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BrindhAvana SaarangA Krithi on Lord Ranganatha : Meanings & Commentary

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Dear SangeethAbhimAnis :


Here is the Meanings and commentaries on

SrI Rangapura VihAra Krithi of Sri Dikshithar .-- V.Sadagopanhttp://www.thiuppavai.org






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Sri Ranganaathar Temple construction/ Sri Ranganaatha Mahimai : part 3

Sadagopan (sgopan_at_computer.net)Wed Apr 01 1998 - 19:29:11 PST


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Messages sorted by: [ date ] [ thread ] [ subject ] [ author ] [ attachment ] Dear Sriranga KshEthra AbhimAnis : In this posting , I will cover the masterly

salutation of Sri Mutthuswamy Dikshithar to

Sri RanganAthA in raagam , BrindhAvana SaarangA .

BrindhAvana charan's beauty's embodiment is the raagam


Swami Desikan saluted the heart throb of the gopis roaming in the forest of BrindhAvanam as " VandhE BrindhAvanacharam vallavee jana vallabham " in his

GOpAla Vimsathi . The insatiable nectar ( AparyApthAmrutha-

SaarangapANi) ,of the beauty of the Hema Rangan moving around the thickets and winding paths of BrindhAvanam is saluted by the raagam aptly named as BrindhAvana SaarangA . ANDAL enjoyed the divine vENu ghAnam of the blemishless Lord (kuRaivonRumillAtha Govindhan )in the forest with the Gopis and experienced the rain of svarams falling all around Her as

the showers of fast moving arrows from the bow of the Lord named Saarangam . ANDAL addressed that SaarangapANi in

one of Her ThiruppAvai paasuram this way and prayed for auspiciousness : " thAzhAthE saarngam uthaittha sara mazhai pOl --vaazha ulahanil peythitAi " . BrindhAvana Saarnga raagam is thus a raagam closely associated with SaarangapANI ,

the Naadha Brahmam of BrindAvanam .He is the sound and light

( oLi and oli ) of BrindhAvanam .Instead of the rain of arrows from HIs Saarangam , the rain of svarams emanated

from His flute and rejuvenated the world .

Sri Rangapura VihAra Krithi in BrindhAvana SaarangA rAgam


This beautiful rAgam is a janya rAgam of Harihara PriyA

( Karahara PriyA ) , the 22nd mELa raagam , which has the connection to Veda chakram and BhU PrasthAram . It has also the feminine name of BrindhAvani in the North Indian classical music tradition .It is a dhaivatha

svara varjitha rAgam with chathusruthi rishabham ,

sAdhAraNa ghAndhAram , kaisiki nishAdham and suddha madyama svarams . It has the ArohaNa -avarOhaNa kramam of " sa ga ri ma ni ss -ss ni pa ma ga ri sa " .

Pallavi of this Krithi


The pallavi "Rangapura vihAra Jaya kOdhanDa RaamAvathAra Raghuveera ( Sri ) " packs a wealth of meanings and

allusions . Swami Desikan saw Sri RanganAthA as a radiant effulgence in the middle of Srirangam

and experienced that parabrahmam as the the One , who is readily accessible God of Gods , who banishes the sorrows of the suffering and orphaned humanity through the granting of the boon of mOksham ( chinthArathnam

sulabamiha na: siddhi mOkshAnurUpam , dheenAnAtha vyasana samanam , Dhaivatham DhaivathAnAm , divyam chakshu: parishathAm dhrusyathE RangamadhyE ) .

