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Ratha Sapthami-AruNam : Part V ( 2nd AnuvAka Mantrams: 5-7 )

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Second AnuvAkam ( MantrAs 5 )



Mantram # 5



sOrussathee na nivartatE

yEvam nAnA samuttAnA:

KaalA: samvatsaragum-SritA:

aNusasccha mahasasccha

sarvE samavayantritam

sa taissarvai: samAvishDa:

Urus-sann-na nivartatE

adhisamvatsaram vidhyAth

tadhEva lakshaNE


taamm nadhya: abhisamAyanti:

From different directions , smaller

rivers flow and join that big river.


saa Uru: satee na nivartatE

That big river of Time swells in

volume and does not ever dry up

or reverse its course.


yEvam nAnA samutthAna:aNusasccha

Mahasasccha kaalA: samvatsaram SritA:


Thus the smaller units of time such as

seconds , minutes hours , days and

bigger units such as months,

ruthus, ayanams flow towards and

reach their sangamam ( confluence)

with the mighty river of time.


sarvE tamm samayantri


They all reach the big river and

become one .


sa: sarvai: tai: samAvishTa: Uru: sann

na nivartatE


That mighty river gets even bigger from

the subsidaries and becomes even larger

and never dries up.


tadhEva lakshaNE adhisamvatsaram



With this lakshaNam ( marker),we

have to comprehend that the Lord of

samvatsaram or the Year is

Soorya NaarAyaNan .


Mantram # 6


aNubhisccha mahadhbhisccha

samArooDa: pradhruSyatE

samvatsara: pratyakshENa

naadhisattva: pradhruSyatE

PaDarO viklidha: pinga:

yEtat VaruNa LakshaNam


sahasram tatra neeyatE

yEkagum hi SirO naanA mukhE

krutsnam tadh-rutu-lakshaNam



Anubhisccha mahatbhisccha

samarUdA: samvatsara:

pratyakshENa pradhruSyate


(Meaning): The smaller units of time

unite with the bigger units of time

to become samvatsaram and this

is cognized by direct perception

( pratykasha anubhavam) .


adhi sattvE na pradhrusyatE

(Meaning): The dhaivam behind

the Samvatsaram however is not

clearly percieved .


viklidha: paDarO pinga: yEtat

VaruNa lakshaNam


(Meaning): That which is seen as

a golden red mist eveloping the Sun's

orbit is the VaruNa lakshaNam

( symbol of VaruNa ).


yatra-yEtat-upadhruSyatE ,

sahasram tatra neeyatE

(Meaning): When this ( golden red

mist ) is seen ,then thousands of

differences appear (i-e) the Lord

residing inside the orbit of Sooryan

does not become manifest . He becomes

hidden behind this veil .


Sira: yEkam hi nAnA mukhE

(meaning):The svarropam (inherent

nature) of Kaalam is that it has

one head and many mouths.


krutsanam tat rutu lakshaNam

(meaning): All these are the

lakshaNams ( features) of

Kaalam in the form of seasons

( Ruthu).


Here , the reference is to the 15th

Mantram of IsAvAsyOpanishad , which

states : Oh Sooryan ! The face of

Truth ( satyam) is hidden by a golden

cup. Oh Sooryan ! Please remove this

obstacle to view Satyam by me

( HiraNmayEna pAtrENa satyasyApi

hitam mukham, Tath Thvam

PushannapAvruNu Satya dharmAya

dhrushtayE ).


Mantram # 7



jalpitam Thva yEva dhihyatE

Sukla KrishNE samvatsarasya

dakshiNa-VaamayO: pArSvayO:

tasyaishA bhavati

Sukram tE anyadhyajatam tE anyat

vishurUpE ahanee dhyaurivAsi

ViSvA hi MaayA avasi svadhAva:

bhadhrA tE Pooshanniha-


nAtra bhuvanam , na PooshA

na PaSava: , naadhityas-

samvatsara yEva pratyakshENa

priyatamam vidhyAth

yEtadhvai samvatsarasya

priyatamam roopam

yOasya mahAn artha utpatsyamAnO

bhavati , idham puNyam kurushvEti

tamaAharaNam dhadhyAt ---(7)


ubhayata: = during the two ayanams of

the Samvatsarams,


saptEndhriyANi =the janthus with seven

holes ( 2 ears , 2 eyes , 2 Nostrils

and one mouth) in the face are born

during these two ayanams

( DakshiNAyanam and UttarAyaNam) .


jalpitam thvEva dhihyatE= disputations

( VitaNdhAvAdham) about this are made

but no effort is made to understand

the real , spiritual knowledge behind

these creations .


samvatsarasya dakshiNa-VAmayO:

paarSvayO: Sukla-krushNE =

On both sides( Right and Left) of

the Kaala Purushan in the form of

samvatsaram ( Year) are the dark and

white entities ( Sukla Paksham and

KrishNa Paksham , UttarAyaNam and



This reminds us of the Purusha Sookta

Mantram , " ahO rAtrE PaarSvE ",

where the upadEsam is that worshipping

the Kaala roopi , BhagavAn with day and

night at His side , is the most auspicious

phalan of this Life .


tasya yEshA bhavati = about this , the

next mantrams are about ( deal with) .


Pooshan! tE Suklam anyat; tE yajatam

anyat= Oh Pooshan ( Adityan symbolizing

prosperity) ! For You , the whiteness

(Suklam) is different ; For You ,the

worshipful blackness ( Yajatam) is



ahanee vishurUpE ; Thvam dhyau iva

asi= For You , the day and night are

equal ; You are in their middle as

antariksham ( like the space between

earth and the sky ).


ViSvA hi MaayA avasi svadhAva:=

(svadhAva:) Oh Sooryan giving annam

to the world ! ( ViSva MaayA: avasi)=

You protect this world , which is forever

changing with VishNu Maayaa .


iha BhadrA tE Pooshann-iha-rAtir-astviti

(astu+iti) =The word is that in this world ,Your benovolent acts are indicated to be behind the growth of all auspciousness .


atra na bhuvanam , na PooshA , na PaSava: na Aditya: Samvatsara yEva pratyakshENa priyatamam= When one examines this truism ,it is clear that there is no world , the devatai

that nouriushes the world, no animals and no Sooryan . Only the Kaalam in the form of Samvatsaram is directly percieved with utter delight as the existing doctrine( entity) that is behind all others ( Bhuvanam, Pasu ,devatais and Adityan).


yEtatvai samvatsarasya priyatamam roopam=

The most desired roopam of Samavatsaram is this one with the admixture of White and Black.


asya mahAn artha: ya: bhavati tamm AharaNam idham puNyam kurushva iti = What stays the best phalan for this Jeevan is to be offered as upadEsam instructing the jeevan to perform that PuNya Kaaryam .


The audio file of the first Part of

AruNam will be sent seperately in

the near future .


Conclusion of the Second anuvAkam ,


ChAyA SuvarchalA SamEta SrI

Soorya NaarAyaNa ParabrahmaNE nama:

Daasan, Oppiliappan Koil V.Sadagopan





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