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Ratha Sapthami-AruNam : Part XXVI (12th AnuvAkam : PanchAti 56-60 ).

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Dear VedhAbhimAnis:


56th Mantram Introduction:


Indhran is the king of DevAs and hence a prayer is extended to him to send Agni and Agni is praised as Rudra Svaroopi.


Indhran is requested to place the embryo inside Sooryan for nourishment by Chandran to transform into rain for descending down to earth for the wellbeing of the janthus.


56th Mantram Text:


Aatanushva pratanushva

uddhamAdhama sandhama

AadhityE chandravarNAm

garbhamAdEhi ya: pumAn

itissktagum Sooryagatam

chandramasE rasamkrudhi


ya yEkO Rudhra uchyatE


smaryatE na cha dhruSyatE


Word by word Meaning of the 56th Mantram


This is the prayer to Indhran.


Aatanushva= Please present Your Moorthy in all four directions.


pratanushva=Please give us your beautiful sevai to us.


uddhama adhama samdhama=Please spread your lustrous arrival in the upper and lower directions.


ya: pumAn chandravarNAnAm garbham AadEhi= Oh Lord , who is the chief among PurushAs ! Please place the cool garbham with the hue of the moon inside the Sooryan.


ita: siltam Sooryagatam chandramasE rasam kruti= Please transport this offering ( AahUti) made here travel to Sooryan and thereafter create rain water from Chandran.


vaarAdhamAgnim agrE janaya= please make the boon giving Agni to appear in front of me.


Ya: yEka: Rudhra uchyatE= That Agni is considered as a matchless Rudhran by the SaastrAs.


Agni is recognized as Rudhra Svaroopi and Indhran as the Lord of Agni is approached to send Agni to the Yajn~am.


asankhyAtA: sahasrANi smaryatE=The forms of Rudhra not seen by the physical eyes are stated to be in their thousands by the SaastrAs.


The presence of Rudhran in many forms in Agni , Jalam , plants and creepers and in a pervasive form in all living beings is indicated by the following Veda Mantram:


" yO RudhrO Agnou yO apsya Oshadheeshu yO RudhrO ViSvA bhuvanAaavivESa Tasmai RudhrAya nama:"


Garbham AadEhi: Indhran places the garbham , Chandran nourishes it with its nectarine rays and that transforms to the life giving rains and pours down on earth.What a Poetic conception ! What a

Vedic Vision !



57th Mantram Introduction


Here, the prayer to Indhra continues.He is asked to mount in his chariot drawn by the horses having hair of the color of peacock feathers ( mayil kaNNu) and come to the YaagasAlai to bless the assembled. The YajamAnan asks for a ride with Indhra during such a journey along with the KaalAbhimAni dEvatAs.


57th Mantram Text



Aamandhrairindhra haribhi:

yAhi mayUrarOmabhi:

maa thvA kEchinnayEmurinna pASina:

dhadanvEva taa ihi

Maamandhrairindhra haribhi:

yaami mayUrarOmabhi:

ma maa kEchinniyEmurinna paaSina:

nidhanvEva taa(2)m imi

aNubhisccha mahadhbhisccha


Word by Word Meaning of the 57th Mantram:


yEtam yEvam niBhOdhata=We should comprehend this Agni as said before as Sri Rudhran .


Indhra! mandhrai:mayUra-rOmibhi: haribhi: AayAhi=Oh Indhra! please arrive at our yajn~asAlA in Your chariot drawn by the joy-producing horses with hairs with the hue of peacock feathers ( Mayil KaNNu).


ThvA kEchit maa niyEmu:= no one will block your arrival here.


pASina: ith na niyEmu:= Your charioters will not stop your arrival either.


dadhanvEva taa: ihi= Please arrive at our places as the boon granting Lord.


Indhra! mandhrai: mayUra rOmibhi: haribhi:maa yaami=Oh Indhra! please take me along in your chariot drawn by the joy-generating horses with hair having the hue of peacock fethers .


maa kEchit maa nyEmu:= may no one stop me from coming along with You in your chariot.


