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raama ashtOthram 16

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Post 16


Dear sri vaishNava



Taking up the next naama, which

is "Sree pathayE nama:" in our sri sadagopan swamy's compilation of raama

ashtOthram on sree raama from thyaagaraaja krithis, this naama is from the

krithi in naagasvaraavaLi

raagam. The krithi reads --



sreepathE nee

padha chinthanE jeevanamu [sree]



nE para dhEsi naa

gaasi baapavE chanuvuna dhaya chEsi [sree]



raajaadhi raaja

ravi kOTi thEja poojinchi ninnu indhraadhulu

dhigraajulai velaya lEdhaa raajillu sree thyaagaraajuniki [sree]



summarized: Oh, the shining consort of sree [or lakshmee]! Oh king of all

kings! Oh Lord, who has splendour of a crore suns [all together at a time]!

Remembrance of Your holy feet is my livelihood. I have no abode; kindly, having

mercy, relieve my distress. Is it not indhra and others shine as Lords of

Cardinal Points by worshipping You? To this thyaagaraaja, remembrance of Your

holy feet is only the livelihood.


Points: 1. the next

two naamaas "raajaathi raajaaya nama:" and "ravi kOTi thEjaaya nama:"

are also taken from same krithi. Hence I feel it is better to deal all three



Comments first on sree pathayE namah. In sree vishNu sahasra naamam SVSN,

the naamaa 610 occurring in slOkam 65 reads "sree pathayE nama:" --meaning:

husband of lakshmi - the divine consort of lakshmi.


The other 'sree' related naamaas in SVSN are


1. sree mathE nama: -- Naamaa no. 22 occurring in slOkam 2 [naama

repeated thrice as per bhattar's interpretation, 4 times for sankara]

Meaning: - who possesses sree - of superb beautiful form - who is

always with sree.


Naamaa. No. 180 - 19 - meaning: who possesses beauty and splendour


- sree means aisvaryam - who is constantly courted by glories is



Naama no. 222 occurring in slOkam 24 who is endowed with

un-diminishing wealth

- sree also means light effulgence, glory.


naamaa 613 [no. of naamaa according to sri sankara- occurring in slOkam 65]

meaning: who possesses all riches glories capacities and beauties

- abode of all splendour.

[this naamaa sreeman is combined with previous naama shrEya and

dealt by sri bhattar as " shrEya sreemaan " ]


2. sree nivaasaaya nama: -- naamaa 185 occurring in slOkam 20.

also naama no. 614 occurring in slOkam 65


meaning: for naamaa 185 one who is the permanent abode of sree

for naamaa 614 - one who dwells and manifests in good people

- those who have sree with them.


3. sree garBhaaya nama: -- naamaa 378 occurring in slOkam 41

meaning: he who has lakshmi always with him - containing all

glories within him.


4. sree vathsa vakshasE nama: -- naamaa 608 occurring in slOkam 65

meaning: one who has the mark sreevathsam in the chest - sage's

foot mark he bears as his wealth - sree.


5. sree vaasaaya nama: -- naamaa 609 occurring in slOkam 65

meaning: abode of lakshmi - the wealth - or who is ever with

lakshmi. sree vasathi asmin ithi sreevaasa:


6. sree mathaam varaaya nama: -- naamaa 611 occurring in slOkam 65

meaning: foremost among opulent divine personalities

- best among those who give glory in life.


7. sree dhaaya nama: -- naamaa 612 occurring in slOkam 65

meaning: he bestows glory to lakshmi herself - one who gives sree

wealth to all his sincere devotees.


8. sree eesaaya nama: -- naamaa 613 occurring in slOkam 65

meaning: the lord of lakshmi- the goddess of wealth.


9. sree niDhayE nama: -- naama no. 615 occurring in slOkam 65

Meaning: the treasure of lakshmi- treasure house of lakshmi


10. sree viBhaavanaaya nama: -- naamaa 616 occurring in slOkam 65

meaning: one who is distributor of sree. - who owes his greatness

to lakshmi


11. sree Dharaaya nama: -- naamaa 617 occurring in slOkam 65

meaning: he who bears lakshmi -the wealth within himself.


