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Dear Bhaagavatas

Today is “Sri Jayanthi”.

I am submitting a few ramblings on Sri Rama and Sri Krishna on this occasion.

Hope you will enjoy.

Please feel free to correct me, if I am wrong.


Anbil Ramaswamy


The Lord as Sri Krishna appears to have set some records straight.

Srimad Ramayanam and Mahabharatam give us glimpses of such instances.


1. Manthara (Rama hit her hunchback) and Kubja (Krishna straightened her hunchback)

In Srimad Ramayanam, we have reference as to how as a kid Sri Rama used to dart small mud balls at the back of the hunchback Manthara, the servant maid of Queen Kaikeyi, albeit in sport. This was mistaken by Manthara as Rama making fun of her bent back. We know how the grudge she bore in her mind burst out right at the time of the proposed Yuva Raaja PaTTaabhishEkam of Prince Rama.


In KrishNa Avatara, the Lord seems to have corrected this by straightening the bent back of one Kubja. Kubja had an ugly figure but was supplying to the King (Kamsa) perfumed Sandal pastes on a regular basis. As she was proceeding to the palace one day with her offering, KrishNa accosted her on the way and requested her to present him a portion of the offering. When she did, a miracle happened. The old, infirm and crooked figure of Kubja got transformed into a youthful, healthy and beautiful damsel due to the grace of Lord Krishna perhaps as a token of gratitude for the offer of the perfume by her. A perceived wrong now corrected?


2. Vali Indra’s son (became Lord Rama’s enemy); Arjuna Indra’s son (became the bosom friend of Lord Krishna)

During the AswamEdha Yaagam done by Dasaratha, the various Devas came in person to receive their Havir baagam and they promised to take births as monkeys, bears etc to help Rama in his mission. One of the most important Deva was the (Son of Devendra) who took the form of Vali. He was to become Sri Rama’s Commander-in-Chief. Even when an ordinary Sepoy turns a traitor, he is severely punished. If the Commander-in- Chief – in waiting himself were to turn traitor, Raja Neethi stipulates nothing short of death penalty. As Vaali befriended Ravana, the arch enemy of Rama, he also became the enemy of Rama and deserved capital punishment.


In KrishNa Avatara, it was the turn of Arjuna (another son of Devendra) to become the bosom friend of KrishNa and for whom KrishNa advised his everlasting “Song Celestial” through “Bhagavad Gita”


(Please read on)


3. Sugreeva (Surya’s son) (Rama’s friend) and Karna (Surya’s son) -Krishna’s enemy)

On the other hand, (son of Surya), Sugreeva became a friend of Lord Rama in Rama Avatara and for whose sake; Lord Rama killed Vali (son of Devendra).


Again, in KrishNa Avatara, (another son of Surya, namely KarNa) was in a camp opposed to the camp of KrishNa who sided Arjuna (son of Devendra). The story goes as per UdyOga Parva of Mahabharata: When Lord KrishNa proposed to KarNa to join the Pandavas side, a conversation took place between the two in which KrishNa revealed KarNa’s parentage.


“…KarNa asked, then my lord, you may know who my father is? Kindly tell me who is he? Krishna said, your Ishtadeva ,Surya is your father". KarNa remained in a trance for sometime. Then he opened his eyes and said, really I am the most unfortunate among human beings. Lord Sun is my father, Kunti is my mother, Five Pandavas the most righteous and the noblest Yudhisthira, the most powerful among men Bhima, the greatest archer Arjuna, the most handsome Nakula and the most learned Sahdeva are my younger brothers. But, I am known as a Sutaputra (son of a charioteer) in the world!” And, KarNa refused to leave DuryOdhana because he elevated a mere “Suta putra” to become a “Rajaputra”


We see here the roles reversed!


4. Lakshmana (Younger brother) and Balarama (Elder brother)

In Rama Avatara, LakshmaNa was born as Rama’s younger brother and did all service to the elder brother saying “guNair daasyam upaagata:”

Lord Rama was obviously so moved by the “Kainkarya Sri” of LakshmaNa that he wished to don that role himself and serve LakshmaNa. So, in KrishNa Avatara, he was born as younger brother of Balarama (who was the re-incarnation of LakshmaNa) and tried to serve him. But, Swami Desikan says that the life of Balarama was so intertwined with the life of KrishNa that their separate roles could not be distinguished giving an example of how when sugar gets dissolved in milk, one cannot tell one from the other!


Here, we find another role reversal!


5. Rama (the Monogamist) and Krishna (the Polygamist)

Lord Rama was committed to monogamy. The story goes that when the Sages in the forest who were attracted by the handsome personality of Rama wished to become feminine, Rama told them that because of his “Eka-Patni-Vratam”, he could not oblige them in his incarnation as Rama but that he would give them an opportunity in his Avatara as KrishNa. The Sages were thus born as “gOpastrees” and enjoyed the “samslEsham” of Lord Krishna.


Here was a “role reversal”.


6. Rama sent an emissary but Krishna himself went as an emissary

Having learned that Sri Sita was abducted by Ravana, Rama sent groups of monkey hordes to all directions in search for her. But, he chose AnjanEya as an emissary to go south towards Lanka. Hanumaan not only found Sri Sita but also did such a successful job as an ideal emissary that Rama wished to try the role himself.


So, obviously, he reserved this experiment till his Avatara as KrishNa. His mind attained satiety only when he was called “PaaNDava Dhoota”. Did he succeed in his mission? This, however, is a moot question. It was his Sankalpam to fail in this role; because otherwise, he could not have succeeded in his purpose of Avatara, namely, “paritraaNaaya sadhoonaam, vinaasakaaya cha dushkritaam, dharma samsthaapanaarthaaya” etc.


Anyway, a good try at “role reversal”!



7. Rama Charama Slokam and Krishna Charama Slokam

While on the Seashore, what did the Lord promise? SakrutEva prapannaaya tava asmi iti yaachatE/

Abhayam sarva bhootEbhyO/

Dadaami Etad vrtam mama//

He promised “freedom from fear (abhayam) from all living creatures (sarva bhootEbhyO)”-

Nothing more, nothing less. He must have felt that this was not enough assurance to a “Prapanna” whose goal is nothing short of “mOksha”.

So, while on board the chariot in KurukshEtra battlefield, as Lord Krishna, he declared –

Sarva dharmaan parithyajya maam ekam SaraNam vraja/

Aham tvaa sarva paapEbhyO mOkshayishyaami/

Maa sucha//


At long last, it is here that the Lord uses the word “mOksha”. He did not stop with that.

He proceeded to “re-assure” by saying “maa sucha” – “Don’t grieve”


What is the lesson for us?

Once we fall at his feet with absolute, unconditional Bhakti, he will never ever forsake us, (if need be, even by reversing roles!)


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