Guest guest Posted July 2, 2007 Report Share Posted July 2, 2007 SrI: KamapyAham Gurum vandhE Kamalaagruha-mEdhinamPravakthA chandhasAm vakthaa PaancharAthrasya yassvayam Dear Vaideekaas and BrahmOthsava sEvA abhimAnis : In this posting adiyEn will focus on the remaining 16 sLokams used for BEhri ThADanam and conclude . 18. Invitation to the Divisons of Time ( Kaalam) ********************************************************** vArAs-tArAsccha yOgaa sTithi-karaNa dhivarAthri-sandhyA-niSAyA: pakshA mAsarTavOaBdhA: vishuvadhapi taTA sankramascchAyanE thruDyAdhyA: kalabhEdhA: sakala yuga parArdhAdhi manvantarAsccha SrI BhUmiSasaya VishNO: thvarithamiha samAyAnthu dhivyOthsavam (Meaning): Oh Thithis, Weeks ,yOgAs, KaraNaas , days-nights , evenings, pakshams, months, ruthus, Years, sankarAnthis, Ayanams , Manvantharams, Yugams , seconds ,minutes , hours and all types of Time divisons ! Please come here without delay and peform kaimkaryams for the Lord . 19. Invitation to the great sages to join the Lord's Uthsavam ************************************************************************* Athrir-VyAsO Vasishta: Kusikatanubhava: Kaasyapa :KaNvasamjn!a: MaarkaNDEyO Mareechis-Sanaka munjvaraS-SiunakO Jaamadhagnya: BhAradhvAja: PulasthyO dhuhiNa sutha muniscchAoi Valmrrka-janmA JaaBhAlir- Bhrugvasthyou MunivaranikarA: Seegram AgramAyAnthu sarvE (Meaning): Oh Athri , Vasishta, VyAsam KuSikasutha, Kasyapa, KaNva , MaarkaNDEya , Mareechi, Sukha , Sounaka, BharadhvAja, Jaamadhagni,Pulasthya , Vaalmeeki , Agasthya , Bhrugu and all other lofty Sages ! Please come quickly to join in the Kaimkaryams for the Lord during His MahOthsavam ! 20. Invitation to Vedams and SrI Sookthis ************************************************* VedAs-SarvEapi ManthrA sthuthirupanishadascchApi SikshAssakalpA: jyOthiSchandhO nirukthi: PhaNipathiphaNithiscchaapi kANAdhavANee MeemAmsASaasthra yugmam smruthi vachana purANAgamaa-smEthihAsA: SrI BhUmiSasya VishNO: thvarithamiha samAyAnthu dhivyOthsavam (Meaning): Oh Four VedAs! Upanishads ! MantrAs! SikshA , Kalpam , Niruktham , VyAkaraNam , Chandas , JyOthisham , Tarkam , the two MeemAmsaas , IthihAsams , PurANams , Aagamams and Smruthis ! Please arrive wuthout tarrying and join in the Lord's MahOthsavam ! 21. Invitation to the Yajn~ams ************************************ AgnishDOmOthirAthrO nikhilamakhavarA RaajasUyASvamEdhou ApthOryAmAbhidhOTyou surajanamahithou Visvajith-PouNDareeka: sarvA: kAmyEshtayOnyE vividhamakhavarA: pancha Yajn!Adhayasccha SrI-BhUmiSasya VishNO: thvarithamiha samAyAnthu dhivyOthsavam (Meaning): Oh AgnishtOmam , AthirAthram , Ukthyam , Raajasooyam , aSvamEdham , Viswajith and PuNDareekam dear to the DevAs and other KaamyEshtis done for some material gains , Pancha Yajn~ams ! Please come and be blessed by AkhilANDEswaran , Achyuthan at His MahOthsavam . 22. Invitation to the Mighty Mountains *********************************************** VindhyAsahyO MahEndhrO Malayagirivara: SakthimAnrukshasamjn~a: KshONibruthpAriyAthrOnishadhasamabhidhO MandarascchithrakooDa: Meru: KailASa SailO vipuladharaNibruddhEma-kooDasthrikooDa: yEchAnyE SailavargAs-thvarithamiha samAyAnthu dhivyOthsavaarTam (Meaning): Oh VindhyA , Sahyam , Malayam , Bear Mountain , SakthimAn , Nishadha pAriyAthram , Mandaram , MahEndhram , ChithrakooDam , Meru , KailAsam , HemakooDam and other lofty mountsains! Please come without delay to join in the TuLasi Garlanded SarvEswaran's MahOthsavam ! 23. Invitation to the Rivers *********************************** GangA TungA SatadhrU Dinakara-tanayA gaNDakee svarNarEkhA KaavEri TaamraparNee sarayUraruNagA NarmadhA KsheeravAhA YaascchAnya PuNyanadhyO nikhilanadhavarA: pushkariNyassarAmsi SrI-BhUmiSasya VishNO: thvartithamiha samAyAnthu dhivyOthsavArTam (Meaning) : Oh GangA , TaamraparNi , Sindhu , YamunA , CauvEri , SoNaa , Mahaa nadhi , Tungaa , NarmadhA , GaNDakee , Sarayu , GodhAvari and other sacred rivers , PushkaraNi like AhOrAthram , lakes ! Please be present at this MahOthsavam for the Lord and offer Your services ! 