Guest guest Posted February 24, 2009 Report Share Posted February 24, 2009 Sri: Dear VedAbhimAnis: In the 3 mantrams of the 13th anuvAkam (61-63) , dEva MaatA , Adhiti dEvi is eulogized and her eight sons are identified . The purpose of her leaving Sooryan , the 8th son of hers in the earth prior to returning to her home in heaven is decribed. Text of Mantrams 61-62 ashtayOnimashtaputrAm ashtapatneemimAm maheem aham vEdha na mE mrutyu: na chaa mrutyuradhAharath ashtayOnyashtaputram ashtapadhidhamantariksham aham vEdha na mE mrutyu: nachAmrutyuragAharath ashtayOnimashtaputrAm ashtapatneemamUm dhivam (61) aham vEda na mE mrutyu: na chAmrutyuragAharath sutrAmANam maheemUshu adhitir-dhyouradhitirantariksham Adhitir-mAtA sa PitA sa putra: ViSvE dEvA Adhiti: pancha janA: Adhitir-jAtamadhitirjanitvam ashtou putrAsO AdhitE: yE jAtAstanva: pari dEvA (2)mupapraith saptabhi: (62) Word by Word Meanings of 61-62 Mantrams: ashta yOneem ashta putrAm ashta patneem imAm maheem aham vEdha= adiyEn knows this BhUmi dEvi , who has eight kinds of causes or eight kinds of places of birth , eight sons and eight kinds of protectors. ashta yOni= The eight root causes ( Moola KaaraNams) for this earth is Prakruti , Mahath, ahankAram , the pentad SaBdha-sparSa-roopa- rasa-gandham ( GeethA: 7.4). ashta putrAm= Adhiti's eight sons are: Agni, JaatavEdhas, SahOjas, AjirAprabhu , VaisvAnaran , naryApas, PanktirAdhas and Visarpi( the eight kinds of Agnis). Ashtapatneem=The word , "Pathnee" is used to mean protectors.The eight protectors for the BhUmi are: Indhran, Agni, Yaman,Nirruti , VaruNan ,Vaayu, KubhEran and IsAnan .There are the eight lords of Directions. na mE mrutyu:=Because I know this I do not face death . amrutyu: agA na chAharath=Untimely death( akAla Mrutyu) can not give me sorrow and sins. ashtayOneem ashtaputram ashtapadh idham antariksham aham vEdha=I know this antariksha dEvatai , who has eight causes , eight sons and eight protectors. na mE mrutyu:= Because I know this , I do not meet death. agA amrutyu: na chAharath= akAla maraNam( death) does not give me sins and sorrow. akAla maraNam does not affect me. ashtayOneem ashtaputrAm ashtapatneem dhivam aham vEdha=I comprehend the deity of heaven , who has eight causes, eight sons and eight protectors. na mE mrutyu:= Because of my comprehension of these doctrines, I have no death. aghA amrutyu: na chAharath= the akAla maraNam does not confer any sins or sorrows on me.It does not affect me. suthrAmaNam maheemUshu= We have to invoke the meanings of two Veda Mantrams:"suthramANam and MaheemUshu". The text and the meanings of the mantrams are given below.These are Mantrams eulogizing Adhiti dEvi. " SuthramANam" Mantram asks us to perform SaraNAgathy to Adhiti dEvi and feel joyous therefrom . She is recognized as One who protects all well, One who is of the form of sky and earth, One who is beyond time, grantor of auspiciousness ,remover of enimity, sinless and like a divine ship engaged in carrying out MangaLa kAryams. " MaheemUshu" mantram asks us also to perform SaraNAgathy at the benovolent Adhiti dEvi's feet and become free from burdens .She is described as the most reverence worthy ,as the caring Mother for those , who perform vratams,ageless, adored by kings ,guide towards the good path. Adhiti: dhyou , Adhiti: antariksham, Adhiti mAtA , Sa: pitA , sa Putra:= She is the heaven ,She is the interspace, She is the Mother and she is the Father , She is the son. Adhiti: ViSvE dEvA: pancha janA: =She is the ViSvE dEvars and She is the pancha janams ( those of the four Varnams and the fifth one outside them ). MahA NarAyaNa Upanishad Mantram ( 25th anuvAkam: 111st Mantram) celebrates Aditi as the above two AruNa Mantrams: " Adhiti is the Mother of all living beings such as gods,gandharvAs , human beings, the pitrus, asurAs , and She is signified by names such as Medhini , Mahee ,Saavitri, Gaayatri, Jagathi , Urvee,Prithvi , BahuLa , VisvA , Bhuta , Katama, Ka, Ya , Satya and Amrita.Thus did Sage Vasishta praise Mother Earth." Adhiti jAtam