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Perughavaazhdaan Temple Samprokshanam , July 12-14

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Dear Srimathy Anuradha :


Many Thanks for your Mail announcing

the plans for Mahaa SamprOkshaNam

at PerugavAzhundhAn SrI GrAmam .


Your announcement has a lot of personal

significance to me and I hope the Members do

not mind my nostalgic reflections

about PerugavAzhundhAn . The Members can

also get a feeling for my roots in the Cauvery

Delta known for its 40 dhivya dEsams ,

Veda Samrudhdi , dhivya Prabhandham

scholars and NaadhOpAsana .


My maternal grandfather hails from this village

of PerugavAzhundhAn which had a rich assembly of

Vedic Scholars , who routinely took part in

BrahmOtsavams at Raaja MannArgudi , Oppiliappan Sannidhi ,

PuLLambhthangudi and other nearby dhivya dEsams

and abhimAna kshEtrams .


It was at the PuLLambhUthangudi BrahmOtsavam ,

my paternal and maternal grandfathers met and

decided to become sambhandhis . My Mother

grew up in PerugavAzhundhAn and was married

to my Father from Poundarikapuram village known

again for great Vedic Scholars . My grandfather

on the paternal side was a respected Bruhaspati

with expertise in Yajus and Saama Vedhams .

My Mother was 12 at the time of her marriage

and gave birth to my elder sister and myself

at the ages of 16 and 18 respectively . She was

a great Jn~Ani and attained AchAryan Thiruvadi

at the age of 39 . All my involvement with sampradhAyam

and deep affection for AzhwAr aruLiccheyalkaL arise

from Her deep devotion to our illustrious ubhaya

VedAntham heritage .


After the arrival of the grandchildren , my maternal

grandfather moved to Oppilaippan Koil from PerugavAzhundhAn

to be near their grandchildren and I grew up in

the warmth of the secure affection of my maternal

grandparents .


Land in and around PerugavAzhundhAn was

brougtt by SrI matam during HH Srimad DeavanArviLAgam

Azhagiya Singar's time and my neighbor's daughter

from the Oppiliappan Koil SrI SourirAja Bhattar Family was married

to the archakar at PerugavAzhundhAn Koil. On this basis ,

I assume that the AarAdhanam at PerugavAzhundhAn

follows the VaikhAnasa Aagamam .


I am very pleased to know about the plans for MahA SamprokshaNam

at PerugavAzhundhAn , whose very name suggests Perugha

VaazhundhAn ( the people of the village lived with grand

material and spiritual achievements) . I never was blessed to

visit my ancestral village of PerugavAzhundhAn until now

inspite of my many travels around the world . This is a lapse

which I hope to correct during my next trip home .


As you can see, PerugavAzhundhAn obviously means a lot to me .

Please send us pictures of the village today

and the celebration of SamprOkshaNam there .



with Jaanaki KAntha SmaraNam and PraNAmams

to Srimad Azhagiya Singar's ThiruvadikaL ,

Daasan , Oppilaippan Koil VaradAchAri Sadagopan





Anuradha Rengarajan


Monday, June 23, 2008 5:40 PM

Perughavaazhdaan Temple Samprokshanam




SrI: SrImathE Gopaladesika mahadesikaya nama:


Dear Swamin,


Please accept adiyEn¢s dhaNdavath praNAmams . I take pleasure in informing you the maha samprokshanam of Sri Seetha Lakshaman Anjaneya Sametha Sri Pattabhiramar swamy temple in Perughavaazhdaan in Thiruvaarur district in Mannargudi thaluka to be held on (july 14th 2008) 30th of Aani in Anuradha nakshatram Simmalagnam between 9 am and 10 am.This grand event has been arranged for 3 days from 12 th july 08 to 14th july 08. More information about this grand event has been posted in the below blog.



I humbly request you to forward this information to all the bhagavathaas and to the groups you are maintaining.


Thanking you,

Azhwar ThiruvadigaLE saraNam,

Namo Narayana,








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