Guest guest Posted April 2, 2008 Report Share Posted April 2, 2008 SrI: SrimatE Raamaanujaaya Namaha // SrimatE Nigamaanta Mahaa Desikaaya Namaha // SrIman! SrI Ranga Sriyam anupadravam anudhinam Samvardhaya/ SrIman! SrI Ranga Sriyam anupadravam anudhinam Samvardhaya// KAvEri VardhathAm kAlE, kAlE varshathu vAsava: / SrI RanganAthO jayathu Sri Ranga Sri cha VardhathAm// ===================================================================== SRI RANGA SRI VOL.09 / ISSUE # 23 dated 2nd April 2008 ===================================================================== IN THIS ISSUE: 1. YUDDHA KHAANDAM PART - 13 (SRIMAD RAMAYANAM DISCOURSES IN THE HINDU TEMPLE OF ATLANTA by SRI ANBIL RAMASWAMY SWAMI) 2. TAATPARYA RATNAVALI - SUBMISSION 53- SLOKAM 20- Part 3 (SRI N. KRISHNAMACHARAIAR SWAMI OF CHICAGO) ===================================================================== ISSUES RELEASED With this issue, about 286 Regular issues of SRS have been released so far, apart from numerous " Special Issues " as indicated below: 27 Issues of Vol. 1 15 Issues of Vol. 2 42 Issues of Vol. 3 35 Issues of Vol. 4 28 Issues of Vol. 5 30 Issues of Vol. 6 50 Issues of Vol. 7 and 36 Issues of Vol. 8 23 Issues of Vol. 9 (including this) --- You may view the archives at maintained By Sri Srinivasan Sriram We strongly urge you to kindly peruse the " Regular Issues " archived in the Files Section and view the Contents at srsindex.html (Not the individual postings allowed for encouraging " Reader participation " ). We are sure that you will be convinced of the quality of the contents. IF you are satisfied with the quality and contents of " Sri Ranga Sri " - Tell your friends to join by sending an email to Srirangasri- IF NOT: Tell us, as to how we may improve. Ever at your service Moderator " Sri Ranga Sri " ===================================================================== xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx ===================================================================== 1. " YUDDHA KHAANDAM " PART - 13 OF SRIMAD RAMAYANAM (ANBIL RAMASWAMY) -- 63. RAMA MEETS WITH DASARATHA Dasaratha descended from the high Heavens and appeared before Rama. He narrated how he learned about all the happenings from the time of his casting off his mortal coils to the moment of his meeting with Rama now. Rama requested him that he should not be unhappy with KaikEyi and Bharata anymore since they were instrumental in the fulfillment of his " Avataara kaaryam " . Dasaratha agreed and went back to Indra lOkam (122). 64. THE CELESTIALS BLESS RAMA The celestials descended from the Heavens and praised Rama as God but he replied " I regard myself as a mere human being. I am Rama, the son of Dasaratha " (120). Indra blessed that all the monkeys that had died fighting on behalf of Rama would be back alive (123). 65. VIBHEESHANA'S REQUEST TO HONOR RAMA Rama declined VibheesahaNa's request to stay in Lanka as he was anxious to go back and meet with Bharata who would be awaiting his arrival at AyOdhya and if he delayed his return, Bharata might immolate himself. (124) 66. ON THE BOARD OF PUSHPAKA VIMAANAM As desired by Vaanaras and Raakshasas, Rama asked all of them to board the " Pushpaka Vimaanam " to go back to AyOdhya (125). On the way, Rama showed Sita all the places he had traversed in searching for her(126). 67. SOJOURN AT BHARADWAAJA ASHRAMAM On completion of 14 years of exile, they arrived at the Ashramam of Sage Bhara-dwaaja on Chitrai month Panchami Tithi and offered their obeisance to the sage. The Sage gave a hefty feast to Rama's entourage. Rama sent Hanumaan to convey the news of his arrival to Bharata. Just at that moment, Bharata had completed his 3rd Pra- dakshNam of the fire and was about to jump into the fire when Hanumaan arrived at the nick of time and conveyed the good news (128). Hanumaan narrated all that happened, how Rama killed Ravana in war and retrieved Sita. He told Bharata that Rama was in Bharadwaaja Ashramam and was expected to arrive any moment. Rama did arrive on time. On the ShashTi day, he entered Nandigraamam, removing his matted hairs. It was a family reunion of all the four brothers who were overwhelmed with joy of reunion (129, 130). 