Guest guest Posted November 29, 2008 Report Share Posted November 29, 2008 SrI: Dear Sri Devotees of SrI Hayagreeva Para Brahmam : We have studied sofar the significance of the 12 years in the cycle of 60 and added some comments .We will study the vaibhavam behind the names of next six years now. It is still not too late to pledge your support nityArAdhanams at Ahobila MaTham in the context of the upcoming 82nd Thirunakshatram of Srimad Azhagiya Singar . Please contact me for details . We will cover now SevA Swamiy's tribute to Swamy Desikan thru His Akashya AarAdhanam ( Years 13-18) . PramAthee Samvatsaram ( 13th Year) PramAthee ripUNAmnijAnAm parEshAm pramOteeva VishNu: SudhA sArarakta: pramAtA pramAthee SrutAvAgamE cha pradiddhO hi lOkE Gurur VenkatESa: (Meaning): Swamy Desikan , our AchAryan controls and defeats the fallacies of Paramata Vaadhins ( Kudhrushtis and Kumatis ) . He is also known for defeating the internal foes ( temptations of Sensory organs) . He is like VishNu , who controlled the asuraas during the time of distribution of the nectar on the shores of the Milky ocean. He is the destroyer of the PramAtams that appear in the intrepretaion of the Vedams and Aagamams . Our Swamy lives forever with joy born out of the fulfilment of His avatAra reasons . ( Commentary) : PramAthee is the first year of Kali Yugam . The strength of dharmam slowly wanes in this yugam . Swamy Desikan incarnated at the command of the Lord of Seven hills to strengthen Bhagavad RaamAnuja SiddhAntam and to reinfoce the easy to observe SaraNAgati route for defeating the horrors of Kali Purushan so that the prapannAs can enjoy Moksha Sukham . PramAthin is one who tears down , destroys . In this case , it is the destruction of Veda Baahya Matams and Veda Viruddha intrepretations along the way shown by AchArya RaamAnuja in His SrI BhAshyam. 14th SlOkam/14th Year/Vikrama parEshAm matAnAm prabhEdha praNAda prasiddhOhi lOkE Gurur VenkatESa: yateeyakramO VikramO Vaadhi-lOkE vayam simha vikrAnta sUrim bhajAma: (Meaning): May we worship Swamy Desikan , the powerful lion ( KavitArkika Simham) , whose prowess in the world causes awe ! He is the One , who showed the hollowness of Para Matams and defeated their proponents decisively and adorned the garland of Victory in such confrontations. ( Commentary) : Swamy Desikan is saluted here as " Para Mata PrabhEdha ( splitting apart) PraNAdha ( destroying) prasiddhar ". He is acknowledged as " ParEshAm matAnAm vikrAnta sUri", the One who overpowered the paramata Vaadhins and was victorious in such contests . 15th slOkam/15th Year/VishU VishUchi pradagtA vishAdhipraNashtA: vishAdhEna dagdhA mrushAvAdhatruptA: VrushAdhreeSa ghaNThAvatAram gurum- mE yatA nASrayanTE tatA sampranashtA: (Meaning): Those who have been stricken by small box, affected by poison and haughtiness born out of false beliefs as well as those who weep over their lots would see a cessation for all their sorrows by seeking refuge under the sacred feet of Swamy Desikan . Otherwise , they will be destroyed by their own excesses and afflictions . (Commentary ): A recipe is given for those suffering from different delusions and illnesses . " VishUchi pradagtA " is the one affected by the virus of small pox ( mind made sick by believing in Veda Viruddha Matams) ;"VishAdhi praNashtA" is the one , whose life is in danger thru consumption of poison ; " VishAdhEna dagdhA " is the one , who is overpowered by his sorrows thru travel along vipareeta mArgams suggested by aprAmANika Kudhrushti Matams . " MrushA Vaadha truptA: " are the ones ,who are conceited and are content with their unsupportable , false Vaadhams . SevA SwamigaL points out that there is hope for all these unfortunate ones , if they seek Swamy Desikan's sacred feet as rakshaNam and if not they will perish for sure . 16th SlOkam/16th year/ChitrabhAnu BhAmukhair jagati jeevana haaree ChitrabhAnuriti SooramavOchan sookti paapiriha jeevandhAtaa dhivya sooririha VenkatEswara: (Meaning): Sooryan , the ChitrabhAnu ( Wonderous multi-rayed Sun) dries up the jeevanam ( water/jalam) with his powerful rays. Our AchAryan in contrast gives life to all thru the lustre of His SrI Sooktis . ( Comments): Chitra BhAnu is the splenderous Sun . In the 21st slOkam of SrI HayagrIva StOtram , Swamy Desikan refers to the unique radiance of the gems adorning the anklet AabharaNam( Noopuram) of Lord HayagrIvan's sacred feet as ChitrabhAnu that serves as the morning Sun chasing away the darkness of ajn~Anam ( Parispuran noopura chitra- bhAnu prakAsa nirdhUta- tamOnushankAm). 17th slOkam/17th year/SvabhAnu SvabhAnubhi: svabhAvatO vibhAti- tEjasaam pati: svabhAvasAra sookthibhir-vipascchitAm- pathir mahAn savta: prakASamasnuvan sa yEva- DesikOttamO madhiyamAnasE tamastatim vyapOhya- rAjatAm ( Meaning): Sooryan thru His auspicious and powerful rays becomes the Lord of lustre ( tEjas). Swami Desikan also thru His pratibhA prabhAvam ( medhA vilAsam) becomes the king of poets . May Swamy Desikan of inherent tEjas reside in my heart and chase away the darkness of nescience ! ( Comments): Sooryan : " svabhAnubhi: svabhAvatO tEjasAm pathi: (ithi) vibhAti". Sooryan shines thru his rays and stays as the Lord of intrinsic tEjas . Swamy Desikan ( DesikOttamar) thru His " svabhAva saara sookthibhi: svata: prakASamasnuvan VipaschitAm pathi: virAjatE" ( He shines with the lustre of His intrinsically quintessential Sooktis and becomes the king of poets/VidhvAns. The last line is a prayer for Swamy Desikan to reside in one's heart lotus to drive away the darkness of ajn~Anam . 18th slOkam/18th year/DhAraNa pradhAraka pradhAraNa: samasta-dhAraNO guru: sookAraNa pradarSanEna nirNayam vadhan nivArayan nijOktibhi: parOkta dhUshaNAnyasvayam niroopayan visishtatAm veebhAti Desikam (Meaning): Swamy Desikan will decieve those who try to decieve Him with false arguments and will become invisible to them . He will however help everyone cross the fierce and troubling ocean of SamsAram . He will give the reasons for His positions on Bhagavad RaamAnuja SiddhAntam and His advocacy of SaraNAgaty maargam. He will establish the facts thru superb reasons based on tarkam . He will remove all the false accusations about the deficiencies of Bhagavath sAstrams.adiyEn bows before such a Visishta Desikan. ( To Be continued ) NamO SrI HayagreevAya , Daasan , Oppiliappan Koil V.Sadagopan .. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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