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Special Postings for Srimad Azhagiya Singar's 82nd Thiru Nakshatram :Akshaya AarAdhanam : Part VII

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Dear Devotees of SrI

Hayagreeva Para Brahmam :


We have studied sofar the significance of the 32 years in the cycle of 60 and added some comments .We will study the vaibhavam behind the names of next eight years now ( 33-45). We will conclude this series with the coverage of

the remaining 15 years in the 60 year calendar in time tomorrow to offer as

SamarpaNam to asmath AchAryan during

the occasion of His 82nd Birth day ( Thiru Nakshatram) .


33rd slOkam/33rd year/VikAri


vikArijana sannidhou katamakAri tAnAdhikam

prakAram abhimanvatE kamapi kaala kOlAhalAth

vikAra rahitE mudhaa paramapUrushE nirvrutA:

bhajantu mama Desikam sulabha mArga-samvEdham


(Meaning): VikAra: means deviation from natural state.VikAra: also means that which is evolved from a previous source of Prakriti . VikAri Janam means the group of people who have undergone this adverse transformation due to the Kali Purushan's kOlAhalam.Our Supreme Lord is nirvikAran ( without any of these changes) .May those who wish to

experience a blissful state without the adverse effect of Kali seek Swamy Desikan , who will instruct them on

an easy route to attain such a blissful state.


34th slOkam/34th Year/Saarvaree


Saarvareethim-apahAya mahAnta:

sarvareeva dinAni nayanta:

sarvatAbhudhaya sooktilipsyA

Desikam hi SaraNam prayAnti tE


(meaning): The great ones(Jn~Anis) ,who experience the samsAric day as equal to the night (darkness & klEsams caused by ajn~Anam) seek the protection of Swamy Desikan's sacred feet with a desire to enjoy the sunrise of Moksha sukham .


35th slOkam/35th year/Plava


plavO nAsti lOkE vinA DesikEndhram

Param pAram Aaptum dhruDam sajjanAnAm

plavasva plavasvEti vAcham vadhanta:

parE rAjamAnA: kudhrushti-pradhushtA:


(meaning): Those who intrepret Veda Vaakyams in a vipareeta manner ( kudhrushtis) seem to say to their followers " be floating , be floating"in samsAric ocean.Swamy Desikan is the only one , who interprets Veda Vaakyams correctly befitting His title as NigamAnta Desikan and instructs us on the unfailing route of SaraNAgathy . He serves thus as a firm boat to travel from this (samsAric) shore to the other ( Parama Padham).


36th SlOkam/36th year/Subhakruth


subhASubha-vivEkakruth Subhanindhana-


vibhAti Subhakruth Prabhu: nigamamouLi


yatheeya charaNASrayA jagati SObhanA: sajjnaa:

jayanti guNamEdhurA nigama soudha sanchAriNa:


(Meaning): Our Swamy Desikan is the creator of auspicious SrI Sooktis and therefore He is "Subhakruth". Through

these SrI Sooktis , he helps us diffferentiate between the auspicious( Subham ) and inauspicious ( aSubham). Those who sought the refuge of His sacred feet travel with ease on the upper reaches of the mansion of VedAs

( Veda Upparikais) .


37th slOkam/37th year/Sobhakruth


SObhAkara: SObhakrutEva jAta:

SObhAkarE Vaidhika satpadhasya

ASAntaSObham mama SAnti SObham

vinA gurum VedaSikhA-pradheepam


(Meaning): Swamy Desikan is the One , who made Vaidhika mArgam shine . His Vaibhabhavam is radiant in all the eight directions. He has tranquility ( Saanti) as His radiance . Who else except Swamy Desikan can shine like an Ujjwala dheepam so well ?


38th slOkam/38th year/KrOdhee


KrOdhO yati syAt manujO jagatyAm

na SAnti mEdheeti suniscchitam na:

na KrOdhO Aaseet parapakshapankE

hEtur madheeyE NigamAnta sUrou


(Meaning): In this world or the other , there is no Saanti ( peace) for one gripped by anger. When Swamy Desikan created the Sri Sookti of the KhaNDana grantam of Para Mata Bhangam , his motive was not anger . As an AchAryan , He had the duty to criticize

incorrect darsanams .This is the glory of our AchArya Saarvabhouman , who is an embodiment of Saanti .


39th slOkam/39th year/ViSvAvasu:


ViSvAsur ViSvaguNAvalOkee

VisvasyatAm vindhati VaidhikAnAm

ViSvAvanAyaavataranhi Veda-

chUDA gurur ViSvanidhis-samindhE


(Meaning): In this universe , the people of the world celebrate and obey those

who identify the auspicious Aatma guNams and instruct them on how to develop those guNams. Swamy Desikan , the protector of the people of the world shines in this context as the wealth of the world .


