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SatakOpar AndhAti : Part VII: SatakOpar AndhAti by Kamba NaattAzhwAr: Verse 3

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Dear BhakthAs of Swamy NammAzhwAr :





Third CheyyuL : Introduction


In this verse , Kambar points out the sacredness and the Vaibhavam of Swamy NammAzhwAr's ThiruvAimozhi Paasurams as well as their power to cleanse us off many blemishes.


Text of the Third SeyyuL


Paavodukkum nuNN isayodukkum palavum paRayum


naavodukkum nallaRivodukkum maRRu nAttappatta


tEvodukkum paravAdha seruvodukkum



poovodukkum amuthat-ThiruvAyiram pOntanavE


Genaral Meaning:


The sacred utterance of ThiruvAimozhi that arose from the effulgent AzhwAr , who incarnated at Thirukkuruhur houses inside it sakala Veda Saastrarthams ; it is like nectar to experience and has all the grammar of Sanga Tamizh poetry .It has the power to defeat the spontaneus outbursts of deluded para mata vaadhins , which has no links to pramANams .It establishes the supermacy of Sriman NaarAyaNan over all the other Vaidhika matams.It destroys the arguments claiming the supermacy of of other " dhaivams " .

Word by word Meaning For the 3rd verse


KuruhUr bhU pOntana: That which arose from the sacred tongue of the resplendent AzhwAr born at ThirukkuruhUr ( Viz) ThiruvAimozhi


odukkum amudha thiruppaa: (it) will house tightly inside itself the meanings of sakala vedams and Saastrams .


amudha Thirppaaa odukkum nuNN isai odukkum : These nectar like auspicious paasurams will also house inside them the subtle grammar of sangeeta saastram .


palavum paRayum naa odukkum: It will control the ramblings of the debaters , who utter whatever that comes to their minds without the backing of accepted PramANams .


nallaRivu odukkum: It will house the content of superior Sri Sookthis.


maRRum nAttappatta tEvu odukkum: It will bring under its control all the demi-gods linked to different siddhAntams.


ParavAtac-cherukku odukkum : It will point out the fallacies of Paramata Vaadhins , which attribute Paratvam

( supermacy) to their own gods by destroying their egos .


Swamy NammAzhwAr ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam ,

DhAsan , Oppiliappan Koil V. Sdagopan





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