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Srimad Villivalam Periya Swami( SrI VedAntha VaavadhUka Swami) : Part XII ( Parama PurushArtha StaBakam:1-25 )

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SrimatE Lakshmi Nrusimha ParabrahmaNE Nama:


SrimatE RaamAnujAya Nama:


SrimatE VedAnta GuuravE Nama:


SrimadhbhyAm Sriranga SaThakOpa SrI VedAnta Desika YathIndhra Mahaa DesikAbhyAm nama:


SrimatE VedAnta VaavadhUka SrI NarayaNAchArya MahAvidhushE Nama:


Parama Purushrtha StaBakam


This is the fourth and concluding StaBakam with 51 slOkams .In this StaBakam , Dr.SokkanAvUr Swamy

covers the Sahshtiabdha Poorthy utsavam of Villivalam Periya Swamy , the construction of commentary on Swamy Desikan's kaNDana grantham of Paramata bhangam , Periya Swamy's affection for his younger brother

(Prakrutham Azhagiya Singar) and Periya

Swamy's ascent to Parama Padham .


Our Swamy's ShashtiyaBdha Poorthy

(SlOkams 1-10) : The Year 1976 C.E


SlOkam 1


sarvEjanA: shashtitamABdhapoortim saravi: priyai: BhandhujanaissamEtA:


kOlAhalEna dhraviNavyayEna

hyudhvAhatulyam rachayanti lOkE


(Meaning): People of the world celebrate their sixtieth anniversary with their dear relatives and friends in a joyous manner

like a wedding and spend a lot of money over this ShashtiaBdha Poorthy utsavam.


SlOkam 2


SishThA BudhA yE paramAtmabhakthA:

namanvatE Saastravidhiprayuktam

na chAdhriyantE varamutsavam tE

SishyAdhinirBhandhavaSAsthu bhinnA:


(Meaning): The ParamaikAnthins on the other hand do not pay attention to their sixtieth anniversary or SathAbhishEkam

( 80th birth anniversary ) celebrations and are focussed instead on the dhyAnam and AarAdhanam for the Lord . They do not encourage anyone to organize such a celebration. The pressure from their SishyAs and abhimAnis to conduct such an utsavam howevwe will make them relent .


SlOkam 3


tasyAnumatyA priyaBhandhuSishyA

mahOtsavam samrachayanti bhaktyA

prasAdhapAtrANi bhavanti chAsya

pratyakshamEtaddhuvanE hi dhrushDam


(Meaning): The Priya sishyAs and the dear relatives seek AchAryan's permission and engage with devotion in the celebration of the Utsavams like ShashtiyaBdha Poorthy . By organizing such celebrations , they become objects of the anugraham of their AchAryans.


SlOkam 4


NaarAyaNAryO na cha vaanchitisma

svArtham kamaputsavam-anyapoojAm

tathApi SishyapriyaBandhuvargair-

nirBadhya AaseenmahatE mahAya


(Meaning) Following the traditons of a ParamaikAnthy , Villivalam Periya Swamy never sought any utsavams focussed on him or itara dEvatArAdhanams . Inspite of his stance, the dear sishyAs and relatives pressed him to agree to a major celebration of his Sixtieth birth anniversary .


SlOkam 5


svArchAm nirADamBaramarchayanhi

poortim nijEsadhmani samvidhitsu:

AaptAstu SishyA: BhadhArjitEna

vittEna bhadhrOtsavamAriripsava:


(Meaning): Villivalam Periya Swamy was in favor of AarAdhanam of his House PerumAl without any pomp for his sixtieth anniversary celebrations . The abhimAnis and SishyAs of Swamy would not hear of it and wished to have an elaborate celebration to express their gratitude for the AchAryan's MahOpakArams .


SlOkam 6


nAyam SaSAka pratishEddhumEshAm

nishkAmya bhaktyA: krutimAdharEna

MukkUr-pradESO nigamEtihAsa- paarAyaNAraavavijrumbhitO abhUth


(Meaning): Villivalam Periya Swamy was unable to stop his well wishers from organizing this nishkAmya karmaa. As a result , the Vaidhika agrahAram of MukkUr was blissful from the resonant

Veda GhOsham associated with the Veda

ParAyaNams linked to the ShashtiaBdha

Poorthy celebrations of our Swamy.