12. sree karaaya nama: -- naamaa 618 occurring in slOkam 65

meaning: he who causes lakshmi to incarnate along with him

- one who confers wealth upon his devotees. - sriyam karOthi ithi



13. anantha sriyE nama: -- naamaa 933 occurring in slOkam 100

Meaning: he who has infinite wealth- one who is full of infinite



Next point no 2:

Will thyaagaraaja, who is a very ardent devotee of raama, ask his lord

to releieve his distress – says sree pathE nee padha chinthanE jeevanamu -

Remembrance of Your holy feet is my livelihood. Now my point is - in the next

line will he ask "I have no abode; kindly, having mercy, relieve my distress".


When one has his continuous 'chinthanai' remembrance on his lord's feet

– is not bhagavaan's duty to take care of such a bhakthaa – and is it necessary

to remind the lord hey – relieve of my distress.


For it is as stated by the lord in his bhagavadh geethaa – which

thyaagaraaja knows well, for he sings or says 'geetharthamu' in surati raga

krithi – so it is clear he knows geethaa and that slokam -


ananyaas chinthayanthO maam yE janaah paryupaasathE |

thEshaam nithya abhiyukthaanaam yOgakshEmam vahami aham ||


Will such a thyaagaraaja ask raama to relieve his distress? In my

opinion a firm 'NO', then why this? Is it pointing to some incident in

raamaayaNam – is it vibheeshaNa who asks this – nE paradEsi – now I am in no

man's land for I left lankaa? Or is it sugreeva asking raama – hey I am in no

man's land, my wife is also stolen? Or is it vaali – having been beaten asks

raama to take that aroow out so that he can die fast? Or any other?



-- Vasudevan MG

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Dear Sriman Vasudevan :

This posting is a moving one .

Thanks so much for enriching our

lives with the Mahimai of Sri Raama Naamam

as experienced by Saint ThyagarAja .


We look forward to many more

insightful postings from you

on SrI Raama AshtOttharam .


Happy DhipAvaLi day !




MG Vasudevan

oppiliappan ; raamabhakthi

Monday, October 27, 2008 4:03 AM

raama ashtOthram 16


Post 16


Dear sri vaishNava perunthagaiyeer,


Taking up the next naama, which is "Sree pathayE nama:" in our sri sadagopan swamy's compilation of raama ashtOthram on sree raama from thyaagaraaja krithis, this naama is from the krithi in naagasvaraavaLi raagam. The krithi reads --



sreepathE nee padha chinthanE jeevanamu [sree]



nE para dhEsi naa gaasi baapavE chanuvuna dhaya chEsi [sree]



raajaadhi raaja ravi kOTi thEja poojinchi ninnu indhraadhulu

dhigraajulai velaya lEdhaa raajillu sree thyaagaraajuniki [sree]


meaning summarized: Oh, the shining consort of sree [or lakshmee]! Oh king of all kings! Oh Lord, who has splendour of a crore suns [all together at a time]! Remembrance of Your holy feet is my livelihood. I have no abode; kindly, having mercy, relieve my distress. Is it not indhra and others shine as Lords of Cardinal Points by worshipping You? To this thyaagaraaja, remembrance of Your holy feet is only the livelihood.


Points: 1. the next two naamaas "raajaathi raajaaya nama:" and "ravi kOTi thEjaaya nama:" are also taken from same krithi. Hence I feel it is better to deal all three together.


Comments first on sree pathayE namah. In sree vishNu sahasra naamam SVSN, the naamaa 610 occurring in slOkam 65 reads "sree pathayE nama:" --meaning: husband of lakshmi - the divine consort of lakshmi.


The other 'sree' related naamaas in SVSN are


1. sree mathE nama: -- Naamaa no. 22 occurring in slOkam 2 [naama repeated thrice as per bhattar's interpretation, 4 times for sankara]

Meaning: - who possesses sree - of superb beautiful form - who is always with sree.


