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Bhoo Sooktam, Bhoo Sthuthi and Godha Sthuthi - Part 1

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Dear Bhagavatas:In connection with the wedding of Andal with Rangamannar, we propose to deal with some salient points brought out in Bhoo Sooktam and Bhoo Sthuthi. We will follow up with Godha Sthuthi in the subsequent postings.


Anbil Ramaswamy



We already saw how Bhoo Devi incarnated as Andal to teach us the “laghu upaayam” of attaining the feet of the Lord that Lord Sri Varaahan had instructed her during Varaaha avataara.


So, we naturally begin the day with the Vedic salutation to BhoodEvi contained in “Bhoo Sooktam followed by Swami Desika’s “Bhoo Sthuti” and move on to “Godha Sthuti” concluding with the TirukkalyaaNa MahOtsavam.



“Sooktam” means “Well said”. The esoteric meanings of the Vedic Sooktams may be beyond our understanding (being in the form of aphorisms); their very resonance of utterance and the vibrations have incredible effects.

There are five Vedic Sooktams called “Pancha Sooktams” that include Purusha Sooktam, VishNu Sooktam, Sree Sooktam, Bhoo Sooktam and NeeLaa Sooktam.



Of these, Bhoo Sooktam deals with the glories of BhoodEvi.

We commence with a few Mantrams contained in “Bhoo Sooktam”


“bhoomir bhoomnaa dhyouvariNaa antariksham mahitvaa/

upasthE tE dEvyaditE agnimannaaddh dhyaayatE//” 1

Though “Bhoomi” is popularly believed to refer to this earth, this mantram avers that “BhoodEvi” is the presiding deity (adhishTaana dEvatai) of the terrestrial, atmospheric and celestial worlds as well - all of which give delight to all souls. The mantra appeals to her to grant us not only all these mundane delights but also the ultimate joy of eternal bliss in “mOksham”


“ aayangou prasni rakrameeda sanan maataram punah/

Pitarm cha prayant suvah” 2

The mantra proceeds to describe how Soorya (Sun god) does circumambulation of mother earth and holds within him the universal father, Sriman NarayaNa. In other words, Sri NarayaNa shines from the centre of the Soorya maNDala (Savitru manDala Madhya varthee sarasijaasana sannivishTah) and imparts brilliance to all shining entities.

“na tatra sooryO bhaati, na chandra Taarakam,

na imaa vidhyutO bhaanti kutOyam agnih/

TamEva bhaantam anubhaati sarvam,

tasya bhaasaa sarvam idam vibhaati”//

This mantra emphasizes that even though the love to father is great the respect for mother should be greater still. Is it not the duty of the son to circumambulate the mother?


“Om. Dhanurdharaayai vidmahE, sarva siddhyai cha Dheemahi /

tannO dharaa prachOdayaat//” 12

This is the “Gaayatri Mantra” of Bhoo Devi.

Oh! Mother! Holding a bow (dhanus) in your hand, you bestow all that one aspires for. You are the supporter of all living beings and insentient objects.


We prostrate at your feet. Please ignite our thoughts (Jnaana yogam) and actions (karma yOgam) in the right direction and help us to attain the feet of the Lord”




This StOtram has 33 SlOKas and deals with how the Lord in Varaaha Avataara rescued Bhoo DEvi from the depths of the Ocean where she was hidden by HiraNyaakshan. When she was being rescued, the Lord instructed her on the way for Jivatmas to attain Him. She requested him to instruct on the “easy way” (laghu upaaya) for Jivas to reach Him:

”aham sishyaa cha daasi cha bhaktaa cha tvayi maadhava!

Math kritE sarva bhootaanaam laghu upaayam vada prabhO”


Accordingly, what He advised her came to be known as “Varaaha PuraaNa”.

In order to spread the message to the suffering humanity, she incarnated as Andal and in she revealed the truths through two thought provoking songs (Tiruppavai and Nachiyaar Tirumozhi) reflecting her bridal mysticism.


In Bhoo Sthuti, Swami Desika brings out several aspects of the glory of Bhoo Devi. We will savor a few sentiments expressed by Swami Desika.

