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Answer to Question # 23 and Quiz # 24

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Dear Bhaagavatas:Quiz # 23 was:Swami Desika describes Bhagavad Gita as “SOkam tavirkkum Srutip poruL” which means it is the one that dispels grief. Name the 3 specific instances in Bhagavad Gita in which the Lord dispels the grief of Arjuna?The correct Answer is:

Swami Desika describes Lord Krishna of Bhagavad Gita as the 'great dispeller of sorrow'- 'Sogam Theerkkum Srutip Porul'

The Lord does this on 3 distinct occasions when he specifically uses the word 'Sucha'

1. Even at the beginning, he dispels Arjuna's sorrow in having to kill his kinsmen. 'Nanusochanti' (BG2/11) "Na Sochitum Arhasi' (BG/2.26to 30)

2. In Chapter 16, he dispels Arjuna's doubt as to his belonging to the class of Asuras "Ma Sucha' (BG16/6)

3. And finally, He dispels Arjuna's anguish by asking him to surrender without bothering about the various Yogas that Arjuna feels unable to perform. 'Ma Sucha' (BG 18/66)

The word “Suchah” implies an element of fear besides grief. Grief is in not attaining the goal; fear that in future also he may not be able to attain the goal for he feels the road to be too long and his own life being too short.


The following have answered the question correctly:

Sreekrishna, Koti (sreekrishna.k)

BG 2:11 (grief was due to sincere misunderstanding on Arjuna’s part- right thoughts but wrong basis)

BG16:5 (Don’t grieve you are endowed with the divine and not the demonic characteristics)

BG18:66 (Surrender you are done)

Many other instances the Lord instructs the lack of need for grief! BG 2:25, 2:26, 2:27, 2:30.

Radha (vale_543)

1. Sankhya Yoga (Chap 2) verse26

Lord Krishna, differentiates between body and soul and says that the soul is eternal and it is only the physical body that is perishable. Death is predestined for the born one, and birth is unavoidable for the one who has died. So Arjuna should not grieve over what is inevitable.


2. Daivasura Sampad Vibhaga Yoga (Chap16) verse5

Lord Krishna discloses the divine nature which qualifies for higher spiritual knowledge leading to moksa and He discloses the demoniac nature which disqualifies one for moksha and insures enslavement in samsara, the perpetual cycle of birth and death. Lord Krishna perceiving that His devotee was distraught by the idea that he may not be a fit aspirant for moksha and hence subject to samsara, the Supreme Lord consoles him with the words" masuchah" meaning not to worry, assuring him that he is definitely of the divine nature.


3. Moksha Sanyasa Yoga (Chap18) verse66

In the Charama Sloka Lord Krishna says:

Relinquishing all ideas of righteousness, surrender unto me exclusively; I will deliver you from all sinful reactions. Do not despair.”


Congratulations to them



dkrishnamurthy murthy (dkrishnamurthym)

1. On seeing the Warriors on the battle field from both Pandavas and kaurava's side, Arjuna is greif stricken that he has to fight war against his teacher and well wishers like Drona and Bhisma. it is in this scene the Lord explains the nature of the soul and body etc and dispels Arjuna's Grief.


2. In seeing the Universal Form of the Lord Arjuna is struck with fear where he sees all the jeevas heading towards death in Krishna’s mouth. It is here that Lord Krishna withdraws is his universal form and changes in to his two handed form.


NOTE: This is not the occasion


3. Even after hearing from Krishna his teachings Arjuna could not understand what should be or not be done. It is at this stage that the Lord speaks his Charama Shloka, Sarva Darman Parityjya, Mamekam Sharanam Vraja, Aham tvam sarva papebyo moksha ishyami ma such. this is the 3rd instance when the lord dispels Arjuna’s grief.



Chitra Bhashyam (chitra_bhashyam)

Ans: 1) In Chapter I - 47...Arjuna's mind was agitated by grief on the battle field in 40th verse age long family traditions disappear with destruction of a family,....


NOTE: The exact Quote in which he dispels Arjuna’s grief is in Chapter 2 and NOT in Chapter 12) in chap.II - 11th verse Bhagavan Krishna told Arjuna that he was grieving for Bhishma and others who should not be grieved for....

NOTE: This is already covered in 1 above3) in chap. 10. Lord describes His divine glory in verses 20 - 39.

NOTE: This is not the occasion.


Better luck next time

We give below “Quiz of the Week # 24

Please read the question carefully and send your Answers to ramanbil and NOT to “Sri Ranga Sri” Group so as to reach us on or before 17th January 2010.

The CORRECT ANSWER received EARLIEST will be featured next week.





Anbil Ramaswamy

Quiz of the week # 24We see in Srimad Ramayanam that Anjaneya saved life of those in life-threatening situations, at the nick of the moment. Name 3 such occasions when he saved life. Just mention the occasions in brief giving the names of those whom he saved. Elaborate details are not needed.=======================================================================================


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