Guest guest Posted January 27, 2008 Report Share Posted January 27, 2008 SrI: SrimatE Raamaanujaaya Namaha // SrimatE Nigamaanta Mahaa Desikaaya Namaha // SrIman! SrI Ranga Sriyam anupadravam anudhinam Samvardhaya/ SrIman! SrI Ranga Sriyam anupadravam anudhinam Samvardhaya// KAvEri VardhathAm kAlE, kAlE varshathu vAsava: / SrI RanganAthO jayathu Sri Ranga Sri cha VardhathAm// ===================================================================== SRI RANGA SRI VOL.09 / ISSUE # 18 dated 27th January 2008 ===================================================================== IN THIS ISSUE: 1. YUDDHA KHAANDAM PART - 8 (SRIMAD RAMAYANAM DISCOURSES IN THE HINDU TEMPLE OF ATLANTA by SRI ANBIL RAMASWAMY SWAMI) 2. TAATPARYA RATNAVALI - SUBMISSION 48- SLOKAM 19 -PART 1 (SRI N. KRISHNAMACHARAIAR SWAMI OF CHICAGO) ===================================================================== ISSUES RELEASED With this issue, about 281 Regular issues of SRS have been released so far, apart from numerous " Special Issues " as indicated below: 27 Issues of Vol. 1 15 Issues of Vol. 2 42 Issues of Vol. 3 35 Issues of Vol. 4 28 Issues of Vol. 5 30 Issues of Vol. 6 50 Issues of Vol. 7 and 36 Issues of Vol. 8 18 Issues of Vol. 9(including this) --- You may view the archives at maintained By Sri Srinivasan Sriram We strongly urge you to kindly peruse the " Regular Issues " archived in the Files Section and view the Contents at srsindex.html (Not the individual postings allowed for encouraging " Reader participation " ). We are sure that you will be convinced of the quality of the contents. IF you are satisfied with the quality and contents of " Sri Ranga Sri " - Tell your friends to join by sending an email to Srirangasri- IF NOT: Tell us, as to how we may improve. Ever at your service Moderator " Sri Ranga Sri " ===================================================================== xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ===================================================================== 1. " YUDDHA KHAANDAM " PART - 8 OF SRIMAD RAMAYANAM (ANBIL RAMASWAMY) -- 38. RAMA BREAKS RAVANA'S CROWN When all his warriors were killed one by one, Ravana himself came on the scene accompanied by some of his chiefs. He looked like Rudra. {MaitraayaNi Upanishad says that the Taamasa guNa of Rudra took its shape in the form of Ravana. This confirms the fact that Rudra is the presiding God of Asuras} Rama wanted VibheeshaNa to identify them. He did so pointing to Indra-jit, Athi-kaaya, Pisaacha, Tri-siras, Nara-antaka, and finally LankEswaran narrating in the kinds of warfare in which each one of them had expertise. Ravana was an adept in appearing as if he was going to use one kind of weapon, aim another and shoot with yet another. Hanumaan saw Ravana heading towards LakshmaNa and pounced on him and hit him hard with his fist. Anyone in that position would have fallen dead by that hit. Hanumaan expressed his shame on seeing Ravana being still alive after receiving his hit. A short while after, he saw Ravana giving a fight to Neela. Hanumaan told that due to the rules of warfare one should not attack a person while fighting with another person. So, Hanumaan told Ravana that he spared him. Ravana shot " AgnEya Astra " against Neela. Neela fell unconscious. Ravana now aimed at LakshmaNa. LakshmaNa broke his bow. Ravana used all his 20 hands and hit LakshmaNa with " Sakti " weapon. Now, LakshmaNa fell unconscious. He tried to lift LakshmaNa with his 20 hands but he could not even move a muscle. But, Hanumaan was able to lift LakshmaNa and he took him to the side of Rama. Rama was terribly angry, got on the back of Hanumaan and struck Ravana with Rama- baaNa. The bow slipped from Ravana's hand. Rama cut off the crown of Ravana. Ravana was totally exhausted having lost all his weapons. Rama took pity on him and told him to go back to Lanka and come the next day fully armed. (59) Says Kamban: Inru pOi pOrkku naaLai vaa ena nalginan (Mudar pOr-puri paTalam 1212) 39. RAVANA RETURNS EMPTY HANDED Ravana returned to Lanka crestfallen and with empty hands humbled beyond recognition by Rama's prowess as much as by Rama's magnanimity. Ravana lost in the battlefield everything- the chest bearing the signs of goring sustained from the tusks of elephants, the hands that shook the Kailaasa Mountain, the tongues that spoke to Sage Naarada, the ten heads, the sword granted by Lord Sankara along with his proverbial valor. Kamban says: vaaraNam poruda maarbum varaiyinai eDutha thOLum naarada muniovarkku yErppa nayam paTa uraitha naavum