Guest guest Posted June 23, 2009 Report Share Posted June 23, 2009 SrI: SrimatE Raamaanujaaya Namaha // SrimatE Nigamaanta Mahaa Desikaaya Namaha // SrIman! SrI Ranga Sriyam anupadravam anudhinam Samvardhaya/ SrIman! SrI Ranga Sriyam anupadravam anudhinam Samvardhaya// KAvEri VardhathAm kAlE, kAlE varshathu vAsava: / SrI RanganAthO jayathu Sri Ranga Sri cha VardhathAm// ===================================================================== SRI RANGA SRI VOL.10 / ISSUE # 09 dated 23rd June 2009 =================================================================== IN THIS ISSUE: 1. AZHWAARS and SWAMY DESIKAN (2.2- BhoothatthazhwAr and Swamy Desikan) 2. Srivaishnavam – Part 2 =================================================================== ISSUES RELEASED With this issue, about 296 Regular issues of SRS have been released so far, apart from numerous " Special Issues " as indicated below: 27 Issues of Vol. 1 15 Issues of Vol. 2 42 Issues of Vol. 3 35 Issues of Vol. 4 28 Issues of Vol. 5 30 Issues of Vol. 6 50 Issues of Vol. 7 36 Issues of Vol. 8 27 Issues of Vol. 9 and 09 Issues of Vol. 10 --- You may view the archives at maintained By Sri Srinivasan Sriram We strongly urge you to kindly peruse the " Regular Issues " archived in the Files Section and view the Contents at srsindex.html (Not the individual postings allowed for encouraging " Reader participation " ). We are sure that you will be convinced of the quality of the contents. IF you are satisfied with the quality and contents of " Sri Ranga Sri " - Tell your friends to join by sending an email to Srirangasri- IF NOT: Tell us, as to how we may improve. Ever at your service Moderator " Sri Ranga Sri " ===================================================================== xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 1. AzhwArs and Swamy Desikan 2.2- Bhoothatthazhwar and Swami Desikan – Part 2 [ by Sri U Ve Kotthimangalam Gopalachakravartthi Swami] In Acharyakrithya adhikAram, he refers to Paatukkuriya pazhaiyavar… <<>> In Saarasangraham rahasyam, bhootha sarO vEthAlAn kulasEkara vishNuchittha bhakthi DhanAn bhakthAm DhrirEnu SaTajith kaliripu munivAhanAnapi bhajAmi – Swami pays his vandhanam from BhoothtthazhwAr, all ten azhwArs. In SatadooshaNi, 65th vaadham, Swami explains that AzhwArs are none other than Anantha Garuda, vishvaksEnar et al- Nithyasuris who took such avathArams and refuted the futile argument that there should not be any azhwAr vigraham in the temples. In DehaLeesa sthuthi- deepEna kEnachidhaseetha ruchA niseethE snehOpapanna parisuddha guNArpithEna I dahrAvakAsa nipiTam dadrushur bahvantham svAdhyAya yOga nayanA : suchaya: kaveendhrA : II (Anvaya Kramam ) : SvAdhyAya: yOga nayanA : suchaya : kavi IndrA : , niseeThE aseetha ruchA kEnachidh snEha upapanna : parisuddha guNa arpithEna deepEna , dahra avakAsa nipiTam bhavantham dadhdrusu : (Meaning ) : Those holy men were princes among poets . With VedAs and yOgA(dhyAnam ) as their two eyes , they saw You , while you were actively squeezing them in the small space of the dEhaLi at ThirukkOvalUr during that celebrated midnight known for its darkness due to the absence of the lustre of the cool moon . They saw You with the help of a special kind of lamp , which had snEhA ( ghee, bhakthi ) as the fuel and sathva guNA as the wick . With this special lamp , they found You pressing them in the small space of their heart caves . ( comments ) :This slOkam celebrates the auspicious event for which ThirukkOvalUr is famous (viz)., the accidental assembly of the three great yOgis at the dEhaLi of Mrugandu maharishi on a dark night and the deliberate squeezing of them by the Lord of this divya dEsam that resulted in the advent of the divya prabhandhams from these princes among poets . It is normal for the moon to illumine objects duirng dark nights. On that special night , there was no moon to assist these Yogis to find out , who