Guest guest Posted November 30, 2007 Report Share Posted November 30, 2007 ---- Original Message ----- venkat kanumalla Oppiliappan Cc: gopan sadagopan Thursday, November 29, 2007 7:52 PM Re: seethaa raama kalyaanam 3 Dear Sirs, forgive me for this e-mail. Seetha Devi is Maha Lakshmi herself, how then is she the avatharam of Bhumi Devi ?? Very sorry, for this question . adiyenRESPONSE: Dear SrI Venkat : These confusions arise from our attempts to reconcile PurANams , IthihAsams ( UpabrahmaNams) with Sruthi and Aagamam . Let me assemble some thoughts on Mahaa Lakshmi , BhUmi DEvi , SithA Piratti and other divine consorts of the Lord : The theological and ontological relationships of Goddess Sri and othe Devis of the Lord need some comments in this context of potential confusion . For Swami Desika SampradhAyam , Mahaa Lakshmi is on a par with Her Lord , VishNu & enjoys equal status with Him and is a Vibhu ( commented in detail in SrI Sthuthi and also in his commentaries on SrI Sthavam by Swami Desikan ) . PaancharAthra Agamam ( Lakshmi Tantram) points out that Sri Devi is different from BhU Devi and NeeLA DEvi saluted in BhU Sooktham and NeeLaa Sooktam ; Purusha Sooktham and Hari Vamsa ( appendix of Mahaa BhArathA ) again point out that BhU DEvi is distinct from SrI DEvi . The questions arising are : 1) Are both of them consorts of the Lord ? 2) What is the ontological status of Bhu devi with respect to Sri DEvi ? PurANa , ithihAsa , Sruthi pramANams assert that both are VishNu Pathnis . Swamy Desikan has composed seperate sthOthrams for them as well as for GodhA Piratti to indcate that they are distinct consorts of the Lord . From the ontological point of view , BhU Devi and NeeLaa DEvi are regarded as two ASPECTS ( AMSAAS) OF VISHNU SAKTHI , WHICH ACCORDING TO PaancharAthra Aagamam is the VERY GODDESS LAKSHMI . BhU Devi is the aspect of Kshamaa /tolerance of Lakshmi and is worshipped with latter as Ubhaya NaacchiyAr without affecting the unitary character of Mahaa Lakshmi as the inseperable consort ( anapAyini) of the Lord enjoying the same status as Her Lord ( yEka Seshithva Yogam , as the means and the goal) . VishvaksEna samhithai points out that BhU and NeeLA DEvis are not Vibhus like Mahaa Lakshmi and yet both are dear to Sriman narayaNa and are His consorts . Ashta Lakshmis are also considered secondary manifestations of Mahaa lakshmi presiding over 8 sources of wealth . SithA Piraati and AndaL were ayOnijais ( not born out of human womb) but were discovered by Janakar and PeriyAzhwAr at the end of their furrows( SithA ) when they were ploughing the land . According to Srimad RamAyaNam , SithA came out of the Earth ( Bhu Devi) and returned to Her Mother Earth at the end of Her avathAra Kaaryam . BhU devi is also the Mother of NarakAsura in our PurANams (Srimadh BhAgavatham) and SathyabhAma is considered an amsam of BhU DEvi . RukmiNi is Mahaa Lakshmi in KrishNAvathAram . In summary , BhU devi and SrI Devi are both the dear wives of the Lord . One is reminded of the IsAvAsyOpanishad passage ( PoorNasya PoorNamAdhaya poorNamEvAvaSishyathE) and Upanishad BhAshyakArar's commentary passage : " svaroopathO dharmathO vaa anyaTAthvam gacchath bhOgya - bhOkthru roopam vasthu jjatham " . The PoorNathvam of Mahaa Lakshmi and BhOgya roopam of NeeLA DEvi can be understood from here . One can visualize a similar ontological status for BhUmi DEvi as an amsam of Mahaa Lakshmi , while both are the dear consorts of Lord VishNu . Mahaa Lakshmi has three different roles in a VishNu Temple ; She has Her own Sannidhi( TanikkOil NaacchiyAr as Sri RanganAyaki) or stays on the side of the Lord as one of the Ubhaya NaacchiyAr or stays on His chest as Vakshasthala Lakshmi . As TanikkOil NaachiyAr without Her Lord and is known as AdhikAra archai . We pray to Her First before we go in to offer worship to Her Lord . As BhOga Archai , She is by the side of Her Lord as Jaanaki at MadhurAnthakam , BhUmi Devi at Oppiliappan Sannidhi , VanjuLavalli at NaacchiyAr Koil or at most of the Sannidhis as one of the Ubhaya NaaccimAr . As LayArcha Moorthy , She stays on the chest of the Lord to plead for Her children , who anger Her Lord thru their satha kOti aparAdhams . Swamy ParAsara Bhattar identified Sri RanganAyaki with SithA PirAtti and took Her side ( Vide : GuNa Rathna Kosa SlOkams : Sundarasimham e-book 38 : ; The finer points about Lakshmi Tathtvam are housed in Swamy Desikan's commentary on ChathusslOki and KurEsar's SrI Sthavam .These are also archived in e-books reelased last year . SrI RanaganAyakai NamO Nama: Daasan , Oppiliappan Koil Varadachari Sadagopan