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SrI Lakshmi Sahasram : An overview of SrI Lakshmi Sahasram: Part 2

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SrI PadmAvathi SamEta SrinivAsa

ParaBrahmaNae Nama:


SrImatE HayagrIvAya nama:


SrImatE RaamAnujAya nama:


SrImatE NigamAnta MahA DesikAya nama :


SrI VenaktAdhvari SvAminE nama:



The First staBakam : PrArambha staBakam ( 29 slOkams)


The first three slOkams of this staBakam is about Vakshasthala LaksmikAntan , SrI SrinivAsa ParaBrahaman and His divine consort at ThirucchAnUr ( Vakshasthala Lakshmi) .


From the fourth slOkam and onwards , SrI VenkatAdhvari offers his salutations to his AchArya Paramparai , Aadhi Kavi Valmeeki , Sage ParASara, the author of SrI VishNu purAnam extolling PirAtti's kalyAna guNams ( slOkam 6) and Swami Desikan , the first kavi , who composed thousand slokams of salutation on one divine object , the Lord's Paadhukai (SlOkam 7) . His special reverence for Swamy Desikan is glimpsed from the reverential salutation : " Kudhrushti sarpa Garuda: , trayyanatha vidhyA guru: , SrImAn VenkatanAtha Desika MaNi: srEyAmsi bhUyAmsi na: " .NigamAntha MahA Desikan is addressed here as the terrifying Garudan for the serpents (kudhrushti matha Vaadhins) and as SrImAn as well as VenaktanAtha Desika MaNi :


In the remaining slOkams , Sri VenkadAdhvari Kavi reminds MahA Lakshmi about his incompetence in attempting the offer of 1000 slOkams to eulogize Her and apologizes to Her about his bravado (saahasam) . The Kavi observes: " If VedAntha Desikan succeded in creating easily 1000 slOkams about Your Lord's PadhukA in less than three hours , it is not a matter of wonder . He is after all the incarnation of Lord HayagrIvan ; I am only a man of meager intellect and on top of it a dumb one . You have however chosen me and entered into me to create this stuti about You .This is indeed a matter of great surprise ( sLokam 23 ) .


In SlOkam 18 of this first staBakam , Sri VenkatAdhvari compares his poor efforts to tackle the mighty subject of saluting the anantha kalyANa GuNa Vaibhavams of PirAtti . He identifies his efforts to that of a tiny mosquito trying to dry up the vast ocean by drinking it all . The famous and mighty agni known as BadavAmukhAgni does succeed in its efforts to control the levels of seas by evaporating their waters . Compared to that power of that special agni , the poet says his effort is like of a haughty mosquito undertaking an impossible task (slOkam 18) .

SrI Lakshmi Sahasram commencing with PrArambha staBakam has 29 slOkams . This stOtram is about ThirucchAnUr ThAyAr , SrI PadmAvati , the divine consort of the Lord of Seven Hills . Let us invoke the blessings of SrI PadmAvati ThAyAr thru the first verse of the first staBakam :


LakshmI charaNa-rAjeeva lAkshA-lakshitha vakshasE

viSva-sargAdhi-leelAya VenkaDa ParaBrahmaNE nama:


The first staBakam is linkable to the first slOkam of Sri Stuti by Swamy Desikan ( ManAteeta

prathitavibhavAm MangaLam MangalAnAm--- SrEyO Moortim SriyamaSaranastvAm SaraNyAm PrapadhyE ) .


2. PrAthurbhAva staBakam ( 23 slOkams )


The second staBakam is linked to the second slOkam of Swamy Desikan's SrI stuti ( AvirbhAva:

kalaSa jaladhAvadvarE vaapi yasyA: ------- stOka prajn~air-anavadhi guNA stUyasE Saa katham Thvam ? ) .


This staBakam deals with the AvirbhAvam ( appearance) of PirAtti from the milky ocean as the Lord churned that ocean . Many auspicous and inauspicous entities came out of that effort to churn for amrutham ( nectar ) to help Indhran regain the riches he lost due to the curse of sage DhurvASa .


The dEvAs recieved minor gifts that arose from the churning such as Kalpaka vruksham , chintAmaNi gem , Apsaras , IrAvadham ( elephant) , Ucchaisravas ( horse) , the nectar et al. The dEvAs were very satisfied with all these Isvaryams . The clever Lord , who was behind all these efforts got the very best among the many kinds of wealth that arose out of the milky ocean (viz)., MahA Lakshmi Herself . In the svyamvaram on the banks of the Milky Ocean , MahA Lakshmi chose the Lord as Her husband .The amruta mathanam and PirAtti's AvirbhAvam are covered in this chapter .


3. VakshasTalAvasthAna staBakam ( 26 slOkams )



This staBakam has 26 slOkams . It is linked to the third slOkam of SrI Stuti ( stOtavyatvam diSati bhavathee dEhibhi: stUyamAnA --- Tava caraNayO: kasya na syAt ? ) .