was squeezing them at the dEhaLi . Hence , they lit an extraordinary lamp with the help of their deep devotion and sattva guNAs to have the bhAgyam of His darsanam . It is also common practise for people to take an earthern or metallic vessel , fill it with ghee or oil , set a wick in that vessel and light the wick and use it to see objects around in dark nights . What these yOgis did was quite contrary to this common practise . Poygai made the world as the lamp vessel , the seas as the ghee and used Suryan as the wick to illumine the dark dEhaLi . PutattAr used his deep affection for the Lord as the vessel , his intense longing to see You as the ghee and made his reflections on His auspicious guNAs ( dhyAna -janitha chinthanA ) as the wick and created the light to see Him . Pey aazhwAr saw that the darkness was banished by the two lamps lit by his peers and hence with out any effort other than his own pristine bhakthi saw the Lord and His consort amidst them . The divine speech that flowed from took the form of the celestial songs constituting the first three prabhandhams . Oh Lord! Great pristine seers, namely, Poigai, Bhutham and Pey azhwars had a vision aided by Vedic knowledge and yogic mastery. Pure at heart, they longed for the vision of God. Their yearning, their thirst was so insufferable that you condescended to give them Your vision. You chose a dark rainy night; You `sought' admission into the narrow room wherein they were put up to the brim; You entered and made them feel and experience Your presence. Nevertheless, they would not derive satisfaction till they could physically `see' You, whom they had only experienced by touch and congestion within a narrow room of `dehali'. Figuratively they lit a lamp and `saw' You. The record is that Poigai lit the lamp of earth as the Bowl, Sea as the Oil and Sun as the Lamp. BhoothatthazhwAr lit the lamp, so to say, of Love as Bowl, intense longing passion as Oil and the mind as Wick. They `saw' You, although in the mental plane,. It must have been truly an experience that was vouchsafed to them. Dehaleesa sthuthi- 7th verse: " Oh Lord DehaLeesa! You are verily a special quality sugar cane, I would dare say. The three sage-poets, Poigai, Bhootham and Pey AzhwArs enjoyed a special squeezing experience with You in the narrow `DehaLi' on that rainy day's dark night. You were perhaps squeezed into an extraordinary variety of juice that precipitated a novel sugar-candy by admixture with the nectar exuded by the lotus flowers that your feet are. Neither the starting material – sugar cane - , nor the product is the ordinary one. The special sugar candy is most delectable to the special category of Bhakthas, referred to as ParamaikAnthins (i.e. Those who spurn any God or any goal other than You) 9th verse- chithram na tath thrishu mithAni padhEshu yath thE viswAnyamUni bhuvanAni visankatEshu I bhakthai: samam kvachithasou bhavanaikadEsE maathi sma mUrthiramithA tadhihadhbhudham na: II ( anvaya Kramam ) : ViswAni amUni bhuvanAni visankatEshU thE thrishu padhEshu mithAni yath tath na chithram amithA asou mUrthi: bhakthai: samam kavachidh bhavana EkadEsE mAthisma , tath iha na: adhbhutham . Oh Lord! Your size, the size of Your feet- were all evidently so mammoth that the worlds – all of them, indeed – were not able to measure upto your size! Thus the measuring instrument far exceeded the object sought to be measured. But that's not a mystery or surprising. There is even greater wonder. This feature of Yours of immeasurably mammoth size in stature, could just appear within the small ante-chamber, dehali- and could find itself accommodated along with the three AzhwArs. 