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Srimad Villivalam Periya Swami( SrI VedAntha VaavadhUka Swami) : Part II

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SrimatE Lakshmi Nrusimha ParabrahmaNE Nama:


SrimatE RaamAnujAya Nama:


SrimatE VedAnta GuuravE Nama:


SrimadhbhyAm Sriranga SaThakOpa SrI VedAnta Desika YathIndhra

Mahaa DesikAbhyAm nama:


SrimatE VedAnta VaavadhUka SrI NarayaNAchArya MahAvidhushE Nama:


SriamatE LakshmI Nrusimha dhivya PaadhukA Sevaka SrIvaNN SaThakOpa

SrI NarayaNa Yatheendhra MahA DesikAya Nama:


SlOkam 1 : Guru Paramparaa Vandhanam


AchAryam prathamam samastajagatAm NaarAyaNam Padhmineem


sEnESam SaThakOpa Naathamuni satpadhmAksha RaamAbhidhAn


Srimad Yaamuna PoorNamiSra-yatirAD SrutyantagurvAdhikAn


Aadhyam vaNN-SaThakOpa soorimatha tatpAramparreem bhAvayE


(Meaning) : Sriman NarayaNan is the First among AchAryAns and His paramparai is followed by SrI Devi , VishvaksEnar, NammAzhwAr , Naatha MunikaL, UyyakkoNDAr , MaNakkAl NambigaL , AaLavantAr , Periya Nambi, Bhagavad RaamAnujar , Vedanta Desikan , Srimad Aadhi VaNN SaThakOpa Yatheendhra MahA Desikan . adiyEn reflects on this sacred Guru Paramparai at the start of creating this kAvyam .


SlOkam 2: Tribute to the Immediate Guru Paramparaa


LakshmInrisimha Sriranga VeeraraghveeSakArijai:


laBdhasatvO Yogivaryai: Bhudha-kavyamihArabhe


AdiyEn who has been the beneficiary of the divine anugraham of Sri Lakshmi-nrisimha SaThakOpa Jeeear ( HH the 41st Pattam ) , Sri Sriranga SaThkOpa ( HH the 42nd Pattam) , Sri Veeraraghava SathakOpa yatheendhra MahA DEsikan( HH the 43rd Pattam) reflect upon their dayaa laden kaDAkshams at the start of this kaavyam .


3. Periya Swamy becoming eligible for the anugraham of Swamy SrI Desikan


paramata bhanga-vyAkhyAm khyAtEr-hEtum vitanya viBhudhEndhra:


SrI NaarAyaNa Soori: SrutyantAchArya veekshitOvyalasat


(Meaning): Sri U.Ve. VidhvAn Villivalam NaarAyaNAchArya Swamy created a bhAshyam for Swamy Desikan's Paramata bhangam and became thus the fit object of the anugraham of SrI MukkUr Azhagiya Singar ( SrI VedAnta Desika Yatheendhra MahA Desikan) .


4. The Matchless generosity of Mukkur Azhagiya Singar , the Patron of Periya Swami


KarNa: karNapatham gata: suratarur-yAtO amarANAm puram


saa dOgdhreecha payasvinee surapatE: lajjAvilAntardadhE


yadh-vEdAnta gurUdhagakArija munE: oudhAryatO nissamAt


riktougAn dhraviNaamBhu-varshaNabarAt AaDyAndrutam tanvata:


(meaning): That Azhagiya Singar , the benefactor of Villivalam Periya Swami is known for His matchless generosity ( oudhAryam) . His inimitable genrosity made poor folks rich very quickly . As a result of His vaibhavam , KarNan the geat benefactor could not be seen any more ; he became an object for the cognition by the ear alone( KarNa patha gata:) . The boon granting KaRpaka Vruksham became shy and hid in the Svarga lOkam . The wish-granting divine Cow , KaamadhEnu also took off for Svarga lOkam and hid there as well .


