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Srimad Villivalam Periya Swami( SrI VedAntha VaavadhUka Swami) : Part VI ( slOkams 17-33)

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SrimatE Lakshmi Nrusimha ParabrahmaNE Nama:


SrimatE RaamAnujAya Nama:


SrimatE VedAnta GuuravE Nama:


SrimadhbhyAm Sriranga SaThakOpa SrI VedAnta Desika YathIndhra Mahaa DesikAbhyAm nama:


SrimatE VedAnta VaavadhUka SrI NarayaNAchArya MahAvidhushE Nama:


SriamatE LakshmI Nrusimha dhivya PaadhukA Sevaka SrIvaNN SaThakOpa SrI NarayaNa Yatheendhra MahA DesikAya Nama:


SlOkam 17


SrirangakAryAtmajayOgirAjO yAtrAntarA champaka-kAnanAkhyam


SrI RaajagOpaalapuram pravishDa:

pratyudhgata: pourajanaissubhaktyA


(Meaning): The 42nd Pattam Srimad Azhagiyasingar , SrIvaNN Sri Sriranga

SaThakOpa YadheendhramAhAEsikan

arrived at Raaja mannArgudi during his sanchAra kramam and was welcomed

warmly by the citizens of MannArgudi.


SlOkam 18


ASAsya sanmangaLamachyutAya

SrIrAjagOpAya subhaktipoorNa:


alanchakAra svajanairmaTham svam



(Meaning): Srimad Azhagiya Singar performed MangaLAsAsanam of Sri

RaajagOpAlan with bhakti and arrived at His MannArgudi MaTham thereafter to perform AarAdhanam for MalOlan .


SlOkam 19:


KshEtrEatra NaarAyaNasarivArtaa:vidhyArhtivrundhSnugruheeta vidhyAm


sammAnanam sAdhujanairnitAntam

GururnireekshyAtitatarAm mumOdha


At this KshEtram , Srimad Azhagiya Singar saw and heard about SrI NaarAyaNAcchAr's glories , learnt about the range of the vidhyAs that he imparted to his sishyAs and the high regard the local vidhvAns had for Swami .



SlOkam 20


SrirangE prathamam krupAvirAchitam



Vaakjn~aryA nijayAh

hyabhUshayadhayam vidvanmaNi laagita:


ittham Jn~Ana-viraktiSeelaviBhudham



tasyArhE samachintayadh-guruvarO yOgyam cha kaalamkramAth


(Meaning):This VidvanmaNi Sri NaarAyaNAcchAr Swamy) participated

in the Vidvath Sadas started at Srirangam and made distinguished contributions with the power of his knowledge . Srimad Azhagiya Singar started to think about an opportunity and time to place Swamy in a position befitting his Jn~Anam, VairAgyam and Seelam .

SlOkam 21



RaghuNAthOapi Bhudham dhidhrukshurEnam


samakalpayadhAlayam kalanAmiha



(Meaning): Sri Raaghavan , also known as Sri KarunAkaran ,the jewel of MadhurAnthakam( archA Moorthy there) wished to meet this MahA VidvAn. In this context , the Naayakan of MadhurAntakam

( Raaghavan) decided to establish a VidhyAlayam at His kshEtram through Srimad Azhagiya Singar .


SlOkam 22



bahUmSccha vEdamOuLividha:


srashtum manOvyathAneeth SrirangAkhyO Yatheendhra-gururAja:


(Meaning): Sri Sriranga SaThakOpa Yatheendhra MahA DESikan decided in this context to establish

a VidhyAlayam at MadhurAntakam to train future VaidhikAs learned in Saahityam , VyAkaraNam and Tarkam .


SlOkam 23:


yathAmanOratham dhivyam nirmamE



viBhudhAnAm vachObangheem

vardhayishNu: guNOjjvalAm


(Meaning): Srimad Azhagiya Singar decided to extend the outreach of great scholars and their instructional excellence and created for that purpose the VidhyAlayam at MadhurAntakam .


SlOkam 24


SrIvAsudEvArya maharshirAseedhyasyAgraNee:



SrIsoumyanArAyaNa sUrivaryO-

apyalancchakArAdhipatE: padham tath


(Meaning): Maharshi VaasudEvAcchAr Swamy , who had mastered all that needs to be known on Tattva Hita PurushArthams without any doubts became the first path setter for this institution . After that ThirukkOttiyUr

MahAn Sri Ubhaya VedAnta Soumya-

NaarAyaNAcchAr Swamy became the Prinicipal of this new VidhyAlayam .


