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Postponement of Sraddha in specific circumstances

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Dear Bhaagavatas:

In my posting on the postponement of Sraddha in specific circumstances, I pointed out a few constraints faced by genuine devotees EVEN IN INDIA that necessitate non-performance of Sraddha when due and postponement thereof.


I am NOT referring to people who have gone abroad due to several compelling circumstances. But, I am talking about what obtains WITHIN INDIA and EVEN WITHIN SOME DIVYADESAMS.


I wrote as follows:

“For example, many of us EVEN IN INDIA have had to face at sometime or other -

(i) Absence of Brahmanas qualified and willing to accept nimantraNams (involving as it does the recital of Gayatri to the tune of upto 30000 times as the case may be)

(ii) Sickness of the karthaa

(iii) BahishTai of the yajamaani of the home who is prohibited from cooking or participating in Oupasana karyams (apportioning rice)

(iv) Non availability of ingredients and other infrastructure basically needed for observing Shraddha etc.

(v) As you have rightly mentioned, when one is under pollution (TheeTTu)”



I would like to elaborate on the above, especially item (i) above.


IN INDIA, there are some ceremony centers operated by private individuals and some of them on behalf of Mutts and Ashramams.


(a) They are being operated more as COMMERCIAL propositions charging exorbitant rates from earnest devotees who come to them for performing Shraddams and other apara kaaryams.


(b) Yet, some of the Brihaspatis (not all) do not know even Amavasya Tarpana mantrams. From what I perceive, it is doubtful if they perform even Nitya karmas like Sandhya vandanam etc.


© A Brihaspati is supposed to set an example by strictly adhering to his “Svaroopam”. Some of the so called Brihaspatis do not even wear the traditional “Pancha Katcham”, “Urdva Pundram” etc. at least while officiating as Brihaspatis. To use a biblical expression “If salt loses its flavor, who will flavor salt?” Lord Krishna says in Bhagavad Gita “yath srEshTaa: aacharanti that tadEva itarE janaa:”


(d) Some of the Brahmins (?) who are just “employed” as Brihaspatis and / or BrahmaNaartha kaaraas may not be Brahmins at all (let alone, being Sri VaishNavas) but presenting themselves with all the paraphernalia like “Urdva pundram” “ etc


(e) Regarding reciting Gayatri for the stipulated number of times and the condition of not accepting nimantraNam for specific periods after partaking in one such, it can almost certainly be said that these are honored more in their breach than in observance! They literally forfeit their claim to BrahmaNatvam and become unfit for any religious karma.


(f) The less said, the better about those who take positions of Pitru, VisvEdEvas and Shraddha SamrakshaNa Sri MahaavishNu., I have seen with my own eyes in one such center, the same Brahmin officiating in one of the positions in MORE THAN ONE SHRADDHAM ON THE SAME DAY, of course in a different room! I am not saying that this is the general practice.

(g) Cooking has to be done separately and individually in respect of each Shraddham.


InI In some cases, I have seen cooking being made on a mass scale in a common kitchen (like the Municipal Corporation Mid-day meals scheme back in India!)). And, this is apportioned to different rooms where other devotees assemble to do their Pitru kaaryams!


The unwary and helpless lay folk are cheated by the antics of these fake organizers.


It is hard to believe that our Achaaryas (in whose names these centers operate) are blissfully unaware of these happenings. And, if they are aware, steps should have been taken to rectify these irregularities and such exploitation.


If timely action were not taken to stop the rot, not only the earnest lay Astika folks will lose faith in both the Karmas and the Upaadhyayas expected to guide them but it will also drag our institutions and Acharyas themselves into disrepute especially in the present hostile and atheistic regime that threatens the very existence of the Brahmin community!


Any genuine Upadesam on strict codes of conduct in observing AnushTaanams under such outrageous situations, would sound hollow and effectively demolish what little interest there is in doing any karma.