SlOkam 7


AchAryavaryA yadhahOBilasthA: sampraikshayan svapratinidhyupEtAn

SishtAnparAnmAnayitum BhudhEndhram

dhravyai cha poorNai: sadhanugrahENa


(Meaning): Srimad MukkUr Azhagiya Singar camping at AhObila KshEtram

sent his antaranga KaimkaryaparALs and other VaidhikAs with affection and made sambhAvanais to honor our Swamy and the Veda PaarAyaNa GhOshti.


SlOkam 8


yEkaikaSa: Sishyasuhrujjanai: cha

samArjitam bhUricha vittamAseeth

samarpitam tairabhavanmuhUrtE

samarchitum dEvatadheeyavargAn


(Meaning): The sishyAs of our Swamy had saved individually and collected as a group funds for Bhagavath- Bhaagavatha AarAdhanam during the occasion ofthe ShashtiaBdha Poorthy . The sishyAs presented these Paadha KaaNikkais to

Swamy for use in this Vaidhika utsavam.


SlOkam 9



saSlAghamAtmeeya guNOpapannam

praNamya tEnAnumatA nikAmam

svasthAnamEvAbhiyayu: sahrushDaa:


(Meaning): Those who attended the sixtieth aniversary celebration of our Swamy prostrated before him , who is the abode of all Aathma guNams and felt fulfilled ; they took his leave at the end of the ceklbrations and returned to their homes.


SlOkam 10


Kavaya; kavitAmAlA: samArpipannitya-

sourabhA: preetyA

dhanikA dhanam yathEccham yEna



(Meaning): The ShashtiaBdhi poorthy Utsavam concluded in a magnificient manner with every one making their samarpaNams; the poets composed ever fresh poems to celebrate the Aathma guNams of Swamy.Those who were affluent prsented significant sums to help celebrate the Bhagavath AarAdhanam duirng this occasion .


Grantha NirmANam by our Swamy


SlOkam 11


siddhAnthatattvaBhOdhnaviSadhA: granthA: Bhudhairvyarachyanta




(Meaning): Some of the scholars ( PaNDithAs) create granthams to explain the fine points of their siddhAntam( PrakaraNa granthams) ; other scholars create granthams to criticize the defective intrepretations of other siddhAntams.Latter are called Kantana granthams .


SlOkam 12


NaarAyaNAryasUri: dhvividhAn granthAnapi svayam vyalikhath

SrimadhvachandrikAyA "mOhA- pOhA"khya khaNDanagrantham



(Meaning): Our Swamy created both types of Granthams ( AamOdhana and

Kantana granthams). The grantham that he created for SrI Madhva chandrikai with the name of "MohAbhOham" belonged to the category of Kantana granthams .


SlOkam 13


sa tattvamArtANDa-vimarSanAmnO vidhUnanAkhyam krutimAtatAna

RaamAyaNE rasyatamAn hi bhAvan-gheervANavANyA viSadheechakAra


(Meaning): Our Swamy created a khantana grantham called VidhUnanam: to refute the points made in a polemic named "Tatthva MaaRtANDa Vimarsam". He also blessed us with a gratham in Sanskrit to house the delightful inner meanings of Srimad RaamAyaNa slOkams in support of our SiddhAntham.


SlOkam 14


SriSailatAtAyAryasyAjn~am SiraSA vahan svayamvydhadhAth

advaitaratnatva granthapareekshAkhya



(Meaning): Following the command of Sri U.Ve. D.T.TatachAr Swamy , our Swamy wrote a Kantana grantham for a monograph entitled " Adhvaitha Tattva Ratnam ".


SlOkam 15


(Meaning): Our Swamy published brilliant research articles in the Kaasi Viswa VidhyAlaya monthly magazines (Maasika PatrikA) at the request of its editors . They were very much appreciated by the discerning scholars .


The Translation of Paramatha Bhangam into Sanskrit from MaNipravALam and the Vaibhavam of this SrI Sookthi (16-26).


SlOkam 16


vEdhAntadESika-SrIsUkthishu kEchinmaNipravALamayA:

bhAshAdhvandhvAkrutaya: Paramatha-

bhangAdayO virAjantE


(Meaning): Some of Swamy Desikan's SrI Sookthis are set in MaNipravALam ( Tamil and Sanskrit) . One such grantham is Para Matha Bangam ,

a renowned Kandana grantham .


