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SrI tyAgarAja kriti 6 -alakalallalADaga madhyamAvati Raga

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SrI rAmacandra parabrahmaNe namaH




Kriti 6

Song alakalallalADaga

Raaga madhyamAvati


In the kRti ‘alakalallalADaga’ – rAga madhyamAvati, SrI tyAgarAja wonders how sage vishvAmitra would have enjoyed the beauty of SrI rAma.



alakal(a)llalADaga gani



rAN-muni(y)eTu poGgenO

A celuvu mIraganu

mArIcuni madam(a)Nacu vELa (alaka)



muni kanu saiga telisi Siva

dhanuvunu viriceDi samayamuna

tyAgarAja vinutuni mOmuna raJjillu (alaka)




I wonder how vishvAmitra – that royal sage – exulted beholding the curls shining in the face of srI rAma – the Lord praised of this tyAgarAja, being tossed about with exceeding beauty,


(1) At that time when He subdued the arrogance of mArIca and

(2) At that time when, He, understanding the eye signals of the sage, broke the bow of Lord Siva!


Word-by-word Meaning


P I wonder how (eTu) vishvAmitra – that (A) royal (rATTu) sage (muni)

(rAN-muniyeTu) – exulted (poGgenO) beholding (gani) the (Lord’s) curls (alakalu) being tossed about (allalADaga) (alakalallalADaga)!


A I wonder how viSvAmitra – that royal sage – exulted beholding the Lord’s

curls being tossed about with exceeding (mIraganu) beauty (celuvu), at that time (vELa) when He subdued (aNacu) the arrogance (madamu) (madamaNacu) of mArIca (mArIcuni)!


C I wonder how viSvAmitra – that royal sage – exulted beholding the curls,

shining (raJjillu) in the face (mOmuna) of SrI rAma – the Lord praised (vinuta)

(vinutuni) of the tyAgarAja, being tossed about,at that time (samayamuna) when, He, understanding (telisi) the eye (kanu) signal (saiga) of the sage (muni), broke (viriceDi) the bow (dhanuvunu) of Lord Siva!


Additional Comments By SrI V Sadagopan:

This kriti belongs to the category of celebration of the Roopa Mahimaa of Sri Raamachandran. There would be times when Sri ThyAgarAja SwamigaL will break out in to a rapturous celebration of the soundharyam of the ThirumEni (divine body) of his Ishta dhaivam thru a special kriti. These times will be when he was performing the sacred abhishEkam (Thirumanajnam) for his archaa vigrahams or when he was conducting sacred AarAdhanam. As he performed dheepArAdhanam, he will be overcome by the beauty of the Lord’s face and limbs and a beautiful kriti will emerge from his lips praising the intoxicating beauty of the Lord. “Alakalalla lAda gagani yArANmuni yeDu pOgEnO†is one such kriti, Saint ThyAgarAja SwamigaL’s memory races to incidents relating to Yaaga SamrakshaNam and breaking of the Siva dhanus (bow) in the darbhAr hall of King Janankaa. He read Srimath RaamAyaNam every day and he will include the various incidents in his kritis.

The bliss of anubhavam of the divine beauty of the Lord by our Sadhguru makes him reminisce about two incidents in Srimath RaamAyaNam, where Sage ViswAmitrA was uniquely blessed to enjoy the beauty of the young Raaman. Swamy says: “What rapturous enjoyment did Viswamitra have, gazing on the waving of the curly forelocks (Kaaka Paksham) playing on RaamA’s face, when He subjugated MaarIcA and when He broke the (mighty) Siva dhanus (bow) understanding the direction of the gesture of Sage Viswamitra’s eye!â€

Some of the other Roopa Mahimaa Kritis are: Mohana Raamaa! mukha jita SomA! (Raagam Mohanam), LaavaNya RaamA! KannulAra jUDavE! atilAvaNya RaamA! (Rudhra Priya/Kumudha Kriya Raagam), MuddhumOmu yElAgu chElangEnO? (Raagam Surya Kaantam), the VarALi Pancharatnam (Kanu koNdini), intanuchu varNimpa taramA (GuNDakriyA Raagam) and Sogasu jUDa tarama (KaNNada GouLa Raagam).

Swamy will place the Lord during the utsavam times on a golden swing and rock Him back and forth and enjoy the dhivya soundharyam of the Lord as He came towards him and then went away from him as the swing moved back and forth. He will say to his mind during those times: “Oh Mind! Don’t forget RaamA of bewitching beauty, who is like a new Manmathan (MaravakarA nava-Manmatha roopUni)â€.


Please enjoy the brisk and beautiful rendition of the MadhyamAvati Kriti, (alakalalla Laada gagani yArANmuni yEDu ponGEnO?) –the topic of today’s posting--by Sangeetha Kalanidhi Ariyakkudi RaamAnuja IyengAr, where the different sangadhis of this kriti cascade and wave before our eyes like the curly forelocks of the Lord during the Yaaga SamrakshaNam activities.



NamO SrI SundararAma Para BrahmaNE Nama:

DhAsan, Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri Sadagopan


NOTE: Those who prefer to have a PDF or WORD document copy of this write-up can download either of the format from the following links:


WORD doc: http://www.ibiblio.org/sadagopan/tyagaraja_kritis_project/word_docs/kriti6_alakalallalADaga.doc

PDF: http://www.ibiblio.org/sadagopan/tyagaraja_kritis_project/pdf/kriti6_alakalallalADaga.pdf

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