Alternatives Suggested

Sri Vasu Vadyar has suggested the following alternatives:

“With the incomparable mercy of shaastra one is having opportunity to do the shraaddham according to his mode of convenience like Paarvanam, Sankalpam, Aamam, Hiranyam, Tarpana roopams than missing the appropriate time which is very essential”


MELPAKKAM NARASIMHACHAR SWAMI (who has been commissioned by Prakritam H.H. Azhagiyainghar to write on Anushtanam matters) has clearly stated in his book “Kelvi-Badil” published by Sri Nrisimhapriya Trust as follows:




In the USA, generally, no temples / priests help doing this “Anna Sraaddham”.


Some of you may remember that for the specific purpose of performing Anna Sraddham, I used to go to India almost every year during June -July (Ani- AdI) during which the annual ceremonies for my father and mother fall and perform under the direction of Asmad Achaaryan and through a “Real Brihaspati” specially nominated by him.


On occasions when I could not to go India, Sri Narayana Iyengar Swami, Poorvika son of Srirangam Jeeyar (who has gone back to India, to stay in Coimbatore now) who was in Cleveland temple and Sri Sridharan Swami presently at Cleveland temple used to help me do this.


Year before last, when I visited Sri Ranganatha Temple, Pomona for BrahmOTsavam, Sri Venkat Kanumalla Swami – (AS A VERY SPECIAL CASE, AND BY WAY OF PERSONAL COURTESY) kindly provided not only for my stay and food for a whole week after the BrahmOtsavam till the Shraddham ABSOLUTELY FREE but also helped in arranging for two Swamis to partake food, one to cook the special Shraddha menu and another to act as Brihaspati. I am deeply indebted to all of them.


In the USA, some temple priests, who may be (may be not!) familiar with doing only Archana- which is their profession) go one step further and suggest a peculiar method called “MOKSHARCHANAI” on the Shraddha day.


There does not seem to be any PramaaNam for this and is adopted perhaps as one more source of income for such priests!


These are worse substitutes than “postponing” and performing on the SAME PAKSHAM and THITHI occurring in the next month, as advised by eminent AnushTaana KaalkshEpa Adhikaris as already mentioned.


I believe that there should be a movement for awakening UNDER THE LEADERSHIP OF SUCH NOBLE SOULS LIKE OUR REVERED SRI VASU VADHYAR to monitor such malpractices and put a stop to them, wherever noticed. This will go along way in enthusing devotees into greater involvement in doing their naimittika karmas.


Please forgive me for any doshas in my posting on the subject.


I request Bhaagavatas to ponder over this and favor me with their feedback.


Thanking you in advance.



Anbil Ramaswamy

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Salutations to SWAMIN.Very aptly  pointed out your observations and strong views on the


While most of what you have stated are real facts and no one need challenge any of them

I would like to say my experience and what I have heard of.


In GAYA the PANDAS or GAYAWALIS (a brahmin borne within the boundary of GAYA)

only are allowed to sit for ANNA SRARTHAM. Since the demand is more and availability

is less it is said that GAYAWALI can sit for more than one srartham on same day.


When I was in Ranchi we had a VAIDEEKA SAMAJAM with two Vadhyars on the role

of Samahjam and since a gap of one or more days is to be allowed to sit for srartham

many a times we have to book vadhyars from Jamshedpur or Calcutta(we of course

had no control on them!!!) for srarthams .Slowly this practice vanished and now

the position is different.


Also in Madhva practice I understand that ANNAM alone is to be cooked seperately

and the rest of the preparations can be common for more than one srartham. I am not

sure about the practice but this was what was done to me everytime I went to Gaya

for annual Srartham of my father about fifty years back!!!!


In my OJHA BOARD practice when I had a session after performing Gaya Srartham

at Gaya , in particular to know whether there was any omission/commission on my

part, since another SWAMIN friend of mine said that the food comes from a nearby

hotel and Nayar boys wearing poonool act as servers etc , I got a spontaneous response

of THRUPTI THRUPTI THRUPTI very fast and forceful and they have accepted the


Our RISHIS have forseen what all will happen in KALI YUGA and have amply provided

remedies in the MANTRAS it self. MANTRA LOBHAM TANTRA LOBHAM etc

are all taken care of in PRAYASCHITHA HOMAM offerings.