“sarvam sahEti avaniir iti achalEti maatah

viswambharEti vipulEti vasundarEti /

anyaani cha naya vimukhani abhidaana vrityaa

naamaani amooni kathayanti tava anubhaavam // 6


Mother Earth is known by several names.

- She is “sarvam Saha” because she tolerates ALL the faults of devotees

- She is “Avani” because she protects the world (ava = protect)

- She is “Achalaa” because she is firm and determined in such protection

- She is “Viswambhara” because she bears and supports the worlds

- She is “vipulaa” because her glory is immeasurable

- She is “Vasundara” because her wealth is immeasurable

- Similarly, she has several other names like- “ananthaa” Dharitree”, “Prithvee” etc. each name revealing a special quality uniquely her own.


bhootEshu yat tvam abhimaana visEsha paatram

pOsham tadEva bhajathi iti vibhaavayantah /

bhootam prabhoota guNa panchakam aadhyam yEtat

praayO nidarsana tayaa prati paadayanti // 12


The whole creation is made up of five elements called Pancha bhootas.

They are Ether (Aakaasa), Air (Vaayu), Fire (TEjas), Water (appu) and Earth (Prithvi). By the process of “PancheekaraNam” the Lord creates the Universe by combining these elements in different formulations. Ether is experienced as Sound (Sabda), Air as Touch (Sparsa) combining, Fire as Color and shape (Roopa), Water as flavor (Rasa) and Earth as Smell (Gandha). Each element is said to have its own quality in predominance plus the quality or qualities of the earlier ones. By this, it is clear that earth has all the five elements in it. That is why earth is called “Prapancham” How does the earth get this distinction? It is because of the grace of its presiding deity who is none other than Bhoo Devi”, says Swami Desika.


Why did BhoodEvi get caught and hidden under the depth of the Ocean?

Swami answers:

Though being omnipotent as her Lord, and therefore she could have saved herself from the clutches of HiraNyaakshan, she acted as if she was helpless and needed her Lord to come and save her. Swami says that this is all just acting to serve a dual purpose of bringing out the concern (Tvara) of the Lord for the fallen (SaraNaaagatha rakshaNam)on the one hand and the assurance to the fallen souls that if they surrender at the feet of the Lord they will be assured of salvation.

Aaswaasanaaya jagataam purushE parasmin

Aapanna rakshaNa dasaamabhinEtu kaamaE/

Antar hitE tara guNaadabalaa svabhaavaath

oudanvatE payasi majjanam abhyanaisheeh:// 14



Swami Desika says that the sins committed and being committed by Chetanas every moment of their life could be obviated only by suffering the effects thereof for over millions of years. When such an effect takes a heavy toll on the Chetanas, then and then only they regret having committed such enormous amount of sins. But, it becomes too late to mend or neutralize their effects. Right in time, BhoodEvi intervenes and out of her innate compassion transforms Lord’s anger into Lord’s grace to “Save Our Souls”.

“pratyEkam abda niyutairapi durvyapOhaat

praaptE vipaaka samayE janita anutaapaath /

nitya aparaadha nivahas chaki tasya jantOh

gantum mukunda charaNou saraNam kshamE tvam // 28



Swami Desika gives us the Dhyaana SlOkam of Bhoo dEvi before concluding his Bhoo Sthuti thus:

Bhoomi piraaTTi places her lotus feet on the right palm of Varaahap perumaaL. His left palm is like the great AdhisEsha. Bhoomi Devi reclines on this bed. When her cheeks come into contact with His cheeks, they get horripilation. This makes her eyes blossom. May this Bhoomi piraaTTi grant me all auspiciousness at all times.

“patur dakshiNa paaNi pankaja puTE vinyasta paadaambujaa

Vaamam pannaga saarva bhouma sadrusam paryankayantee bhujam /

pOtra sparsa lasat kapOla phalakaa pullaaravindEskshaNaa

saa mE pushyatu mangaLaani anudinam sarvaaNi sarvam sahaa // 3 2 ========================================================

To Continue : Godha Sthuthi


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