consoidered Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 30, 2007 Report Share Posted November 30, 2007 Dear Sirs, forgive me for this e-mail. Seetha Devi is Maha Lakshmi herself, how then is she the avatharam of Bhumi Devi ?? Very sorry, for this question . adiyenRESPONSE: Dear Devotee : These confusions arise from our attempts to reconcile PurANams , IthihAsams ( UpabrahmaNams) with Sruthi and Aagamam . Let me assemble some thoughts on Mahaa Lakshmi , BhUmi DEvi , SithA Piratti and other divine consorts of the Lord : The theological and ontological relationships of Goddess Sri and othe Devis of the Lord need some comments in this context of potential confusion . For Swami Desika SampradhAyam , Mahaa Lakshmi is on a par with Her Lord , VishNu & enjoys equal status with Him and is a Vibhu ( commented in detail in SrI Sthuthi and also in his commentaries on SrI Sthavam by Swami Desikan ) . PaancharAthra Agamam ( Lakshmi Tantram) points out that Sri Devi is different from BhU Devi and NeeLA DEvi saluted in BhU Sooktham and NeeLaa Sooktam ; Purusha Sooktham and Hari Vamsa ( appendix of Mahaa BhArathA ) again point out that BhU DEvi is distinct from SrI DEvi . The questions arising are : 1) Are both of them consorts of the Lord ? 2) What is the ontological status of Bhu devi with respect to Sri DEvi ? PurANa , ithihAsa , Sruthi pramANams assert that both are VishNu Pathnis . Swamy Desikan has composed seperate sthOthrams for them as well as for GodhA Piratti to indcate that they are distinct consorts of the Lord . From the ontological point of view , BhU Devi and NeeLaa DEvi are regarded as two ASPECTS ( AMSAAS) OF VISHNU SAKTHI , WHICH ACCORDING TO PaancharAthra Aagamam is the VERY GODDESS LAKSHMI . BhU Devi is the aspect of Kshamaa /tolerance of Lakshmi and is worshipped with latter as Ubhaya NaacchiyAr without affecting the unitary character of Mahaa Lakshmi as the inseperable consort ( anapAyini) of the Lord enjoying the same status as Her Lord ( yEka Seshithva Yogam , as the means and the goal) . VishvaksEna samhithai points out that BhU and NeeLA DEvis are not Vibhus like Mahaa Lakshmi and yet both are dear to Sriman narayaNa and are His consorts . Ashta Lakshmis are also considered secondary manifestations of Mahaa lakshmi presiding over 8 sources of wealth . SithA Piraati and AndaL were ayOnijais ( not born out of human womb) but were discovered by Janakar and PeriyAzhwAr at the end of their furrows( SithA ) when they were ploughing the land . According to Srimad RamAyaNam , SithA came out of the Earth ( Bhu Devi) and returned to Her Mother Earth at the end of Her avathAra Kaaryam . BhU devi is also the Mother of NarakAsura in our PurANams (Srimadh BhAgavatham) and SathyabhAma is considered an amsam of BhU DEvi . RukmiNi is Mahaa Lakshmi in KrishNAvathAram . In summary , BhU devi and SrI Devi are both the dear wives of the Lord . One is reminded of the IsAvAsyOpanishad passage ( PoorNasya PoorNamAdhaya poorNamEvAvaSishyathE) and Upanishad BhAshyakArar's commentary passage : " svaroopathO dharmathO vaa anyaTAthvam gacchath bhOgya - bhOkthru roopam vasthu jjatham " . The PoorNathvam of Mahaa Lakshmi and BhOgya roopam of NeeLA DEvi can be understood from here . One can visualize a similar ontological status for BhUmi DEvi as an amsam of Mahaa Lakshmi , while both are the dear consorts of Lord VishNu . Mahaa Lakshmi has three different roles in a VishNu Temple ; She has Her own Sannidhi( TanikkOil NaacchiyAr as Sri RanganAyaki) or stays on the side of the Lord as one of the Ubhaya NaacchiyAr or stays on His chest as Vakshasthala Lakshmi . As TanikkOil NaachiyAr without Her Lord and is known as AdhikAra archai . We pray to Her First before we go in to offer worship to Her Lord . As BhOga Archai , She is by the side of Her Lord as Jaanaki at MadhurAnthakam , BhUmi Devi at Oppiliappan Sannidhi , VanjuLavalli at NaacchiyAr Koil or at most of the Sannidhis as one of the Ubhaya NaaccimAr . As LayArcha Moorthy , She stays on the chest of the Lord to plead for Her children , who anger Her Lord thru their satha kOti aparAdhams . Swamy ParAsara Bhattar identified Sri RanganAyaki with SithA PirAtti and took Her side ( Vide : GuNa Rathna Kosa SlOkams : Sundarasimham e-book 38 : ; The finer points about Lakshmi Tathtvam are housed in Swamy Desikan's commentary on ChathusslOki and KurEsar's SrI Sthavam .These are also archived in e-books reelased last year . SrI RanaganAyakai NamO Nama: Daasan , Oppiliappan Koil Varadachari Sadagopan consoidered Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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