Let not what you have expressed diminish the interests of faithful people.

The HEADS of MUTTS and ASHRAMS etc can definitely play a positive role

to check the bad practices.





On Fri, Jun 5, 2009 at 1:09 AM, Ram Anbil <Ramanbil wrote:







Dear Bhaagavatas:

In my posting on the postponement of Sraddha in specific circumstances, I pointed out a few constraints faced by genuine devotees EVEN IN INDIA that necessitate non-performance of Sraddha when due and postponement thereof.


I am NOT referring to people who have gone abroad due to several compelling circumstances. But, I am talking about what obtains WITHIN INDIA and EVEN WITHIN SOME DIVYADESAMS.


I wrote as follows:

“For example, many of us EVEN IN INDIA have had to face at sometime or other -

 (i) Absence of Brahmanas qualified and willing to accept nimantraNams (involving as it does the recital of Gayatri to the tune of upto 30000 times as the case may be)

(ii) Sickness of the karthaa

(iii) BahishTai of the yajamaani of the home who is prohibited from cooking or participating in Oupasana karyams (apportioning rice)

(iv) Non availability of ingredients and other infrastructure basically needed for observing Shraddha etc.

(v) As you have rightly mentioned, when one is under pollution (TheeTTu)”



I would like to elaborate on the above, especially item (i) above.


IN INDIA, there are some ceremony centers operated by private individuals and some of them on behalf of Mutts and Ashramams.


(a)    They are being operated more as COMMERCIAL propositions charging exorbitant rates from earnest devotees who come to them for performing Shraddams and other apara kaaryams.


(b)    Yet, some of the Brihaspatis (not all) do not know even Amavasya Tarpana mantrams. From what I perceive, it is doubtful if they perform even Nitya karmas like Sandhya vandanam etc.


©    A Brihaspati is supposed to set an example by strictly adhering to his “Svaroopam”. Some of the so called Brihaspatis do not even wear the traditional “Pancha Katcham”, “Urdva Pundram” etc. at least while officiating as Brihaspatis. To use a biblical expression “If salt loses its flavor, who will flavor salt?” Lord Krishna says in Bhagavad Gita  “yath srEshTaa: aacharanti that tadEva itarE janaa:”


(d)    Some of the Brahmins (?) who are just “employed” as Brihaspatis and / or BrahmaNaartha kaaraas may not be Brahmins at all (let alone, being Sri VaishNavas) but presenting themselves with all the paraphernalia like “Urdva pundram” “ etc


(e)    Regarding reciting Gayatri for the stipulated number of times and the condition of not accepting nimantraNam for specific periods after partaking in one such, it can almost certainly be said that these are honored more in their breach than in observance! They literally forfeit their claim to BrahmaNatvam and become unfit for any religious karma.


(f)      The less said, the better about those who take positions of Pitru, VisvEdEvas and Shraddha SamrakshaNa Sri MahaavishNu., I have seen with my own eyes in one such center, the same Brahmin officiating in one of the positions in MORE THAN ONE SHRADDHAM ON THE SAME DAY, of course in a different room! I am not saying that this is the general practice.

(g)    Cooking has to be done separately and individually in respect of each Shraddham.


InI In some cases, I have seen cooking being made on a mass scale in a common kitchen (like the Municipal Corporation Mid-day meals scheme back in India!)). And, this is apportioned to different rooms where other devotees assemble to do their Pitru kaaryams!


The unwary and helpless lay folk are cheated by the antics of these fake organizers.


It is hard to believe that our Achaaryas (in whose names these centers operate) are blissfully unaware of these happenings. And, if they are aware, steps should have been taken to rectify these irregularities and such exploitation.


If timely action were not taken to stop the rot, not only the earnest lay Astika folks will lose faith in both the Karmas and the Upaadhyayas expected to guide them but it will also drag our institutions and Acharyas themselves into disrepute especially in the present hostile and atheistic regime that threatens the very existence of the Brahmin community!


Any genuine Upadesam on strict codes of conduct in observing AnushTaanams under such outrageous situations, would sound hollow and effectively demolish what little interest there is in doing any karma.


