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Part IX of SrI VedAntha DesikOthsava MaalikA by Sriamd PillaipAkkam Azhagiya Singar , 37th Pattam PeetAdhipathi of SrI Matam .

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Dear Swami Desika BhakthAs:


SlOkams 35 to 38 describe the blissful dOlOtsava anubhavams of Srimad PiLLaipAkkam Azhagiyasingar .He enjoyed the dolais for Lord DEvanAthan,SrI Raghuveeran ,

SrI HemAbhjavalli and Swamy Desikan on the VidAyERRi day following our AchAryan's JanmOtsavam at Thiruvayindhai .


SlOkam 35: PerumAL dOlai


SwAmin kim DevanAtha Srutisikhara-gurOm viSramArthOtsavAjn~A


Jn~AyAaajn~AdharaNAm tadhabhimukhamihatvam tupArSvEna SEshE


yEtajjanmOtsavAdhyai: svavihita- navarAtrOtsava SrAnti SAntyai:


SayyAntEnAchAryamAna: PhaNipathi-thvam SayANOasi kim vaa ?


(Meaning): Srimad Azhagiya Singar asks Lord DevanAthan why He has decided to enjoy dOlOtsavam at the conclusion of the JanmOtsavam of His son . He asks: Oh Lord ! were You requested by

AdhiSEshan to rest on him to recover from the fatigue arising from the nine day utsavam participation ? Is it because the ghOshti that organized the nine day festival appealed to You to take part in the VidAyERRu Dolai festival ? Is it because you wish to encourage the Jn~Anis by paying attention to them and resting on behalf of them and by turning partially towards them to communicate with them ? Please share with us your reason to bless us with Your dOlOtsavam.

SlOkam 36: SrI Raaman dOlai


gadhyEnadhyastuvAnE Srutisikhara-gurau VeeraraghveeSamEnam


bhUyO rakshOvadhEcchum karadhruta-dhanusham bhUshaNai-bhUshitAngam


dhrushDvA bhUyO na: prayata ithi tamm



svam roopam gUhayan sann upari-Saramayam varshamasyAstruNeetE


(Meaning): Today , Sri Raamachandran is enjoying the Dolai . Swamy Desikan eulogized Him with his Raghuveera Gadhyam. Sri Raamachandran holds in His hand the bow , which makes one wonder whether He is going to engage in dushta nigraham . MeganAthan ( Indhra jith ) saw the Lord with His bow and arrow and wondered whether the Lord is intent on destroying him once again.He hides himself as at Nikumbalai with a torrent of arrows as a screen.

The inspiration for this poetic intreprtation came to Srimad Azhagiya Singar from the huge flower garlands that almost hide the Lord from being seen clearly .It is well known that the pushpa alankArams at Thiruayindhai by the archakAs are legendary .Srimad Azhagiya singar is referring to it and is connecting it to the ithihAsam times and the fight between Raghuveeran and the mighty warrior , Indhrajith , who was destroyed by Lord Raamachandran in the battle between them .


SlOkam 37: ThAyAr DolOtsavam


HemAbhjaishAatmajam tamm gurumudhaya mahacchrAnti SAntyai nijAngam


ratnougair-bhUshayanti mrudhuhasita



prEma prasvinna vAchAmadhurarasa-muchA hE suta tvanmaneeshAm


sarvAm sArthikarishyAmyahamiti kathayatyadhya dOlAdhirooDA


(meaning): Sri HemAbhjavally is the Mother of the NigamAntha Guru.She wanted to create great Saanthi for Her talented son . She dressed Herself with all kinds of jewelery and with Her loving words and gentle smile promised to make fruitful all the efforts undertaken by him ( hE suta ! thvann-maneeshAm sarvam saartheekarishyAmi Aham ) as She sat on the dOlai ( dOlAdhirooDA) .