janitvam =Adhiti dEvi is the universe that has come to be ( the present one) and the one to come into being(future universe) . Adhiti putrAsa: ashtou tanva: pari yE jAtA:=The eight sons of Adhiti were born out of Her body. saptabhi: putrai: dEvAn upapraith= She returned to deva lOkam with seven of Her eight children . She left the eighth one behind on earth. He is Sooryan.He takes away the lives of janthus thru His udhayam ( dawning) and astamanam (setting). Introduction to Mantram 63 In this mantram , it is pointed out that Adhiti dEvi left for heaven with 7 sons and left the 8th son below. He is MaarthANDan left behind for the mortals , who can not avoid death. The names of the 8 sons of Adhiti are recited in the order of their birth. Next a description is given about Sooryan staying in the form of seven Purushans. The Text of the 63rd Mantram parA-mArtANDamAsyath sapatabhi: putrairadhiti: upapraith poorvyam yugam prajAyai mrutyEva tath parA-MaartANDamAbharadhiti tAnanukramishyAma: mitrasccha VaruNasccha dhAtAchAryamA cha agumSaSccha bhagaSccha IndhraSccha VivasvAmScchEtyEtE HiraNyagarbhO hagumsSSuchishath Brahmajajn~anantadhitpadhamiti garbha: prAjApatya: atha purushas-saptapurusha: 63rd Mantram:Word by word Meanings MaartANDam parA AasyAth=Adhiti dEvi left behind the 8th son named MaartANDan. Adhiti: sapatabhi: putrai: poorvyam yugam upapraith =Adhiti dEvi returned with Her seven sons to her former place of residence ( dEva lOkam). prajAyai mrutyavE tath MaartANDam parA AabharAth ithi =She sacrificed that eighth son for the people of the world associated with death.This is the story told in the vedhAs. taann anukramishyAma:=Let us count and name the eight sons of Adhiti. MitraSccha VaruNaSccha dhAtAcha- aryamA cha=They are Mitran , VaruNan, DhAtA and AryamA as well as amSaSccha bhagaSccha indhraSccha VivasvAmScchEtyEtE=AmSan , Bhagan, Indhran and VivasvAn . HiraNyagarbhO hagumsa: Suchishath Brahma Jn~Anam tadhithpadham=Here , we have to remember the three mantrams starting with (1)hamsa: Sushichith , (2)Brahma Jn~Anam and (3)tadhithpadham. Meaning of HiraNyagarbha Mantram: The father of HiraNyagarbhar(Brahma) provides the foundation for the earth and heaven ( sa DhAdhAra prutiveem dhyAmutEmAm) . To whom else can we offer the Havis ( kasmai dEvAya havishA vidhEma?) .To no other god. Meaning of the hagum sa: suSishath Mantram( MahA NaaryANa upanishad 40.3 : " The Sun,the brilliant,the wind in the atmosphere , the fire on the altar, the guest in the house ,the innerself dwelling in men, the indweller of those gods above,the one in which resides in the world of truth , the dweller in the celestial sky , the water-born, the earth -born, sacrifice-born, mountain-born--all these are( the nature of Brahman) the great Truth. Meaning of the Brahma Jn~Ana Mantram: MahA NaarAyaNa Upanishad: 1.10.1: At the very beginning , the lustrous Venan(Sooryan) arose from Brahman , shone across the entire world and pervaded in all directions . He illumines the earth and the upper world. He inserts the forms like Him everywhere. He becomes the origin of the KaaraNa and Kaarya lOkams. Meaning of "tadhitpadha" mantram: Not even the most intelligent person can figure out where the soul after it leaves the body enters and gains other sareerams.The reason for this lack of knowledge is due to us being under the influence of the MaayA constituted by the three guNams. Like the ever rotating wheel , jeevan takes on new births again and again due to its karmAs. This jeevan does not die and disappear.He continues to live . He is eternal. garbha: prAjApatyA:=In the mantram starting with HiraNYagarbha:, the pregnancy linked to PrajApati is referred to . atha Purusha: sapta purusha:= Next , explanation is given as to how Soorya Purushan is in the form of seven PurushAs. Thirteenth anuvAkam sampoorNam NamO Veda PurushAya , DhAsan, Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri Sadagopan Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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