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WAVES -2008, Vedic conference is scheduled at Orlando during June 27-29,2008

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The WAVES -2008, Vedic conference is scheduled at Orlando during June


the details are avaialble at the url: www.wavesinternational.net

he same is placed below.

Please take a look at the same and participate..


BVK Sastry


World Association for Vedic Studies (WAVES), Inc.

(A Multidisciplinary Academic

Society - Tax Exempt in USA)

Seventh International Conference

Theme: Vedic heritage for Global Welfare of Next Generation

June 27 – 29, 2008

Venue: University of Central Florida, Orlando, Florida,




Deadline For receiving abstracts : Feb 28, 2008

(Letters of Acceptance if needed may please be asked specifically)

Deadline For full length papers: Mar . 30, 2008

(Without full –final papers and confirmed participation, allotting

the timeslots in the conference program may be difficult.)

About the Conference

Suggested Themes –Topics Guidelines

Submission Procedure Details for UPLOADING

Abstracts-PAPERS Conference Sponsors: World Association for

Vedic Studies




About the Conference: The Conference aims at bringing together

persons having academic interest in diverse areas of Indian Studies.

These will include scholars, academics, authors, writers,

journalists, media-persons, artists, etc., and of course the common

man interested in past, present and future of Indian / Vedic Studies.

The Conference is sponsored by WAVES .


Call for Papers: Papers, Panel Presentations, Research presentations,

Poster sessions, Workshop sessions, Forum discussions, exhibit

displays and such related activities in tune with the conference

theme are welcome from all persons /institutions engaged/interested

in studying in any field of Vedic/ Sanskrit/ Indian/ Asian /Religious

studies. The word `Vedic' is used in a wide sense to include, not

only Vedas, but all different areas of religions, history,

philosophies, practices and cultures of past, present traditions and

people based on Vedas.

The conference theme can be addressed critically, reflectively, and

creatively from interdisciplinary perspectives. Papers on any aspect

of Indian studies as related to the conference theme may be

submitted. Deliberations will include perspectives of vedic studies

from the platforms of : Religion, Philosophy, Hindu Identity, ritual,

Temple programs, Spirituality, Archaeology, Anthropology, History &

Social Sciences, Sanskrit and Indic Language, Literature &

Linguistics; Vedic Science & Technology, Documentation of Vedic

traditions, Vedic Mathematics, traditional study of Vedas,

Upanishads, upavedas and vedangas, Smirities, Puranas; Epics –

Ramayana & Mahabharat, Gita in relation to Vedas; Vedic commentaries,

Vedic manuscripts and printing, Contemporary Works and Issues in

Dharma – Shastras, Ethics & Rituals; Agriculture, Plant Science &

Ecology; Inter-Religious Dialogue; Veda and Health care, Yoga; Vedas

as inspirational models for best practices in modern Business,

Economics & Administration. The proceedings are planned for

publishing. Therefore, you are requested to send an electronic copy

of your completed paper at the earliest. The presentations are

required to be in Power Point format. Direct reading of papers is

strongly discouraged. This list is illustrative and not exhaustive.

We welcome your participation and suggestions. The suggested topics

indicated in the table below is for general guidance.


The program includes plenary addresses, volunteered papers, invited

papers, and panel discussions and public lectures.


There will be Poster sessions, special sessions focused on Vedic

sciences and research, youth committee presentations, Hindu temples

presentations, Non-roman script Digital technologies for web

representation and online education of Vedic studies, Audio-visual

exhibits, Practical Vedic religious performances and learning

workshop, exhibits and book-shops are other interesting parts of the



Participants who are members of professional associations or

societies are encouraged to submit proposals for holding meetings /

workshops in the conference on behalf of their



Please submit the abstract /full paper as per the guideline below

before the deadline. If you have any questions, please send a mail

at the following address: sairam or sastry.bvk


& #61613; TOP



Suggested Themes –Topics Guidelines: The following are highlighted

themes suggested for deliberation and paper /panel submission. The

list is only indicative and not exhaustive.


Theme 1: What constitutes and qualifies for the classification as

Vedic heritage

- What constitutes Vedic heritage ? Oral – Scripted? How do we

validate the text of traditions?