SlOkam 38: Desikan's own DolOtsavam


sAkshAth VaikuntanAthO nijasuta-nigamAntArya vEshOdhya dOlA-


rUDa: kim? putra AtmEyavitanigamAdh-bhAti kim tAdhrukArya:


yOayam prAng-moolamantram BahuSa iha japan pAtumaicchat sva sishyAn


tadhbhUmnA vaisha Aaseet parama-padahapatir-druSyatE vAasyaroopam


(Meaning): Swamy Desikan was placed on the swing( dolai) and His bhaktAs thronged to enjoy this sEvai. To them , the enchanting beauty of Swamy Desikan durign this occasion loked like SaakshAth NaarAyaNan Himself had left Sri Vaikuntam and incarnated as Desikan to bless them with that unforgettable dOlai sEvai( SaakshAt VaikuntanAthO nija suta nigamAntArya vEshOdhya dOlArooDa : kim ? ). They wondered whether the Lord as the father was enacting the Sruti Vaakyam to keep it true:" AatmA putra-NaamAvaLi".The beauty of Swamy Desikan during dOlai sEvai as the swing comes closer and moves away is like the waves of beauty ( soundharya lahari) striking one's senses anew each time. SishyAs wonder whether the immaculate lustre of Swamy Desikan is tied to the huge avrutthi ( recitation/Japam) of Moola Mantram on their behalf by their compassionate AchAryan to protect them ( prAng moola mantram BhahuSa iha japan paatumaicchat sva sishyAn) from sins .


SlOkam 39: Utsava Jaya PrArthanai


sOayam vEdhavadhamsasoori vibhavam



bhAdhrE mAsi VikArigEapi vividhA-

AchAryAnubhUtO mayA


yEvam tu prativatsaram PhaNipatE: puryAm mitha: tE hitai:


dampatyOrdayayA Bhudhai: suvinatAm

jyOgEsha jEjeeyatAm


(Meaning): Here , Srimad Azhagiya Singar acknowledges that He enjoyed the JanmOtsavam of Swamy Desikan with many AchAryAs and sishyAs during that VikAri PurattAsi .He prays to the dhivya dampatis of Thiruvayindhai to bless this visEsha utsavam to be celebrated with pomp and circumstance every year by the scholars and sishyAs

of Swamy Desikan at Their dhivya dEsam ( yEvam tu Prativatsaram PhaNipatE: puryAm mitha: tE hitai:) .Srimad Azhagiya Singar seeks the krupai of the divine couple to bless the scholars to conduct this utsavam in the future in the most traditional manner ( DampatyOr-dayayA Bhudhai: suvinatAm jyOgEsha jEjeeyatAm ) .



SlOkam 40: sEvai of the Lord & AchAryan

and their loftiness




pratyangam PoorNaSObhAsubhaga-tanum ThvAm muhu: prEkshyamANa:


bhaktyA truptim na lEbhE nayanayugam-iti prAha yassaisha sUri:


tasyAngatvapyahaksham svayam-anubhavitApyatra truptim na lEbhE


(Meaning): Swamy Desikan enjoyed Lord DevanAthan's soundaryam and KalyANa guNams immensely and recorded his anubhavam in Sri DevanAyaka PanchAsat and Sri Achyuta satakam.He is an expert in enjoying the insatiable beauty of the Lord limb by limb (Pratyangam poorNaSObhA subha-tanum ThvAm muhu: prEkshyamANa:). He could never be satisfied to the fullest extent in enjoying the Lord's dhivya MangaLa vigraham and dhivyAtma guNams ( bhaktyA truptim na lEbhE nayanayugam ithi prAha) . Srimad Azhagiya Singar points out that the anubhavam of the beauty of Swamy Desikan's limbs ( anga soundaryam) and vaibhavam was at a par with the anubhavam of the beauty of the Lord Himself . Both experiences are insatiable .


SlOkam 41: LOrd's MukhachandraN


SwAmin susthiraSObhamAnanamidham

chandram vijEtum prayAt


tasya sveeya lalADa dhAmni tilakac-chAyAm niSam


jittvA hrAsavivruddhidhUshita mimam

hAsam muhurdarsayan


dhAsasya sthiramAtanOtu hrudhayE

vAsam pravAsEapi mE


(Meaning): Here is a prayer of Srimad Azhagiya Singar to Swamy Desikan. He says : " Swamin ! Lord DevanAthan started on His journey to conquer the Moon . With the lustre of the tilakam on His forehead , He conquered both the night in which the Moon shines and

his ( Moon's) dhOshams of waxing and waning with the brilliance of His Mukha chandra maNDalam .May that unparalleled beauty associated with the Mukha chandran of Lord DevanAthan stay permanently in this dhAsan's mind ,wherever adiyEn would happen to be ! ( DhAsasya sthiramAtanOtu hrudhayE vAsam pravAsEapi mE).Please grant me this boon !