In the middle of the rangam / stage of BrindAvanam ( verdant groves on the banks of KaavEri river ),

that jyOthi is seen as the eye of the VedAs and as

the ChinthAmaNi gem that grants the wishes that one wants fulfilled . Just as Lord GovindhA roamed in the Brindhavanam , Lord RanganAtha roamed in Rangapuri ( Rangapura Vihaaran ) . Sri RamachandrA's roaming was done in DandakAraNyam . That was His stage ( rangam ) . He was with Jaanaki MaathA ( Sri ) for part of the time and made it Sri Rangam . Deekshitahr visualizes that KodhanDa Raaman as the Raghu Veeran and recognizes Him as the RaamAvathAram of Srimann NaarAyaNan . Sri Deekshithar hails hence that " KodhanDa RaamAvathAra , Raghuveera RangapuravihAran " in the pallavi as " Rangapura VihAra Jaya KodhanDa-

RaamAvathAra Raghuveera ( Sri ) " . By invoking the naamam of Raghuveeran , Deekshithar reminds us

immediately of the beautiful mangaLAsAsanam of the valour of Raghu Veran by Swami Desikan in his incomparable Raghuveera Gadhyam .

There is also a very famous sannidhi for KodhanDa Raaman in Sri Rangam near the Chandra PushkariNi . With the KodhanDam in His hand , the Raghuveeran there must have inspired Deekshithar to compose this krithi on the IshvAku Kula dhaivam that Veeraraaghavan Himself worshipped at AyOdhyA with the VisAlakshi , SitA piratti .

Anupallavi of BribdhAvana SaarangA krithi


Here , Deekishithar places the raaga mudrai cleverly and salutes the VaradarAja svarUpa visEsham of the Lord of Srirangam . The anupallavi

vAkhyams are :

angaja janaka dEva gaja bhrundhAvana sArngEndhra

Varadha RamAntharanga syAmaLAnga vihanga turanga sadayApAnka sathsanga ( Sri RangapuravihAra Jaya)

We will analyze the word by word meanings of the anupallavi vAkhyams now.

1)Angaja janaka dEva: This group of words are chosen

by the nAdhOpAsaka to reveal that He is the father of ManmathA , the beautiful one . Lord RanganAthA is more beautiful than Manmathan and a portion of His beauty took the form of Manmathan , the love god .

2)Gaja BhrundAvana SaarngEndra :This salutation refers to Sri RanganAthA's role as Gajendra Varadan . He arrived in great haste to the lotus pond on the back of Garudan , when he heard the moving plea for rescue by GajEndran , who was being tormented by the crocodoyle .

That AdhimUlam saved the king of elephants and blessed the helpless herd of other elephants ,

which stood by the bank of the pond worrying about their king .Gaja Bhrundham means the herd of elephants.

SaarngEndran is the GajEndra Varadhan .BhrindA vanam means the herd of trees or dense forest . 3)Varadha ShyAmaLAnga : Here , Deekshithar salutes

the avyAja karuNA mUrthy , who grants desired boons to His bhakthAs as VaradarAjan . He is

shyAmaLAngan , because He rose out of the agni

kuntam of BhramA's yaj~nam on Hasthigiri .

The smoke and the fire gave him the shyAMaLa mEni.

Swami Desikan salutes the shyAmaLa mEni appearing amidst the flames of the AsvamEdha Yaaga kuntam

in the first slOkam of Sri Varadha Raaja PanchAsath

this way : "--thuraga savanavEdhyAm ShyAmaLO havyavAha : " 4)RamAntharanga : That avyAja vathsalan is the foremost

among those , who protects the saraNAgatha janams .

That pEraruLALan is bound to the antharanga visvAsam

of PerumdEvi ThAyAr , who is none other than RamA .

Therefore , He becomes RamAntharangan .In his Sri sthuthi

slOkam , Swami Desikan stood in front of Sri RanganAyaki

and saluted Her with the following slOkam to illustrate

the RamAntharanga RangarAja tattvam . Some think that Sri Sthuthi was composed in front of PerumdEvi ThAyAr

of Kaanchipuram :

nishprathyUha praNaya gaDitham dEvi nithyAnapAyam I

VishNusthvam chEthyanavadhiguNam dhvandhvamanyOnya lakshyam II

( Meaning ) : Oh , RamA !Both You and Your consort never are without each other and both of You are

bound by the bonds of love for each other . Each of You can only be understood through the other . That is the antharangam ( indwelling rahasyam )saluted as "RamAntharangam" by Deekshithar , who saw Sri RanganAthA

as Sri VaradharAjan for a moment . This anubhavam is common to Thirumangai , who will have the vision of the ArchA mUrthys of other divya desams,

when he performs mangaLAsAsanam to the archA mUrthy

of one divya dEsam .