68. RAMA PROSTRATES FIRST TO KAIKEYI Rama prostrated first to KaikEyi first even before his Guru, his mother Kousalya and Sumitra - thus indicating his gratitude to her for facilitating the successful completion of his " Avataara Kaaryam " namely " Ravana Samhaaram " But for her sending him to the forest this would not have been possible! Kamban: kaikayan tanai yai mundhak kaal urap paNithu matrai Moi kuzhal iruvar taaLum muramaiyin vaNangu sekaNN Aiyanai malargaL taamum anbura thazhuvi thum thum Seiyya taamaraik kaNeeraal manjana thozhilum seidaar (Meetchi PaTalam 4217) 69. SRI RAMA ACCEPTS BHARATA'S REQUEST Rama sent back Pushpaka Vimaanam to KubEra and waited outside at Nandigramam because he wished to enter AyOdhya only after securing the permission of Bharata, the virtual ruler. Bharata came running and with his palms cupped up over his head in supplication, welcomed Rama and requested him to take over the kingdom saying - " How could a small and weak calf (himself) drag a heavy vehicle that could be drawn only by a mighty bull (Rama)? - How could the walk of a donkey (himself) be compared with the majestic trot of a royal equine (Rama)? - How can the lowly crow (himself) be compared with the grace of the beautiful swan (Rama)? - Our father did intense yaagas, begot you after 60, 000 years and doted on your succeeding him on the throne. Make his wish come true " . Rama accepted Bharata's request. 70. ARRANGEMENTS FOR CORONATION Satrughna arranged for the ceremonial shaving for the four brothers, had them take holy bath and decorate them with fragrant garlands etc. Sumantra brought the chariot drawn by high bred horses. They boarded the chariot along with Sugreeva, VibheeshaNa and Hanumaan. As desired by Satrughna, Sugreeva deputed four monkey heroes to all the four directions to bring holy waters from 500 rivers flowing in different parts of the country. SushENa, Rishaba, Gavaya and NaLa brought waters from the Oceans on the East, South, West and North respectively. All arrived right on time as the Sun rose in the East. dasoham Anbil Ramaswamy (To be continued) ===================================================================== xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx ===================================================================== 2.TAATPARYA RATNAVALI - SUBMISSION 53 - SLOKAM 20 -PART 3 (SRI N. KRISHNAMACHARAIAR SWAMI OF CHICAGO) --- --------- SrImate ra'nga rAmAnuja mahA deSikAya namaH. tAtparya ratnAvaLi - Submission 53, Slokam 20 Part 3, tiruvAimozhi 1.9, pASuram-s 1.9.6 to 1.9.8. • pASuram 1.9.6: mAyan en ne'njil uLLAn maRRum yavarkkum ahdE kAyamum Seevanum tAnE kAlum eriyum avanE SEyan aNiyan yavarkkum Sindaikkum gocaram allan tUyan tuyakkan mayakkan ennuDait tOLiNaiyAnE. ennuDait tOLiNaiyAnE - He got on to my shoulders, just as He is seated on His garuDan. He who is both my body and my soul, He who is Himself the five great elements - air, fire, etc., He who is readily accessible to the devotee and at the same time beyond the remotest comprehension of the non-devotee, He who is bent upon being together with those who have surrendered to Him and therefore has made my mind long after Him - He has now occupied my two shoulders. Has this happened to anyone else? svAmi deSikan captures AzhvAr's anubhavam of bhagavad samSlesham - union with emperumAn, in this pASuram through the words 'bhuja Sikhara gatam' - He has climbed on to the top of my shoulders - enneDait tOLiNaiyAnE - as He is seated on garuDan. Just as we want to have physical contact with the object of our liking, bhagavAn is having physical contact with His devotee whom He likes immensel.y. tUyan - He who does not have any other objective except to be united with His devotee; tuyakkan - He who keeps always stirring up the mind of the devotee by showing His kalyANa guNa-s; mayakkan - He who mesmerizes the devotee through happiness of thoughts of Him. mAyan - He who is full of wondrous acts such as these; mAyan en ne'njin uLLAn - He who is on my chest; ennuDait tOLiNaiyAnE - has now climbed on to my shoulders; maRRum yavarkkum ahdE - AzhvAr exclaims: Has anyone else had this wonderful union with emperumAn! • pASuram 1.9.7: tOLiNai mElum nan mArbin mElum SuDar muDi mElum tALiNai mElum punainda taNNan tuzhAi uDai ammAn kELiNai onRum ilAdAn kiLarum SuDar oLi mUrti nAL aNaindu onRum agalAn ennuDai nAvil uLAnE. ennuDai nAvil uLAnE - He is in my tongue - bhagavAn who wears the cool and fragrant tulasI garlands on His broad shoulders, on His vaksha sthalam - chest, on His head and on His feet, has no equal to Him in any sense, and has the tirumEni that radiates incomparable effulgence, will never leave me once He has mingled with me, and is permanently seated in my tongue. svAmi deSikan describes the gist of this pASuram with the words 'tALu simhAsanastham' - He who is seated on my tongue as His simhAsanam. tALu means jaw or tongue. SrI UV notes that the meaning is like that of 'cAru jihvAsanastham' - cAru - beautiful, jihvA - tongue, Asanastham - seated. The word 'Asana' indicates that He is physically seated; it does not refer to His being the antaryAmi of vAk or speech, which is true in also. Here it means that bhagavAn tok a seat in the tongue that sings His praise superbly. His physical presence is what is sung here - bhagavAn is aghaTita ghaTanA sAmarthyan. He is seated with tirut-tuzhAi - tulasi decorating His broad shoulders, His chest, His head and His Feet - shoulders with which He embraces AzhvAr, chest on which pirATTi who makes Him embrace the devotee is seated (in Her role of purushakArattvam), on His crown which shows His Seshittvam or Lordship over all, and on His feet where the devotee surrenders and which reinforces His supreme Lordship. This order is also as if a hero garlands his weapons first, then his wife, then himself, and then the servant is given the garland. BhagavAn decorates Himself with the tulasI garlands as AzhvAr sings of Him, and is seated in his tongue now, with the determination that He won't be separated from AzhvAr. Just as the nAyakan decorates himself attractively when he comes to see his nAyaki, bhagavAn is enhancing Hin natural beauty with tulasI garlands decorating all parts of His tirumEni and comes to AzhvAr. SrI PBA comments that since AzhvAr keeps repeatedly referring to 'taNNam tuzhAi' when he sings about perumAL in tiruviruttam, He decided to come to AzhvAr fully decorated with taNNam tuzhAi. • pASuram 1.9.8: nAvinUL ninRu malarum j~nAnak kalaigaLukkellAm Aviyum Akkaiyum tAnE aLippODu azhippavan tAnE pUviyal nal taDam tOLan poru paDai Azhi Sa'ngEndum kAvi nan mEni kamalak kaNNan en kaNNil uLAnE. en kaNNil uLAnE - He has now occupied my eyes - the same emperumAn who is the body and soul - words as well as their meanings - of all the arts that originate in the tongue, is both the origin and destruction of all of these, is soft like the gentle flowers, has the four broad shoulders that bear the conch and the discus, has the beautiful dark-complexioned tirumEni, and has the beautiful lotus-like reddish eyes, is now seated inside my eyes. svAmi deSikan describes AzhvAr's samSlesha anubhavam - experience of union with bhagavAn, with the words ' cakshur-madhye nivishTam' - He who is seated in the center of the eye (nivishTa - seated, encamped). SrI UV notes that BhagavAn is seated inside AzhvAr's delicate eyes with a soft tirumEni, with all His weapons etc. SrI UV stresses that the meaning here is NOT that bhagavAn is SEEN by AzhvAr with his eyes - He is physically seated in AzhvAr's eyes - another level of physical union with His devotee, and this He does because there is nothing that He cannot do. ARAyirappaDi vyAkhyAnam is " en kaNNukkuLLE pugundu aruLinAn " - He blessed me by entering my eyes. SrImad tirukkuDandai ANDavan says in his word- for-word meaning for this pASuram - 'ennuDaiya cakshussukkuLLE pugundAn' - He entered into my eyes; cakshur- vishayamAnAn ennavumAm " . Thus, both interpretations are given: 'He entered my eyes', and 'He became the object of my eyes'. Regards dAsan kRshNamAcAryan (To be continued) ===================================================================== xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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