Guest guest Posted February 10, 2009 Report Share Posted February 10, 2009 SrI: Dear VedhAbhimAnis: The 23rd PanchAti Text amutrEtarE tasmAdhihAtaptritApA: tEshAmEshaa bhavathy saptasooryA dhivamanupravishDA: tAnanvEti paTibhirdakshiNavAn tE asmai sarvE grutamAtapanti Urjam dhuhAnA anapasphuranta iti saptativaja: SooryA ityAchAryA: tEshAmEshaabhvathy sapta dhiSO nAnA SooryA: 23nd Mantram: Word by word Meaning: itarE amutra tasmAth iha = SvarNaran , JyOthishmaan, VibhAsAn and others ( itarE) are beyond the Meru mountain( amutra) and hence do not shine on their own ( ataptritapA:). tEshAm yEshA bhavathy = There is this mantram ( yEshA) about them ( Seven SooryAs). Sapta SooryA: dhivam anupravishtA:= The seven Sooryans have occupied the sky (dhivam) in a prescribed way( anupravishtA:). They are located in specific locations to cover their assigned areas from equator on both sides. For example , when it is winter in the Northern hemisphere,it is summer in the southern hemisphere. tAnanvEti pathibhir-dakshiNavAn=The one who does Soorya UpAsanai ( DakshiNavAn) follows the paths of the seven SooryAs (tAnn anu pathibhi:) and reaches ( yEti) MahA Meru mountain in the defined ways. MahA Meru mountain is not seen by human eyes and is said to be located in the Pamir Mountains north of BhArata Varsham. This name of MahA Meru is not to be confused with the three dimensional yantram made up of nine aavaraNams worshipped by SrI Vidhyaa UpaasakAs.That 3D yantram is also known as MahA Meru . tE sarvE asmai Urjam ghrutam dhuhAnaa:anapasphuranta:Atapanti iti =all these seven Sooryans (tE sarvE) bless the upAsakan (asmai) with gifts of life giving (Urjam duhAna:)items like ghee (grutam) these seven Sooryans ( tE sarvE) shine without harming the people with their intense warmth (anapasphuranta: Atapanti iti ). saptartvija: SooryA ityAchAryA:= AchAryAs say that the seven rtviks are the seven sooryAs. The seven Rtvija: ( officials in the Yaagam with assigned duties to conduct a successful yAgam) are (1) hOtA (2) PraSAstA (3) BrahmaNAcchamsi (4) pOtA (5)nEshtA (6) AcchAvAn and (7) Aagneetran . tEshAm yEshA bhavati= Then there is the following mantram( yEshA) about the seven sooryans( tEshAm) . sapta dhiSO nAnA SooryA:=There are different sooryans ( nAnA SooryA: ) in each of these seven directions ( diSa:) .The seven directions are: East , South , West,North,AkAsam (Urdhvam) , below and in between (antariksham) Seventh AnuvAkam: 24th Mantram Text of the Mantram saptahOtAra rtvija: dEvA Aadityaa yE sapta tEbhissOmAbheerakshaNa iti tadhabhyAmnAya: dhigbhrAja rutUn karOti , yetayaivAvrutA sahasra Sooryatayaa iti- VaiSampAyana: tasyaishA bhavati yat-dhyAva indhra tE satagumsatam- bhUmi: utasyu: natvA vajrin sahasragum SooryA: Word by Word Meaning : sapta hOtAra: rtvija: dEvA AadityA: yE sapta=The seven SooryAs sit as seven rtviks ( rtvija:) in the Yaagams of this world. SOma tEbhi: na: abhirakshaNa iti=Oh Soma DevA ! May You protect us(na:abhirakshaNa iti) with the seven Sooryans ! tadhapi AamnAya: iti = This is stated in another section of the VedAs( AamnAya) as well. dhig-bhrAja: ruthUn karOti = Lighting up(bhrAja:)the different directions( dhigs) , the seven Sooryans create the six different ruthus . yEta yaiva AavrutA sahasra SooryatayA iti VaiSampAyana:=If we continue with the same nyAyam (yEta yaiva AavrutA) the Sooryan can be considered to be thousand fold (Sahasra SooryatayA )according to Sage VaiSampAyana (iti VaisampAyana:). tasya yEshA bhavati=About this concept , there is the following mantram. Indhra tE dhyAva:Bhumee: satagum-satam yadh utasyu: Vajrin thvA sahasram Soorya: (na anvashta)=Oh Indhra holding the weapon of VajrA ( Vajrin ) ! since You reign over hundreds (satagum satam) of upper worlds ( dhyAvA) and bhU lOkams ( bhUmee:) , thousands of Sooryans (sahasra SooryA:) can not completely cover You . Indhra here refers to Parama Purushan ,VirAt roopi and not Indhran , the king of DevAs. Seventh AnuvAkam : 25th Mantram Text of the 25th Mantram anuna jAtamashta rhOdhasi iti nAnAlingatvAtrutUnAm nAnA Sooryatvam ashtou tu vyavasitA iti SooryamaNDalAnyashtaata Urdhvam tEsham yEshA bhavati chitram dEvAnAm udhagAdhaneekam chakshur-mitrasya VaruNasyAgnE: AaaprA dhyAvApruthivee antariksham Word by word Meanings rhOdhasee jAtam na anu ashta sahasra sooryA; iti= There is a mantram that You who appeared before the worlds ( rhOdhasi jAtam) in a resplendent form can not be enveloped ( na anu ashta) even by thousands of Sooryans. rutUnAm nAnAlingatvAt nAnA Sooryatvam =the doctrine is that there are many sooryans because of the many lakshaNams of the various ruthus. ashtou tu vyavasitA: iti ata:Urdhvam ashta-Soorya-maNDalAni = As per earlier reference to the 8 Sooryans , it is said here that there are 8 Soorya MaNDalams in the sky. tEshAm yEshA bhavati= about them , the following mantram exists. This mantram is the one used during Adhitya UpAsanam during MaadhyAhnikam . dEvAnAm chitram aneekam udhagAdh= The Sarva dEva svaroopi , rises up high in the sky with his myriad & resplendent forms( chitram Aaneekam). Mitrasya VaruNasya AgnE:chakshu:=This Soorya BhagavAn is like the eye for Mitran, VaruNan and Agni. dhyAvaa pruthvee antariksham Aapraa= This Soorya BhagavAn spreads across BhU lOkam, antariksham and dEva lOkam . jagata: tasthushascchEti Soorya: AatmA iti=The mantram here is : Sooryan shines as the indweller/antarAtmaa( Aatmaa) for both the chEtanams and the achEtanams. Seventh AnuvAkam sampoorNam, NamO Veda PurushAya ,Daasan , Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri Sadagopan Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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