5)Vihanga turanga : The Lord has Garudan as His vAhanam .Garudan is Veda svarUpi as indicatd by

the following salutation of Swami Desikan ( sruthi satha sikhara abhishtutha aathmA asou

GaruthmAn ) . Bruhath and Rathanthara Saamams are his wings and Gaayathra Saamans are his eyes .

Thrivruth Saaman is his siras . Garudan had won the boon from the Lord to carry Him ( yO yam dhatthE svanishtam

VAHANAMAPI VARA : ). Such a sapthasvara gathi ( The home

of the Saama vedam made of seven svarAs ) is the Vihangan and is the turangam( vaahanma ) for Sri RanganAthA .

6) sadayApAnaka: Swami DEsikan salutes the KaaruNyam and unparalleled DayA of BhagavAN in one of his sthOthrams as :

kalasa jaladhi kanyA vallaree kalpasAkhee

kalayathu kusalam na: kOapi KAARUNARAASI : Here Swami Desikan states that KsheerAbdhinAthan ,

the KalpakA tree , is covered by the tender creeper known as MahA Lakshmi and appears like the embodiment

of DayA /KaruNai .Swami Desikan has created hundred

verses on the subject of the unique and limitless DayA of the Lord to illustrate the meaning behind

the word : " SadayApAnka : " .

7) Sathsanga: This choice of word , Sathsanga: ,

means at one level that Sri RanganAtha enjoys the company of Saadhus , amala chittha bhakthAs .

At another level , it refers to the meaning provided by the fifteenth slOkam of Sri VaradarAja

PanchAsath( sadhAdhi sabdhA : , SivAdhi VaachA :

NaarAyaNE tvayi ikakanTyam ):

sAmAnya buddhi janakAsccha SADHAADHI SABDHA :

tattvAnthara bramakruthasccha SivAdhivAchA : I

NaarAyaNE tvayi Kareesa vahanthyananyam

anvartha vrutthi parikalpitham ikakanTyam II

( Meaning ): O Lord of Kaanchi ! Upanishads call

the object behind the Universe as "Sath " ,

AathmA " , " Brahman " . These are general names and may cause confusion that they are some thing other than Yourself . Similarly , the sabdhams such as SivA , IndrA , BrahmmA might appear to

elevate them as independent beings with their own power .When we examine these superficial

statements appropriately , it becomes clear that they have no independent source of power and that all of them derive their power and reason for existence from You and You alone .For instance ,

the word Sath means that which exists by itself without any dependence . Brahman refers to You alone

under rigorous analysis . AathmA refers to You , who has all the others as Your body . The word Sivan means the one who is the most auspicious , Yourself .

You are the one , who is mangaLAnAm manngaLam ( sivAnAm Sivam , Parama Sivam ).Indran refers to the most wealthy One ,Yourself . With unified voice ,

all these " sadhAdhi sabdhams " refer to no one but Your majestic self as Sriman NaarAyaNan .

When Deekshithar salutes Sri RanganAthA in his BrindhAvana SaarangA krtihi as " Sadhsanga " ,

he means like Swami Desikan that NaarAyaNa sabdham . That Sri Ranganathan with Sri RanganAyaki

ThAyAr is coming to take their residence amidst us to bless us . Hence , Please support the Sri RanganAthA

temple construction project to the best of your ability .

I will cover the charaNa vAkhyams of this krithi

in the next posting and will also suggest a method

of support for the Kaimkaryam , which is tax free .

BhagavAn"s Revathi ( Janma nakshthram ) , ThaayAr's

Panguni Utthiram , Sri Rama Navami , AchArya RaamAnuja Jayanthi are all coming to remind us soon . The sacredness

of this ancient temple that is central to our tradition is beyond description .Hence , Please consider support for this kaimkaryam and be blessed by the SaraNYa dampathis .

ParAnkusa Daasan ,

Oppiliappan Sannidhi VaradAchAri SadagOpan


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