24. Invitation to the Dhivya Desams ******************************************* Rangam SrImushNa-samjn~am Vrushabha-Yadhugiri naimiSam PushkarAKhyam SaaLagrAmam cha TothAbhidhadharaNidhara SrIBadaryAsramamou cha KaaSee Kaanchee hyAmvathi SubhatamaMadhurA dhvArakAouryayOdhyA MaayAscchAyAmsthu Seegram JalanidhitanayA nATa dhivyOthsvaarTam (Meaning): Oh SrIrangam , SrImushNam , Kari Giri ( Hasthi Sailam) , Bhadari ,Pushkaram , NaimichAraNyam , SaaLagrAmam , Vaanasailam , MathurA , Kaasi , Kaanchi , Avanthi , DhvArakA , Maayaa , AyOdhyA and all other sacred kshEthrams ! Please arrive quickly to recieve SrI-BhUmi NaaTan's anugraham during His MahOthsavam ! 25. Invitations to the DEvAs residing at various places ******************************************************************* yE dEvA: ParvathasTA Jaladhinadha nadheethera-samsTAna bhAja: dhivya kshEthrasTithA yE vividha vanagathA puNyatheerTasTithaasccha grAmaprAsAdhabhAjA: puranilayagathA bhUmipAlASrithAsccha sarvEpyAyanthu Seegran JalanidhitanayAnATa dhivyOthsavaarTam (Meaning): Oh DEvAs living in the Waters, Forests ,mountains and the PuNya theerthams ! Oh DevAs living in the Lord's dhivya dEsams and those who reside in the small and big cities! Please arrive quickly to Thrivikraman's MahOthsavam . 26. Invitation to VaasthunAthan , KshEthrapAlan and others ************************************************************************** VaasthveeSa: KshEthrapAla: paricharaNakruthas-tArkshya-chaNDa-prachaNDA: sarvai dhouvArikEndhrA vividhaparikarA yE VimAnAdhiEva: yE chAntha r-maNDalAdhyaavaraNaparigathA gOpurasTAsccha dEvA: SrI-BhUmiSasya VishNO: thvarithamiha samAyAnthi dhivyOthsavArTam (Meaning): Oh VaasthudEvA , KshEtrapAlA , city dEvathAs , ChaNDa and PrachaNDa , the dEvathAs residing in MaNDapam , Gopurams , PrakArams , VimAnams ! Please join with happy hearts at the Lord's MahOthsavam and offer your Kaimkaryams to Him . 27. Invitation to the 8 MahA Naagams ********************************************* bhOgeesOnanatha nAmA GuKika samabhidhO VaasukistakshakAkhya: KaarkODasSankhapAlO bhujagapariBruDa: sanmahApadhmapadhmou yE chAshDou pannagEndhrA: Balisadhanagathais-sAkamanyair-bhujangai: SrI-BhUmISasya VishNO: thvarithamiha samAyAnthi dhivyOthsavArTam (Meaning): Oh Ananthaa , the King of serpents , Takshaka , Padhma , Maapadhma, Sankha, GuLika, KaarkODa ,Vaaaskui ( all the eight srEshta Serpents) ! Please come with Your family and friends and join in serving the Lord at His mahOthsavam ! 28. Invitation to Vidhyaa and other DevathAs ******************************************************* Indhra: KaalO niyanthA viyadhapi nikhilA: SaasthravidhyAdhinATA:PrAjApathyassamUha: Sivamuni nikaras-sadhgrahA rASitArA: sarvA oushadhya yEthA: paSumakhdharaNi pAvakOshNAmSumEghA: thOyam vAyvindhu vidhyA: tharithaniha samAyAnthu dhivyOthsavArTam (Meaning): Oh VidhyAdhipAs in the form of IndhrA , AakAsam , Kaalam and Yaman ! Oh assembly of PrajApathis , SanyAsis , Nakshathrams , Raasis , various medicinal plants ( Oushadhis) , animals , AadhithyAs , Fire , Parjanya dEvan, Vaayu , chandran , kalais ! Please come hither quickly to enjoy the Lord's MahOthsavam ! 29. Invitions to additional chEtanams and Celestials **************************************************************** nAkasTA: kshONibhAjO BalisadhanagathA yE cha lOkamtarasTA: SrIVaikuntasTithAsccha sTiracharanikarA: sAnugA dhivya Veshai: SrI-BhUmISasya VishNO: vijayamahamahAranga bhEri ninAdham SruthvA HrushDA: thvarithamiha saMAyAnthu dhivyOthsavArTam (Meaning): Oh People of this Earth, SrIvaikuntam , residents of the other worlds ! Please adorn yourselves with new and beautiful vasthrams and AabharaNams , smear yourselves with fragrant sandal paste ! Please follow the majestic beat of the BhEri and come with joy to the Lord's MahOthsavam for recieving His blessings ! 