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Special Postings for Srimad Azhagiya Singar's 82nd Thiru Nakshatram :Akshaya AarAdhanam : Part V

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Dear Devotees of SrI

Hayagreeva Para Brahmam :


We have studied sofar the significance of the 24 years in the cycle of 60 and added some comments .We will study the vaibhavam behind the names of next eight years now ( 25-32).


25th SlOkam/Year/Kara


KarAs-sAdhu vAsAmsi dhrutvAhi danyA:

karA yE vahanteeha vAdhAn nirarthAn

hatA dhurvidagktA: parihAsa-dhagtA:

vayam SekarAn prApya dhanyA: SruteenAm


(Meaning):The donkeys become dhanyAs ( blessed ones ) by carrying the load of the vastrams ( VaasAmsi) of the SaatvikAs. On the other hand , those who engage in meaningless ( VaadhAn nirarthAn) debates get destroyed. They become the objects of laughter( parihAsam). In contrast, we who have surrendered at the sacred feet of Swamy Desikan are forver blessed.


26th slOkam/Year/Nandhana


ananta nandhanO bhavAn anantasUkti nandhana:

SanantanAdhi-sammatO hyananta nandha nandhana:

vibhAti VenkatabhidhAna nandhanO GurussatAm


(Meaning): Swamy Desikan incarnated as the son of Ananta Suri. With His many ( ananta) SrI Sooktis , He galddened the hearts of multitudes of human beings and AdhisEshan ( anantan) as well. Thus shines the great AchAryan with the blessed name of Lord VenkatEsan .


27th SlOkam/year/Vijaya


VijayarAghava samstutimadhbhutam

virachayan ParamArthaparAm SubhA

vijanEna vibhudhEshu DiwAkarO

Vipula VedasikhAmaNi Desika:


(Meaning): SrI VenkatanAthan ,

the " vipula Veda SikhAmaNi Desikar" , who blessed us with a stOtram on Thirupputkkuzhi VijayarAghavan (ParamArtha Stuti) with deep meanings about the Vaibhavam of the Victorious Raamachandran shines radiantly in the world of poets as the veritable Sun .


28th slOkam /Year/Jaya


Jaya JayEti vadhan Raghu-nandhanam

HanumatA samatAm pratibhEdhi-Vaadhin

dinakaram vihagam cha SudarSanam

bhajati VedasikhA gurumASrayE


(Meaning): Swamy Desikan , who hailed Jaya , Jaya for the Raghu Veeran in His Raghuveera Gadhyam is like the Raama Bahktan , AjanEyan , who raised the Jaya ghOsham for His Lord . adiyen seeks the protection of Swamy Desikan , who beat the victory drums for Sooryan ( Sankalpa SooryOdhayam) , the Bird ( Garuda PanchAsath and Garuda DaNDakam) and Sudarsanar ( Ashtakam on Sudarsanar and ShOdasAyudha stOtram).


29th SlOkam/Year/Manmata


tiraskarOti Manmatam puraskarOti


purAnirAkarOti vaa ripumcha tasya


vibhAti ManmatassadhAm nijairguNair vimarthanAt

namAmi Manmatam trayeesiRo-gurum tamanvaham


(Meaning): Swamy Desikan rejects the chEshtais of Manmatan , the God of Love but pays attention avidly to the Lord , who defeats Manmatan in beauty ( SaakshAth Manmata Manmatan). Swamy will also reject the enemy of Manmatan( Lord Siva, who burnt Manmatan to ashes). Swamy Desikan is a veritable Manmatan because He churns the hearts of

the SaatvikAs thru His superior Aatma guNams. adiyEn prostrates before my Manmatan , the Veda MouLi ( VedAnta) Desikan .


30th slOkam /Year/Dunmukha


dhurmukhO bhaavti dhurmukhAngaNE

sammukhO bhavati sammukAngaNE

manmukham katamupaiti sankaDam

sumukhE bhavati DesikOttamE


(Meaning): Swamy Desikan is dhurmukhar (hard faced) in the case of the Dhurmukhars . Why should I grieve over anything , when my Swamy stays as sanmukhar in the houses and hearts of Sanmukhars( Saatvikars) ?


31st SlOkam/Year/hEviLambhi


vilambheeti mandham vijAnAmyaham hE!

vilambin tyajEyamam vilamBhEna Mukta:

vilamba krutas chEth vinA VedachUDA Gurum lambhamAnam vishENa kOvyAth


(Meaning): Oh Procrastinator ! please let go off me without procrastrination ! If you delay freeing me from your grip , who else but the great Desikan can protect me , the one who is under your clutches ?


32nd SlOkam/Year/ViLamBhi


VilamBita phalapradhE vipala karmaNAm sanchayE

vihAya matimuttamAm vividha-dhOsha vaidEsikam

bhajAmi BudhamaNDalee pariBruDam param sathkalam

Dayaasataka kAriNam parama nisspruham Desikam


(Meaning): adiyEn seeks the protection of the sacrd feet of Swamy Desikan , who rejected the SaadhanAs , which yield the dealyed phalans( fruits) . Swamy Desikan was untouched by any dhOsham and was totally detatched from the worldly desires . adiyEn surrenders to Swamy Desikan , who blessed us with the SrI Sookti of DayA satakam .


( To Be continued )

NamO SrI HayagreevAya ,

Daasan , Oppiliappan Koil V.Sadagopan








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