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Ratha Sapthami-AruNam : Part XXXVII ( the 25th AnuvAkam: PanchAtis:104-106 ).

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Dear VedAbhimAnis:


Introduction to PanchAtis 104-106


The vaibhavam of the UpAsanai of VirAt Purushan is described here.The ways to construct the five layers ( Pancha chitaya:) of Uttara Vedhi to worship five agnis (GaarhapatyAgni,DakshiNAgni,

Aahavaneeyam,Sapyam and Aavasatyam)are described in great detail.Reference is made to the fourth paadham of the Chathur Paadha Gaayari mantram.


Text of 104th PanchAti

jAnudhagneem-uttaravEdheem khAtvaa

apAgum poorayati

apAgum sarvatvaaya

pushkAparNAgum rukmam Purusham-ityupadadhAti

tapOvai pushkaraparNam

satyagum rukma:

amrutam purusha:





Word by Word Meaning of the 104th PanchAti


jaanudhagneem utara vEdheem khAtvaa apAm poorayati=One should dig a pit upto the height of the knee in the northern direction to the Yaaga mEdai(vEdhi) and fill that pit with water.


apAm sarvatvAya=That water would be the representative ( pratinidhi) for all.


pushkaraparNam rukmam purusham upadadhAta =Next, the lotus leaves , gold and the vigraham of Parama Purushan must be placed.


iti tapa: vai pushkara parNam, satyam rukma: , Purusha: amrutam=here, lotus leaves are pratinidhi for tapas,, the gold is representative for satyam and the Parama Purusha vigraham is for



yaavath yEtath yEtAvath vaa asti=When this assumption ( bhAvanai) is held, there

would exist ipso facto Tapas, Satyam and deathlessness (eternity ).


yaavath yEva asti , tath avarundhatE=

Just as tapas, satyam and eternity exist ,the upAsakan will attain all that status.


Text of the 105th PanchAti




athO svargasya lOkasya samashDyai

AapAmApAmapa: sarvaa:


agnirvAyusccha sooryasccha

sahasanchskarArdhiyaa iti

VayvASvaa raSmipataya:

lOkam pruNaccidhram pruNa


Word by Word meaning of the 105th PanchAti


tadhAvarundadhE=The upAsakan will realize/attain tapas , satyam and amrutam.


koormam upadadhAti=a tortoise has to be placed in the water.


apaam yEva mEdham avarundadhatE=

as a result, the upAsakan will gain the auspicious fruits of having worshipped the water(Aapa:) as every thing (sarvam)


atha: svargasya lOkasya samashDyai=

Since Parama Purushan appeared in the water as a tortoise, the upAsakan gains further the svarga lOkam and all other desired fruits .


apa: sarvaa: asmAt asmAt ita: amuta:

Aapamaapaam=May I be blessed to gain all kinds of waters from different sites

( from the bhU lOkam/ita: and the upper world/amuta:) without any deficits( AapamApAm) !


" AapamApAmapa: sarvaa:" appeared earlier in the second anuvAkam as a prayer .Here in AruNa kEtuka sayanam also , it is used as a prayer.


agni: Vaayusccha Sooryasccha= May Agni

bhagavAn , Vaayu dEvan and Sooryan bless me in this Yaagam !


rudhdiyaa sahasanchaskarE VaayvSvaa:raSmipathaya: =I perform this powerful UpAsanai with the grace of Agni, Vaayu and Sooryan and may they bless me with Aayus( long life), AarOgyam ( good health) and wealth !


lOkam pruNac-chidhram pruNa=Oh Jala abhimAni dEvatai with wind as Your horses and the rays of Sooryan as your Master ! Please look at the construction of the Yaaga vEdhi( mEdai) and bless for completion ! Please fill the gaps and remove the deficiencies ! In aruNa kEtuka sayanam and other Yajn~ams , the Kalpa sootrams prescribe the exact number of stones and their formations to

create the vEdhi . This prayer is for removing any blemishes due to oversight .


Text of the 106th PanchAti

yaastisra: paramajaa:

IndhraghOshA vO vasubhirEvaahyEvEti

pancha chitaya upadadhAti



tamm chinutE

lOkam pruNayaa dhviteeyAmupadadhAti

pancha padhA vai virAt

tasyA vaa iyam paadha:

antariksham paadha:

dhyou paadha:

diSa: paadha:

parOrajA: paadha:

virAjyEva pratitishtati

ya yEtamagnim chinutE

ya u chainamEva vEdha


Word by word Meaning of the 106th PanchAti


Yaa: tisra paramajaa:Oh VirAt Purushaa! May Thou complete the the three layers of chitais and any gaps in between them!


IndhraghOshA vO vasubhirEvaahyEvEti=

Jalam should be placed in earthern wares with the mantrams starting with"Indhra-ghOshAvO Vasubhi: purastAdhupadhAth".

( The meanings of these mantrams are covered in the 20th anuvAkam).


Pancha chitaya upadadhAti=The five layers( adukku) of chitais should be placed in this way.( Why so?) .


agni: paankta:= This is because the Agni that is being worshipped is of five kinds.


agni: yaavaan yEva tamm chinutE=This Agni being worshipped enters into every one of the five chitais and enjoys the offerings .


lOkam pruNayaa dhviteeyaam upadadhAti

The second layer should be set up with the two klaasams , lOkam and PruNai.


VirAt panchapadhA: vai= It is well established ( Prasiddham) that VirAt Purushan shines in Five forms.


TasyA iyam vai paadha:= It is well understood that this bhU lOkam is one division or Pahuti .


antariksham paadha:= the mid sapce is the second part.


dhyou paadha:= the heavens are the third part .


diSa: paadha:= The directions are the fourth part .


ParOrajA: paadha:= The tripAth vibhUti beyond this universe with rajas ( maasu padintha ivvulaham) is the fifth part.


ya: yEtamagnim chinutE ucha ya: yEnam yEvam vEdha (sa:) VirAji pratitishtathy =

One who meditates on this Agni in this manner and understands its svaroopam gets established in VirAt Purushan by gaining sarvAtma bhAvam .


Gaayatri Mantram's fourth paadham that is used by uttama Jn~Anis ( Paro rajsase---) is being saluted here.According to Purusha sooktam , the first three paadhams of Gaayatri are

considered as one fourth of this universe and the fourth paadham is understood as the rest ( the remaining three fourth bhAgam) of the Universe free from rajas(maasu) :" PaadhOsya ViSvA bhUtAni ,

tripAdhasyAmrutam dhivi". The other Purusha Sookta Mantrams to be recalled in this context are:


VirAjO ati poorusha:=the ViSvaroopam of BhagavAn appearing as VirAt Purushan is fully described by Purusha Sooktam.


" VedhAhamEtam Purusham mahAntam" =

The Rishi states that he knows this Mahaa Purushan .


"TamEvam vidhvAn amruta iha bhavathy"

One who understands BhagavAn in this way is blessed wiht eternal life here itself .


" Tasya dEvA: asanvase "= The various dEvAs come under His rulership .


Thus the vaibhavam of the UpAsanaa of Virat Purushan is described .


The Meanings of the Purusha Sookta Mantrams and the recitation of Purusha sooktham in the four Vedic ways are covered in the 73rd ebook of the Sundara Simham series ( http://www.sundarasimham.org)

NamO Veda PurushAya ,DhAsan , Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri Sadagopan

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