Sriman Sudarshan :


I am happy to extend my personal best wishes for

grand success in your new career assignment .

May Sri Alamelu Devi SamEtha Sri ThiruvengadamudayAn

bless you and your family with all soubhAgyams .


My personal thanks to you for building up

ThiruvEngadam Group as one of

the prominent groups that AasthikAs turn to

for information and leadership in Kaimkaryams

dear to those interested in our dhivya dEsams

and Vedic traditions .


NamO SrI VenkatEsAya ,




sudarshan madabushi

tiruvenkatam ; oppiliappan ;

Sunday, April 06, 2008 10:05 AM

[t'venkatam] Tiruvenkatam Group: New Moderator as the old one takes leave



Dear All,I am writing this to you to let you know thateffective April 10th, I will be re-locating fromKuwait to Egypt to take up a new position andassignment there at Port Damiette right on theMediterranean coast, just a couple of hours drivefrom the famous and beautiful city of ALexandria butvery near Port Said. I will be working on a US$ 680mn project that mycompany along with a consortium of internationalshipping and financing companies is promoting. Myassignment may last anywhere between 18 to 24 monthsafter which I may either return to Kuwait or be postedelsewhere in the world.My email ID remains the same. I will inform you of mynew Egyptian mobile roaming number shortly. My postaladdress is as follows:Sudarshan MKChief Financial Officer & Vice-PresidentDAMIETTA INTERNATIONAL PORT CO. "DIPCO"Egypt - Damietta Port – Investment CenterBuilding – 3th FloorT: +2 057 292048/49F: +2 057 292050If any of you happen to travel to Egypt(Cairo/ALexandria), please do not hesitate to contactme.Following my move, I will continue to be in touch withall 'bhaagavataas and astikaas' on the list who havebeen good friends of mine all these years. But on theTiruvenkatam Group list, I will now be able tocontinue only in an advisory capacity. This is due tolack of time and heavy committments on the work front.The new moderator for the Group is Sri (Villakudi)Rajagopalan Raghunathan (Sri Raghu) who is a stalwartof the Tiruvenkatam Group in Kuwait for many years. Heis a 'sishya' of Srimadh Andavan Ashramam and a"parama-saatvika" having learnt "vEdaadhyAna" underSri IVK Chary of Kuwait. He is also a very active andmulti-faceted member of many community-service andsocial organizations in Kuwait. He is far lesscontroversial and far more knowledgeable and popularpersonality than his predecessor. I am sure theGroup-list will go from strength to strength under hiswatch. I will continue of course to lend my shoulders to allthe Group activities from Egypt.I take this opportunity of thanking all member friendsof all Srivaishnavite group-lists for all the kindnessshown to me all these years through their privateand/or list-emails as well as personal contact in somecases. On the imminent occasion of "tamizh varusha-porappu"(Tamil New Year's Day), I pray to the Lord ofTiruvenkatam to bless us all with his "paripoornakatAksham"!!Regards,daasan,Sudarshan MKWarm Regards,Sudarshan" A life is perhaps worth nothing; but nothing certainly is worth as much as life". (Andre Malraux)Meet people who discuss and share your passions. Go to http://in.promos./groups/bestof/

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