5. Vandhanam for Sri Matam Guru paramparA at the commencement of the KAvyam


AadhivaNN SaThakOpaadhyAn-ahOBila maThAdhipAn


praNamya prArabhE kaavyam Bhudha-nArAyaNASrayam


(Meaning): adiyEn commenes the Kaavyam on the great scholar , Sri Villivalam NaarAyaNAcchAr Swamy after prostrating before all the simhAsanAdhipatis of SrI AhOBila maTham starting from the Founding Jeeyar , SrI Aadhi VaNN SaThakOpa Jeeyar to prakrutham Azhagiya Singar .


6. The wide spread glory of Periya Swamy among His contemproaries


dheerOdAttam Sama-dhamadhyananta-guNa-jrumbhitam


SrIman-NaarAyaNAchAryam bhuvi kO vEtti nO Bhudha:


(Meaning) : Which of the scholars among His contemproaries did not know about

SrIman NaarAyaNaacchAr Swamy , the abode of multitude of Aatma guNams like control over His senses ( indhriya nigraham) , resolute state of the mind (VairAgyam) , courage, forbearance , and equanimity ?


( This is a rhetorical quetsion , the answer to which is that every one of his contemproaries was respectfully aware of this MahAtmA's vaibhavam .)


7. Consecration of the World by Mahaans with superior Atma GuNams


Jn~AnushtAna vairAgya Saanti-dAntyAdhi-bhUshaNaa:


punanti bhuvnam krutsnam smaraNEnaiva sAdhava:


(Meaning): The mere thought about the Mahaans , who adorn Jn~Anam ,

tranquility VairAgyam and humility as their ornaments , makes this universe purified (cleansed) .


8. Power of Sriman NaarAyaNan


NaarAyaNam namskrutya nAnAgranthaanareerachan


BhadharAyaNa-munyAdhyaa: bhagavad-pAdhasEvakA:


(Meaning): Sages like BhadarAyaNa , who are great servants of Sriman NaarAyaNa

composed many grantams only after prostrating before their Lord , Sriman NaarAyaNa .


9. Superiority of worshipping BhAgavatAs over BhagavAn Himself


HarEs-suvarivasyAta: tadheeyAnAm samarchanaa


nissamAbhyadhikam tOsham dattE bhagavatO HarE:


(Meaning): BhagavAn is immensely pleased , when His bhAgavatAs (tadheeyAs) are worshipped over any worship offered to Him .


10. Ease of Worshipping BhagavatAs over BhagavAn


daveeyasO Bhagavata: parOkshasya samarchanAt


syAt-pratyakshA bhAgavata-varivasyA maheeyasee


(Meaning) : The worship of BhAgaatAs of the Lord directly visible to one is superior to the ArAdhanam of the faraway Lord , who is not visible to the worshipper .


11. KarthA and Kaaryam : The Disconnect


pankAjjAtam kusumam , janair-nahEyam , nadarata: kriyatE


agnEr-jAtA Aapa: nahyUshmANam samudhigarantheeha


(Meaning): People do not dislike lotus and throw it away because it arose from the lowly mud . Similarly , VedAs state that the water vapor arising from Agni does not reveal its heat .


12. The noble ones do not look at the blemishes in KarthA or KaaraNam


tadhvadh ViBhudhO guNadhruk naveekshatE kartrunishTha-dhOshAdheen


kAraNa-kartru-guNAdhyA: sarvE kaaryEshu naiva dhrusyantE


(Meaning) : Those knowledgabale about Aatma GuNams do not find fault with the deficencies in the kaimkaryams of the doers or the reason behind such kaimakryams. Is it n't so that the small jantu ( silk worm) produces the pure silk thread relished by our Lord ?


13. Honey assembled by the Honey bees is enjoyed by rasikAs


srujatE laghurapi jantu: Kshoumam pootam priyam Sriya: patyu:


madhukarasanjitamadhu kim rasikaa naasvadhayanti mOdhEna


(Meaning): BhagavAn as " PootAtmA " is the inner soul of all and is devoid of all sins ( SarvabhUtAntarAtmA apahatapApmA) . He accepts all kaimkaryams without looking into the qualifications of the adhikAri performing that Kaimakryam . Even a small jantu produces easily the silken linen ( Kshoumam) that is enjoyed by Sriya: Pati , Sriman NarAyanan . Is it n't so that the honey assembled by the little insect ( the honey bee) is enjoyed by the rasikAs?