40th SlOkam/40th year/ParAbhava


PurAdhanAnAm krutakEtarANAm

paschAttaneenAm cha muneeritAnAm

ParAbhavO naiva BhabhUva vAchAm

jAtE TrayeesEkhara sUrivaryE


(Meaning): After the avatAram of Swamy NigamAntha MahA Desikan , there have been no inauspiciousness for the ancient , Veda mantrams , which are not made by humans but captured by Mantra-dhrushtA rishis . VedAs are timeless and were not created by human beings . They originate from the Lord and are thus are eternal .After the incarnation of Swamy Desikan as the VenkatEswara Ghanta-avatAran , all the parAbhavams (amangaLams) for VedAs disappeared .


41st SlOkam/41st Year/Plavanga:


nidarSanam bhaktimatAm PlavangO

GurUttamEnAbhidhatE GurutvE

viyuktayOgam vyatanOth svakrutyA

TatAvidhO VedaSirO GururmE


(Meaning): The Most eminent among BhaktimAns is HanumAn . He is equivalent to an AchAryan. He unites those who have been seperated . Swamy Desikan does the same thru His SrI sookthis .Those who were seperated from adhyAtma sAstrams and our glorious sampradhAyams are reunited with them thru the power of Swamy's Sri Sookthis .


42nd slOkam/42nd Year/Keelaka:


Veda KaNDakanipAnipAnahO

Veda Keelaka gaNEna mardhitum

VedamouLi Guru bhavya KESaree

VedadhUrajanabanjanO Babhou


(Meaning): Keelaka is a wedge or a pin or MuLaikkucchi in TamiL.KaNDaka: means a thorn or pain causing opponent.

KaNDka UddharaNam is the extraction of the thorn that annoys . Here , Sevaa Swamy visualizes NigamAntha Desikan as the remover of the thorn for Vedams

who are the Paramata Vaadhins like

the elephants in rut. Swamy is compared

to a Lion ( Kavi Taarkika Simham) , who

attacks and subdues the haughty elephants that are like the annoying thorn in one's flesh ; thus he provides comfort for the VedAs.


43rd SlOkam/43rd year/Soumya:


soumya:kO vaa SrIsakhAth deeSakhatvA

VIshNOr dAsAth sukriyAth akriyAth vaa

Jn~AtOkjn~Ato DeSikAt-anya jeeva:

soumyA bhUyam BhrUta VedAnta sUrE:


(Meaning):Sriya: Pathi is soumyar. Swamy Desikan , our AchAryan is Soumyan. The VishNu Daasan (bhAgavatan) is soumyan. Oh Good People of this earth ! Have you seen anyone greater than Swamy Desikan in

displaying soumya GuNam? If so , please point out ! Soumya means auspicious , brilliant and pleasing.


44th SlOkam/44th Year/SaadhAraNa:


sAdhArana: PaNdita MaNDanOyam

VedAnta sUri: kritipir viSishta:

ithyUchivAn PaNdita pAmarOyam

vEtthum rahasyam katamarhadheeha


(Meaning): SaadharaNa means common or ordinary or garden variety . SevA Swamy states here that those (Scholars

and untutored ones ) who view Swamy Desikan as a human being are simpletons ( SaadhaaraNa entities). Through His uniquely lofty SrI Sooktis , Swamy Desikan holds the highest status among

VedAnta VidhvAns and AchAryAs. How can an ordinary scholar or simple folk

understand this fact ? It is indeed difficult for them .


45th SlOkam/45th year/VirOdhikruth


VirOdhivarga-kruntanAt VirOdhikruth VibhAvyatE

VirOdhinamcha Chandhamair vachObhirEva bhAtyahO

VirOdhina: padhAgrahA: mudhAgraham vihAyatE

padhagrahENa dhanyatAm prabhEdhirE prahrushta:


(Meaning): Swamy Desikan is VirOdhi-kruth since He destroys VirOdhi Vargams ( categories of kudhrushtis and Kumatis).Through SrI Sooktis like VirOdhi ParihAram , He protects even the deluded "virOdhis" with auspicious words housed in His own SrI Sooktis. Those who were haughty to Him and stayed away from His sacred feet leave their aggression behind and become dhanyAs,once they seek the protection of His redeeming feet .

( To Be continued )

NamO SrI HayagreevAya ,

Daasan , Oppiliappan Koil V.Sadagopan








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