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Ratha Sapthami-AruNam : Part XXI (9th AnuvAkam : PanchAtis 34-40).

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Dear VedhAbhimAnis:


34th Mantram Introduction


The names of the 8 Agnis are presented here.The kanti viSEshams of these eight Agnis are referred to .


34th Mantram Text


agnisccha jAtavEdhAsccha

sahOjA ajirAprabhu:

VaisvAnarO naryapAsccha

panktirAdhAsccha saptama:

VisarpE vaa ashtamOagneenAm

yEtEashtou Vasava: kshitA iti

yathartvEvAgnErarchivarNa viSEshA:

neelArchisccha peetAkArchiscchEti

atha vAyOr-EkAdhaSa-purushasyaikAdaSastreekasya

prabhAjamAnA vyavadhAtA:


Word by Word Meaning of the 34th PanchAti


Agnisccha JaatavEdhAsccha , sahOjA AjirAprabhu:,VaiSvAnarO NaryApAsccha , PanktirAdhAsccha saptama: , VisarpE vaashtamO-agneenAm, yEtEashtou Vasava: kshitA iti= The names of the eight Agnis are:Agni , JaatavEdhas , SahOjA , AjirAprabhu:,VaiswAnara:, NaryApas , PanktirAdhaa and Visarpee .These eight Agnis are the aids for the comfort of the janhtus ( Vasava:) and forms of comfort ( KshitA:).


yathA rutvEva AgnE: archi VarNa viSEshA: , neela archisccha peetaka archisccha iti= As in the case of the rutus , the Agnis have uniqueness of lustres( varNa ViSEsha:).Some are accompanied by blue lustre and the others have golden hue.


atha VaayO: yEkAdasa Purushasya yEkAdaSa strikasya , prabhrAjamAnA vyavadhAtA:=Now , we will give the names of the eleven Male assemblies of the Vaayus and their counterpart female assemblies as well . The first two male groups have the names of PrabhrAjamAnars and VyavadhAtaas.


In our Vaidheeka sampradhAyam , we start the worship of Agni Kaaryams with the 8 names of Agni : AgnayE nama: , JaatavEdhasE Nama: et al.


Thirty Fifth Mantram( 9th anuvAkam):


The names of the Female gaNams of Vaayu are first given here. Next , it is stated that the UpAsakAs of Agni,Vaayu and Sooryan have no fear of death from

thunder strkes.


Text of the 35th Mantram


Yaasccha Vaasuki vadhyuta:

rajatA: parushA SyAma:

KapilA atilOhitA:

UrdhvA apapatantAsccha

Vaidhyuta ityEkAdaSa:

naitam VaidhuyutO hinasti

ya yEvam Vedha

sa hOvAcha VyAsa: pArASarya:

VidhyudhvadhamEvaaham Mrutyumaicchamiti

na tvakAmagum hanti


Word by Word Mesnings:


Yaasccha Vaasuki Vaidhyutaa:-----------Vaidhyuta ithyEkAdaSa= The Male and the Female GaNams of the 11 Vaayus are: Vaasuki VaidhyutAs, RajatAs , ParushAs, SyAmA: , KapilA: ,AtilOhitA: UrdhvA:,AvapatantA:,VaidhyutA: et al.

Ya yEvam vEdha nainam VaidhyutO hinasti=One who understands the Vaayu GaNams in this way is not harmed by

Lightning and thunder.


ParAsaryA: VyAsa: ha saa uvaacha=Thus spoke VyAsa , the famous son of Sage ParASarA .


Vidhyudhvadham yEva aham Mrutyum Iyccham iti; akAmam na tu hanti= VyAsa says: I prayed to Mrtyu dEvan to have freedom from death and harm by lightning and thunder.


akaamam na tu hanti= The Lightning and thunder will not harm one , who does not seek that kind of death .


Ninth AnuvAkam: 36th Mantram: Introduction


This Mantram lists the elevan Gandharva gaNams and describes their Vaibhavam.