14. MahAn's Forbearance in accepting even the imperfect samarpaNams .


yEvam laghumati-SiSu-Suka-giramiva daasasya jalpamapyEnam


guNyaBhudhasamSritatvAdh-AmOdantAm-asooyayA rahita:


(Meaning): The noble ones with forbearance should accept this daasan's incoherent prattlings just as they would accept the words of immature children and those of the parrot of feeble intellect . They should accept adiyEn's imperfect effort also because the subject matter is about a great scholar and MahAtmaa , Villivalam Periya Swamy.


15. Lord VaradarAjan's special affection for VaidhikAs who reflect on the nectarine upadEsams of AchArya RaamAnujA and Swamy SrI Desikan


KaanchimaNDana PuNyakODi SikharErAjannabheeshtapradha:


SuddhAn-vaidheeka-karmaThAnaviratam bhaktyA svapoojAratAn


nityam LakshmaNa yOgirAja NigamAntAchArya peeyUshavAk-


dhOraNyAmananAt viSuddha-hrudhayAn-AmOdayannEdhatE


(Meaning): Lord VaradarAjan shines inside the bejewelled PuNyakOti vimAnam in the middle of Kaanchipuram . There He recieves devout AarAdhanam from SrI VaishNavAs whose hearts are pure from the reflections on the nectarine upadEsams of AchAryans like RaamAnuja and Swamy Desikan and blesses them for their AchArya Bhakti and nishtai.


( Comments): Lord of Kaanchi taking His abode inside the radiant PuNyakOti VimAnam is Abheeshta Varadhan and grants all the boons that chEtanams seek from Him . He looks with great affection at the anushtAtAs engaged in Vaidhika karmAs like Yaagams and Yaj~nams and perform nityArAdhanam for Him without let . He celebrates the mellow mind set of these BhagavathAs with hearts purified by their repeated reflections on the parama paavana upadEsams of AchArya RaamAnujA and Swamy

Desikan .


16. ParamaikAnti Brahmavidhs and Satyavrata KshEtram


tat-prAntE-SatayOjanaanicha-parivyApyAstikai: SrOtriyai:


Brahmajn~ai: HarimantarEtarasuram nO chintayadhibardhivjai:


SreegrAmEshu SubhaSruti krama-ganaadhyadhyEtru keerAdhishu


preetyA HastigireeSvarO vitanutE Satyavratatvam Subham


(Meaning and comments ): In and around Kaanchipuram for hundreds of yojAnAs ( units of mile) live the ParamaikAnti Brahmavidhs in many sacred SrI GrAmams ( agrahArams) who recite Veda SaakhAs in the kramam and Ganam modes like the parrots reciting effortlessly on command . Their Vedic adhyayanams focus on the Satyam - Jn~Anam and Anantam aspects of the Parabrahmam at Kaanchi . The Lord of Kaanchi is immensely pleased with these ParamaikAntis and makes His kshEtram shine even more with the meaningful name of Satyavrata KshEtram .


17. PazhavEri Sri GrAmam near Kaanchi


astyagrahAra: viBhudhAbhinandhya: PurANagandhAkara nAmadhEya:


yannAma lOkE prathitam BhudhEndhrai: sacchOttriyai: sAtvikakarmaThaSccha


(Meaning): Near Kaanchi , the Satyavrata KshEtram , is the SrI GrAmam with the name of PazhavEri ( one with ancient fragrance) , which is saluted by the scholars. Its vaibhavam arises from the residents , who are sAtvikAs and experts in reciting Veda SaakhAs in many modes as well as practioners of nitya karmAs and Yaaga-Yajn~ams .


18. The SrI Gramam of Villivalam ( BhilvAraNyam) near PazhavEri


tadhantikE Suddha suvrutta-SeetaLa-svabhAba-muktAnibha satvaSAlibhi:


RamAsakhArchA-niratai: sabhAjitO vibhAti VillivalavidhvadhAsthiti:


(Meaning): Near PazhavEri agrahAram is another agrahAram populated by great Vedic scholars known for their sattva guNams . They are pure like jaathi pearls and are celebrated by bhakthAs and BhAgavathAs .