16th verse- In this verse , Swami Desikan celebrates the advent of the Three ThiruvanthAdhis by the Mudhal AzhwArs . svacchandha vikrama samunnamithAth amushmAth sthOthrathrayam yadhabhavath tava paadhapadhmAth I vEthALa BhUtha SarasAm apadisya vAcham peAyENa tath prasava bhUmim avApa bhUya : II O Lord DehaLeesA ! The flood of sacred waters that flowed out of Your own sankalpam from Your uplifted feet branched off into three divisions and reached dEva lokham , Manushya Lokham and the nether world . Those three streams then took on the form of the three thiruvandhAthis associated with Poygai , BhUtham and pEy aazhwAr and finally returned to Your sacred feet . Swami suggests that they started liek Ganga at His sacred feet and returned to them . The triple stream of GangA ( srOthAsthrayam ) is compared here to the three floods of divine utterances that emanated from the three aazhwArs . The Lord's celebrated feet , the origin of GangA in TrivikramAvathAram , is the goal of the parama bhakthAs assembled in the DehaLi of ThirukkOvalUr sthOthra priyan . [Translated by Sri Satakopan Swami, USA] The unanimity of thought and purpose of the three AzhwArs is compared to the three branches of the same river ( srOthasthrayam ) . The tradition is to enjoy these three prabhandhams in unison . They have the tatthva trayam with the extraordinary beginnings , which are echoes of one another : The Ganga of three – streamed flow that You generated from Your lifted foot, which raised to the BrahmA's world by a free sport, has according to honest assessment comes back to Your Feet as a kind of verbal flow, from the triad of AzhwArs – Poigai, Bhootham, Pey – in the form of Supreme Tamil poetry. The three hundred verses of the three azhwArs are homogenous literature, that speak of Your Feet, that praise Your Feet and point at them as the Goal and the way. Swami says that the original Ganga employed the pretext of the three AzhwArs, to become Tamil literature. Because, not withstanding our mechanical identification of hymns with particular authors (AzhwArs, Desika et al) evidently all owe their creation and origin to the Lord. NammzhwAr repeatedly asserts that the Lord led Him, He uttered word and verse, which simply repeated and he was merely the " gover' not the `author'. 17th verse- The Lord loves divine sports, especially with his dearest devotees. The one sport He indulged in with the first three AzhwArs has been referred to earlier. To enter into a small room in which they were riveted to a standing posture! He entered and caused congestion and perhaps asphyxiation too! You should suffer the situation in order to feel how uncomfortable it would be! He got what He wanted. Sweet Tamil poetry, that would elevate people at large, make them resort to a sane path of deliverance, flowed from their intellectual tongues. Having done this and having achieved a great positive result, he desired that they too should not be left to come by the congested devayana path carved out for Mukthas. He, therefore created through His left –thumb toe a golden yellow illumination that directly elevates them to Sri vaikunta in a star lighted upward path – called swaathi –path –preferring it to the conventional archraadhi maargam, hallowed as the traditional choice path for mukthas. Lo! What a great preference for your favored bhakthAs ! BhoothathazhwAr in sampradayam is referred to as siras of Nammzhwar, (Nammazhwar as avayavi; other azhwArs as his avayavam) kadanmallai kaavalanE bootha vEnthE kaasinimE laippasiyi lavitta naaLvanN thidarkadiyunN thaNkOva lidaika ziccen RiNaiyillaa moovarumaa yisainthE niRka naduviliva roruvarumen RaRiyaa vaNNa naLLiruLin maanerukka nanthaa NYaanac sudarviLakkER RiyanbE thakaLi yaana thodainooRu menakkaruLsey thulanga neeyE. Sri Brahmathanthra swathanthra jeeyar composed: thulA sravishtA sambhootham bhootham khallOlamaalina: | dheerE pullOtha phalAn mallA puryA meetE kathAmsakam || Third Brahmathanthra swathanthra jeeyar blessed us with: anbE thagaLiyA viLanga ninRaan vaazhiyE Arvatthai neyyaakki aLittha piraan vaazhiyE inburugu sinthai idu thiriyaan vaazhiyE iyal jnAnacchudar