30. ViNNappam (Vijn~Apanam) to the Lord about the arrival of All ****************************************************************************** SwaminnASritha lOka rakshaka! VibhO dhivyOthsavE SrImatha: sEvArTam samupAgathAn valaripu BrahmAdhyamartyEswarAn nAnAlOkabhavAn charAcharagaNAn sarvAnimAn prmjaleen veekshasvaamBhdhikanyayAsaha krupAtungairapAngai: Subhai: (Meaning): Oh My Lord! Oh Protector of those in all the worlds , who seek Your rakshaNam ! Oh Emperor of the Universes ! Bhramaa, Indhran and the residents of all the worlds have assembled before You to enjoy Your dhivyOthsavam and recieve Your anugraham . Please cast Your dayaa laden glances on them all . 31. The Command (Appeal) to those who have assembled *********************************************************************** BhramAdhyaanirjarougaa: KumudhamukhagaNA: SeshasEshASanAdhya: MukthAbhakthAsccha sakthA bhagavathi satatam yEcha chaitanya-yukthA: yEtE sarvEapi sEnAparivruDavaSagaa: sAyudhairvAhanAdhyai: saakam SripushpayAgAngithamamiha vasathim prApnuvanthu prahrushtA: (Meaning): Oh Bhramma dEva, Amaraas , Garudaa, Serpent Kings , Muktha and Bhaktha Janams who delight in enjoying the Lord's MahOthsavam ! Please stay in your positions with Your mounts and weapons under the overall command of VishvaksEnar and enjoy the dhivyOthsavam all the way down to Pushpa Yaagam . 32. Command to the keepers of the Order during the Uthsavam ****************************************************************************** simhAsyA ghODavakthrA: karaDikiDimukhA vyAgrarAD vyAlatuNDA: prOcchanDAs-sADDahAsA: taralataradhraSa: pArishadhyAsthvasamkhyA: VishvaksEnAjnayAmi thvasuradhanusuthaadheeSa rakshdhipEbhya: rakshAdheekshAm vidhAthum thvaniSmitha ithassAyudhaas-samcharanthu (Meaning): Oh SainikAs ( soldiers) with the faces of Lion , Crow, VarAham , Elephant and tiger and limitless warriors in the army of VishaksEna ! Chase away the asurars and the enemies of the Lord thoroughly under the command of Lord VishvaksEna and protect all the KaimkaryaparALs of SaevEswaran ! 33. Benidictory verse ************************** vardhanthAm sarvavEdha: kshithiviBhudhagaHA: tathprakAsa PraveeNA: vardhanthAm tai: praklupthA nikhilamakhavarA: tadhbhujOnirjarandhrA: vardhanthAm raajn~itEshAm JalanidhitanayA vallabhAsakthibhAvA:SrImAn tatthOpakree sa jayathu satatam dEvakaimkaryadhurya: (Meaning): May the VedAs grow ! May the BrahmaNAs who protect and teach the VedAs flourish ! May the rthviks offering their havis for the dEvAs thrive and prosper ! May all those who out of their immense bhakthi for the Lord and perform their kaimkaryams with parama preethi be blessed ! May all those engaged in organizing this MahOthsavam with SraddhA be blessed with Vaidhika SrI and Sarva MangaLams through the grace of the Dhivya dampathis! NamO SrI RanganAthAya ,Oppiliappan Koil V.Sadagopan P.S : At the end of the BrahmOthsavam , all the visitors/participants are bid farewell group by group and a recall of the highlights of the daily uthsavams are made from DhvajArOhaNam, BhEri ThADanam, daily PuRappAdus on different Vaahanams to avabhrutha SnAnam and Pushpa Yaagam. This is again prtocol rich , deeply thought out farewell . adiyEn will write about it after the Uthsavam at Pomona concludes . Final farewell is made to the permanent residents of the Dhivya dEsam of Srirangam with the set of moving Benedictions : svasthi prajAbhya: paripAlayanthAm nyAyyayEna mArgENa maheem maheeSA: gObhrAmaNEbhya: Subhamasthu nithyam lOkAs-samasthA: SukhinO bhavanthu kaalE varshathu parjanya: PruTvee sasyaSAlinee dESoayam kshObha-rahitha: BrahmaNA: santhu nirbhayA: KaavEri vardhathAm kaalE varshathu Vaasava: SrIranganATO jayathu SrIrangaSreesccha varTathAm Sarvam KrishNArpaNam asthu ! 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