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raama ashtothram 6

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Post 6


Dear sri vaishNava



We are studying the naama

"vaarijaa sana aadhi vandhitha paadhaaya nama:" and "Sanakaadhi yOgi brundha

vandhya paadhAya nama:' together. That krithi first wherein this 'sanakaadhi –

naama' appears, for this again is a rarely heard krithi in katchery platforms.



naapaini – raagam simhavaahini

simha vaahinee is

durgaa or paarvathee.




naapaini chaala

nee dhaasuDanu

kaadhaa sree raama



sanakaadhi yOgi brindha vandhya paadha

saakEtha vaasa

sadh-bhaktha pOsha (nenaru)



thalli thaNDri

guru dhaivamu neevani


ninnu nammiyunna nE


dhari joopavEmi


paripaala suguNa seela (nenaru)



[summarized] O Lord sree raama! O Lord, you, whose feet are worshipped by the

multitudes of sages or ascetics like sanaka sananthana and others, O Lord,

residing at ayOdhyaa! O Nourisher of true devotees! O Nourisher of this

thyaagaraaja! O Lord, you who is naturally virtuous! Please show kindness

towards me in full measure; am I not Your servant? While I, who has believed

You so much that You are my mother, father, preceptor and God, am perplexed,

why don't You give me refuge?


As a sidelight, in the list of 'manOhari' in raagams in

post 1 [containing 8 nos] this "Bhudha manohari" is to be added - another raagam having 'manohari' as part name, which makes total number now as

9. learned bhagavathas are welcome to

add more to this total.


Now to get the reference for sanaka

aadhi rishis were worshipping the lord - in sreemadh bhaagavatham, skandham 3,

chapter 8, slOkam 3 reads





urvyaam bhagavantham aadhyam sankarshanam dhEvam akunTha saththvam |


thaththvam athah parasya kumara-mukhyaa munayO~anvapruchchhan ||



Some time ago, being inquisitive to know, Sanath-kumara, the chief of the

boy-saints, accompanied by other great sages, inquired exactly like you about

the truths regarding VaasudhEva, the Supreme lord, from Lord Sankarshana, who

is seated at the bottom of the universe.


POINT: Vidhura, the brother of dhrutharaashtra and uncle of 5 paaNdavaas asks

sage maithreya the question about creation. In turn maithreya replies to

vidhura saying - "Great sages like Sanat-kumara asked

questions similar to those put forward by you Vidhura, and Lord Sankarshana [later

balaraama], the snake support of supreme lord Vasudeva, answered them", or can

take as the vyooha avathaaram of lord himself - one of the 4. [then it goes

that bhagavatham was spoken by anantha the sankarshana and then it came down to

vyaasa and sukha to pareekshith.]




svam Eva

dhhishNyam bahu maanayantham yam vaasudhEva abhidhham aamananthi |


aksha ambuja kOsam eeshadh unmeelayantham vibudhhOdhayahya ||



At that time Lord Sankarshana was meditating upon His Supreme Lord, [whom the

learned esteem as Lord VaasudhEva], but for the sake of the advancement of the

great learned sages, He slightly opened His lotus like eyes and began to speak.





udhaardhraih sva-jata-kalaapair upasprushanthas charaNOpadhhaanam |


yadh archanthy ahi-raaja-kanyaah sa-prEma naanaa-balibhir varaarthhaah ||


meaning: The sages came from the highest planets down to

the lower region through the water of the Ganges, and therefore the hair on

their heads was wet. They touched the lotus feet of the Lord, which are

worshipped with various paraphernalia by the daughters of the serpent-king when

they desire good husbands.


Point: dear all, you are getting

wherein the reference is there, the sages lead by sanaka and others are

worshipping the lord's feet, vaasudhEvaa's or raama for thyaagaraaja or vishNu

or naaraayaNa – one and same.


Let us

see how brahmaa also worshipped the lord's feet and how these 4 sanaka aadhi

was born in next post.


Vasudevan MG

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