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2010 AchArya Ramanuja Jayanti Celebrations

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Dear Acharya Ramanuja SamBandhins :


DhAsasya Vijn~Apanam . Trust all of you had a wonderful celebration of our revered AchArya RaamAnujA's Jayanti today .


We are announcing today the completion of the preparations for the release and distribution of the Multimedia CD ROM by Dr. M.A.Alwar and adiyEn on the Vaibhavam of AchArya Ramanuja and His Nine Sri Sooktis :


1) Sri BhAshyam

2) Vedartha sangraham

3) Vedantha Dheepam

4) Vedanatha Saaram 5) GeethA BhAshyam

6) Saranagathi Gadhyam

7) Sriranga Gadhyam

8) Sri VaikunTha gadhyam

9) Nitya Grantham



In addition to the description of the essence/philosophical significance of these nine gems , the additional features to enjoy in this CD ROM to enjoy are :


1) NityArAdhanam performance : Step by Step performance with how to animations accompanied by appropriate mantrams for each of the six Asanams . This si a requisite for all Sri VaishNavAs .


2) The enchanting video of sampradhAyic Thirumanjanam for AchArya Ramanuja at ThirunArAyaNa-puram ( Melkote) .


3) The Charitram and Vaibhavam : Incarnation at SriperumbhUthUr , Foramative years at Kaanchi , Spiritual quest , His stays at Srirangam , Thirumala and ThirunArAyaNa Puram .


4) A Quiz for the youngsters


The Sundarasimham(SS) , Ahobilavalli(AV) and the Srihayagrivan (SH) ebook series house additional reference material for the devotees , who wish to know more about the Vaibhavam and Sri Sooktis of our Great AchArya , whose millennium celebrations will take place in 2107 CE . These references are:


A) Sundarasimham E book # 10: Ramanujar Chronology ( http://www.sundarasimham.org)


B) Sundarasimham E book # 59 and 60 : Sri Bhashyam


C) Ahobilavilli E book #28 : Raamanuja NooRRandhAti ( http://www.ahobilavalli.org )


D) Srihayagrivan Ebook # 28, 29 ,30 : Sriranga , Sri Vaikuntha and SaraNAgathi Gadhyams

( http://srihayagrivan.org )


E) Srihayagrivan Ebook #57, 58 and 59: Bhagavad GitA 3 Volumes and AchArya RaamAnuja CD ROM section on Gitaa BhAshyam


F) VedArtha Sangraham: Acharya RaamAnuja CD ROM


G) Vedantha Dheepam : AchArya Ramanuja CD ROM


H) Vedantha Saaram " AchArya Ramanuja CD ROM


I) Nitya grantam : AchArya Ramanuja CD ROM


J) YatirAja Saptati : Commentary by Srimath Poundareekapuram Andavan Swamy : 7th ebook in Ahobilavalli ebook series ( http://www.ahobilavalli.org )


AchArya RaamAnujar ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam ,

DhAsan , Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri Sadagopan


















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