Naamaa. No. 180 - 19 - meaning: who possesses beauty and splendour

- sree means aisvaryam - who is constantly courted by glories is sreemaan


Naama no. 222 occurring in slOkam 24 who is endowed with un-diminishing wealth

- sree also means light effulgence, glory.


naamaa 613 [no. of naamaa according to sri sankara- occurring in slOkam 65]

meaning: who possesses all riches glories capacities and beauties

- abode of all splendour.

[this naamaa sreeman is combined with previous naama shrEya and dealt by sri bhattar as "shrEya sreemaan"]


2. sree nivaasaaya nama: -- naamaa 185 occurring in slOkam 20.

also naama no. 614 occurring in slOkam 65


meaning: for naamaa 185 one who is the permanent abode of sree

for naamaa 614 - one who dwells and manifests in good people

- those who have sree with them.


3. sree garBhaaya nama: -- naamaa 378 occurring in slOkam 41

meaning: he who has lakshmi always with him - containing all glories within him.


4. sree vathsa vakshasE nama: -- naamaa 608 occurring in slOkam 65

meaning: one who has the mark sreevathsam in the chest - sage's foot mark he bears as his wealth - sree.


5. sree vaasaaya nama: -- naamaa 609 occurring in slOkam 65

meaning: abode of lakshmi - the wealth - or who is ever with lakshmi. sree vasathi asmin ithi sreevaasa:


6. sree mathaam varaaya nama: -- naamaa 611 occurring in slOkam 65

meaning: foremost among opulent divine personalities

- best among those who give glory in life.


7. sree dhaaya nama: -- naamaa 612 occurring in slOkam 65

meaning: he bestows glory to lakshmi herself - one who gives sree wealth to all his sincere devotees.


8. sree eesaaya nama: -- naamaa 613 occurring in slOkam 65

meaning: the lord of lakshmi- the goddess of wealth.


9. sree niDhayE nama: -- naama no. 615 occurring in slOkam 65

Meaning: the treasure of lakshmi- treasure house of lakshmi


10. sree viBhaavanaaya nama: -- naamaa 616 occurring in slOkam 65

meaning: one who is distributor of sree. - who owes his greatness to lakshmi


11. sree Dharaaya nama: -- naamaa 617 occurring in slOkam 65

meaning: he who bears lakshmi -the wealth within himself.


12. sree karaaya nama: -- naamaa 618 occurring in slOkam 65

meaning: he who causes lakshmi to incarnate along with him

- one who confers wealth upon his devotees. - sriyam karOthi ithi sreekara:


13. anantha sriyE nama: -- naamaa 933 occurring in slOkam 100

Meaning: he who has infinite wealth- one who is full of infinite glories.


Next point no 2:

Will thyaagaraaja, who is a very ardent devotee of raama, ask his lord to releieve his distress – says sree pathE nee padha chinthanE jeevanamu - Remembrance of Your holy feet is my livelihood. Now my point is - in the next line will he ask "I have no abode; kindly, having mercy, relieve my distress".


When one has his continuous 'chinthanai' remembrance on his lord's feet – is not bhagavaan's duty to take care of such a bhakthaa – and is it necessary to remind the lord hey – relieve of my distress.


For it is as stated by the lord in his bhagavadh geethaa – which thyaagaraaja knows well, for he sings or says 'geetharthamu' in surati raga krithi – so it is clear he knows geethaa and that slokam -


ananyaas chinthayanthO maam yE janaah paryupaasathE |

thEshaam nithya abhiyukthaanaam yOgakshEmam vahami aham ||


Will such a thyaagaraaja ask raama to relieve his distress? In my opinion a firm 'NO', then why this? Is it pointing to some incident in raamaayaNam – is it vibheeshaNa who asks this – nE paradEsi – now I am in no man's land for I left lankaa? Or is it sugreeva asking raama – hey I am in no man's land, my wife is also stolen? Or is it vaali – having been beaten asks raama to take that aroow out so that he can die fast? Or any other?


Dhasan-- Vasudevan MG

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