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Ratha Sapthami-AruNam : Part XXV (11th AnuvAkam : PanchAti 53-55 ).

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Dear VedhAbhimAnis:


53rd and 54th Mantram Introduction:


The relationship between perishable body and the eternal Aatmaa is explored here.The uniqueness of the Aatmaa is described. A prayer to Agni bhagavAn is made to come quickly and bless the YajamAnan .


53rd and the 54th Mantram Text


Mantram 53:


VeeNA-paNava lAsitam

mrutam jeevam ch yath kimchith

angAnisnEva viddhi tath


asmAmjAtA mE mithUcharan

putrO nirruttyA vaidEha:

achEtA yasccha chEtana:

sa tamm maNImavindhath


sOagreeva: pratyamunchath


Mantram 54


sOajihvO asacchat

naitam rishim vidhitvA nagaram praviSEth

yadhi praviSEth

nithou charitvA praviSEth

tath sambhavasya vratam

AatamagnE ratham tishta

yEkASvamEka yOjanam

yEka chakramEkadhuram

vAtadhrAjigatim VibhO

na rishyati na vyathatE


Word by Word Meaning of the 53rd and 54th Mantrams:


VeeNA-PaNava lAsitam= the happiness arising from listening to the sounds of Veenai and Mrudhangam


mrutam jeevam cha = the happiness and sadness arising from life and death


yatkichit tath angAni snA AnmAdhrug=

these are like the limbs and nerves tied together to the body .


atrushyan trushya asmAth jAtA: mE dhyayath= the Soul with its house in the body has no desires and attachments and yet thinks that this laughter and weeping and the joy and the sorrow associated with both belongs to it.


mithUcharan vaidEha: nirrudhyA: putra: achEtAya: cha chEtana: =Since the jeevan lives by uniting with the body, it( the jeevan) although it is distinctly different from the body becomes like the son with the asurA svabhAvam and behaves like an achEtanam although it is an eternal chEtanam .


sa: MaNim avindhat=after reaching that state,the jeevan gains as stated before

a most enjoyable gem ( bhOgya vastu),



sa: anaguli: Aavayath , sa: agreeva: pratyamunchath, sa: ajihvA: asaSchath=The jeevan without fingers adorns this gem ; without a neck , he wears it ; without a tongue , he tastes this bhOgya vastu or eulogizes it.


yEtam rishim viditvA nagaram na praviSEth=having comprehended the all seeing Aatma , one will not enter in to the cage( prison) like body.


yati-praviSEth mithou charitvaa praviSEth= If by chance he enters , then he will live with full knowledge that the relationship between body and AathmA is not real and will stay there for the well being of the world ( lOka sangraham) like an adhikAra purushan.


tath Sambhavasya vratam=This is the way of life ( anushtAnam) and the credo

( siddhAntam) of Sage Sambhava .


From here is a prayer for Agni dEvan.


AgnE ! tamm ratham Aatishta=Oh Agni !

Please mount Your chariot and arrive here !


yEkASvam yEka yOjanam=That chariot of Yours has only one horse and yet can travel one yOjanai distance in a single minute.


yEkachakram yEka dhuram=That chariot of Yours has only one wheel and one

nuhatthadi (dhuram=binding post).


Vaata-dhrAji gatim=That chariot of yours moves swiftly like the wind.


na rishyati na vyathatE=that chariot of Yours is indestructible and will not harm anyone. Please mount that chariot , arrive at the YagnasAlaa and bless adiyEn !

55th Mantram Introduction


The features of the chariot of Agni and its movement are first described. Next ,

the features of the chariot of Vaayu are included and a prayer is made for Vaayu to arrive at the YaagasAlA of the yajamAnan and to aceept the worship offered to Him .


55th Mantram Text:


nAsyAkshO yAtu sajjati

yacchEvatAn rohitAgumscchAgnE:

rathE yuktvAdhitishtati

yEkayA cha daSabhisccha svabhUtE

dhvAbhyAmishtayE vigumSatyA cha

tisrubhisccha vahasE trigum SatA cha

niyudhbhir vAyaviha taa vimuncha


Word by word Meaning of the 55th Mantram:


asya aksha: yAtu na sajjati=When it travels , the axle of this chariot does not collide wiht anything.


AgnE: yath rathE SvEtAn rOhitAn cha yuktvA adhitishtati=In this chariot ready to travel are bound the white and red horses.


From here on , there is a prayer for Vaayu BhagavAn.


yEkaa cha daSabhisccha dhvAbhyAm vigumsatyA cha tisrubhisccha trigumSatA cha niyutbhi: svabhUtE vahasE=Oh Vaayu

BhagavAn ! some times You travel in a one horsed or ten horsed chariot; other times , You travel in a chariot driven by two or twnety horses and yet at other times Your chariots are drawn by three or thirty horses. In this type of chariot befitting you , You travel from one place to the other.


VaayO ! iha taa: vimuncha=Oh VaayU !

please unfasten your horses near my YaagasAlA and accept adiyEn's worship.


11th anuvAkam sampoorNam


NamO Veda PurushAya,

DhAsan , Oppiliappan Koil V,Sadagopan


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