SlOkam 42: Thirumukha TilakankaLs


dEvAchAryamaNee imou nijamukhE




HemABhjayA snigdhayA


dhigdham phAlatalE suneelatilaka vyAjam mashee BindhukAm


BhibhrANE sudhruSAm gaNairanukalA-

lOkapi na trAsyata:


(Meaning): Both Lord DEvanAthan and His son had the beauty that would conquer one hundred crore chandrans .

HemAbhjavalli was afraid of any evil eye falling on Her husband and son .She decorated them with an anjanam ( magical coleyrium) over the blue tilakam on their foreheads to

hide their beauty and thus ward off any inauspicious event that might happen , when so many beautiful groups of women see Her dear husband and son .


SlOkam 43: MangaLam to Thiruayindhai


bhavatu bavya maheendhranagaryai

nigamayugma payOnidhidharyai:


vidhitavEdaSirOgurudhuryai: ushita-dhAmajushE susaparyai:


(Meaning): This is a MangaLAsAsanam for the dhivya dEsam of Thiruayindhai

by Srimad Azhagiya singar as a resullt of his elation over the Anandha anubhavam of enjoying Swamy Desikan's

JanmOtsavam there . He prays: May this Dhivya dEsam of Aheendhrapuram adorning the twin oceans of Ubhaya VedAntham and which was praised by

Swamy Desikan and chosen as His

preferred place of residence be revered well always !


SlOkam 44: Subham to Thiruvayindhai


saishA PhaNipatinagaree bhUshA bhUmEssamudraparikhAyA:


Seshaadhitheertha pushDA ghOshairAmnAyugalajairjeeyatAm


(Meaning): For this Earth having the great ocean as a surrounding moat , the dhivya dEsam of Aheendhrapuram is like a precious AabharaNam. It has sacred

theerthams like Sesha Theertham . May this dhivya dEsam thrive forever with the ghOsham of Vedams !


SlOkam 45: Lord's ThirukkArthikai dheepa utsavam


kArtikayA poorNimAyAm PhaNipati-nagaree nAtha yEsha svabhrutyai:





dhaNDam savyEna dhOshNA dhrutavati

bhajatAm bheetimanyEna dhOshNA


rakshAmudhrENa sadhyOcchrita-vimatakaSADaNDajidhujjahAra


(Meaning): On this VikAri Kaarthikai PourNimA day , Lord DevanAthan was worshipped by His KaimakryaparALs

with many dheepams. He adorned a lot of jewels and had a daNdam on His left hand during this day's AarAdhanam. He bore the RakshA mudhrai on the otherhand to remove the fears of His Bhaktha kOtis.He chases away the darkness caused by ParamatavAdhins quickly with His JyOthirmaya savroopam.


After the PurattAsi JanmOthsavam and

conclusion of the ChAturmAsyam , Srimad Azhagiya Singar must have returned in Kaarthikai month to Thiruvaheendhrapuram for the KruttikA dheepam festival and composed this last slOkam of His DesikOtsava Ratna MaalikA and placed it at the lotus feet of the Dhivya dampathis and Swamy Desikan .


Srimad VedamArga PratishtApanAchArya Paramahamsa ParivrAjakAchArya Sarvatantra SvatantrObhaya-VedAntAchArya Srimad Bhagavad RaamAnuja siddhAnta nirdhAraNa Saarvabhouma SrIVaNN

SaThakOpa SrI VeerarAghava SathakOpa Yatheendhra MahA Desika

SrI Sookti " Srimadhaheendhra nagara SrI VedAnta Desika MahOtsava MaalikA" sampoorNam.


Subhamastu ! Sarva MangaLAni santu !


Srimad Azhagiya Singar Thiruvadi ,

Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri Sadagopan















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