The Text of the 36th Mantram


Ya yEvam Vedha

atha Gandharva GaNA:

svAnabhrAt, AngArir-BimbhAri:

Hastassuhasta: ,KuSAnu-ViSvAvasu:

Moordhanvaan SooryavarchA:

krutirityEkAdAsa Gandharva gaNA:

dEvAsccha MahAdhEvA:

rasmayasccha dEvA garagira:


Word by Word Meaning:


Ya yEvam Vedha= For One who understands this way , there is no fear of apamrutyu .


atha Gnadharva GaNA:= now about the assembly of GandharvAs.


svAnamrATh ---Sooryavarchaa: kruti iti gandharva gaNA: yEkAdaSa= The Eleven Gandharva gaNams are SvAn , abhrATh, angrAri , BambhAri ,Hastan , Suhastan, KruSAnu , ViSvAvasu ,MoordhanvAn, Sooryavarchas and Kruti.


dEvAsccha MahAdEvA: cha raSmaysccha garagirA: cha =The shine as MahA dEvAs among the dEvAs and have splendid effulgence.They have the power even to digest Visham ( Poison).


Scope of Ninth anuvAkam:37th Mantram


The above mantram instructed us that freedom from fear of Poison is gained by UpAsanA of GandharvAs. The power of Gouri ( One with white hue) upAsanai is described in this mantram . Gouri is to be viewed here as Sabdha Brahma RoopiNi, the Vedha MaatA with thousands of mantrams as Her limbs.


Text of the 37th Mantram


nainam garO hinasti, ya yEvam vEdha

Gouree mimAya salilAnitakshati

yEkapadhi dhvipadhi saa chatushpadhee

ashThApadhee navapadhee BaBUshee

sahasrAksharA paramE vyOmanniti

vachO VishEshaNam

atha nigadha vyAkhyAtA:


VarAhava: svatapasa:


Word by Word Meaning:


Ya yEvam vEdha yEnam gara: nahinasti=

For one who understands the mahimai of GandharvAs , there will be no fear of death from poisons.


Gouree mimAya=Gouri DEvi measures the world and puts everything there in order.


salilAni dakshatee=She brings order to all entities that arose from the waters.


The other Veda Mantram to refer to in this context is: " AapO vaa idhagum sarvam ViSvA bhUtAnyApa:, sarva dEvatA AapO BhUrbhuva: suvarApa Om".


yEkapadhee dhvipadhee chatushpadhee ashtApadhee nava padhee sahasrAksharA BaBUvushee paramE vyOman Saa=The rg mantrams with one paadham , the others ( Veda Mantrams) with two,four,eight , nine and those with thousand aksharams were willed to come into being ( sankalpa mAtrENa) by Her , who is at the abode of ParaBrhmam embodying Parama-AkAsam .


The AkAsam has three divisions: PErAkAsam( gross) , ChidhAkAsam and Parama AkAsam . ParamAkAsam is Brahman and united with that Brahman is the Vaag DEvi .


This is the UpAsanA mantram of Veda MaatA . The Lakshmi RoopiNi sitting on the left thigh of Sri LakshmI HayagrIvan is known as VaaNi or VidhyA dEvi ( not to be confused with

Saraswathy , the wife of Brahma dEvan).She has a white hue and vastram matching that of Suddha SphaDika maNi roopan , SrI HaygrIvan.These tattvams and Haygriva Bheejaksharams are referred to in Sri Haygriva Sahasra Naamams ( Sundara Simham ebook # 66,

Page 21 , SlOkams 28 & 20 ).


Vaacha: viSEshaNam=This mantram extolls the glories of Vaag dEvatai , VaaNi referred to above.


atha nigadha vyAkhyAtaa: taann anukramishyAma:= now , we will discuss one by one the Maruth gaNams, whose vaibhavams are revealed by their names alone.( The next mantram of this anuvAkam covers their names).


vara aavhava: svatapasa: =These Maruth gaNams bring plentiful and nourishing rains. With their innate power , they create warmth .


NamO Veda PurushAya ,Daasan , Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri Sadagopan













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