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Neer Exnora Panchayat for Madurantakam SriRamar Push karani.

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Dear Sri Sadagopan,

Neerexnora Chairman Mr.S.Rangarajan has said Neerexnora will be glad to takeup the task of Maduranthakam Sri Ramar Temple Tank renovation to me if their modus of operandi is agreeable to you.Please go through the reply mail sent to me by Mr.S.Rangarajan.By the by I reside in Chennai and not in Hyderabad.Expecting your reply,

Yours sincerly,


website: www.vedascience.com--- On Sun, 9/7/08, s.rangarajan <s.rangarajan wrote:

s.rangarajan <s.rangarajanNeer Exnora Panchayat for Madurantakam SriRamar Push karani."B C Venkatakrishnan" <bcvk71Cc: "V Ramarao Neer Exnora" <lcwa1990, "S Thirunavukkarasu" <soozhal1947, "V Seshadri " <nalini.seshadri, "A R Ramprasad" <exnora_ramprasadar7, "M B Nirmal" <mbnirmalSunday, September 7, 2008, 10:07 AM

Dear Sir:Confirming our telecon:1. Neer Exnora will be delighted to be associated with the renovation of the Pushkarani at Sri Ramar Temple Madur antakam.2.Our modus operandi is as follows:# Set up a "Neer Exnora Panchyat for Madurantakam Sri Ramar Temple" com prising 5 hard core activists from local community, broadly representing all sections, free from any controversial background.# Enrol 100 members from local comm unity who are willing to support the ca use of renovation of water body.#Compile an Action Plan and conduct an Awareness Camp with participation by devotees,school/college childre and NSS volunteers as also local bodies and VIP supporters.Conduct Prelim cleaning of tank and vicinity and put up 4 panel boards announcing Action Plan and ap pealing to stop dumping garbage and sewage.# Prepare a detailed project report with estimate for the renovation including pl

anting of trees, flower plants (Arali-Sem baruthi-Malli) all around which itself will stop encroachment.# Mobilse commitment letters from loc al traders and industries nearby for con tribution @ Rs 2000-5000 per RFT in minimum length of 50 Rft based on to tal. Cover 50 pc of total cost.# Represent to HR & CE for permission with funding of balance cost @ 50 pc and also for advt by donors on 10 pc of length in standard dimension/design.#Follow up with support of Exnor HQ and local MLA/MP and VIPs.I will be glad to visit Madurantakam on a mutually concvenient Sat-Sun after September 15.Please let me know.RegardsS Rangarajan Sent from my BlackBerry® on Airtel



venkata krishnan <bcvk71Thu, 4 Sep 2008 20:57:06 -0700 (PDT)Rangarajan.S.<s.rangarajanFw: PANCHA SAMASKARA UTSAVAM AT MADURANTAKAM






Dear Mr.Rangarajan,

Are you prepared to take up the project of cleaning and renovation of the Madurantakam Sri Rama temple tank ?I am yet to contact Sri Sadagopan over this issue.Ican contact him after you accept the project of the Temple tank.Expecting your reply,

Yours sincerly,


website: www.vedascience.com --- On Fri, 9/5/08, Rangarajan Asuri. L. Ranga <asuri.ranga wrote:

Rangarajan Asuri. L. Ranga <asuri.ranga PANCHA SAMASKARA UTSAVAM AT MADURANTAKAMoppiliappan , "Dr. Sadagopan" <yennappanFriday, September 5, 2008, 8:02 AM




Sri:Srimathe Ramanujaya Namaha:Swamin,Pranams.Today is Avani Sukla paksha Panchami. Bhagavad Bashyagara Swamy had his Pancha Samaskaram by Swami Periya Nambigal at Dvyam vilantha Tirupati - Madurantakam.We had the bhagyam of having darshan, mangalasasanam of Acharyas at Chakravarthi Thirumagan, Janagavalli Thayar, Andal, Vishvaksenar, Kannan, Lakshmi Nrusimhar, Sudarsanar, Azhavars and bagumanam to Swami Desikan Sannidhi in the temple.We have uploaded the pictures for the benefit of Bhagavadas and Sri Vaishnavas world wide.http://picasaweb. google.com/ asuri.ranga/ PanchaSamaskaraU tsavam08#Several Bhagavadas, Scholars and sthalathars including Pudukottai U.Ve. Seshadi Swami and others participated in this great utsavam.However, according to Sri U.Ve. Rangarajachar

swami (+91 98429 09880), Bhattachar of the temple, this utsavam is not having any sponsors and they are struggling to get it organized. Even the place where Swami Bashyagarar and Swami Periya Nambigal are having theethavari in the tank is very dirty, abused and filthy. From next year onwards, performing this utsavam in a grand manner is the responsibility of all of us and the same is felt by Sri Vaishnavas assembled there. Couple of them pledged some support also. May I request you to be in touch with Sri Rangarajachar swami or inform me through email so that I can inform Swami to do something worthwhile on this auspicious occasion.Adiyen beg to pardoned for causing trouble. Adiyen Ramanuja DasanAsuri Rangarajan

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Dear Sriman Venkatakrishnan :


Thanks very much for your mail .

Thanks to Sriman Rangarajan

for his generous offer of help .


I will check with a few people ,

who might be able to review and

respond and come back .I am at

New York and the local realities

are tough to grapple with from here .

The suggested plan of approach sounds like

a rational and well thought out approach that

will involve all who should be concerned

for a successful tackling of this important

Kaimakryam to clean up the Temple tank .


MadhurAntakam is dhavayam viLaintha

Thiruppathi and kaimkaryams there

are always a matter of special

importance to Bhagavath RaamAnuja

DhAsAs .