SlOkam 25


AatmAnubhUtyA bhaagavat-padhABjE

nivishDachittam viBhudhAgrayamEnam


adhyApakatvai viniyujya vidhyAmAlayam yOgivarO-vyatAneeth


(Meaning): Our VidhvAn who had placed his heart at the Lord's sacred feet with great AatmAnubhavam was appointed by Srimad Azhagiya Singar as a key faculty to enhance the outreach of this new vidhyAlayam .


SlOkam 26


GopAlamAlOla hrudhAntaranga: SrichakravartyAtmaja-sEvanEcchu:



jagAma ramyam MadhurAntakam tath


(Meaning): This MahAn who worshipped MalOlan and RaajagOpAlan in his heart

lotus arrived now at MadhurAntakam to have the darsana sobhAgyam of

SrI KaruNAkara Raaghavan . With deep affection for ThoNdaimaNDalam

( sva dEsam) and the archaa Moorthys of Sri Matam and MannArgudi , Swamy reached the beautiful kshEtram of MadhurAntakam .


SlOkam 27




MadhurAntakamAsAdhya prAdhyApakapadhE Bhabhou


Our Swamy , the object of Srimad

Azhagiya Singar's krupA KaDAlsham

shone as senior Faculty of Tarka Saastram at MadhurAntakam School .

SlOakam 28


samskruta-kalAlayEasmin padhaveem-

upanAyakasya samprApya


adhyApanEna samyak vyatanOdh-

vidhyArthinO-atisookshama matheen


At this Samskrutha KalAsAla , our Swamy advanced to the position of Assistant Principal and through his teaching skills developed the Sookshma Buddhi ( Discriminating/sharp intellect ) of his students .

SlOkam 29



chAsyachAtureem veekshya


Aakrushtachitta SishyA: sarvE



(Meaning): The students admired the unique instructional skills of our Swamy

in teaching Tarkam , which is the basis to understand VedAntam were happy to learn from him and studied with great ardour and benefitted .


SlOkam 30


SrInArAyaNasUri sikshitadhiyO-anantAsccha SishyA: BhudhA:

VedAnthaahava satsabhAsu vijayam

prApyEndhatE smAnvaham


chAtrANAm hrudhi jAyaMaana-vividhaaSSankA: sphuDam dhUrayan


naikEnApi kadhApi vismrutipadham

syAdhEsha dhanya: kruthee


(Meaning): Many sishyAs who learnt under Sri NaarAyaNAcchAr Swamy became respected scholars and became

highly honored during their discourses in VedAntha SabhAs by fellow

Scholars . They were victorious in their debates .


SlOkam 31


pAtraviSEshW nyasta:pakvO nO vEti



bhUyO-vastuviSEsham nyastum yatatE sma sookshamadarSee sa:


(Meaning) : Our Swamy was such a good teacher that he advanced the lessons for the individual student only after making sure that the student

had understood and digested the previous lesson .He was very much aware that instructions to a student ,

who had not grasped the earlier lessons is like stuffing food to one , who had not digested the earlier meal .


SlOkam 32


jeerNA nachEsyAdaSitA sudhApi visham yathaivamsyuradheetapADA:


SaastrEshu yadhyat-sudruDam gruheetam tadEva samsthAsnu bhavEcchicharEna


(Meaning): There is a proverb , which reminds us to partake food according to one's capability to digest ( aRRAl aLavu aRinthu uNNka) . Even nectar will become poison , if one could not digest it properly . For one who has not understood the lessons , teaching him SaastrAs further would not be advisable.Only the knowledge absorbed well would be retained over long time.


SlOkam 33



adhyApanEasya prathitABabhAsE


vidhyAlayE rAjata utsavOabhUth

sutattvasamkhyAkasamE maheeyAn


(Meaning): Our Swamy's method of instruction and capabilities to impart

education in VedAntha SaastrAs stood out with distinction . The silver anniversary ( 25th birthday) for the MadhurAntakam PaatasAlA was celebrated now ( 1967 C.E) .


(To Be continued)


Srimad Azhagiya Singar ThiruvadigaLE Saranam ,

Dhaasan , Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri Sadagopan






































































































































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