Guest guest Posted September 5, 2008 Report Share Posted September 5, 2008 Post 2 Dear sri vaishNava perunthagaiyeer, In continuation of the krithi 'lakshaNamulu gala' now we will see how theis krithi and vaalmeeki's description of raama matches. First, see how seethaa asks hanumaan to describe raama – yaani raamasya lingaani lakshmaNasya cha vaanara | thaani bhooya: samaachakshva na maam sOka: samaavisEth || 5-35- 3 keedhrusam thasya samsthaanam? roopam raamasya keedhrusam? kathham ooru ? kathham baahoo ? lakshhmaNasya cha samsa mE || 5- 35- 4 Meaning: seethaa says to hanumaan, " O! monkey! please relate in detail the characteristics of raama and lakshmaNa again; grief will have no place in me. What are raama's and lakshmaNa's food habits? How is their form? How are their thighs? How are their arms? Please relate to me in detail " . Point: Her address here is 'hey vaanara' – so a tinge of doubt is still there in her. So, if she gets a proper description, which she knows well, her doubts will go and her joy of listening to the description about her raama is also ensured. Now hanumaan starts and goes on – jaananthee batha dishTyaa maam vaidhEhee pariprichChhasi | bharthuh kamala pathra akshi samkhyaanam lakshmaNasya cha || 5-35-6 meaning: hanumaan starts, " O Seethaa, having eyes resembling lotus leaves! By my fortune, you are enquiring about the appearance of Raama, your husband and LakshmaNa, eventhough you know about them. Alas! what a pleasure! " point: dear all, now you get why it is called 'sundhara kaaNdam' – seethaa the female beauty personification wants the knowledgeable hanumaan to describe raama the male beauty personification. So one beauty is asking about another and all beauty – so sundharam – the portion itself is sundhara kaaNdam. And who describes it all - thyaagaraaja here – in raamaayaNam hanumaan – the siva avathaaram – he knows raama and how to do the description in full. Continuing-- yaani raamasya chinaani lakshmaNasya cha yaani vai | lakshithaani visaala akshee vadhathah sriNu thaani mE || 5-35-7 raama: kamala pathra aksha: sarva saththva [bhootha] manOhara: | roopa dhaakshiNya sampanna: prasoothO janakaathmajE || 5-35-8 meaning: hanumaan describes " O the large eyed Seethaa! I tell the characteristics of Raama and Lakshmana as I recognized them; hear them from me. Oh, Janaka's daughter! raama is born with lotus petal like eyes; captivates everyone with beauty and kindness. Point: Sree thyaagaraaja also starts – come let us do pradhakshiNam to sree raama – who is 'lakshaNamulu gala' – endowed with all good qualities and features. thEjasaa aadhithya samkaasah kshamayaa prithivee samah | brihaspathi samO budhdhhyaa yasasaa vaasava upamah || 5-35-9 rakshithaa jeeva lOkasya sva janasya cha rakshithaa | rakshithaa svasya vriththasya dharmasya cha param thapah || 5-35-10 meaning: He is equal to the sun in splendour, earth in endurance, Brihaspathi in intelligence and Indhra in fame. Raama the tormentator of his adversaries, is a protector of the world of beings, further protecting his own people. He is the protector of his own behaviour and righteousness. Point: what ST says is raama has the brahmaaNdam in his kukshi – his stomach – in one line whatever hanumaan says in two slokams is said by ST – sun, earth, protector of world etc – when all these in one's stomach – it is but natural that he has to protect his own stomach – is it not – one simple stroke – all conveyed - kukshiNi brahmaaNDamu lunnavaTa sree raamuni. Also unless one is a fine discriminator of what is right what is wrong – or dharmam / adharmam – how can he be a dharma rakshaka - rakshithaa svasya vriththasya dharmasya of hanumaan – so it is said by ST as " vichakshuNuDaTa " . Further who is brihaspathi – guru – in its true sense who is the real guru ? As in sree vishNu sahasra naamam – raama – he is 'guru thamaaya guravE namah' - Superlative guru of all gurus - dheeksha guruDaTa of ST. More in next post please. -- Vasudevan MG Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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