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Special Postings for Srimad Azhagiya Singar's 82nd Thiru Nakshatram :Akshaya AarAdhanam : Part III

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Dear Sri Devotees of SrI

Hayagreeva Para Brahmam :


We have studied sofar the significance of the 5 years in the cycle of 60 and added some comments .


The five years studied are : Prabhava , Vibhava , Sukla , PramOdhUta and PrajOtpatti .


Prabhava stands for the amita ( limitless PrabhAvams of the Supreme Brahman sung by VedAs and Upanishads .


Vibhava stands for the vibhava avatArams of Raaama and KrishNa , when the Lord mingled with us at AyOddhi and Gokulam/BrindhAvanam .


Sukla stands for Sukla Yajur Vedam .


PramOdhUta stands for the dhUtya Kaimkaryam of the Lord , who blessed us with Bhagavad GeethA . It also stands for Sundara KaaNDam , which deals with the Raama DhUtan , AnjanEyar.


PrajOtpatti stands for Chathurmukha Brahmaa , the direct son of the Lord .


We will now move on to the slOkams associated with the years 6-12 :


6) AangeeraSa (7) SrImukha (8) Bhava (9) Yuvaa (10) DhAthu (11) Iswara and (12) BahudhAnya .



SlOkam 6/ Year 6/Aangeerasa


AangheerasO yasya kalaa prapanchE

AangheerasOasou nigamAnta Soori:

AanggerasAdhyA: sadhrusA: katam vaa

SrI VenkatEsasya gurOr vihArE


(Meaning): In the Sri Sookti creation of Swami Desikan , Rasam will be dominant.Therfore one can identify Him as apara angheerasar. In the garden of the creations of the Sri Sookthis of Swamy Desikan , even Angheerasar can not match him in arta- gouravam ( depth of Meaning ) and poetic skills .


(Commentary) : Aangiras is a Vedic sage, the creator of the fourth Veda ( Atharvam) with sage Atharvan . He is one of the Gotra Rishis and is also one of the 7 Rishis of the First Manvantara.

He is a Maanasa putra of Brahma and his son is the Deva Guru , Bruhaspati .


Sage Angherasa figures prominently in MuNdaka Upanishad. He is also an author of Aaangheerasa Smrithi , spelling out the code of conduct for us .He is also considered as the Second Agni: PraJApatya Agni . The name of the sixth year linking to PrAjaapatya Agni follows that of the name of the fifth year , PrajOtpatthi .


SlOkam 7/Year 7/Sukla Samvatsaram


Srimukhas-satatam Aagama chUDA-

soorirityadhisayO na jagatyAm

SrImukhAth adhigatam Birudham tath

yEna VaajivadhanO vaSaseentE


(Meaning): VedAnta Desikan is always a Sumukhar , one of pleasing countenance ( SrI MUkhar). There is no surprise here, when we understand His dayaa guNam . He is a Srimukhar also because of the ownership of the Birudhu of Sarva Tantra Svatantrar and because of having Lord HayagrIvan seated on the throne of Swamy's tongue.


(Comments): NigamAntha Desikan is saluted here as "Aagama ChUDA Soori".There is no one to match this Sumukha SrImaan in this world in the areas of AchAryakatvam , Tarka and poetic skills ( Soori ithyadhisayO na jagatyAm).He has been conferred the title of Sarva Tantra Svatantrar by Sri RanganAyaki

ThAyAr Herself and that makes Him a SrI Mukhan . The Lord of VidhyA is sitting on the tip of His tongue on a throne at Swamy's request ( JihvAgra SimhAsanam) . That makes Swamy a SrI Mukhar .


SlOkam 8/Year 8/Bhava


bhavE bhavE bhAvuka SaarvabhoumE

hrudhi sthitE VenkatanAtha Soorou

bhavO hi noonam vibhavEna poorNa:

parAbhavO naiva bhavEth kathApi:


(Meaning): When the BhAvuka ( auspicious) SaarvaBhouma Swamy Desikan is sitting in our heart lotus , even this difficult to bear samsAram becomes filled with glories (Vaibhavam).We will not suffer any adversities ( Paribhavam) in any one of our births .


( Comments): Bhava means mundane worldly existence. Swamy is Bhava Naasakar . Therefore , when the auspicous Swamy ( bhAvuka- Saarvabhoumar) is presiding over our heart lotus in any one of our births in this samsAram ( bhavE bhavE) ,we would not experience any paribhavam( sorrows and amangaLams).


SlOkam 9/Year 9/Yuvaa


yoonA hEyanEnAth sookti jaalai:

nityam samarAdhi Yuvaa RamESa:

VihAra SeelOapi virakti bhumA

SrI VenaktEsO Gururasmadheeya:


(Meaning): Our AchAryan is VenkatEsan ( VenkatanAthan) . He is the supreme among the ViraktAs (dispassionate ones) ,who treat wealth and loka sukhams with utter indiffernce .Our youthful AchAryan performed AarAdhanam for the nitya Yuvaa , the Lord of Lakshmi , with many SrI Sooktis that have taken the form of young ladies .