PaaSina: na nYEmu:= May the drivers of Your chariot not stop me.


nidhanvEva taann imi= I wish to gain the svarga lOkam of Yours and feel like one who is joyous on gaining a great hiddeen treasure.


aNubhiSccha MahatbhiSccha AayAhi= Please arrive with both the miniscule and the gigantic KaalAbhimAni dEvatAs !


58th Mantram Introduction


Indhran is welcomed with gusto now. He is invoked as riding chariot drawn by white and black horses representing the

kaalam ( day and night). These two horses are also represented as Kaala-

abhimAni dEvatais. Indhran is seen in the company of Vaayu and Samvatsara dEvatai and is greeted thrice endearingly as " SubhramaNya" or OmkAra svaroopi and the srEshta BrahmaNyar .


58th Mantram Text


kaalar-hari thvamApannai:

IndhrayA hi sahasrayuk


Vaayu: SvEtasikadhruka:

samvatsarO vipoorvaNai:

nityAstE anucharaastava

SuBrahmaNyOgum SuBrahmaNyOgum- SuBrahmaNyOm

IndhrAgaccha hariva Aagaccha-


mEshAvrushaNaSvasya mEnE


58th Mantram Meaning : Word by word


nishkrushvai: asamAyudhai: Harithvam Aapannai: Sahasrayuk Indhra Aahi=

Oh Indhran with thousand eyes ( sahasrayuk) ! Please arrive with the lustrous (nishkrushvai:) KaalAbhimAni dEvatAs , who have taken the form of horses (harithvam Aapannai:) displaying unyoked existence .


vibhraashti vasana:Agni:SvEtasikadhruka:

Vaayu: vishUvarNai: samvatsara: tE nityAnucharA:=Agni with his shining clothes ( VibhrAshti vasana:), Vaayu with the hue of white chalk (SvEta sikatruka:) and the multihued ( VishU varNai:) Samvatsara dEvatai accompany you always ( nityAnucharA:) during your sanchArams.


Om SuBramaNya(3) Indhra Aagaccha=

Oh Loftiest One among BrahmaNaas ! Please honor us with your arrival !


The Name of SubrahamaNya is invoked

thrice with longing and reverence .


Hariva: mEdhAtithE: mEsha (Aagaccha)=

Oh Indhra who carried away MEdhAtithi, the son of Sage KaNva ! , (Indhra carried the son away on his back while taking the form of a ram). Oh InhdrA ! Please arrive at our Yajn~a SaalA !


VrushaNaSvasya mEnE Aagaccha= Oh Indhra , who fell in love with Menaka ,

the daughter of VrushSvasa rishi ! Please arrive at our Yajn~a saalA !


59th Mantram Introduction


Indhra is saluted with his different names and is informed that the eight Agnis in the form of the Rudraas are already assembled at the Yajn~asAla .


59th Mantram Text:


gouraavaskandhinnahalyAyai jAra

KouSika BrAmaNa goutmaBruvANa

aruNASvA ihAgatA:

Vasava: pruthivikshita:

ashtou dhigvAsasOagnaya:

agnisccha jAtavEdAScchEtyEtE

tAmrASvAstAmra rathA:


dhaNdahastA: kkhdhagdhata:

itO RudhrA: parAmgatA:


59th Mantram: Word by Word:


Gouraavaskandhin ! = Oh IndhrA who took the guise( vEsham) of a white deer !


AhalyAyai Jaara= Oh IndhrA , the secret lover of AhalyA !


KouSika BrAhmaNa = Oh Indhra who appeared before sage KouSikar in the guise of a Brahmin !


GoutamaBruvANa= Oh Indhra , who praised sage Goutamar !AruNASvaa: Vasava: Pruthveekshita: dhigvAsasa: Ashtou Agnaya: iha AagatA:=Oh IndhrA ! The Eight Rudhra Moorthys ( the eight Agnis) with red horses , who live on this earth ,who have the directions as their dresses ( naked dhigambharars) and who nourish the people of the earth have arrived here already .


yEtE AgniSccha JaatavEdhAccha=These eight Agnis have been referred to in the 34th Mantram of the ninth auvAkam.


tAmra aSVA: tAmra RathA: tAmravarNA: tathA asitA: dhaNDahastA: kkhAdhagdhata: ita: parAm gatA: RudhrA:= these Agni-RudhrAs have copper red horses yoked to copper red chariots. Most have copper red hues, while some are black in color.They have cudgels in their hands for punishment and grind their teeth in anger . These are the RudhrAs , who reside in the other world (Vaanulahu).


