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Thirukkolur Ammal Varththaigal - 14

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Sri:Srimathe Ramanujaya Nama: Thirukkolur Ammal Varththaigal (Thirukkolur Penpillai Rahasyam) 14. nAn (avan) siRiyan enREnO AzhvAraip pOlE. The word Azhvar refers to Swami Nammazhvar. In spite of beinggiven the flawless knowledge ("mayaRvaRa madhinalam") by theSriman Narayana Himself, in many of his pasurams he expresseshis lowliness (naichyanusandhanam) to Him. In Thiruvaymozhi 3-3-4, he says "nIsanEn niRai onRumilEn". In Thiruvaymozhi 4-7-1, he says "sIlamillAch siRiyan".Thirukkolur Ammal is asking "Did I understood my true natureand practice naichyanusandhanam like Azhvar did?"In Periya Thiruvandhadhi 75, Azhvar sayspuviyum iruvisumbum nin agaththa nI enseviyin vazhi pugundhu ennuLLAy - avivinRiyAn periyan nI periyai enbadhanai yAr aRivAr?Un parugu nEmiyAy! uLLuIn this pasuram, he shows the Lord to be the

owner of everything- this world and paramapadham. He then expresses his amazementthat this Lord is inside him. Being that, he asks the question,'who knows if You are big or if I am big'. This is also brokena little differently. It could also be said that Azhvar is saying 'yAn periyan'; 'nI periyai enbadhanai yAr aRivAr?' - thatis, 'I am big, who knows if you are big?' The unsaid is that 'Heis small'.This is sAtvika ahankAram of Azhvar. He is amazed that One whoswallowed everything has allowed Himself to be inside Azhvarfor ever. This only shows His greatness.Because of this pasuram, Azhvar is called by the name 'periyan'in Azhvar Thirunagari. It is also said that this pasuram is thereason why this work is called Periya Thiruvandhadhi, even thoughit is made of only 87 pasurams, unlike other Andhadhis in the4000 divya prabandham.Thirukkolur Ammal may also be asking "Am I capable of speakinglike

Azhvar did?" Azhvar Emberumanar Jeeyar Thiruvadigale Sharanam adiyEn madhurakavi dAsanhttp://www.acharya.org/vyakyanam/ThirukkolurammalVarththaigal/

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