Alternatives Suggested

Sri Vasu Vadyar has suggested the following alternatives:

“With the incomparable mercy of shaastra one is having opportunity to do the shraaddham according to his mode of convenience like Paarvanam, Sankalpam, Aamam, Hiranyam, Tarpana roopams than missing the appropriate time which is very essential”


MELPAKKAM NARASIMHACHAR SWAMI (who has been commissioned by Prakritam H.H. Azhagiyainghar to write on Anushtanam matters) has clearly stated in his book “Kelvi-Badil” published by Sri Nrisimhapriya Trust as follows:




In the USA, generally, no temples / priests help doing this “Anna Sraaddham”.


Some of you may remember that for the specific purpose of performing Anna Sraddham, I used to go to India almost every year during June -July (Ani- AdI) during which the annual ceremonies for my father and mother fall and perform under the direction of Asmad Achaaryan and through a “Real Brihaspati” specially nominated by him.


On occasions when I could not to go India, Sri Narayana Iyengar Swami, Poorvika son of Srirangam Jeeyar (who has gone back to India,  to stay in Coimbatore now) who was in Cleveland temple and Sri Sridharan Swami presently at Cleveland temple used to help me do this.


Year before last, when I visited Sri Ranganatha Temple, Pomona for BrahmOTsavam, Sri Venkat Kanumalla Swami – (AS A VERY SPECIAL CASE, AND BY WAY OF PERSONAL COURTESY) kindly provided not only for my stay and food for a whole week after the BrahmOtsavam till the Shraddham ABSOLUTELY FREE but also helped in arranging for two Swamis to partake food, one to cook the special Shraddha menu and another to act as Brihaspati. I am deeply indebted to all of them.


In the USA, some temple priests, who may be (may be not!) familiar with doing only Archana- which is their profession) go one step further and suggest a peculiar method called “MOKSHARCHANAI” on the Shraddha day.


There does not seem to be any PramaaNam for this and is adopted perhaps as one more source of income for such priests!


These are worse substitutes than “postponing” and performing on the SAME PAKSHAM and THITHI occurring in the next month, as advised by eminent AnushTaana KaalkshEpa Adhikaris as already mentioned.


I believe that there should be a movement for awakening UNDER THE LEADERSHIP OF SUCH NOBLE SOULS LIKE OUR REVERED SRI VASU VADHYAR to monitor such malpractices and put a stop to them, wherever noticed. This will go along way in enthusing devotees into greater involvement in doing their naimittika karmas.


Please forgive me for any doshas in my posting on the subject.


I request Bhaagavatas to ponder over this and favor me with their feedback.


Thanking you in advance.



Anbil Ramaswamy

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Dear Sadacharapravarthakas  ( Enthusiasts  of   Sanathana Dharma ) ,

                           I think your observations on  the  professional pundits ( Pashanda  Vaidheekas) are     more  close to the glaring present day realities. I am a clairvoyant  and with due reverence to the Cosmic Principles of   After-life, I  had been observing the Shraddha for my parents with the help of  only semi-literate " Swamis " .

                          On the other hand,  there are many  ways  to check the final results  --  whether the various  offerings  have reached our forefathers : simply by praying to the manes whether they had come down and willingly  accepted our oblations in toto.

                            An immediate reply comes and if necessary , for any non-compliance  known, then the LAW OF AMBRA could  be applied  sooner or later. In my mother's Varshabhdeekam last year, there were some  cognisable  anomalies , such a Shraddha was wantonly performed without BHOO SPARSA   ( on a three-storeyed building 60 ft above ground level ) , despite my  repeated requests to the Brihaspathi ( one Sriman Krupasamudram, a pukka  Commercial pundit  of   Jorbagh, New Delhi ). By invoking  the LIBER 777 and allied Cosmic Guidance  principles, it was directed   that  GOW Samrakshana can be compensatory to these  ritualistic  imbalances. At our   Sri Narayan Goshala in Kishangarh ( near Delhi) , 750 cows are fed regularly in the beginning and the number has  gradually  risen to nearly 1200 cows now.

 --- Clairvoyant A.Sundararajan.