- What is the role of Vedangas in preservation and propagation of

Vedic heritage?

- Tradition of Vedic heritage transmission, Gurukulas

- Tradition of Vedangas heritage transmission

- Tradition of Upaveda heritage transmission

- Veda – yoga – Tantra, Ayurveda interrelations in heritage


- Vedic languages- a study

- Vedic manuscripts, scripting and printing traditions of Veda /


Theme 2:What is the scope of Vedic Global Welfare- How to deliver it

in current period? How to validate the same?

- Deployment of Veda Upaveda, Vedanga for global welfare of health,

protection, wealth, harmony, peace.

- Role of temples and religious institutions

- Vedic Brahmins, priests and Yogis as deliverers of Vedic welfare

- Monks and orders of renunciation – authorities on Vedic guidance

- Mimaamsaa - the traditional `yajna' discipline of Vedic ritual

- Historical practices and cultural practices of welfare connected

with Veda

-Vedic Philosophies

-Vedic scholars of past, present and future

Theme 3:Transmission of Veda and modes of delivering Veda /Vedic

welfare for Next Generation

- How is the next generation reckoned in Vedas- concepts of vamsha,

kula, gotra, rishi parampara, sampradaya

- How does the next generation receive the continuity of text,

traditions and practices of veda?

- Moving from limited schema of varna-ashrama vedic beneficiaries to

a global society.

- Digital technologies and Vedic texts – Vedic digital library

- Health and Veda- Validation paradigms and models, Spiritual health

parameters compared to physical health parameters

- How should the next generation learn Vedas – Models of instruction

as IE linguistics –Aryan history model or Traditional model ?

- Vedic education references and resources building


& #61613; TOP


Submission Procedure-Details for UPLOADING Abstracts-PAPERS:

The submission of abstracts / papers currently is through the Google

groups called: WAVES-HU-2008. (It is a possibility that we may come

up with a simpler direct submission / upload system; please bear with

us. (This Web Group model upload is followed due to the ease of

access to the Google Browser world wide and ready features for

documents with web compatibility offered by the Google tools.)

If you are NOT having a Google / GMail ID Go to Home page of

Google at www.google.com Choose GROUPS. (Some times, the GROUPS tab

may be under the MORE Tab). Search for WAVES-HU-2008 and reach the

home page of the group and follow the steps to join the group.

Alternatively you can follow this link or copy this to your browser

search bar and reach the home page of the group.



Follow the link for JOIN THE GROUP. You may be asked to sign

in for the Google Mail account.

Alternatively, you may send a mail to sastry.bvk

asking for an invitation to join the group. On receipt and acceptance

of the invitation, you can access the features for uploading the

submissions at the group.

Once you have access to the group, you can use the tools

there for uploading the files of abstract / full papers/

presentations. (You may try the Google documents features to create

your presentations!)

If you are currently having a GMail ID Sign in to your Gmail /Google

account. Use the tab of GROUPS and follow the procedure for joining

the group as above.

Alternatively, you may send a mail to sastry.bvk asking for

an invitation to join the group. On receipt and acceptance of the

invitation, you can access the features for uploading the submissions

at the group.

IF you are Member of Google Groups /WAVES-HU-2008 Log in to

your group. Choose the upload file procedure using FILES OPTION under

HOME (right top corner of the Group home page).

IF you plan to create a presentation using Google Documents (as a

power point/Word /PDF document) you can do this easily on Google

using the available tools. This solves several of the difficulties of

web compatibility of the abstracts submitted, software issues,

images, fonts and the like.

For help on fonts with diacritical marks, non-roman script fonts and

symbols – the suggestion is to use your native editor (Word or any

software you prefer; copy and paste it in to the web browser

interface of Google document page. By using Unicode compatible fonts

and saving the Google document as a PDF format, several difficulties

of display can be easily addressed.

& #61613; TOP

World Association for Vedic Studies: known by its acronyms `WAVES' is

a multidisciplinary academic society with members of different

religions, often of different scholarly views and varied interests.

It welcomes persons engaged/interested in studying in any field of

Vedic/ Indian studies. The word `Vedic' is used in a wide sense to

include, not only Vedas, but all different areas as well as past,

present and future of traditions and people based on Vedas.

