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1. Introduction – Bhagwath Guna experience is the Bath.



It's Margali month, moon replete and the day is proper We shall bathe, girls of Ayarpadi prosperous Will you move out? You wealthy adorn'd fine jewels; Narayana, son of relentless Nandagopala, Whose job wielding a sharp spike ever alert and The lion cub of Yasoda with eye gracious And the lad with dark complexion, handsome eye And face

sunny bright pleasant as moon Sure shall grant us the desire soon To the esteem of this earth as a boon; Oblige, involve, listen and consider, our damsel.




2. The acts forbidden and those to be followed.


You who enjoy life on earth, listen! The rituals for deity go through we duteous; Chant the foot of the Supremo who had Reposed in stealth on the ocean milky; Bathe we

early; relish not ghee or milk Nor would kemp, nor adorn with flower beauteous; Grace not with eyeliner; nor bid deeds forbidden; Nor go around ear kiss tale or malicious gossip Help the worthy and poor utmost by gift or alms toss'd With mind pleasant, study the chores engross'd; Listen and consider, our damsel.





3. Blessings the country would achieve.


Should we sing the name of the magnanimous Outgrown and meted the world and assent To bathe for deity, rain it shall, pour country over Thrice monthly with no despair; Shall facilitate tall growth of fine paddy

crop. Carp to jump amidst like aquabatic feat, Spotted bee to perch on lily fair and Donor cows to stand still, with udders thick, Allow milking to fill vessels copious; To ordain never vanishing wealth bounteous; Listen and consider our damsel.




4. Rain dear to Andal--exposition of Vishistadvaita Oh! Rain! Gracious alike ocean, pupil of my eye; Thou shalt never flout this attitude Enter sea, emerge replete, ascend a mass dark in space; Colour a la form of Lord

Eternal, Let lightning flash Thunder shoot as wheel and dextrogyral In the hands of Padmanabha, His arms a fortitude; Brook no delay, force a cloud burst; Pour down as would darts from Sarnga lash To facilitate life on earth bright; And the Margali bath to our delight; Listen and consider, our damsel.



5. Cow girls eternally in crime. Could they succeed and achieve their objective?


The elusive son of blooming North Mathura; Riverman de facto of grand Yamuna pure; Appear'd in Ayar tribe a glow lamp and Brought sanctity to mother's womb; If we reach pure, shower fine flower and Worship Him, Damodara the Lure; With song in lips, mind engross'd, The sins committed deliberate or inadvertent In the past, present and future entire Shall be burnt a refuse in bonfire; Prithee, listen and consider, our damsel.





6. Awakening a mate who is new for Bhagwath matter.

Behold! Birds clanged; whitish conch At the abode of eagle's king is blaring; Won't thou listen? Lassie arise! Poison, He sucked from devil' s breast Kicked deftly the treacherous cart, to a

shatter On the serpent alighted in ocean had set sleeping; Kept this seed in mind, monks and yogis Arise gently and Hari they mumble; This chant pierces the mind as a rumble; Awakens and enthuses like a roar to assemble Listen and consider, our damsel.




7. Awakening another who is asleep due to memory failure.


Can't thou listen to the kingcrow mingled all around? The clatter--’Keesu Keesu’, a medley Gurgling noise of curd by churndash Hands moving see-saw, to alter, Of Ayar women with tresses fragrant and Coins clanking in their necklace seedy; Thou devilish lass, our chief, conceive; As we sing Narayana moorthy

Kesava Shouldst thou lie-along well orient'd? Lay open thou radiant Listen and consider our damsel







8. “A girl beloved to Krishna and could conquer Him†-- is aroused.


Orient sky is pale; the buffalo Before gives milk plods to graze the field, Lo! Girls go abreast in gang and the remnant Are told to await to have thee; We call at thee astand; girl

zealot! If we pray, procure the desire our vow By reaching the Divine among Divine and sing Him who had split snout of the devil Kill'd wrestlers and quell'd; He shall hearken our welfare and spell; Arise, listen and consider, our damsel.








9. “It is the duty of Krishna to seize me and to own meâ€.


Mansion studded with pure precious stones Wicks of light all around gleaming Asleep a couch perfume afloat; Thou, uncle's daughter, unlock the door bedeck'd; Auntie, would you arouse her? Is your daughter dumb, deaf, lazy and dreaming? Accurs'd to a grand sleep with a sentry? Extol Him as Madhava, Great Hypnotist, Mukuntha, And so forth chant the Vaigunta; Listen and consider, our damsel.









10. A girl with whom “Krishna Himself would fall in loveâ€.


You lady would fast until enter Heaven; If one wouldn't open entry, should she not speak? Adorn'd fragrant basil crown, Narayana virtuous Bestows the desire on our prayer; Of

yore consigned Kumbakarna to death. Has that demon, lost in contest peak, Handed the grand sleep over unto thee? Lazy to the core Thou shalt precious decor Trimmed and dressed, open the door; Listen and consider, our damsel.






11. “If Krishna wants me, let Him fast to achieve meâ€.