2009/6/5 Ram Anbil <Ramanbil







Dear Bhaagavatas:

In my posting on the postponement of Sraddha in specific circumstances, I pointed out a few constraints faced by genuine devotees EVEN IN INDIA that necessitate non-performance of Sraddha when due and postponement thereof.


I am NOT referring to people who have gone abroad due to several compelling circumstances. But, I am talking about what obtains WITHIN INDIA and EVEN WITHIN SOME DIVYADESAMS.


I wrote as follows:

“For example, many of us EVEN IN INDIA have had to face at sometime or other -

 (i) Absence of Brahmanas qualified and willing to accept nimantraNams (involving as it does the recital of Gayatri to the tune of upto 30000 times as the case may be)

(ii) Sickness of the karthaa

(iii) BahishTai of the yajamaani of the home who is prohibited from cooking or participating in Oupasana karyams (apportioning rice)

(iv) Non availability of ingredients and other infrastructure basically needed for observing Shraddha etc.

(v) As you have rightly mentioned, when one is under pollution (TheeTTu)”



I would like to elaborate on the above, especially item (i) above.


IN INDIA, there are some ceremony centers operated by private individuals and some of them on behalf of Mutts and Ashramams.


(a)    They are being operated more as COMMERCIAL propositions charging exorbitant rates from earnest devotees who come to them for performing Shraddams and other apara kaaryams.


(b)    Yet, some of the Brihaspatis (not all) do not know even Amavasya Tarpana mantrams. From what I perceive, it is doubtful if they perform even Nitya karmas like Sandhya vandanam etc.


©    A Brihaspati is supposed to set an example by strictly adhering to his “Svaroopam”. Some of the so called Brihaspatis do not even wear the traditional “Pancha Katcham”, “Urdva Pundram” etc. at least while officiating as Brihaspatis. To use a biblical expression “If salt loses its flavor, who will flavor salt?” Lord Krishna says in Bhagavad Gita  “yath srEshTaa: aacharanti that tadEva itarE janaa:”


(d)    Some of the Brahmins (?) who are just “employed” as Brihaspatis and / or BrahmaNaartha kaaraas may not be Brahmins at all (let alone, being Sri VaishNavas) but presenting themselves with all the paraphernalia like “Urdva pundram” “ etc


(e)    Regarding reciting Gayatri for the stipulated number of times and the condition of not accepting nimantraNam for specific periods after partaking in one such, it can almost certainly be said that these are honored more in their breach than in observance! They literally forfeit their claim to BrahmaNatvam and become unfit for any religious karma.


(f)      The less said, the better about those who take positions of Pitru, VisvEdEvas and Shraddha SamrakshaNa Sri MahaavishNu., I have seen with my own eyes in one such center, the same Brahmin officiating in one of the positions in MORE THAN ONE SHRADDHAM ON THE SAME DAY, of course in a different room! I am not saying that this is the general practice.

(g)    Cooking has to be done separately and individually in respect of each Shraddham.


InI In some cases, I have seen cooking being made on a mass scale in a common kitchen (like the Municipal Corporation Mid-day meals scheme back in India!)). And, this is apportioned to different rooms where other devotees assemble to do their Pitru kaaryams!


The unwary and helpless lay folk are cheated by the antics of these fake organizers.


It is hard to believe that our Achaaryas (in whose names these centers operate) are blissfully unaware of these happenings. And, if they are aware, steps should have been taken to rectify these irregularities and such exploitation.


If timely action were not taken to stop the rot, not only the earnest lay Astika folks will lose faith in both the Karmas and the Upaadhyayas expected to guide them but it will also drag our institutions and Acharyas themselves into disrepute especially in the present hostile and atheistic regime that threatens the very existence of the Brahmin community!


Any genuine Upadesam on strict codes of conduct in observing AnushTaanams under such outrageous situations, would sound hollow and effectively demolish what little interest there is in doing any karma.


