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Part VI of SrI VedAntha DesikOthsava MaalikA by Sriamd PillaipAkkam Azhagiya Singar , 37th Pattam PeetAdhipathi of SrI Matam .

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Dear Swami Desika BhakthAs:


Eighth Day Utsavam: Flower Garden(Nandha Vana) utsavam


SlOkam 18:

adhyOdhyanOtsavEna pramadhanubhav-

AchAryavaryEti kaiscchit ,

samprArthyAneeta yEsha: svayamiha

charaNavuddharan yAti yAnE ,

aTrAmOtsavEna pramadhamanubhav-

AchAryavaryEti chAnyai:,

sampratyAneeta yEsha:




(Meaning ): Today's utsavam takes place in the flower garden of Lord DevanAthan . Some say that the great AchAryan is brought here to enjoy himself among the various flowers and beautiful objects of the garden . Others wish him a great joy during his stay at the garden . Our AchAryan arrives here in Raama Vesham carrying the bow and arrow ( svadhruta Sara dhanU: RaamabhUthO prayAti )

Ninth Day Morning Utsavam:Car Utsavam

SlOkam 19


hE vEdAntagurO raTahm praviSa

tE rathyAngaNam bhUshaya ,

sveeyAn dhAsajanAn pramOdhaya

sadhA pratarthinassoonaya ,

dhanyAsmO vayamadhya tE rathavaram

karshanta utkaNDayA ,

rathyaishApyanukrushyatE atra

guruNA dhivyam ratham Bhibhrati


(Meaning): Oh VedAntAchArya ! Please ascend on this Chariot ( ratham) . Please adorn these veethis intended for the travel of this chariot . Please make us all , your dhAsa Janams, joyous with your travel on these veethis . We have become blessed to pull your chariot today. This chariot is also pulled with yourself adorning it .


This is the prayer by Sawmy Desikan's Bhaktha kOtis requesting Him to ascend the chariot , adorn the rAja veethis thru travel on them and make the hearts of the sishya janams happy at the sight of His dhivya sEvai on the ratham : " hE vEdAnta gurO! ratham praviSa , tE rathyAngaNam bhUshaya , sveeyAn dhaasa janam pramOdhaya . tE rathavaram karshanta : vayam adhya dhanyAsmO ".


Ninth day ratha utsavam (Continued):

SlOkam 20


ittham samprAthyamAna: Srutisikhara-guru: dhAsavargENa sadhyO,

rathyAyAm syandhanarathO jaDithi

parigatasyandhanAsthAnamApa ,

SrutyantE yacchareeram rathamiti tath

rutam tadhratheeyatva gAthAm,

tadhvaddhEhee Bahiyan dhrutagruha-

bhajanam kAnshatheetyarthadarsee


(Meaning ): Swamy Desikan acceded to the prayers of His dhaasa vargam and ascended the chariot and sat on the throne there . The scholars competent in

Srutis rememebered about the KaDopanishad mantram as they enjoyed the sEvai of Swami Desikan on the ratham. That mantram instructs us to know the Self as the Master ofthe chariot , and know the body as the chariot itself. It asks us to know the intellect to be the charioteer and the mind as the reins ( AathmAnam rathinam viddhi Sareeram rathamEva tu ,

Buddhim tu sArathim viddhi mana: pragrahamEva cha--KatOpanishad:3.3)

The scholars are reminded that Swami

Desikan as the dEhi controlling the chariot with the reins of his mind .

(To Be continued )

Daasan , Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri Sadagopan




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