Thou, daughter of a cowherd, who Sans a single guilt, milks many a milk-cow Daunts arrogance, preempt stuns at its precincts; Thy girdle seems a serpent in pit; Wild jungle peacock,

start! All neighbour mates have arrived now Entered thy courtyard in grace And sing the name of cloud colour'd yet Creeper gold! Unperturb'd and mute Drowsest thou; what for, our pet? Beloved bride, listen and consider, our damsel.





12. A girl whose brother doing 'Kainkaryam' to Krishna is awakened.


Young buffalo yearns for calf, mumbles; Milk dribbles from udder and home a mire wet; Thou, sister of a fair and wealthy, with a snow hail Over the head, as we clench thy entrance We pray Him the Delight of our mind, He by His wrath had let The monarch of Lanka South trounced; Shalt arise now the very least What a grand sleep thou acquiesce Residents all aware and muse, Open thy mouth! Listen and consider, our damsel.














13. A girl with charming eyes, yet ego centric is awakened.



Singing the glory of Him Who split the bird's bill and kill'd And Him who pluck'd the wicked demon as a weed; Girlies all reach'd the site of deity; Venus ascended and Jupiter, had slept sunk; Birds too clanged behold, belle gild: Thy eye, is a la flower or deer flirting? Yet asleep in bed, Enjoin to dip and shiver in bath cold; Shed off thy stealth untold This day is auspicious, consider our damsel.







14. Though promised earlier to arouse all, this girl is blamed.



“Hey, tiny parrot, yet asleep;†“Don't shriek, girls! I have come†“Thou are adept in essays, Erelong thy tongue we know†“You are eloquent or let

myself be;†“Lo! Would 'st thou move out soon? What's that special in thee?†â€Have all come?†“Have come, count thou apprehensive†We will sing the Elusive Who had crush'd the tusker mighty massive And shatter'd hostile; listen and consider, our damsel.








15. A typical Vaishnavite, this girl allows herself to be blamed.



“Hey, tiny parrot, yet asleep;†“Don't shriek, girls! I have come†“Thou are adept in essays, Erelong thy tongue we know†“You are eloquent or let

myself be;†“Lo! Would 'st thou move out soon? What's that special in thee?†â€Have all come?†“Have come, count thou apprehensive†We will sing the Elusive Who had crush'd the tusker mighty massive And shatter'd hostile; listen and consider, our damsel.






16. Requesting the guard of the temple to open the doors.


Thou guarding the temple of Nandagopala - Who is supreme of our clan; Guard of entrance with flag staff ostensive And festoon suspended across; Open latch of jewel-studded door; The Elusive, gem colour'd had plan; Vouched yesternight Ayarpadi lass, the drum to knock; We've come immaculate to pray arouse; Thou shalt not postpone and pronounce Open the lovely, befit door at once; Listen and consider our






17. Awakening Nandagopala, Yasoda, Krishna and Balarama.


Attire, water and food thou donate Our patron Nandagopala arise! Sprout of a creeing plant! Light of our clan! Our patroness Yasoda, get enlighten'd! Grown piercing the cosmos, Thou had meted this earth. King of Angels! Thou shalt arise! Shed Thy sleep, drowse no more, Baladeva wealthy! Thy foot bright adorn'd By gold anklet of a victor; Junior and thyself our benefactor Discard drowsing! Arise and consider our damsel.









18. Nappinnai the mediatress, is pleaded to open the doors.



Oh! Daughter-in-law of Nandagopala- Who hath a shoulder mighty, never a fleer A valiant tusker emitting vigour; atop jasmine arcade Again 'n' again flock of larks had cooed; Nappinnai! Thy hair perfume fragrant, door thou open! Cock come around, hath crowed with rigour; Thou art asleep, ball agrip, as we sing thy groom; Come along! Throw open delight'd; To clang thy bangle bright, In pinky lotus hand a sight; Listen and consider our damsel.









19. Krishna and Nappinnai are addressed-- They compete with each other to open the doors.


Kudos to Thee! settl'd on a cot ivory foot'd Soft silk cotton mattress with quality quintet In glimmering light of a metal lamp and Inclined on the bosom of Nappinnai Having flowerful locks bunch of blossoms bloom'd; Thy chest a flower bed, open Thy mouth this instant; Thy eye graced with Eye-liner black, a charm; Let whatsoev'r time, would't arouse thy groom; Nor howsoev'r endure a moment's separation this norm Is neither reality nor befitting, consider our







20. Once again, the Divine Couple are aroused.


Move ahead of thirtythree celestial beings, Thou forestall tremor; vanguard, Mighty; awake! Righteous, energetic, immaculate, would persecute Arrogance and subjugate, Thou shalt awake! Nappinnai damsel! With breast a la copper, soft; Rosy cheeks and tiny waist. Lakshmi! Thou shalt awake! Present us Thy groom, Fan circular and optics; And bathe us right now we derelicts In His ocean compassion Thou mediatrix; Listen and consider, our damsel.








