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Srimad Villivalam Periya Swami( SrI VedAntha VaavadhUka Swami) : Part XII ( SatyakAma StaBakam: slOkams 39-55)

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SrimatE Lakshmi Nrusimha ParabrahmaNE Nama:


SrimatE RaamAnujAya Nama:


SrimatE VedAnta GuuravE Nama:


SrimadhbhyAm Sriranga SaThakOpa SrI VedAnta Desika YathIndhra Mahaa DesikAbhyAm nama:


SrimatE VedAnta VaavadhUka SrI NarayaNAchArya MahAvidhushE Nama:


From slOkams 39 to 55 , the poet salutes the vaibhavam of Sri InjimEdu and Mukkur Azhagiya Singars and relates the special bonds of Sri Villivalam Periya Swamy to both of them .


SlOkam 39


InjimEdumahAcharya: SrirangaSaThajidhyatheeD


siddhAntam sampradhAyancha

rakshitum Bahuyatnavath


(Meaning): Srimad InjimEdu Azhagiya Singar , SrIvaNN SaThakOpa Sriranga

SaThakOpa Yathendhra MahA Desikan took enormous efforts to protect our sampradhAyam and Bhagavad RaamAnuja siddhAntam .


SlOkam 40 and 41


SaamAnya Saastra Vedaanta vichakshaNavacha: kramai:


AadhyAtmika pravachanai:

sadhAchArOpadhESanai: (40)


nijAnushtAna-souseelya-vAtsalyAdhyai: bruSam Babhou


Vaadhai: matam svam samsthApya

pramANa pariBrumhitai: (41)


(Meaning): Srimad InjimEdu Azhagiya Singar shone illustriously through His

upadEsam skills on SaamAnya Saastrams like Tarkam , VedAntam and successful participation in debates to defend

Bhagavath RaamAnuja darsanam with pramANams . His exemplary practise of anushtAnam , SadaachAram and display of auspicious guNams like Vaatsalyam and souseelyam endeared him to his SishyAs

and enhanced his Vaibhavam .


SlOkam 42


SrIsatyadhyAna teertAkhyam



uttarAdhi maDAdheeSam dhvaitinam



(Meaning): InjimEdu Azhagiya Singar easily defeated the Dhavita MahA VidhvAn , SrI SatyadhyAna theertar

in a public debate at Srirangam temple.


SlOkam 43


MahAchAryAth laBdhaBhOdha:

krutajn~a: krutinAm vara:


nirAkarOthparamatam sthApayan svamatam dhruDam


(Meaning): InjimEdu Azhagiya Singar was a Mahaa VidhvAn ,who acquired superior

Jn~Anam from great AchAryAs like

SwarNam Swamy of SrImushNam and he was grateful for their anugrahams. Inview of this indebtedness to his great AchAryAs , InjimEdu Azhagiya Singar

engaged intensively in establishing Sri Bhagavad RaamAnuja Siddhantam as the flawless VedAntam and rejecting para Matams that are not supported by the

PramANams .


SlOkam 44


Patrikaa parshat PaaTha BhOdhanArtha-kalAlayAn


Sriman NaarAyaNAchArya: threensanklapAn apoorayath


(Meaning): Villivalam Periya Swamy ably assisted Sri InjimEdu Azhagiya Singar

realize his three vows that he took during his ascent to the Sri Matam AasthAnam: creation of a journal named Sri Nrismha PriyA ,the organization of a sabhA named Malola Vidhvath Sadas for the bringing together of VedAnta VidvAns annually and the opening up of a presitigious Veda Saastra PaatasAla at MadhurAntakam to train youngsters in SaastrAs and Aagamams .


SlOkam 45


athaythOparata: punarAyayou




vividhishurjana ASrayadhAdharAth


(Meaning): After retirement , Villivalam Periya Swamy settled in Chennai since he wished to live close to that city. At that

time , many saatvika janams hungering for improving their Jn~Anam about Bhagavth RaamAnuja SiddhAntham approached Swami known for His sama-damAdhi and Aasrita Vaatsalya guNams and became his sishyAs.


SlOkma 46


PrAraBhdhakarmavaSatO rujumEtya dEhEapyacharyam Nrusimhasakruth-parichintya chittE


sadhgrantha-BhOdhanaparO dinamatynaisheeth vyAkhyA lilEkha paradhurmatabhanajanasya


(Meaning): Due to the influence of prArabdhakarmAs , Swamy developed ill health ; inspite of the problems of not being well , Swamy spent his time in meditation on Sri LakshmI Nrisimhan and in constructing a profound commentary on Swamy Desikan's Para Mata Bangam .


