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SrI Jayanthi day Special Release Announcement - 15th eBook in SrI HayagrIvan series - Sri Leela Sukar's Krishna Karnamrutham Volume 3

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Dear KrishNa PrEmis around the world :


Yesterday was Sri VaikhAnasa KrishNa Jayanti/JanmAshtamai. Today is Munitraya KrishNa Jayanthi and tomorrow is Sri PaancharAtra or Koil Sri Jayanti . This extended celebrations according to different sampradhAyams gives us the opportunity to celebrate the avatAram and LeelAs of

Sri KrishNa without worrying about the complex issues related to the tithi nirNayam for

determining the exact day for celebrating SrI Jayanti . Let us reflect on the Srimad Bhaagavata Slokams describing the time at which the ParipoorNa avatAram of our Lord took place and the appearnace of this divine BrundhAvana chara Jayanti sambhavan :


atha sarvaguNOpEta: kaala: ParamaSObhana:yahyOrvAjanajanmarksham SaantarshagruhatArakam(1)


diSa: prasEdhurgaganam nirmalODugaNOdhayam

mahee mangaLabhUishThapuragrAmavrajAkaraa(2)


nadhya: prasanna salilA hradhA jalaruhaSriya:

dhivajAlikulasamnAdhastaBakA vanarAjaya:(3)


vavou vAyu: sukhasparSa: puNyagandhavaha: Suchi:

agnayaSccha dhvijAtheenAm Saantastatra samindhata(4)


niSeethE tamaudhbhUtE jaayamAnE JanArdhanE

DevakyAm dEvaroopiNyAm VishNu: sarvagruhAsaya:

AavirAseedh yathA prAchyAm diSeendhuriva pushkala:(8)


tamadhbhutam BaalakamamBujEkshaNam

chaturbhujam sankha gadhAryudhAyudham

SrIvatsalakshmam galaSObhikoustubham

peetAmbharam sAndhrapayOdhasoubhagam(9)





virOchamAnam VasudEva eikshata (10)


--Srimad BhAgavatam : 10.3.1-4 ,8-10


(Meaning): " SrI Suka said: Now came the most auspicious and favorable time , when the star RohiNi was in ascendanance and all the other stars were in a beneficient disposition . (1)


Peaceful silence reigned in all the quarters .

The stars shone clear in the sky. All the villages , cowherd settlements and mining quarries saw the dawn of a prosperous era.(2)


The rivers flowed with pellucid water , the tanks were full of lotus blossoms.The woodlands were resonant with the chirping of fluttering birds and the buzzing of the bees from the trees and creepers heavy-laden with flowers. (3)


Soft blew the breeze, dust-free and fragrant

and gently flowed the fires in the sacrificial

hearths of the holy.(4)


At such a time , in the pitch darkness of

the midnight , MahA VishNu , the resident

in the hearts of all, was born of the divinely

beautiful Devaki , like the Full Moon rising on

the eastern horizon .(8)


Lotus-eyed , four armed , sporting the conch ,mace and other weapons; with the luminous Srivatsa mark on the chest and the shining Kaustubha on the neck; wearing a yellow cloth; possessed of the majesty and grace of a heavy rain cloud ; with locks gleaming with the lustre of the diadem and the ear-rings studded with precious stones; bedecked with splenderous ornamaments like bracelets , armlets and waist girdle

--such was the luminous form of

THE UNIQUE CHILD that greeted

VasudevA's vision " ( 9-10)


Translation by Swamy TapasyAnandha,

SrI RaamakrishNa Mutt








SrI HayagrIvan likhita kaimkarya ghOshTi wishes to present now Sri Krishna Karnamrutham Volume 3 as the 15th eBook in SrI HayagrIvan series to celebrate the occassion. This is the final volume of the three part series, translated by Dr. Saroja Ramanujam.


The slokams by SrI Leela Sukhar describes the leelas of SrI Krishna and are

a great treat to be enjoyed. There are many beautiful pictures of SrI Krishna and

His days in VrindAvan to fill one’s heart

along with the beautiful verses.



Volume One of SrI Krishna Karnamrutham is housed in www.ahobilavalli.org And Volume Two can be accessed at: http://www.srihayagrivan.org/html/ebook014.htm



For ease of download Volume 3 has been split into three parts which can be accessed from the links provided below.

KrishNAya tubhyam namaH

Daasan , Oppiliappan Koil Varadachari Sadagopan


The links are as below:




NOTE: Those having difficulty in accessing the books can press CTRL+F5 to clear their cache and reload the page.

For other eBooks and titles please browse:




SrI KrishNArpaNamastu !

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