Alternatives Suggested

Sri Vasu Vadyar has suggested the following alternatives:

“With the incomparable mercy of shaastra one is having opportunity to do the shraaddham according to his mode of convenience like Paarvanam, Sankalpam, Aamam, Hiranyam, Tarpana roopams than missing the appropriate time which is very essential”


MELPAKKAM NARASIMHACHAR SWAMI (who has been commissioned by Prakritam H.H. Azhagiyainghar to write on Anushtanam matters) has clearly stated in his book “Kelvi-Badil” published by Sri Nrisimhapriya Trust as follows:




In the USA, generally, no temples / priests help doing this “Anna Sraaddham”.


Some of you may remember that for the specific purpose of performing Anna Sraddham, I used to go to India almost every year during June -July (Ani- AdI) during which the annual ceremonies for my father and mother fall and perform under the direction of Asmad Achaaryan and through a “Real Brihaspati” specially nominated by him.


On occasions when I could not to go India, Sri Narayana Iyengar Swami, Poorvika son of Srirangam Jeeyar (who has gone back to India,  to stay in Coimbatore now) who was in Cleveland temple and Sri Sridharan Swami presently at Cleveland temple used to help me do this.


Year before last, when I visited Sri Ranganatha Temple, Pomona for BrahmOTsavam, Sri Venkat Kanumalla Swami – (AS A VERY SPECIAL CASE, AND BY WAY OF PERSONAL COURTESY) kindly provided not only for my stay and food for a whole week after the BrahmOtsavam till the Shraddham ABSOLUTELY FREE but also helped in arranging for two Swamis to partake food, one to cook the special Shraddha menu and another to act as Brihaspati. I am deeply indebted to all of them.


In the USA, some temple priests, who may be (may be not!) familiar with doing only Archana- which is their profession) go one step further and suggest a peculiar method called “MOKSHARCHANAI” on the Shraddha day.


There does not seem to be any PramaaNam for this and is adopted perhaps as one more source of income for such priests!


These are worse substitutes than “postponing” and performing on the SAME PAKSHAM and THITHI occurring in the next month, as advised by eminent AnushTaana KaalkshEpa Adhikaris as already mentioned.


I believe that there should be a movement for awakening UNDER THE LEADERSHIP OF SUCH NOBLE SOULS LIKE OUR REVERED SRI VASU VADHYAR to monitor such malpractices and put a stop to them, wherever noticed. This will go along way in enthusing devotees into greater involvement in doing their naimittika karmas.


Please forgive me for any doshas in my posting on the subject.


I request Bhaagavatas to ponder over this and favor me with their feedback.


Thanking you in advance.



Anbil Ramaswamy

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Sri Anbil Swamy correctly pointed out the mal practices in vaidheeka karyams. One who do hitham to his sishyas alone should be called as prohithas. But now the so called bruhaspathi swamins are manipulating the codes according to their wishes. I had an very bad experience with in my family. My pithamahi's annual ceremony postponed on the advice of our bruhaspathi. My father was also not interested to do the srarddha as one of my younger brother was admitted in a hospital in a very critical condition. By our Acharyan grace he was saved. When I suggested that myself and my younger brother decided to attend the patient and asked my father and mother to perform the sraddha without postponement. But they blatantly refused and stated that more than 10 "Stalwarts" of shasthras advised them to perform the shraddha in the next thithi. Eventhough we are scions of great heritage of vidwans,

anushtadhas it is very much unfortunate that my father failed to carry out the fundamental duties. It is also unfortunate to note that our brihaspathi has also endorsed the violation. We hope that almighty may help us in the future to observe the rituals atleast in a need based minimum pattern.

G Ranganathan.--- On Fri, 5/6/09, Tiruvarur Chandrasekaran <tiruvarur wrote:

Tiruvarur Chandrasekaran <tiruvarurRe: Postponement of Sraddha in specific circumstances"Ram Anbil" <RamanbilCc: "Journal SDDS" , ramanbilDate: Friday, 5 June, 2009, 4:30 PM




Salutations to SWAMIN.Very aptly pointed out your observations and strong views on the


While most of what you have stated are real facts and no one need challenge any of them

I would like to say my experience and what I have heard of.