Thanks once again to both of You .


May Sri Janakavalli samEta

SrI KodhaNda Raaman's anugraham

be with you always !


SrI Raamachandra ParabrahmaNE Nama:




venkata krishnan

s.rangarajan ; Dr.V.Sadagopan ; Ponnappan

Cc: V Ramarao Neer Exnora ; S Thirunavukkarasu ; V Seshadri ; A R Ramprasad ; M B Nirmal

Sunday, September 07, 2008 8:36 AM

Re: Neer Exnora Panchayat for Madurantakam SriRamar Push karani.






Dear Sri Sadagopan,

Neerexnora Chairman Mr.S.Rangarajan has said Neerexnora will be glad to takeup the task of Maduranthakam Sri Ramar Temple Tank renovation to me if their modus of operandi is agreeable to you.Please go through the reply mail sent to me by Mr.S.Rangarajan.By the by I reside in Chennai and not in Hyderabad.Expecting your reply,

Yours sincerly,


website: www.vedascience.com--- On Sun, 9/7/08, s.rangarajan <s.rangarajan wrote:

s.rangarajan <s.rangarajanNeer Exnora Panchayat for Madurantakam SriRamar Push karani."B C Venkatakrishnan" <bcvk71Cc: "V Ramarao Neer Exnora" <lcwa1990, "S Thirunavukkarasu" <soozhal1947, "V Seshadri " <nalini.seshadri, "A R Ramprasad" <exnora_ramprasadar7, "M B Nirmal" <mbnirmalSunday, September 7, 2008, 10:07 AM

Dear Sir:Confirming our telecon:1. Neer Exnora will be delighted to be associated with the renovation of the Pushkarani at Sri Ramar Temple Madur antakam.2.Our modus operandi is as follows:# Set up a "Neer Exnora Panchyat for Madurantakam Sri Ramar Temple" com prising 5 hard core activists from local community, broadly representing all sections, free from any controversial background.# Enrol 100 members from local comm unity who are willing to support the ca use of renovation of water body.#Compile an Action Plan and conduct an Awareness Camp with participation by devotees,school/college childre and NSS volunteers as also local bodies and VIP supporters.Conduct Prelim cleaning of tank and vicinity and put up 4 panel boards announcing Action Plan and ap pealing to stop dumping garbage and sewage.# Prepare a detailed project report with estimate for the renovation including pl anting of trees, flower plants (Arali-Sem baruthi-Malli) all around which itself will stop encroachment.# Mobilse commitment letters from loc al traders and industries nearby for con tribution @ Rs 2000-5000 per RFT in minimum length of 50 Rft based on to tal. Cover 50 pc of total cost.# Represent to HR & CE for permission with funding of balance cost @ 50 pc and also for advt by donors on 10 pc of length in standard dimension/design.#Follow up with support of Exnor HQ and local MLA/MP and VIPs.I will be glad to visit Madurantakam on a mutually concvenient Sat-Sun after September 15.Please let me know.RegardsS Rangarajan Sent from my BlackBerry® on Airtel



venkata krishnan <bcvk71Thu, 4 Sep 2008 20:57:06 -0700 (PDT)Rangarajan.S.<s.rangarajanFw: PANCHA SAMASKARA UTSAVAM AT MADURANTAKAM






Dear Mr.Rangarajan,

Are you prepared to take up the project of cleaning and renovation of the Madurantakam Sri Rama temple tank ?I am yet to contact Sri Sadagopan over this issue.Ican contact him after you accept the project of the Temple tank.Expecting your reply,

Yours sincerly,


website: www.vedascience.com --- On Fri, 9/5/08, Rangarajan Asuri. L. Ranga <asuri.ranga wrote:

Rangarajan Asuri. L. Ranga <asuri.ranga PANCHA SAMASKARA UTSAVAM AT MADURANTAKAMoppiliappan , "Dr. Sadagopan" <yennappanFriday, September 5, 2008, 8:02 AM




Sri:Srimathe Ramanujaya Namaha:Swamin,Pranams.Today is Avani Sukla paksha Panchami. Bhagavad Bashyagara Swamy had his Pancha Samaskaram by Swami Periya Nambigal at Dvyam vilantha Tirupati - Madurantakam.We had the bhagyam of having darshan, mangalasasanam of Acharyas at Chakravarthi Thirumagan, Janagavalli Thayar, Andal, Vishvaksenar, Kannan, Lakshmi Nrusimhar, Sudarsanar, Azhavars and bagumanam to Swami Desikan Sannidhi in the temple.We have uploaded the pictures for the benefit of Bhagavadas and Sri Vaishnavas world wide.http://picasaweb. google.com/ asuri.ranga/ PanchaSamaskaraU tsavam08#Several Bhagavadas, Scholars and sthalathars including Pudukottai U.Ve. Seshadi Swami and others participated in this great utsavam.However, according to Sri U.Ve. Rangarajachar swami (+91 98429 09880), Bhattachar of the temple, this utsavam is not having any sponsors and they are struggling to get it organized. Even the place where Swami Bashyagarar and Swami Periya Nambigal are having theethavari in the tank is very dirty, abused and filthy. From next year onwards, performing this utsavam in a grand manner is the responsibility of all of us and the same is felt by Sri Vaishnavas assembled there. Couple of them pledged some support also. May I request you to be in touch with Sri Rangarajachar swami or inform me through email so that I can inform Swami to do something worthwhile on this auspicious occasion.Adiyen beg to pardoned for causing trouble. Adiyen Ramanuja DasanAsuri Rangarajan

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