Taar aNi mouLi pathum sankaran koDutha vaaLum Veeramum kaLathE pOTTu verum kaiyODu meeNDu pOnaan (Kmbhakarna vadaip PaTalam 1213) 40. RAVANA REMINISCES Ravana literally trembled with fear scared of " Rama-baaNam " chasing him. He felt ashamed at his defeat at the hands of a mere human being. He remembered - - Brahma's words at the time of grant of boons that he would have no fears from anyone except human beings. - When he killed an Ikshvaaku king, AnaraNaya, he gave a dying declaration that Ravana would be destroyed by one of Ikshvaaku descendents and Rama was one such. - When he tried to rape vEdavati, she cursed that she would be responsible for his death. " Could it be that this vEdavati had now come in the form of Sita? " he wondered. - When Ravana lifted Kailasa Mountain, Paarvati (who was with Lord Siva) suddenly was seized with fear and cursed that because he disturbed their privacy, he would meet with his fate through a woman. - VaruNa's daughter " Punjiskalai " an apsaras, had also cursed him once that he would meet with his fate at the hands of a woman (Teertheeyam) Most of these are chronicled in Uttara khaaNDam of Vaalmiki Ramayanam. dasoham Anbil Ramaswamy (To be continued) ===================================================================== xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ===================================================================== 3.TAATPARYA RATNAVALI - SUBMISSION 48 - SLOKAM 19 -PART 1 (SRI N. KRISHNAMACHARAIAR SWAMI OF CHICAGO) --- --------- tAtparya ratnAvaLi - Submission 48, Slokam 19 Part 1, tiruvAimozhi 1.8 - pASurams 1.8.1, 1.8.2. Slokam 19 (gist of tiruvAimozhi 1.8): sUrINAm svaira sevye (1.8.1) svayam avatarati (1.8.2) kshudra divyaika netre (1.8.3) gopAdyartham dhRtAdrau (1.8.4) Srita-tanu-rasike (1.8.5) vAmanI-bhAva-dRSye (1.8.6) | sat-citta-ananya-vRttau (1.8.7) vibhava-sama-tanau (1.8.8) svAyudhArUDha-haste (1.8.9) nIcocca grAhya-pAde (1.8.10) nirupadhimRjutAm (1.8) nIra varNe jagAda || svAmi deSikan captures the message of this tiruvAimozhi ODum puL through the words nirupadhimRjutAm One who is sincere in his associations with His devotees (nirupadhi means without any conceit; Rju one who is honest in his dealings, straightforward. Favorable.). Another term that has been used by svAmi deSikan to describe the gist of this tiruvAimozhi is Arjavam, which is also the term that has been used almost unanimously by all pUrvAcArya-s. svAmi deSikan has used this word in dramiDopanishad sAram - suSIlam svArAdham sarasabhajanam svArjava guNam to indicate the gist of this tiruvAimozhi. Arjavam means consistency of behavior between thought, word and deed. When applied to bhagavAn, an example given is that when He moves with His devotee at the devotees' level (sauSIlyam), He does this not only at the external level, but He also simultaneously does not even have the feeling that He is moving with a person at a very low level. SrI PBA gives the example of Lord rAma's response to SUrpaNakhA when she asks Him who He is. rAma could have just given her a brief reply without wasting time to explain to her who He is, but instead, He gives her a detailed and honest reply about who He is etc. vAlmIki uses the word Rju buddhitayA with honesty, truthfulness, to describe how rAma responds to her: Rju buddhitayA sarvam AkhyAtum upacakrame. The word Rju has been used by AlavandAr in stotra ratnam (18) as one of the guNa-s of bhagavAn. svAmi deSikan explains the term Rjuh in stotra ratna vyAkhyAnam as ASriteshu mano-vAk-kAya vRttInAm eka rUpatayA kautilya rahitah | etena viSvasanIyatvam vyajyate - bhagAavAn's disposition in thought, word and deed are consistent with each other in His disposition towards His devotees. This shows that He can be completely relied on in whatgever He says. These are illustrated by bhagavAn's life in His incarnations. svAmi deSikan gives references to SrImad rAmAyaNam: apyaham jIvitam jahyAm tvAm vA sIte sa-lakshmaNAm| na tu pratij~nAm samSrutya brAhmaNebhyo viSeshatah (AraNya. 