60th Mantram Introduction


The RudrAs are invited to their seats. Prayers are offered to Bruhaspati and SavitA and they are invited to arrive at the YaagasAlA in their own chariots.

VaasAtya mantram is invoked to describe the svaroopam and the abode of Aswin dEvAs.VaasrEva mantram is recalled next to dramatize the lightning calling its mother, Marut DevatA thru the loud voice of thunder . The full mantram is :

"VaasravE vidhyun mimAti vatsam na mAtA sishakti ,udhEshAm vrushtirasarji".


When there is rain , the Mother cow calls with a loud bellow its calf.This act is compared to the lightning( calf) thru thunder calling the Mother ,the Maruth devatai.


This panchAti concludes with an eulogy of Sooryan.


60th Mantram: Text


uktagumsthAnam pramANam cha pura ita

BruhaspatiSccha SavitA cha



apsushA iti tadh dhvayO:

uktO vEshO vAsAgumsi cha

kAlAvayavAnamita: pratheechyA

VaasAtyA ityaSvinO:

kOantarikshE SaBdham karOteeti

VaasishtO rouhiNO meemAmsugum- chakrE

tasyaishA bhavati

VaaSrEva vidhyudhiti

BrahmaNa udharaNamasi

BrahmaNa udheeraNamasi

BrahmaNa AastaraNamasi

BrahmaNa upastaraNamasi


60th Mantram: Word by Word Meaning


sthAnam pramANam cha uktam; pura:ita=Oh RudhrAs! Your seat locations and their signs have been pointed out.


The prayers now are for Bruhaspati and SavitA:


BruhaspatiSccha SavitA cha ViSvaroopai: udhakavartmanA rathEna iha AagatAm=

Oh Bruhaspati and SavitA ! You both are capable of taking whatever form (roopam) that You desire.Please come in Your chariots that can travel even under water .


apsusha (saha iha AagatAm ) iti tath dhvayO: =Our prayers are to both of You to arrive at our place of residence with rain as Your companion.


KaalAvayavAnAm Vesha: vAsAmsi ita: pratheechyA=The forms and the dresses of the different RutUs ( limbs of Kaala dEvatai) have been described in the earlier panchAtis ( Fourth and the sixth anuvAkams).


VaasAtyA: iti ASvinO:=With the mantram beginning with " VaasAtyA ",

the abode and the inherent nature( savroopam) have been described.


antarikshE ka: SaBdham karOti iti Vaasishta: RouhiNa: meemAmAmsAm chakrE =Sage RouhiNar of Vasishta kulam reflected on who is the one making all that noise in the space between the earth and heaven ( antariksham).


tasya yEshA bhavati; vASrEva vidhyudhiti=There is a mantram about it

starting with " VaaSrEva vidhyut". This mantram refers to the lightning travelling

between the earth and sky and the sound it makes ; that sound is compared to the lightning( Vidhyuth) calling its mother , the Maruth dEvathai.


Now comes the eulogy for Sooryan


BrahmaNa: udharaNam asi=Oh Sooryan ! You habe become the abode(udharaNam) for the Parabhramam .


BrahmaNa: udheeraNam asi= Oh Sooryan ! You have become the body/sareeram for that Brahman.


BrahmaNa: AastaraNam asi= Oh Sooryan! You have become the seat for this Brahman .


BrahmaNa: upastaraNam asi=Oh Sooryan! You have become the vidhAnam( cover) for this Brahman.


Here , it is indicated that Sooryan has not only serves as the Aasanam and VidhAnam but also pratyaksha Moorthy for the Brahman , which can not be seen with our mortal eyes :

" TvamEva Pratyaksham BrahmAsi

TvamEva Pratyaksham Brahma



NamO Veda PurushAya,

DhAsan , Oppiliappan Koil V,Sadagopan




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