SlOkam 17


praNamya DevanAyakam bhujAshDakair-


SudarSanam cha yaachatE anya khaNDanArha kouSalam

tatO gurupakAra satkrutajn~AtAm nirUpayan

svasammatam thritatvakam prakASayatyasouguru:


(Meaning): Our Swamy translated this esoteric grantham of Swamy Desikan into Sanskrit for all to enjoy.Here, our Swamy salutes Lord DevanAthan first

and next Ashta Bhuja PerumAl and then Sudarsanar and prays for the power to criticize correctly the deficiencies of Para Matham .He expresses next his gratitude to our AchAryAs for their MahOpakArams and goes on to explain in detail the the three Tattvams of our SiddhAntham ( Chith-achith-Iswaran).


SlOkam 18


matAntareeyakhaNdanam nitAnta-mukhyamUchivAn

tata:kramENa dhUshayatyaSishta-


prapatti vaibhavam param yatheendhra


ViSishtatAncha BhOdhayanprakASatE



(Meaning): Our Swamy pointed out the necessity for criticizing the Veda BhAhya and Kudrushti Mathams and continued with the criticism of individual Para Mathams. During this effort , our uttama guru celebrated the greatness of SaraNAgathy maargam , which is unique to Bhagavath RaamAnuja SiddhAntam .


SlOkam 19


SaraNAgati VaibhavaprakASee praNaman

ShODaSahasta: chakrarAjam

adhikAra samAptishUktasAram

vivryNOtyantima-sangruheeta padhyai:


(Meaning): After a brilliant exposition on the loftiness of SaraNAgathy as an UpAyam , our Swamy offered his salutations to the 16 armed Sudarsana BhagavAn . At the end of the grantham,

Our Swamy gave the SaarArtham of the individual chapters.


SlOkam 20




nyAyasiddhAnjanasama: svAminA samskrutheekruta:


(Meaning) : Paramatha Bangam of Swamy Desikan is understandable only by experts in Tarkam and VedAntham and is comparable in terseness to the srI Sookthi of NyAya SiddhAnjanam . Our Swamy blessed us with a Sanskrit translation for Paramatha bhangam .


SlOkam 21


yO bhAgadhvayarUpENa vidhushA rachitO abhavath

tatra prathamabAgO hi svAminAseeth



(Meaning): Paramatha bhangam had two parts . Our Swamy released only the first part .


SlOkam 22


SrInrisimhakaruNA prachOdhanAth


satprasAdhakaruNAviSEshata: grantha

Aasta sadasi prakASita:


(Meaning):The first volume of Paramatha bhangam was released as a result of the dayaa of SrI Narasimhan and the anugraha viSEsham of Mukkur Azhagiya Singar .


SlOkam 23


ramyabhUmikA prakaraNOchitam

vAkyadarSanam paramataanugam

uchitasangati: padhaphalOktita:

DesikASaya prakaDanam mrudhu


(Meaning): Our Swamy presented a beautiful introduction , made reference to key positions of Paramatham , the usage of aptly chosen padhams by Swamy Desikan to make his winning points and revealed the thought process of Swamy Desikan in defeating the opponents of Bahgavath RaamAnuja darsanam.


SlOkam 24


poorvapakshiNAmuttaram laghu prEshDa-

bhAvatOgarbhitam vacha:

poorNamEdhatE thOshiNee satAm

DesikASayadarSanee kruti:


Our Swamy delighted the minds of Mahaans with the revelation of the unique way in which Swamy Desikan provided answers for the questions of Poorvapakshis , the majestic choice of words in those responses to establish our siddhAntham in Paramatha bhangam.


SlOkma 25


bhUmikAntarasou nyavEdhayatsvAm-

krutajn~atAm guruvarAya vai

AatmanO rujam mudhraNE Sramam

skhalanakAraNam kshAmyamArtitham


(Meaning): In his introduction , Our Swamy expressed his gratitude to his AchAryAs and sought the forgivance of the VidhvAns for the obstacles in printing the Volume due to his illness .



To Be continued (Fourth StaBakam) ,






















Daasan , Oppiliappan Koil Varadachari



SriamatE LakshmI Nrusimha dhivya PaadhukA Sevaka SrIvaNN SaThakOpa SrI NarayaNa Yatheendhra MahA DesikAya Nama:


























































































































































































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