10.19) I can bring Myself to live without you, my beloved SitA, and without laksmaNan as well; but I cannot live with a broken promise; dyauh patet pRthivI SIryet himavAn SakalI bhavet | Sushyet toya nidhih kRshNe! na me mogham vaco bhavet | - Oh draupadI! The Earth may fall from its orbit; The land may shatter; the himAlayA mountain may break into pieces; the seas may become dry without water; but My words will not be untrue. A lot of discussion and research are presented by vyAkhyAna-kartA-s on the meaning of the word Arjavam as used here, and SrI UV has given a very detailed discussion on this topic in his tiruvAimozhi vyAkhyAnam. A brief list of the different interpretations of the message of this tiruvAimozhi by different AcArya-s is given below, without discussion: - ARAyirap paDi ASrita vAtsalyamAgiRa mahA guNattai uLLa paDiyE pESiRRu it-tiruvAimozhi Extreme affection towards the devotee truly as bhagavAn displays it, is revealed in this tiruvAimozhi. - SrImad tirukkuDandai ANDavan ippattu guNangaLAl avanuDaiya Arjava guNam (aiSvaryam) Sollap paTTadu Through the ten guNa-s sung in the 10 pASuram-s of this tiruvAimozhi, bhagavAn's Arjava guNam (aiSvaryam Supreme Lordship) is sung in this tiruvAimozhi. - 36-Ayirap paDi trividha cetanarODum parimARum iDattil avargaL tan ninaivilE varum paDi paNNugai anRikkE, tannai avrgaLukku IDAga amaittup parimARum ennum av-vazhiyAlE ivanuDaiya Arjava guNam SollugiRAr. BhagavAn's Arjava guNam is revealed in this tiruvAimozhi, by His bringing Himself to the level of the devotee rather than trying to get the devotee to His level. - periyavAccAn piLLai RjuvAnavan (Rju one who is honest in his dealings, straightforward. Favorable.) - VenkaTeSAcArya emperumAniDattilE nirupAdhikamAna Arjavattai upapAdittu aruLinAr BhagavAn's disposition to the devotee is one of utmost sincere association with the devotee at the level of the devotee (utmost sauSIlyam not only in deed, but in thought as well.) - PBA Arjavam RjuvAi irukkum tanmai. Mano vAk kAyam (thought, word and deed) all in unison. - R. Rangachari - He is ever truthful, this His gracious nature undeviating. pASuram 1.8.1: ODum puL ERic cUDum taN tuzhAi, nIDu ninRavai, ADum ammAnE. ammAn puL ERi ODum; taN tuzhAi SUDum; nIDu ninRa avai ADum - My Lord will climb on His GaruDan and hurry to different places; He will decorate Himself with the tender and fragrant tulasI garlands; He will move intimately with the nitya sUri-s as they wish. garuDan and tulasI are referred to in this pASuram as examples of nitya sUri-s with whom bgagavAn moves freely as they wish. If garuDan wants to perform kainkaryam by carrying bhagavAn, He immediately gets on garuDan and goes somewhere or the other. He creates some excuse to ride on garuDan, and fulfils his wish to perform kainkaryam as he wishes. Similarly, when tulasI wishes to decorate bhagavAn's tirumEni, He immediately wears the tulaSi garlands on Himself. nIDu ninRa avai refers to the eternal nitya sUri-s. BhagavAn dances to the tunes of the nitya sUri-s, to make each one of them them happy as they wish (ADum ammAn). svAmi deSikan conveys the gist of this pASuram through the words sUrINAm svaira sevye He who makes Himself available for worship as desired by each nitya sUri without any constraint (svaira following one's own wish or fancy; unrestrained). SrI venkaTeSAcArya explains this as vainateyar mudalAna nitya sUrikaLAlE yatheshTa sevyanumAi He makes Himself available for kainkaryam by nitya sUri-s such as garuDan as they wish. pASuram 1.8.2: ammAnAip pinnum em mANbum AnAn vem mA vAi kINDa SemmA kaNNanE. ammAnAi vem mA vAi kINDa SemmA kaNNan, pinnum em mANbum AnAn This Lord of mine not only intermingles with nitya sUri-s without distinction, but also takes incarnations in leelA vibhUti in such forms as the beautiful broad lotus-colored red-eyed kaNNan, to destroy the likes of the evil keSi who came in the form of a horse, and at the same time to move intimately and without distinction with the people of this world (another demonstration of His Arjavam). His aiSvaryam expressed in His many incarnations is sung here. svAmi deSikan conveys the gist of this pASuram through the words svayam avatarati. He takes incarnations Himself, in which He is not born like us who are born because of karma, but with His aiSvaryam completely undiminished, and through His own free will, for the protection of dharma and for the destruction of evil. In these incarnations, He moves with the devotees of this world with Arjavam, at their level without distinction. SrI PBA comments that through incarnations such as the kRshNa incarnation where He destroyed the asura in the form of a horse by tearing open his mouth, bhagavAn reveals His Rjutvam in His incarnations. SrI tirukuDandai ANDavan notes that His beauty in His incarnations in more notable than in His nitya vibhUti sa u SreyAn bhavati jAyamAnah Regards dAsan kRshNamAcAryan (To be continued) ===================================================================== xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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