Important VaishNava tatvams like AkAra trayam of MahA Lakshmi and Her staying on Her Lord's chest

forever are saluted in this staBakam . The poet points out that She stays on the Lord's chest so that She can stay close to His heart and reduce the anger of the Lord over the cEtanams' transgression of Her Lord's commands ( slOkam 6) . The poet also states that great sinners like us can not be protected without Her presence on the Lord's chest in an uninterrupted manner ( anapAyini tatvam of slOkam25).


4. KaaruNya staBakam ( 23 slOkams )


This staBakam is linked to the Fourth slOkam of SrI stuti ( YatsankalpAd bhavati KamalE----). This chapter celebrates the KaaruNya guNam of SrI Devi. Her benevolent compassion ( Dayaa GuNam) has been eulogized by Swamy Desikan thru 100 slOkams in Dayaa satakam . The poet says that she is the indweller of the Lord's heart and KaaruNyam in turn is the indweller of Her heart ( slOkam 15).


5. KaDAksha staBakam ( 43 slOkams)


In this staBakam linked to the 5th slOkam of SrI Stuti ( nishpratyUha praNaya-gaditam dEvi nityAnapAyam ----) , the power of the glances of MahA Lakshmi is dscribed . It is concluded that

those who are beneficiaries of having the glances of Devi fall on them are the winners of all srEyas and sampath. Many pramANams are quoted in the slOkams of the staBakam to prove this fact.


6. (Pra)yatna staBakam ( 43 slOkams)


Efforts ( pryatnams) are a defenite must to attain anything in life. Our Lord is no exception to this truism . The many efforts made by our Lord to attain MahA Lakshmi are described here with illustrations from the various purANams and ithihAsams .


7. MangaLAkhya staBakam ( 13 slOkams )


sAstrAs recognize Her sacred feet as the source of all MangaLams . The glories of those who have taken refuge at Her auspicious feet is saluted by the poet in this staBakam that is linked to the seventh slOkam of SrI stuti ( Pasyantheeshu Srutishu parita: sooriBrundhEna sArdham---) .


8. Soundharya staBakam ( 235 slOkams )


This is the staBakam with the largest cluster of slOkams . Here , the poet describes joyously the divine beauty of every limb of MahA :Lakshmi . Sri VenkatAdhvari's genius as a poet is beautifully displayed here .


9. SrungAra staBakam ( 50 slOkams )


The srungAra leelais of the dhivya dampathis are described here in a manner not attempted by BhAshyakArar ,KurESar, ParAsara Battar or Swamy DeSikan in their stOtrams on MahA Lakshmi.


10. Isvarya staBakam ( 19 slOkams)


Following the dictats of Saastram , the poet establishes that MahA Lakshmi possesses power , wealth and other four guNams in a measure equal to BhagavAn and hence is saluted as Bhagavaty ( ShADguNya ParipoorNai) . Inspite of this , thru Her own choice , She has chosen to be subservient to Her Lord .


11. KshAnti staBakam ( 30 slOkams)


MahA Lakshmi's infinite patience with us who trespass Her Lord's commands forever is the subject of this staBakam . As the abode of the guNam of Kshamaa/KshAnti , She listens to our soulful cries and pleads with Her Lord on behalf of us all .


12. Utsava staBakam ( 50 slOkmas )


The utsava vaibhavams of ThirucchAnUr PirAtti are described . Inside the garbha gruham at ThirucchAnUr , there is the archA of BhOga SrinivAsar . In all the utsavams involving Veethi PuRappAdu , Only PadmAvati ThAyAr steps out . At Thirumala , Ubhaya NaacchiyArs accompany Their Lord .


13. VadhAnya staBakam (20 SlOkam)


VadhAnya means One who gives without let all one desires as boons and more . PirAtti is truly a VadhAnya tilakam . Her oudhAryam is legendary .This staBakam deals with that oudhAryam.


14 . Yamaka staBakam ( 61 slOkams)


The poet is rightfully known as Yamaka slEsha chakravarty . He uses his abundant skills in creating slOkams with many kinds of Yamakams such as PaadhAnta Yamakam , Paadha madyama yamakam , PaadhAdhi Yamakam , anulOma-prathilOma gathi yamakam and MahA yamakam . The use of the same word with different meanings inside the same slOkam is known as Yamakam . slEsham means the use of a word with double meaning .


A classic example of the use of Yamakam is seen in slOkam 60 of this staBakam:


ThvAm gathim jananee yaccha vaibhavee

mA nayAamitarasA mahO dayA

mAnayAmi tarasAmahOdayA



15. Nakshatra MaalA staBakam (28 slOkams )


There are 27 nakshatrams starting from Asvini . There is no poet who has attempted a stuti of this kind , where the names of each of these nakshtrams are included and , where the first 13 slOkams have meters that increase sequentially ( the number of letters) , reach the biggest size in the 14th slOkam and then decrease step by step until the 27th slOkam . An unusual garland of stars created in this manner is presented to MahA Lakshmi by the poet .