SlOkam 47


yEvam sthitou nijavichitra krutipravAhai:




dhAnEna karNavijayee paradu:kha



rikthouga-soukhyasukkahvAn vyalasth gurUdhga:


(Meaning): During this time, Villivalam Periya Swamy shone as one with majestic heart in adressing the needs of his students through many kind deeds;

he was generous to help his sishyAs like

KarNan and displayed his OudhArya guNam that excelled KarNan; He was sad over witnessing the sorrows of

others and considered the sukham of the poor people as his own sukham . Living in this exemplary manner , he was recognized as one of the top AchAryans

by the AchArya community.


SlOkam 48


soulabhya vAdhakusalatva kusAgramEdhA




SrIvaNNSaTHAri nigamAnta gururyatheendhra


prEmNaikshatE mamatulam vidhushAm varishTham


(Meaning): Srimad MukkUr Azhagiya Singar, Sri VedAnta Desika Yatheendhra MahA Desikan , cast his merciful glances on Periya Swamy ,who shone with the guNams of soulabhyam ( ease of access),

debating skills, sharp intellect,display of

fearlessness in Vaadham ,ability to make the contestants from para Matam fearful .


SlOkam 49


yadhyEsha Aayuramitam BhagavAn pradhadhyAth


sOpAnamatrarachayEya mahantumuktyai


iTtham yadhAhuratulAgurravO-



tathyam tadhatrakurutE gururADayam sma


(Meaning): MukkUr Azhagiya Singar made true the statement of our ancinet AchAryAs , who said that they would built the steps(sOpAnam) to Moksham ( SrI VaikunTham) if BhagavAn blessed them with long life(amitamAyu:) ; this Srimad Azhagiya Singar fulfilled the promises of His PoorvALs by building the tall Raaja Gopuram for Lord RanganAthan .


SlOkam 50


Sriranga-gOpuramidham prasameekshamANA:

saSraddhamanjalipuDam Sirasiprakalpya


sOpAna yEsha rachitO gurutallajEna

muktEriti pratidiSam rasikA vadhanti


(Meaning): Whenever rasikAs see the Raaja GOpuram of Srirangam from every direction , they devoutly raise their anjali Bhaddha hastam over their head and praise that it is the Parama Padha sOpAanam ( the steps to Moksham) built by their AchAryan , Srimad VedAnta Desika Yateendhra MahA Desikan .


SlOkam 51


vArdhakyajou parijiheershuraSakti-ravEdhou


NaarAyaNAryamabhishEchayitum padhEsvE


turyASramOchitamanum sudinE cha dhitsan


AaradhAnAya NruharE: svayamAdhidESa


(Meaning): The ailing and weak Srimad MukkUr Azahgiya Singar wanted to address the difficulties associated with his asakti and therefore invited

Villivalam Periya Swamy to succeed him in the NrisimhAsthAnam ; with this intent , MukkUr Azhagiya Singar asked

Periya Swamy to come to Sri Sannidhi to recieve PrEksha mantram to prepare him for entering into SanyAsAsramam and to perform AarAdhanam for SrI MalOlan thereafter as the next Azhagiya Singar.


SlOkam 52


navanrusimha virAjadhahOBhilam

tvaritamEtya guruddhanidESata:


Naraharim KamalAgruhamEdhinam



(Meaning): Villivalam Periya Swamy accepted the command of Srimad Azhagiya Singar , went to Ahobilam for

the MangaLAsAsanam of Nava Narasimhans and from then on performed with delight the daily AarAdhanam for Malolan .


SlOkam 53


AarAdhayaccha MalOlam archAmUrtyantarairyutam


rAjatE maNDapE dhivyE tamm

PoorvAchArya poojitam


(Meaning): Villivalam Periya Swamy performed AarAdhanam for MalOlan and the other EmperumAns in the Silver Mantapam in the same manner as the PoorvAchAryAs of SrI Matam have done before.


SlOkam 54


Mumbayeenagaram prApya MaalOlasya

sabhAm viSan


GuruNAdhishDam sanyAsO yayAchE tamdhvilamBhivum


(Meaning): During the occasion of MalOlan staying at Mumbaai , Srimad

Azhagiya Singar had a Vidhvath sadas .

In that Sadas, Srimad Azhagiya Singar invited once more Villivalam Periya Swamy to accept SanyAsam and become the next Azhagiya Singar . Our Swamy begged for some additional time to accept his AchAryan's command .


SlOkam 55


dayArdhrachEtA AchArya: kanchitkAlam



tadhA Nrisimha sankalpOapyabhavath



(Meaning): Srimad Azhagiya Singar known for his Dayaa guNam( Compassion) acceded to our Swamy's request for additional time to make that decision.

At this time, the sankalpam of Malolan

changed somewhat .


SatyakAma StaBakam SampoorNam



To Be continued (Fourth StaBakam) ,


Daasan , Oppiliappan Koil Varadachari Sadagopan


SriamatE LakshmI Nrusimha dhivya PaadhukA Sevaka SrIvaNN SaThakOpa SrI NarayaNa Yatheendhra MahA DesikAya Nama:










































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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