19. The ParamaikAnthis of Villivalam and their greatness


sadhAchAraSeelA: SrutiprOktakarmasvanushThAnanishThA: HarErEva bhakthA:


vinA tamm na chAnyAnsurAdheen smaranta: mumukshApradhAnA: ParaikAntinastE


(Meaning): The residents of Villivalam are known for their SadAchAram and nitya-

anushtAnam of VedOkta KarmAs . They worship only Sriman NaarAyaNan and will not go anywhere near other dhaivams for any thing . They are exemplary ParamaikAntis , who seek only Moksham as their Parama PurushArtham .


20. ParamaikAntis and PuNya KshEtrams


vasanti svayam yatra chaikAntinastE tadhEvOchitam dhAma mAnyasvabhaktam


yathaa-rangadhAmAdhi dhivyasthalaaneetyavOchan-sadhAchAryavaryA yathArtham


(Meaning): Wherever ParamaikAnthi Swamis reside , that is the puNya kshEtram having revered bhakthAs . Our PoorvAchAryAs have explained that dhivya dEsams like Srirangam are such puNya kshEtrams known for the residence of ParamaikAntis .


21. The Sacredness of ThoNdai ManDalam


yatra trayOavateerNA: prathamE dhivyAsccha soorayO dESE


SrILakshmaNArya dESikavibhavaavishkArapAvanassOayam


(Meaning): This dEsam in and around Kaanchi is sacred and famous because of the avatArams of the three Mudhal AzhwArs , AchArya RaamAnujA ( SrI PerumbhUthUr) and Swamy Desikan ( Thuppul) .


22. The Parents of Villivalam Periya Swamy


TuNDeeramanDalamaNi: phalagandhanAmapratnAgrahAra udhbhUnnarasimha Suri:


yath prEma-dharma-sama-dhukkha-sukhA susAdhvee SriranganAyaki sunAma guNa- prasiddhA


(Meaning) : In the ancient and beautiful agrahAram of PazhavEri was born a MahAn with the name of NarasimhAcchAr . His dharma patnee was SriranganAyaki known for sharing equally her affection , dharmam , sukham and dukkham with her husband .


23. The birth of a son with divine attributes for the NarasimhAchAri Dampatis


anyOnyamachyuta-pArAyana-chittavrutyA dharmasamASritavatO: samayanukoolE


satpurushassamajanishDa HareekshaNEna nityEshu soorishu cha kascchana tanniyukta:


(Meaning): To this ideal dampatis engaged in dharmAchAram with unified mind , a nityasoori ( eternally liberated jeevan) commanded by SrimAn NaarAyaNan descended to earth and was born as their male progeny at a subha muhoortham .


24. The Joy of the Parents of this special Child born out of dhivyAnugraham


KumAramuttamAkrutim payOdharAbhamunnisam

sulakshaNam vilakshaNam sapuNyarASi sambhavam


nireekshyasaaprasU: pitA cha Bhandhubhir-manOharam

svabhAgyavaibhavam bhruSam vichintya harshamApatu:


(Meaning): The parents along with their relatives were extremely happy about their bhAgyam (good fortune) of the birth of this male child in their family with shyAmaLa mEni like a dark cloud of the rainy season, beautiful nose and other subha lakshaNams. They thought that this sulakshaNa kumAran was born in their family beause of poorva janma puNyams ( PuNyarASi sambhavam) .


25. Naming of the child as NaarAyaNan


PaaramaikAntya-nilayou smrantou Purusham Param


chakrAtEarham SiSornAma Subham NaarAyaNEti vai


(Meaning) The parents who were practising ParamaikAnthis thought of the name of the Supreme Purushan ( Parama Purusham smarantou) and named the new born child with the auspicious name of NaarAyaNan , the first AchAryan of the entire world ( AchAryam Prathamam samasta JagatAm , NaarAyaNam).


( To Be Continued )


Srimad Azhagiya Singar ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam ,


Daasan , Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri Sadagopan











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