21. The girls have come Lost to His qualities-beauty, compassion and love.


In vessels receptile filled to brim,grand donor cows Issue incessant flow of milk to counter flow; Oh! Son of Nandagopala! Owner of such immense; Get enlighten'd! Thou resolute, magnanimous, Remain pre-eminent on this earth, A beacon resplend aglow; We have come lauding and hailing; Forlorn, sans energy, and assiduous; As would foes, at Thy gate unanimous, Have gather'd to surrender to Thy foot glorious; Arise! Listen and consider, our damsel.








22. The girls have approached as Kings, shedding their ego and to do menial Service.


Beneath Thy bedside have we gather'd As kings on this large handsome earth Would crowd around, sans ego; Wouldst Thou glance at us, with Thy Eye, a la ankle trinket, lotus blooming, Sun and moon awake at a time in mirth! If Thou glimpse with eyes two

beautiful, By little and little on us tarnish'd Sin and curse shall vanish From we the girls vanquish'd; Listen and consider, our damsel.







23. Krishna is requested to sit down on a throne and inquire about their grievances.


As would a fierce lion in a mountain den Stay along in winter, lie asleep gang with, Enlighten'd, open eye, emit fire, mane erect Stretch in all direction; Oh! Bilberry-hued; Thou

shalt roar! Start with a bang, This ward move from Thy temple forthwith, Settle on carved out throne exquisite, We have come unto Thee to woo; Ponder over our requisite; Bestow grace, the desire implicit Listen and consider, our damsel.











24. His feet, energy, glory, generosity, nobility, bravery and spike are hailed.


All-hail, Thy foot meted this earth thence; All-hail, Thy energy went thither, conquered Lanka South; All-hail, Thy glory kick'd the wheel to ruins; All-hail, Thy foot the calf, as a throw-stick toss'd; All-hail, Thy generosity held the hillock an umbrella; All-hail, Thy spike won and shatter'd hostile uncouth And so on singing Thy bravery, Revering Thy laurel factual, To obtain the desire auspicious Have come this day, we ambitious Yield! listen and consider our damsel.



25. The girls crave to do service and implore to get rid of their grief.


Born a son to some woman and the same night Brought up a son concealed by some other Thou had foiled the intent of Kanchan, The intolerant harbouring animosity; and had Stood upon his

stomach a fire, inspir'd terror. Oh! Hillock Tall, Divinity! We have come unto Thee beseeching; To solicit wealth which patroness would covet; If Thou wouldst grant us the desire We would sing Thy bravery, ridding grief entire And be delight'd, listen and consider our damsel.







26. The objects for the ritual are solicited.



Oh! Amorous! Emerald-hued! If thou wouldst lend an ear To our requisites for Margali bath a la elders observed; Thou shalt grant us huge conches, milky white When trumpet'd shall bring The entire earth to shudder severe, Much alike Thy Panchajanya, grand vast drum, the choir, Ornamental lamp, canopy, and flag to hoist; Lavish out gift galore to gloat, Thou reposed in banyan leaf afloat Be benevolent, listen and consider,

our damsel.





27. Some more prize objects are claimed for their own count.


The unconjunctive Thou conquer, Oh! Govinda glorious ! Praying Thee we acquire our desire; Shall we spell out the prize we aspire? Fabulous gift praiseworthy by the country; Bracelet, shoulder-ring, ear-stud,

floral, anklet, And several such we enjewel our body entire, Would enrobe and follow through Cooked milk-rice delicious, Steeped in ghee poured off copious Which flow down the elbow, Thou amorous! Entranced would remain conjunct, consider our damsel.











28. The only virtue the girls possess for the claim is His birth among the cowherds.


Milk-cows we would follow, reach the wood and eat, Amongst tribe pastoral, sans any intellect, Thou'rt born This the only virtue we own; our acquaintance is a bond; The intimacy hither, could never be torn; Oh! Govinda! Deficient in nothing! We girls ignorant and forlorn Addressed Thee in unbecoming names; Let Thou not hiss! Lo! Master! Bless us, we in ardour Bestow on us our desire, Listen and consider, our damsel.







29. The Cow girls plead to be born related to Him for many more births and their Passions be transformed.


Erelong dawn we have come unto Thee, to entreat- All-hail, Thy foot lotus golden; Thou shouldst hearken our motive! Born in a tribe to graze the pastoral and eat Thou shalt not let go

our menial service depriv'd Lo! Govinda! This day not the drum alone is gotten! Forever seven and seven more births Related to Thy bond will we be near; Only unto Thee, we serve sincere Converse our passions to vanish; Listen and consider, our damsel.






30. Benefits of Tiruppavai recital and observance of the rituals.


Face a la gracious moon, the precious

jewell'd, Entreating thence had obtained the desire From Madhava Kesava who churned the ocean wavy; Whoever reminisces this legacy in thirty Tamil hymns In commune, hither, in this manner with out fail; A lyrical wreath of Godai -Her sire Bhattar Piran of Anipuduvai, decorated with fine lotus 'n' glory rown'd; Shall beget the blessings of wealthy

Tirumal Whose arm quadruplet, alike a mountain tall, Eye bright aglow, with face gracious on call, And shall remain delight'd, be wherev'r our damsel.


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