Other six conferences held before were: " Int'l Conference on

Revisiting Indus - Saraswati Civilization & Ancient India " , Atlanta

(GA), October 4-6, 1996, " International Conference on New

Perspectives on Vedic & Ancient Indian Civilization " , Los Angeles

(CA), August 7-9, 1998, " International Conference on Contemporary

Views on Indian Civilization " , Stevens Institute of Technology,

Hoboken, (NJ), July 28-30, 2000, " India's Contributions and

Influences in the World " , University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth (MA)

July 12-14, 2002. " India's Intellectual Traditions In Contemporary

Global Context " , July 9– 11, 2004, University of MD, Washington, DC

area. " Vedic Ideas for Global Harmony and Peace in the Modern

Context " , July 8-10, 2006, University of Houston, Houston, Texas.


These conferences, in the past, were attended by persons from

Australia, Austria, Bali (Indonesia), Belgium, Canada, Caribbean,

China, Germany, India, Japan, Mexico, Nepal, Netherlands, UK, and

USA, etc.

WAVES conferences in the eleven years have always been a meeting

point of all like minded and concerned persons, individual scholars,

researchers and researching /teaching institutions, dedicatedly

deliberating on Vedic studies.

WAVES-2008 conference is scheduled for three days. The deliberations

in the conference cover a total of sixteen invited lectures and

around 150 paper presentation sessions /poster presentations around

the conference theme.

Poster sessions, special sessions focused on Vedic sciences and

research, youth committee presentations, Hindu temples presentations,

Non-roman script Digital technologies for web representation and

online education of Vedic studies, Audio-visual exhibits, Practical

Vedic religious performances and learning workshop, exhibits and book-

shops are other interesting parts of the conference.



& #61613; TOP






World Association For Vedic Studies, Inc.

Seventh International Conference on

" Vedic Heritage for Global Welfare of Next Generation

June 27 – 29, 2008


University of Central Florida, Olando, Florida, USA


Registration Form


Name: ……………….…………………….………………..………….


(Middle) (Last)

Address: …………………………………………………………..….


Tel: 1 ……………….. Tel: 2 ……....…………….

E-mail: ……………………………………………..

Please tick any of the following: I will:

• Present a paper: - Title of the Paper..

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. … ….

(Send an abstract to bsingh and sastry.bvk




• Persons (names/addresses attached) will be accompanying me /

may be contacted for the conference.

Travel Information: (This information may be sent later, when travel

plans are finalized):

Arrival Information:


Date:………………………Airline/Flight No……………………………………

Airport………………………………………………….Time of Arrival……………………………

Departure Information:


Date:………………………Airline/Flight No……………………………………

Airport………………………………………………….Time of Arrival……………………………

Registration Fee: (In US dollars):

Single: $175 discounted to $150 if registered before May 30, 2008

(This fee includes one year membership.)

Two in family: $300 discounted to $250 if registered before May 30,


(This fee includes one year membership.)

For invited Speakers: A Registration charge is $125 per person.

Student: $50

One day: $100.00 (Day's breakfast, souvenir, dinner included.)


For persons not registering for the conference:

Banquet: $50, Cultural Program: $25, Breakfast $5, Lunch $15.

Note: Full registration charges will include: Conference material, 3

breakfasts and 3 lunches (on June 27, 28, 29), 2 dinner (on June

27 , 28) Banquet, cultural program.

Amount Enclosed: Send all payments, in US dollars, payable on a bank

in USA, in the name of `World Assn. For Vedic Studies' to the

Treasurer, Mr. Dhirendra A Shah, 780 Ullswater Cove, Alpharetta, GA

30022, USA, (770)664-8779; Fax (770)664-8780; siaram.

Accommodation: You can contact Holiday Inn UCF/Orlando East (1-407-

275-9000) for reservation of rooms. They have offered a special rates

of ($40+ tax/night, for two persons) for the people attending the

WAVES conference. You must do the reservation before June 12, 2006 to

get this rate. Access Code for booking will be informed soon. Some

University Dormitory may be available at economical rates. More

details will be provided soon. Participants are free to make their

own arrangements. (Details would be given Later)

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