(Comments): Swamy VenkatEsa Kavi is our Guru ( SrI VenkatESO Gurur-asmadheeya; ). He performed AarAdhanam for the Lord of Ramaa , the nitya yuvaa ( adhbhuta sookti jaalai:

RamESa: nityam Yuvaa samArAdhi). Our Swamy's vihAram ( rakti) is wonderous in nature and yet He was an agrESarar in Virakti ( VihAra SeelOapi Virakti BhUmaa) . BhUmaa is LakshaNam for Brhaman ( Brahma SaBdha LakshaNam). In this context , it is linked to BhUma VidhyA of ChaandhOgya Upanishad.


10. SlOkam 10/ Year 10/DhAthu samvatsaram


DhAtu: PrakrushtO hi vacha: prapanchE

DhAtA prakrushtO hi visarga krutyE

dhAtupamO VenakatanAtha Vaidhya:

tanOtu Sam sankaDa mOchanAth mE


(Meaning): In the world of Vaakyams , DhAtu is supreme . In visargam( srushti),

Brahma known as DhAtaa is most important .The doctor ( Vaidhyar) named VenkatanAthan ( Swamy Desikan) is matchable to DhAtu ( Brahma). May Sri

VenaktanAthan remove our miseries and confer auspiciousness !


(Comments) The play is on the words DhAtu , DhAta and DhatOpamar .The prayer here is to Swamy Desikan , who cures the samsAric sufferings of the created beings thru His upadEsams and thus serves as a superior VaidhyanAthan.


SlOkam 11/Year 12/ Iswara


IswarO nikhilatantra dhUrvaha:

kO nu DesikasamO maheetalE

SamhrudhAviva vipaksha samhrudhou

IswarO nahi samajn~atA Para:


(Meaning): Is it n't so that Swamy Desikan , who does unique nirvAham ( steering and intrepretation ) of

Bhagavth Saastrams our Iswaran? Is there any one equal to Him in this matter? Iswaran does samhAram . Our Swamy destroys the Vaadhams of PrathivAdhis( VipakshAs) . Our Swamy is a Sarvajn~an like of whom we have not come across in this world .


(Comments): SevA Swamy's bhakti for Swamy Desikan is boundless. He salutes him therefore as " Nikhila tantra dhUrvahar". BhagavAn blesses us with His sAstrams to follow but human beings either disregard them and invite peril to themselves or do not understand them and end up doing vipareetams . Swamy Desikan came to their rescue and directed them to the right way to

observe Bhagavath Saastrams to please the Lord .


SlOkam 12/Year 12/ BahudhAnya


BahudhAnya SamruddhOyam

BahudhAnya vimartanAth

BahudhAnya RamAkAntO

Gurur nyAsa krusheevala:


(Meaning): Swamy Desikan , who did not allow any Paramata Vaadhins to flourish is indeed a BahudhAnyar. He attained the BahudhAnya Samruddhi (wealth) by

incarnating as Ubhaya VibhUthi Naatha Guru .


(Comments): Srimad Azhagiya Singar has intrepreted the name of this year as "BahudhA anya: ". It is indeed different from other years .The year was BahudhAnya ( 1398 C.E) , when Lord Naraimhan initiated a twenty year old scholar from ThirunArAyaNa Puram into

SanyAsAsramam and commanded him to be the Founding Jeeyar of SrI Ahobila Matam .In the same year , this Jeeyar visited AzhwAr Thirunagari and recovered the archa vigraham of Swamy NammAzhwAr from a deep well and brought Him back to AdhinAthan's temple . It was this year , which saw Swamy NammAzhwAr blessing the Jeeyar with Hamsa Mudhrai and the EmperumAn , Adhi Naathan conferring the title of "Adhi VaNN" on this Jeeyar.


During another BahudhAnya Year (1099 C.E Thai month,Punarvasu Nakshatram) AchArya RaamAnuja had arrived at ThirunArAyaNapuram for a 12 year long historic stay .It was during another BahudhA+ anya year , Brahma Tantra Jeeyar I presented the Taniyan of " Sri RaamAnuja Dayaa Paatram " to His AchAryan , Swamy Desikan at Thiru NaarAyaNa Puram. This year was 1338 C.E.


In other BahudhAnya Years , the 2nd , 17th and 23rd Jeeyars ascended the Ahobila Mata Peetam ; the years were 1458 , 1698 and 1758 C.E respectively.

The 42nd Jeeyar of Ahobila Matam and MahA VidwAn and GhOshtipuram Swamy were born in another BahudhAnya year ( 1878 C.E).


We have 50 more years to go before we greet another BahudhAnya year that is

always different and is rich in history .


( To Be continued )

NamO SrI HayagreevAya ,

Daasan , Oppiliappan Koil V.Sadagopan








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