In GAYA the PANDAS or GAYAWALIS (a brahmin borne within the boundary of GAYA)

only are allowed to sit for ANNA SRARTHAM. Since the demand is more and availability

is less it is said that GAYAWALI can sit for more than one srartham on same day.


When I was in Ranchi we had a VAIDEEKA SAMAJAM with two Vadhyars on the role

of Samahjam and since a gap of one or more days is to be allowed to sit for srartham

many a times we have to book vadhyars from Jamshedpur or Calcutta(we of course

had no control on them!!!) for srarthams .Slowly this practice vanished and now

the position is different.


Also in Madhva practice I understand that ANNAM alone is to be cooked seperately

and the rest of the preparations can be common for more than one srartham. I am not

sure about the practice but this was what was done to me everytime I went to Gaya

for annual Srartham of my father about fifty years back!!!!


In my OJHA BOARD practice when I had a session after performing Gaya Srartham

at Gaya , in particular to know whether there was any omission/commission on my

part, since another SWAMIN friend of mine said that the food comes from a nearby

hotel and Nayar boys wearing poonool act as servers etc , I got a spontaneous response

of THRUPTI THRUPTI THRUPTI very fast and forceful and they have accepted the


Our RISHIS have forseen what all will happen in KALI YUGA and have amply provided

remedies in the MANTRAS it self. MANTRA LOBHAM TANTRA LOBHAM etc

are all taken care of in PRAYASCHITHA HOMAM offerings.


Let not what you have expressed diminish the interests of faithful people.

The HEADS of MUTTS and ASHRAMS etc can definitely play a positive role

to check the bad practices.





On Fri, Jun 5, 2009 at 1:09 AM, Ram Anbil <Ramanbil (AT) grouply (DOT) com> wrote:







Dear Bhaagavatas:

In my posting on the postponement of Sraddha in specific circumstances, I pointed out a few constraints faced by genuine devotees EVEN IN INDIA that necessitate non-performance of Sraddha when due and postponement thereof.


I am NOT referring to people who have gone abroad due to several compelling circumstances. But, I am talking about what obtains WITHIN INDIA and EVEN WITHIN SOME DIVYADESAMS.


I wrote as follows:

“For example, many of us EVEN IN INDIA have had to face at sometime or other -

(i) Absence of Brahmanas qualified and willing to accept nimantraNams (involving as it does the recital of Gayatri to the tune of upto 30000 times as the case may be)

(ii) Sickness of the karthaa

(iii) BahishTai of the yajamaani of the home who is prohibited from cooking or participating in Oupasana karyams (apportioning rice)

(iv) Non availability of ingredients and other infrastructure basically needed for observing Shraddha etc.

(v) As you have rightly mentioned, when one is under pollution (TheeTTu)â€



I would like to elaborate on the above, especially item (i) above.


IN INDIA, there are some ceremony centers operated by private individuals and some of them on behalf of Mutts and Ashramams.


(a) They are being operated more as COMMERCIAL propositions charging exorbitant rates from earnest devotees who come to them for performing Shraddams and other apara kaaryams.


(b) Yet, some of the Brihaspatis (not all) do not know even Amavasya Tarpana mantrams. From what I perceive, it is doubtful if they perform even Nitya karmas like Sandhya vandanam etc.


© A Brihaspati is supposed to set an example by strictly adhering to his “Svaroopamâ€. Some of the so called Brihaspatis do not even wear the traditional “Pancha Katchamâ€, “Urdva Pundram†etc. at least while officiating as Brihaspatis. To use a biblical expression “If salt loses its flavor, who will flavor salt?†Lord Krishna says in Bhagavad Gita “yath srEshTaa: aacharanti that tadEva itarE janaa:â€


(d) Some of the Brahmins (?) who are just “employed†as Brihaspatis and / or BrahmaNaartha kaaraas may not be Brahmins at all (let alone, being Sri VaishNavas) but presenting themselves with all the paraphernalia like “Urdva pundram†“ etc


(e) Regarding reciting Gayatri for the stipulated number of times and the condition of not accepting nimantraNam for specific periods after partaking in one such, it can almost certainly be said that these are honored more in their breach than in observance! They literally forfeit their claim to BrahmaNatvam and become unfit for any religious karma.


