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PuNyAhavachana Saamans: Part II Saamans 352 & 459

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SrI:Dear AasthikALs :Let us study the other two Saamans used in Kumbha Pratishtai now .Saaman 352 : Baarhapathya BharadhvAjar is

the Rishi , Indhran is the dEvathA and the chandas

is anushtup.


Pratyasmai pipivate viSvAni vidhushE bhara

arangamAya jagmayE paSchAdadhvanE nara:

---- Cf: Saaman 1440 and Rg Vedam : VI.42.1


(Meaning): " May You offer the homage to Him , who is

desirous to relish it , who knows all things , whose

movements are all sufficient and who goes to help

sacred , selfless works.He is always a true leader ,

never a follower " .


Reflections on this Saaman: DevatA is Indra here. Indra

in Saama VedA like Agni are other names for the Supreme

Reality , the antharyAmi Brahman inside the two dEvathAs.

This Supreme Reality is Sarvajn~an ( "wisdom personified") ,

resplendent , sarva Sakthan ( Omnipotent ) ; He is the great Law

( Rta ) . He expects obedience for that Rta from His devotees .

The path of Rta is not easy to travel and He is always with You

in the difficult to travel route of Rta. Hence the devotees

recognize Him as a dear friend and adore Him ( Mithramiva

priyam sthushE) . He is invited to accept the devotees'

Saaman chant filled with devotion ( gOpeeTAya pra hUyasE).

He is saluted as the knower of all of our paths ( gAthuvitthama:).

He is the best Leader(nrutamam) and as such accomplishes

every thing He wishes without the help of anyone else.

He is bounteous and rich (magavAn). He listens quicly to

our invocations for protection ( uthayE mruNvantham)

and rushes to us for help.



Saaman 459: DhaivodAsi ParucchEpa Rishi , IndhrA

is the dEavthA , athijagathi is the Chandas .


Eindra yAhyupa na: paravatO nAyamacchA vidhaTAneeva

satpatir astA rAjEva satpati:


havamahE ThvA prayasvantha: sutEshvA putrAsO na pitharam

vAjasAtayE marrhishtam vAjasAthayE

---- Cf: Rg Vedam : I.130.1


(Meaning): " Come to us from afar , Oh resplendent Lord ,

the protector of good ; like a king ,the protector of good,

who comes back to one's home . We, the producers of food

are invoking You with our devotional prayers . Like sons

inviting their fathers , we are inviting You for the procurement

of food--You the generous one for the procurement of

abstract foods ".


Reflections on this Saaman: The prayer here is similar to

the 14th Saaman : " Day and night , we approach You ,

Oh Lord, with reverential homage through sublime thoughts

and noble deeds ." In the 23rd Saaman , the prayer is : " May You

come to the pious devotee and be enshrined in his heart".

For the Lord coming from afar , the 25th Saaman suggests that

He harness His well-trained , fast-moving horses to come

quickly to the side of the devotee calling for Him.


In His role as the sustainer of the Universal Law and therefore

ruling as a King, the Lord is invited to come back to one's home .

Laudations are offered to that adorable Lord as their King .Here ,

the devotional prayers are the food for the Lord ( King).


The procurement of abstract foods referred to in this Kumbha

Pratishtai Mantram can be visualized as the ingredients needed

for Soma Yaaga , where a ritualistic presentation of Soma Juice is

offered . "Abstract Foods " of DevAs could be likened to the abstract

definition of Soma juice as truth ( Sathyam) , Prosperity ( SrI:)

and light ( JyOthi) : " sathyam vai SrI JyOthi: Soma: "

--- Sathapatha BrAhmaNa : VI.1.3.10


We will conclude this Kumbha Pratishtai section with

an evocative prayer (Saaman 209) echoing the appeal

of devotees for the Lord to join them : " Oh Resplendent

Lord, brave and heroic, We have come to You with plentiful

divine prayers , dedicated especially to You . Oh Lord of

selfless benovolence and supreme protection , May we have

numerous opportunities of offering our heartfelt sentiments

to such a glorious Lord as You are ".


NamO Veda PurushAya,

Daasan , Oppiliappan Koil V.Sadagopan


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Dr.Sadagopan Swamin, The meaning of various Saamans used in the Punahavachanam is worth reading. So far the devotees were doing it as a routine without knowing the meaning of Brahaspathis recital of Mantras from various Vedas. You are doing a wonderful job in bringing it to members. Keep it up. adiyen, nochalur seshadri sampath.


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