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Sri Mahalakshmi-The unfailing Sri Mahalakshmi-The unfailing counsel.

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SrI:Srinidhim nidhim-apAram-arTinAm arTithArTa paridhAna dhIkshitham

Sarva-bhUtha-suhrutham dhayAnidhim DevarAjam adhirAjam AasrayE |

Dear Swamin: adiyEn anEha namaskArams::adiyEn would like to quote sUtrams from " Sri VashaNa BhooshaNam " regarding Sri Piraatiyaar, how She corrects the jeevAtma and paramAtmA.sUtram 11: " iruvaraiyum thirutthuvathu upadEsatthAlE "

She try to correct both of them(jeevAtma & ParamAtma) through Her UpadEsam.If that doesn't works-out,sUtram 13: " upadEsatthaalE meeLaathapOdhu

chethananai ARULALE thirutthum; eeswaranai AZHAGALE thirutthum. " Piraatiyaar knows that, the jeevAtma suffers due to anaathi dhurvaasanai

and eeswaran is looking into jeevAtma's sin because of His svAtantrayam, She corrects jeevAtma through Her maternal compassion - aruL

and corrects eeswaran through Her Beauty.The words from PBA Swamin vyaakyaanam- " After the plead by Piraatiyaar to Emperumaan to rescue the jeevAtma, emperuman

says " aamaam pO, unakku vERu vElai yenna? " , then She starts to show Her Beautyby :

" kaNNai puratti kachchai negiLTHthi than azhagaalE avanai pichchERumpadi paNNi... " and not going to leave emperumaan till He approves and consider the jeevAtma

by not looking into the sin.Again adiyEn would like to pour some more points on glory ofSri Mahalakshmi through Divya Prabandham.

PEyazhwar, one of mudhal-azhwargaL marked the importance ofPiraatiyaar while having His darshan through his FIRST paasuramitself: " thiruk kaNdEn ponmEni kaNdEn........ " - *Moondram thiruvandhAdhi,1

Here Azhwar try to give the important marks of Him which would enable othersto RECOGNIZE and distinguish Him from the remaining.Of all the thiruvAbharaNams like Chanku (conch), Chakra (disc), Vanamaalai,

and Gadhai, VIL (bow).,etc., the presence of THIRUMAGAL (PIRATIYAAR) on HisCHEST marks the importance and DISTINGUISH HIM (Emperumaan) as PARAMATMA!

Thats why, Azhwar utters " thiruk kaNdEn.... " as first to symbolize theimportance of PIRAATIYAAR along with EMPERUMAN.

If there's any mistake adiyEn pleads pardon for that to learned Scholars.Namo Sri RanganAthaya :adiyEn,senthil.b

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