(f) The less said, the better about those who take positions of Pitru, VisvEdEvas and Shraddha SamrakshaNa Sri MahaavishNu. , I have seen with my own eyes in one such center, the same Brahmin officiating in one of the positions in MORE THAN ONE SHRADDHAM ON THE SAME DAY, of course in a different room! I am not saying that this is the general practice.

(g) Cooking has to be done separately and individually in respect of each Shraddham.


InI In some cases, I have seen cooking being made on a mass scale in a common kitchen (like the Municipal Corporation Mid-day meals scheme back in India!)). And, this is apportioned to different rooms where other devotees assemble to do their Pitru kaaryams!


The unwary and helpless lay folk are cheated by the antics of these fake organizers.


It is hard to believe that our Achaaryas (in whose names these centers operate) are blissfully unaware of these happenings. And, if they are aware, steps should have been taken to rectify these irregularities and such exploitation.


If timely action were not taken to stop the rot, not only the earnest lay Astika folks will lose faith in both the Karmas and the Upaadhyayas expected to guide them but it will also drag our institutions and Acharyas themselves into disrepute especially in the present hostile and atheistic regime that threatens the very existence of the Brahmin community!


Any genuine Upadesam on strict codes of conduct in observing AnushTaanams under such outrageous situations, would sound hollow and effectively demolish what little interest there is in doing any karma.


Alternatives Suggested

Sri Vasu Vadyar has suggested the following alternatives:

“With the incomparable mercy of shaastra one is having opportunity to do the shraaddham according to his mode of convenience like Paarvanam, Sankalpam, Aamam, Hiranyam, Tarpana roopams than missing the appropriate time which is very essentialâ€


MELPAKKAM NARASIMHACHAR SWAMI (who has been commissioned by Prakritam H.H. Azhagiyainghar to write on Anushtanam matters) has clearly stated in his book “Kelvi-Badil†published by Sri Nrisimhapriya Trust as follows:




In the USA, generally, no temples / priests help doing this “Anna Sraaddhamâ€.


Some of you may remember that for the specific purpose of performing Anna Sraddham, I used to go to India almost every year during June -July (Ani- AdI) during which the annual ceremonies for my father and mother fall and perform under the direction of Asmad Achaaryan and through a “Real Brihaspati†specially nominated by him.


On occasions when I could not to go India, Sri Narayana Iyengar Swami, Poorvika son of Srirangam Jeeyar (who has gone back to India, to stay in Coimbatore now) who was in Cleveland temple and Sri Sridharan Swami presently at Cleveland temple used to help me do this.


Year before last, when I visited Sri Ranganatha Temple, Pomona for BrahmOTsavam, Sri Venkat Kanumalla Swami – (AS A VERY SPECIAL CASE, AND BY WAY OF PERSONAL COURTESY) kindly provided not only for my stay and food for a whole week after the BrahmOtsavam till the Shraddham ABSOLUTELY FREE but also helped in arranging for two Swamis to partake food, one to cook the special Shraddha menu and another to act as Brihaspati. I am deeply indebted to all of them.


In the USA, some temple priests, who may be (may be not!) familiar with doing only Archana- which is their profession) go one step further and suggest a peculiar method called “MOKSHARCHANAI†on the Shraddha day.


There does not seem to be any PramaaNam for this and is adopted perhaps as one more source of income for such priests!


These are worse substitutes than “postponing†and performing on the SAME PAKSHAM and THITHI occurring in the next month, as advised by eminent AnushTaana KaalkshEpa Adhikaris as already mentioned.


I believe that there should be a movement for awakening UNDER THE LEADERSHIP OF SUCH NOBLE SOULS LIKE OUR REVERED SRI VASU VADHYAR to monitor such malpractices and put a stop to them, wherever noticed. This will go along way in enthusing devotees into greater involvement in doing their naimittika karmas.


Please forgive me for any doshas in my posting on the subject.


I request Bhaagavatas to ponder over this and favor me with their feedback.


Thanking you in advance.



Anbil Ramaswamy



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