viLakkai yeritthu vaitthAn vaazhiyE anbE thagaLi nooRu aruL seydhaan vaazhiyE aippasiyil avittatthil sagatthudhitthAn vaazhiyE inpugazh sEr kadanmallai avatharitthAn vaazhiyE yengaL vaippAm bhoothatthaar iNaiadigaL vaazhiyE AzhwAr EmperumAnAr Desikan ThiruvaDigaLE SaraNam Regards Namo narayana Narayana dAsan madhavakkannan ===================================================================== xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 2. SRIVAISHNAVAM – Part 2 It is my humble attempt to jot down all that I have heard and read about Sri VaishNavam. Though it is nothing new for our group, all of these topics have been covered sometime or the other, it is still my sincere intent to reach the beginners and novices like me who are just in Kinder gardens of Sri VaishNavam; I have attempted to translate from Oppiliappan Koil Navaneetham Swami Sri UVe VN Gopaladesikan Swami's booklet on Srivaishnavam with my free translation; It is most likely to have errors; Please forgive me; It is all mine; any positive and good points in them- the credit goes to Swami's write up and our rich traditions/scriptures. (It is requested that we should stick and abide by what our scriptures and AchAryALs say to the greatest possible extent). I have added some additional comments. Second part follows: AZHWARS: AzhwArs, 12 AzhwArs appeared in South India and composed Tamil pAsurams (about 4000) that are considered EQUAL to vEdAs. The Naalaayira Divya Prabhandham were composed for us to learn and understand the vEdAs in Tamil. As mentioned by Swami Vedanta Desikan " theLiyaadha maRainilangaL theLiginROmE! " . By reading these 4000 pAsurams, our concepts get clarified and we get to understand the incomprehensible vEdAs clearly. They are hence, called Tamil vEdam. AzhwArs were 12 in numbers. Since they always were immersed (aazhndhu) in kalyANa guNAs (the Most Auspicious attributes) of Emperumaan Sriman NarayaNan, they are called AzhwArs. They were PoigaiAzhwAr, BhUthathAzhwAr, PEyAzhwAr, ThirumazhisaiAzhwAr, NammAzhwAr, PeriyAzhwAr, MadhurakaviAzhwAr, ThondaradippodiAzhwAr, KulasEkharAzhwAr, ThiruppANAzhwAr, AndAL, & ThirumangaiAzhwAr. NammAzhwAr is considered the Most important and the Greatest AzhwAr; for his prabhandham (of Thiruvaaimozhi of 1000 pAsurams) which glorifies the prapatti (the surrender concept). He took refuge at the Lord's feet and performed prapatti. Hence, for all of us, VaishNavAs, NammAzhwAr is the Chief, since he leads us by example for performing prapatti at the Lord's Lotus Feet. He is also addressed as the Prapanna santhaana koodasthar. His Thiruvaaimozhi's commentary is called Bhagavadh Vishayam. It is a Grantham that one has to do kAlakshEpam under the feet of his AchAryA. Guru paramparA: Sriman Narayanan is the first AchArya for all of us. He is the Adhi Guru. Next comes Periya Piratti MahAlakshmi. VishvaksEnar (Senai Mudhali)( -no connection with Mudhaliar caste of present times) is the next AchAryan. He is the Chief of the Lord's army (sEnai). Next is NammAzhwAr. VishvaksEnar, it appears had come down to the earth to teach NammAzhwAr. Nathamuni is His sishyA. UyyakkoNdaar, MaNakkaal Nambi, Yamuna Muni (Alavandhaar), Periyanambi come in that lineage. Periya Nambi's sishyar is Our Most reverred YathirAjar, Sri RamanujAchAryA (lakshmaNa Muni). He is the Most important AchArya of VaishNava Siddhantham. He is also called Bhagavadh RamanujA. Rest is all that you are aware of and we can trace down to our present AchAryA. (ask your parent, if you are not sure who your present AchAryA is.) More in next. Regards Namo narayana dAsan ********************************************************************* ==================================================================== ********************************************************************* Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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