16. (Vi)chitra charitra staBakam ( 12 slOkams )


The astonishigly wonderous ( vichitram) stories ( charitrams) of MahA Lakshmi is saluted here . In the very first slOkam itself , the poet salutes th vichitra caritrams :


Pavithram PadhmanAbhasya kaLatram tat punAtu na:

vichitram trishulOkEshu caritram Yasya geeyatE


17. Naama Vaibhava staBakam ( 42 slOkams)


The glories of the sacred names of MahA Lakshmi are eulogized here. The 100th ebook of Sundara Simham gives an annotated commentary on the individual slOkams of this 17th Chapter:



18. DhAma Vaibhavam (40 slOkams)


This chapter deals with the Vaibhavam of PirAtti's three places of residence : (1) The Milky Ocean (2) The Lotus flower and (3) Her permanent residence of the Lord's chest . This chapter

is linked traditionally with the 18th slOkam of SrI Stuti ( Ureekarthum kuSalamakhilam--- ).


19. Abhaya PradhAna ( Abheeti ) staBakam ( 30 slOkams)


PirAtti's supermacy in removing the fears of Her devotees is celebrated here . Abhayam extends all the way to the granting of Moksham to remove the fear of samsAram .


20. DevatAntara ParisankhyA staBakam ( 30 slOkams)


In this chapter , the poet uses the parisankhyA vidhi of MeemAmsakAs to establish the fruitlessness of worshipping dEvatAntarams for various kinds of boons including Moksham . ParisankhyA means evaluation of many arguments and settling down on the correct answer to a question that fits with sAstrams . Various rules of alankAra sAstrams are used to establish

the supermacy of PirAtti over all other dEvathAs ( Indhran , Vaayu , Nava grahams , Sivan , BrahmA et al).


21. DaSAvatAra staBakam ( 36 slOkams )


The poet points out that the Lord's roopam during the ten main avatArams would have been fruitless for the people but for the accompaniment of PirAtti in a befitting roopam ( anuroopam) to accompany Him . SlOkam 1 of this staBakam celebrates this tatvam:


daSasvapyavatErushu dEvO tatroopasamplavAth

sAdhayamAsa kaaryANi satAm , Tasyai Sriyai nama:


22. Chitra staBakam ( 58 slOkams)


This being a Mahaa Kaavyam , Sri VenkatAdhvari engages in the creation and display of many chitra Bandhams . Besides the traditional Bandhams used by other poets , SrI VenkatAdhvari employed some rare chitra Bandhams like ashta daLa Bandham to salute the Ashta Lakshmis .


23. SankeerNa staBakam ( 30 slOkams)


In this staBakam , the Kavi discusses all aspects of MahA Lakshmi's auspicious attributes . In a beautiful slOkam , the poet pays tribute to the many guNams of PirAtti :


soundharyasaya nidhi: , mudhAm udhaybhU: , sampatthi manjUshikA

kAntheenAm nilaya: , kalAjalanidhi: , kshAntErniSAntasthalee

dAkshiNyasya SaraNyasadhama , KamalE ! dhAtrutvaviSrAntibhU:

AasthAni yaSasAm , prabhAasi satrushAm , Aadhyasya pumSO dhanam


(Meaning) : She is the treasure of Beauty ( soundharyasya nidhi: ) ; abode of bliss ( mudhAm udhayabhU:) , the jewelery case for all wealth ( sampatthi manjUshikA ) ; the house for all effulgence ( KaantheenAm nilaya: ) ; ocean for all kalais ( kalAjalanidhi: ) ; the resting place for forbearance ( kshAnthirniSAnta sthalee ) . She is in the state of recieving the AaSrithALs and accepting their saraNAgati . She is the water shed for all those who are thirsty . She is the Supreme wealth for Her Lord .


24. NirvEdha staBakam ( 12 slOkams )


After gaining Tatva Jn~Anam , one develops nirvEdham ( sorrow over the days lost chasing ephemeral pleasures ). One develops further nithyAnithya vasthu vivEkam . The Jeevan cries over the opportunities lost in performing AarAdhanam for PirAtti . The four steps before

SaraNAgati are : vivEkam , nirvEdham , virakti and bheetaya: as per Swamy Desikan . In this chapter , the poet expresses his remorse over times wasted .The poet begs PirAtti to chase away all his apachArams .


25. SaraNAgati ( Phala) staBakam ( 18 slOkams)


In this concluding chapter of Lakshmi Sahasram , Sri VenkatAdhvari is joyous over his bhAgyam to have performed SaraNAgati to PirAtti as UpAyam and upEyam . He thanks Her for Her grace . The poet concludes this stOtram on Her by reflecting on the anugraha visEsham of his ancestors , AchArya RaamAnuja and Swamy Desikan that enabled him to be the object of grace by PirAtti to complete this MahA Kaavyam .


An agramaNi MaalA made up of the first slOkam of the 25 staBakams is sacrd to recite as nityAnusandhAnam to recieve the ParipoorNa anugraham of MahA Lakshmi . adiyEn will cover it in one of the future postings .


NamO SrI VenkatAdhvari SwainE Nama:

Daasan , Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri Sadagopan










Daasan , Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri Sadagopan



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